Feature Files/VRPicture.c

//  File:       VRPicture.c
//  Contains:   Code for drawing pictures into the prescreen buffer.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <5>      04/30/97    rtm     reworked semantics to be like sounds and movies
//     <4>      03/10/97    rtm     copied file from VRLogo project and integrated with VRScript;
//                                  removed support for object nodes
//     <3>      02/21/97    rtm     worked around a QTVR bug by adding code to node-leaving proc
//     <2>      02/14/97    rtm     added support for object nodes
//     <1>      01/28/97    rtm     first file
// This file contains routines for drawing a picture on top of a panorama.
// TO DO:
// + drawing large PICTs into a small rectangle can be slow; 
//   we should cache the small image for improved performance
// + rework this to allow any kind of image file to be opened (using graphics importer routines)
// header files
#include "VRPicture.h"
#include "VRScript.h"
// VRPicture_ShowPicture
// Display a picture, or hide a displayed picture.
void VRPicture_ShowPicture (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theHeight, UInt32 theWidth, UInt32 thePegSides, UInt32 theOffset, UInt32 theOptions)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    PicHandle               myHandle;
    Boolean                 myNeedShowPicture = false;
    Boolean                 myNeedPictureData = false;
    VRScriptPicturePtr      myPointer = NULL;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // see if this picture is already in our list of displayed pictures             
    myPointer = (VRScriptPicturePtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_OverlayPicture, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer == NULL) {
        // this picture isn't in our list yet, so we'll need to add it to the list
        myNeedPictureData = true;
        myNeedShowPicture = true;
    } else {
        // this picture is already in our list; theOptions determines how we handle this request:
        switch (theOptions) {
            case kVRMedia_TogglePause:
            case kVRMedia_ToggleStop:
            case kVRMedia_Stop:
                // stop displaying the picture
                myNeedShowPicture = false;
                myNeedPictureData = false;
            case kVRMedia_PlayNew:
            case kVRMedia_Restart:
            case kVRMedia_Continue:
                // show the specified picture
                myNeedShowPicture = true;
                myNeedPictureData = false;
    if (myNeedShowPicture) {
        if (myNeedPictureData) {
            myHandle = GetPicture((short)theResID);
            if (myHandle != NULL)
                myPointer = VRScript_EnlistOverlayPicture(theWindowObject, theResID, theEntryID, theHeight, theWidth, thePegSides, theOffset, myHandle, theOptions);
    } else {
        if (myPointer != NULL) 
            VRScript_DelistEntry(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
// VRPicture_DrawNodePictures
// Draw the selected picture into the prescreen buffer.
void VRPicture_DrawNodePictures (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScriptPicturePtr      myPointer;
    // get the application-specific data associated with the window
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // walk our linked list and draw any overlay pictures for this node
    myPointer = (VRScriptPicturePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_OverlayPicture];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (myPointer->fResourceData != NULL) {
            Rect    myMovieRect;
            Rect    myPictRect;
            // get the current size of the movie
            GetMovieBox((**theWindowObject).fMovie, &myMovieRect);
            // set the size of the overlay rectangle
            if ((myPointer->fBoxHeight == kVRUseMovieHeight) && (myPointer->fBoxWidth == kVRUseMovieWidth))
                MacSetRect(&myPictRect, myMovieRect.left, myMovieRect.top, myMovieRect.right, myMovieRect.bottom);
                MacSetRect(&myPictRect, 0, 0, (short)myPointer->fBoxWidth, (short)myPointer->fBoxHeight);
            // by default, the picture is centered in the movie rectangle
            MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, ((myMovieRect.right - myMovieRect.left) - (myPictRect.right - myPictRect.left)) / 2, 
                                    ((myMovieRect.bottom - myMovieRect.top) - (myPictRect.bottom - myPictRect.top)) / 2);
            // set the position of the overlay rectangle
            if ((myPointer->fPegSides) & kPegSide_Left) {
                MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, (short)myPointer->fOffset, 0);
            } else if ((myPointer->fPegSides) & kPegSide_Right) {
                MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, (myMovieRect.right - myMovieRect.left) - (myPictRect.right + myPointer->fOffset), 0);
            if ((myPointer->fPegSides) & kPegSide_Top) {
                MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, 0, (short)myPointer->fOffset);
            } else if ((myPointer->fPegSides) & kPegSide_Bottom) {
                MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, 0, (myMovieRect.bottom - myMovieRect.top) - (myPictRect.bottom + (short)myPointer->fOffset));
            // draw the picture
            DrawPicture(myPointer->fResourceData, &myPictRect);
        myPointer = myPointer->fNextEntry;
// VRPicture_DumpNodePictures
// Get rid of any overlay pictures associated with the current node.
void VRPicture_DumpNodePictures (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    VRScript_DeleteListOfType(theWindowObject, kVREntry_OverlayPicture);
// VRPicture_DumpEntryMem
// Release any memory associated with the specified list entry.
void VRPicture_DumpEntryMem (VRScriptPicturePtr theEntry)
    if (theEntry != NULL)