
//  File:       VRScript.c
//  Contains:   Functions for script file processing.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <65>     04/05/00        rtm     removed support for SIOUX (which apparently isn't Carbon-compliant)
//     <64>     03/17/00        rtm     made changes to get things running under CarbonLib
//     <63>     08/11/99        rtm     fixed sprite ID determination in VRScript_CheckForWiredActionCommands
//     <62>     08/05/99        rtm     added VRScript_EnlistWiredActionCommand; changed return value determination
//                                      in VRScript_CheckForClickSpriteCommands
//     <61>     07/01/99        rtm     added VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs, for convenience; added call to
//                                      VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs to VRScript_SetCurrentMovie; added
//                                      QTVRWrapAndConstrain calls to kSetPanTiltZoom, which seems to fix things
//     <60>     06/24/99        rtm     major overhaul of geometry handling, using newly-revised code from
//                                      VRMovies project; removied VRScript_RemoveBackBufferImagingProc
//     <59>     06/23/99        rtm     added support for SIOUX (conditionalized using USE_SIOUX_FOR_DEBUG flag)
//     <58>     05/27/99        rtm     moved VRScript_MakeFSSpecForPathName into new file, FileUtilities.c; now
//                                      relative pathnames work on Windows too
//     <57>     05/26/99        rtm     added VRScript_MakeFSSpecForPathName
//     <56>     05/20/99        rtm     added SetVerboseState command (_OpenDebugWindow and _PrintToDebugWindow)
//     <55>     05/17/99        rtm     tweaked VRScript_InstallBackBufferImagingProc and revisited modifications
//                                      in <54>: we again support real-time rotation of back buffer movies if the
//                                      back buffer is not oriented horizontally
//     <54>     04/05/99        rtm     added kQTVRBackBufferHorizontal to flags in _InstallBackBufferImagingProc;
//                                      from now on, we assume that our back buffer is horizontal and we no longer
//                                      support real-time rotation of back buffer movies
//     <53>     03/04/99        rtm     added VRScript_MoviePrePrerollCompleteProc, based on code from Tom Dowdy
//     <52>     01/04/99        rtm     changed AtClickHS command into AtClickHSID and AtClickHSType commands
//     <51>     12/17/98        rtm     removed VRScript_SetHotSpotState (moved code into _ProcessScriptCommandLine);
//                                      added VRScript_SetCurrentDirectory and SetCurrentDirectory command
//     <50>     12/16/98        rtm     tweaked VRScript_DeleteListOfType
//     <49>     12/07/98        rtm     fixed VRScript_SetCurrentMovie to work with URLs to wired movies
//     <48>     12/02/98        rtm     added VRScript_SetCurrentMovie; added URLUtilities.c to project
//     <47>     11/28/98        rtm     reworked parser in VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine to use a hash table,
//                                      using routines in VRHash.c; the basic idea was inspired by Jon Summers' code
//                                      in his mTropolis VRScript MOD, but my implementation is different from his 
//     <46>     11/24/98        rtm     added SetTrackState, SetTrackLayer, SetMovieTime, SetMovieRate, 
//                                      and SetMovieTimeScale commands
//     <45>     11/19/98        rtm     added VRScript_OpenCommandLineScriptFile, to support scripts dropped
//                                      onto the Windows version
//     <44>     11/18/98        rtm     removed some variable initializations to work around CW compiler bugs
//     <43>     09/04/98        rtm     added SetTrackVolume
//     <42>     06/19/98        rtm     added support for clicking on sprites in sprite tracks, using code from
//                                      QTSprites sample; added theTolerance parameter to VRScript_FloatsAreEqual
//     <41>     04/09/98        rtm     added check for empty command lines in VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine
//     <40>     04/06/98        rtm     added Destroy3DObject command, based loosely on code from Bill Meikle
//     <39>     03/12/98        rtm     added AtClickCustomButton to handle user clicks on the custom controller button
//     <38>     03/09/98        rtm     added VRScript_FloatsAreEqual
//     <37>     02/25/98        rtm     revised VRScript_EnteringNodeProc to call MoviesTask instead of QTVRUpdate
//     <36>     12/12/97        rtm     fixed VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile (was opening the movie file
//                                      instead of allowing DoCreateMovieWindow to do so)
//     <35>     10/29/97        rtm     finished adding support for QuickTime video effects
//     <34>     10/27/97        rtm     began adding support for QuickTime video effects
//     <33>     10/06/97        rtm     fixed bug in replace cursor commands (wouldn't restore original
//                                      cursors if a click on the hot spot caused the node to be exited)
//     <32>     09/10/97        rtm     made changes necessary to compile for Windows execution
//     <31>     07/21/97        rtm     added VRScript_DumpUnexpiredCommands
//     <30>     07/17/97        rtm     revised all list-walking code to avoid dangling pointers
//     <29>     07/15/97        rtm     reworked VRScript_MouseOverHotSpotProc to use a single while loop
//     <28>     07/14/97        rtm     fixed SetHotSpotTypeCursors to use OSTypes
//     <27>     07/12/97        rtm     fixed a bug in VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile
//     <26>     07/11/97        rtm     added support for encoded commands
//     <25>     07/08/97        rtm     added SetHotSpotTypeCursors command
//     <24>     07/07/97        rtm     added ReplaceResource and SetHotSpotIDCursors commands
//     <23>     06/19/97        rtm     added PlaySceneSound and PlaySceneQTMidi, for persistent sounds
//     <22>     06/13/97        rtm     added code to make sure QD3D present before executing 3D commands
//     <21>     06/12/97        rtm     added VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile
//     <20>     06/05/97        rtm     added VRScript_SetControllerButtonState;
//                                      changed semantics of SetVariable and If commands
//     <19>     06/04/97        rtm     added Mode parameter to SetPanTiltZoom;
//     <18>     05/30/97        rtm     added script-defined variables (SetVariable and If commands)
//     <17>     05/22/97        rtm     added ability to cancel node exit to VRScript_LeavingNodeProc
//     <16>     05/01/97        rtm     code clean-up: put list heads into an array
//     <15>     04/28/97        rtm     added support for QuickTime MIDI files
//     <14>     04/17/97        rtm     added VRScript_DelistEntry; added fMaxExecutions to some commands
//     <13>     04/10/97        rtm     added 3D object and 3D sound "Set" calls
//     <12>     04/07/97        rtm     added SetResizeState
//     <11>     04/02/97        rtm     added support for 3DMF files
//     <10>     04/01/97        rtm     added VRScript_CheckForAngleCommands
//     <9>      03/31/97        rtm     added node-entry and node-exit command support;
//                                      added support for additional imaging and interaction properties
//     <8>      03/21/97        rtm     added VRScript_SetHotSpotState
//     <7>      03/17/97        rtm     localized embedded QuickTime movie sounds
//     <6>      03/13/97        rtm     reworked hot spot sounds; fixed code for 680x0 compilation;
//                                      added support for angle commands
//     <5>      03/12/97        rtm     added support for mouse-over hot spot commands, external resource files,
//                                      hot spot click commands, and QT movies;
//     <4>      03/11/97        rtm     added support for timed commands (cool!)
//     <3>      03/10/97        rtm     added support for controller bar, localized sounds, and overlay pictures
//     <2>      03/07/97        rtm     got hot spot sounds working (except for any options)
//     <1>      03/06/97        rtm     first file
//  This file contain functions that support an external text script file for driving QuickTime VR movies.
//  The script file contains one command per line; a command line is a command word followed by one or more
//  command parameters. The number and meaning of the parameters depends on the command word. See the file 
//  "Script Syntax" for a complete description of the scripting language.
// header files
#include "VRSound.h"
#include "VRPicture.h"
#include "VRMovies.h"
#include "VREffects.h"
#include "VRHash.h"
#include "VR3DObjects.h"
#include "VRScript.h"
// global variables
Boolean                 gReadingScriptFile;                     // are we reading a script file?
Boolean                 gIsVerbose = false;                     // are we in verbose mode?
WindowPtr               gDebugWindow = NULL;                    // the verbose mode debug window
char                    gScriptFileName[kMaxFileNameLength];    // the name of the script file
MovieController         gPreviousMC = NULL;                     // a controller that's been replaced by a call to ReplaceMainMovie              
Movie                   gPreviousMovie = NULL;                  // a movie that's been replaced by a call to ReplaceMainMovie       
extern Boolean          gHasSoundSprockets;                     // is SoundSprockets available?
extern Boolean          gHasSoundManager30;                     // is Sound Manager version 3.0 (or greater) available?
extern Boolean          gHasQuickDraw3D;                        // is QuickDraw 3D available?
extern Boolean          gHasQuickDraw3D15;                      // is QuickDraw 3D version 1.5 (or greater) available?
extern Boolean          gHasQTVideoEffects;                     // are the QuickTime video effects available?
extern unsigned long    gAbsoluteElapsedTime;
extern unsigned long    gNodeStartingTime;
extern unsigned long    gNodeElapsedTime;
extern VRScriptPrefsHdl gPreferences;                           // a handle to the global preferences record
extern Rect             gMCResizeBounds;                        // max size for any window
// VRScript_OpenScriptFile
// Open the external script file and process the commands (one command per line).
void VRScript_OpenScriptFile (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theFileName)
    FILE        *myFile;
    char        myString[kMaxCmdLineLength];
    if (theFileName == NULL)
    myFile = fopen(theFileName, "r");
    if (myFile == NULL)
    gReadingScriptFile = true;
    while (fgets(myString, sizeof(myString), myFile) != NULL)
        VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myString);
    gReadingScriptFile = false;
// VRScript_OpenCommandLineScriptFile
// Parse the command line when the application first starts up and
// open as script files any files specified on the command line.
// Based on the routine DoOpenCommandLineMovies in WinFramework.c.
void VRScript_OpenCommandLineScriptFile (LPSTR theCmdLine)
#pragma unused(theCmdLine)
    LPSTR               myCmdLine;
    FSSpec              myFSSpec;
    WIN32_FIND_DATA     myFile;
    HANDLE              myFindFile;
    char                myFilePath[MAX_PATH];
    // get the command line for the current process
    myCmdLine = GetCommandLine();
    // parse the command line
    if (*myCmdLine) {
        LPSTR           myTempLine;
        // the string preceding any white space is the name of the module (that is, the application)
        myTempLine = strchr(myCmdLine, ' ');
        if (myTempLine) {
            myCmdLine = myTempLine;                 // skip the name of the application
            while (*myCmdLine == ' ')
                myCmdLine++;                        // skip spaces to end of string or to first command
            while (*myCmdLine != '\0') {
                char    myFileName[MAX_PATH];
                char    myTempName[MAX_PATH];
                char    myBuffName[MAX_PATH];
                int     myIndex;
                // read thru the remaining string to find file names
                for (myIndex = 0; *myCmdLine != '\0'; myIndex++, myCmdLine++) {
                    // if we encounter a space character, it might be a filename delimiter or a space in the filename;
                    // we'll try to open the filename we have so far to see whether it's a valid filename; if not, the
                    // space must be part of the filename we're constructing
                    if (*myCmdLine == ' ') {
                        HANDLE              myFindFile;
                        WIN32_FIND_DATA     myFile;
                        myTempName[myIndex] = '\0';
                        strcpy(myBuffName, myTempName);
                        myFindFile = FindFirstFile(myBuffName, &myFile);
                        if (myFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
                            // we found a file having the specified name; close our file search and
                            // break out of our character-gobbling loop (since we've got a valid filename)
                    // if we made it here, *myCmdLine is part of the filename (possibly a space)
                    myFileName[myIndex] = myTempName[myIndex] = *myCmdLine;
                if (*myCmdLine != '\0')
                // add a terminating NULL character
                myFileName[myIndex] = '\0';
                // myFileName is in 8.3 form; call FindFirstFile again to convert it to a long name
                // and then make an FSSpec record using the long file name
                // get the directory path
                NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFileName, &myFSSpec, 0L);
                FSSpecToNativePathName(&myFSSpec, myFilePath, MAX_PATH, kDirectoryPathOnly);
                myFindFile = FindFirstFile(myFileName, &myFile);
                if (myFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
                    strcat(myFilePath, kFilePathSepString);                 // the path separator
                    strcat(myFilePath, myFile.cFileName);
                    NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFilePath, &myFSSpec, 0L);
                } else {
                    // if FindFirstFile fails, just use the 8.3 name
                    NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFileName, &myFSSpec, 0L);
                // open the script file; get the QTVR movie specified in it
        } else
            myCmdLine += strlen(myCmdLine);         // point to NULL
#endif  // TARGET_OS_WIN32
// VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile
// Open the specified script file and look for the first OpenQTVRMovieFile command in it;
// open the specified movie file if one is found.
void VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile (FSSpec *theFSSpecPtr)
    FILE        *myFile = NULL;
    char        myString[kMaxCmdLineLength];
    char        myCommand[kMaxCmdWordLength];
    // set the default directory and volume to be those of the script file, not the application
    // convert the filename to a C string
    memcpy(gScriptFileName, &theFSSpecPtr->name[1], theFSSpecPtr->name[0]);
    gScriptFileName[theFSSpecPtr->name[0]] = '\0';
    // open the script file         
    myFile = fopen(gScriptFileName, "r");
    if (myFile == NULL)
    // search through the script file for a line beginning "OpenQTVRMovieFile"
    while (fgets(myString, sizeof(myString), myFile) != NULL) {
        // get the command word
        sscanf(myString, "%s ", myCommand);
        if (strlen(myCommand) == 0)
        // open the specified VR movie file
        if (strcmp(myCommand, "OpenQTVRMovieFile") == 0) {
            char        myPathName[kMaxFileNameLength];
            UInt32      myOptions;
            FSSpec      myFSSpec;
            sscanf(myString, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myPathName);
            // create an FSSpec that picks out the QTVR movie file; if myPathName is a full pathname,
            // then use the movie file (if any) that it picks out; otherwise, look for a file having
            // that name in the same directory as the script file (which is now the current directory)
            FileUtils_MakeFSSpecForPathName(theFSSpecPtr->vRefNum, theFSSpecPtr->parID, myPathName, &myFSSpec);
            // now act as if "Open" were chosen from the File menu....
            QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(NULL, &myFSSpec);
            // break out of the while loop
// VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine
// Process a script command line.
// Remember that this application is intended to illustrate how to integrate media with
// QuickTime VR movies; it is not meant to provide a commercial-quality scripting language
// and parser. You've been warned!
void VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theCommandLine)
    UInt32      myResID;
    UInt32      myNodeID;
    UInt32      myOptions;
    UInt32      myUInt32;
    UInt32      myEntryID;
    UInt32      mySpriteID;
    UInt32      myHotSpotID;
    SInt32      myMaxTimes;
    float       myPanAngle;
    float       myTiltAngle;
    float       myFOVAngle;
    float       myMinAngle;
    float       myMaxAngle;
    float       myTempAngle;
    float       myFloat;
    char        myCommand[kMaxCmdWordLength];
    char        myCmdLine[kMaxCmdLineLength];
    char        myPathName[kMaxFileNameLength];
    UInt32      myCode;                             // the command code for myCommand
    // do any necessary preprocessing on the command line
    // decode the string, if necessary;
    // any line that begins with '@' is assumed to be encoded using a simple rotate-11 scheme
    if (theCommandLine[0] == '@') {
        theCommandLine++;                           // get rid of the '@'
        VRScript_DecodeString(theCommandLine);      // decode the rest of the command
    else {
        if (gReadingScriptFile)
            return;                                 // we allow only encoded scripts
    // strip off any leading white space
    while (isspace(theCommandLine[0]))
    // filter out an otiose command line
    // ignore an empty command line
    if (strlen(theCommandLine) == 0)
    // any line that begins with '#' is a comment; ignore it
    if (theCommandLine[0] == '#')
    // if verbose mode is on, display the current command in our debug window
    if (gIsVerbose) {
        // first, make sure the debug window is open
        if (gDebugWindow == NULL)
            gDebugWindow = VRScript_OpenDebugWindow();
        // write the current command into the debug window
    // extract the command word from the command line
    sscanf(theCommandLine, "%s ", myCommand);
    if (strlen(myCommand) == 0)
    // process the command word
    myCode = VRHash_GetCommandCode(myCommand);
    switch (myCode) {
        case kOpenQTVRMovieFile:
        case kSetVerboseState:          // turn verbose mode on or off
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            if (myUInt32 == kVRState_Toggle)
                myUInt32 = !gIsVerbose;
            gIsVerbose = (Boolean)myUInt32;
            if (gDebugWindow != NULL)
                ShowHide(gDebugWindow, gIsVerbose);
        case kReplaceMainMovie: {       // open the specified QuickTime movie in place of the current one
            UInt32      myOverlayType;
            UInt32      myNameType;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s", &myOverlayType, &myNameType, &myOptions, myPathName);
            VRScript_SetCurrentMovie(theWindowObject, myOverlayType, myNameType, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kSetCurrentDirectory: {    // set the directory to search for content files
            // NOTE: as currently implemented, the "current directory" is set for the application, not for
            // each open QTVR movie; this means that one QTVR movie can change the current directory and thus
            // affect the search path of another open QTVR movie. This isn't optimal. It would be possible to
            // fix this and attach a current directory to each open QTVR movie; however, the main use of this
            // command is likely to be inside of the script file that's read when a QTVR movie is first opened.
            // So I haven't bothered to do the work necessary to prevent current directory collisions. I might
            // fix this at some point in the future.
            // NOTE: The pathname that is read from the command line must specify *a file* in the directory to
            // be made current. The specified file does not actually need to exist, but the directory must.
            FSSpec      myFSSpec;
            StringPtr   myString;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myPathName);
            myString = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(myPathName);
            FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0L, myString, &myFSSpec);
        case kSetBarState:              // show or hide the controller bar
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetControllerBarState(theWindowObject, (Boolean)myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetButtonState: {         // show or hide a button in the controller bar;
            UInt32      myButton;       // or, enable or disable the display text in the bar
            // NOTE: the semantics of the custom controller button are reversed from the others: you need to
            // ask VRScript to *hide* the button (myState == 0) if you want it to appear; I might fix this at
            // some point in the future....
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myButton, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetControllerButtonState(theWindowObject, myButton, (Boolean)myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetResizeState:           // enable or disable window resizing
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetResizeState(theWindowObject, (Boolean)myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetWindowSize: {          // set the current size of a movie window
            UInt32              myHeight;
            UInt32              myWidth;
            Rect                myRect;
            MovieController     myMC;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myHeight, &myWidth, &myOptions);
            myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController;
            if (QTUtils_IsControllerBarVisible(myMC)) {
                MCGetControllerBoundsRect(myMC, &myRect);
             } else {
                Movie   myMovie;
                myMovie = MCGetMovie(myMC);
                GetMovieBox(myMovie, &myRect);
            myRect.right = (short)myWidth;
            myRect.bottom = (short)myHeight;
            MCSetControllerBoundsRect(myMC, &myRect);
        case kSetMaxWindowSize: {       // set the maximum size of a movie window
            UInt32              myHeight;
            UInt32              myWidth;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myHeight, &myWidth, &myOptions);
            gMCResizeBounds.right = (short)myWidth;
            gMCResizeBounds.bottom = (short)myHeight;
            VRScript_SetResizeState(theWindowObject, (**theWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow, myOptions);
        case kReplaceCursor: {          // replace one cursor by another, or restore the original QTVR cursor
            SInt32              myPrevID;
            SInt32              myNewID;
            QTVRCursorRecord    myCursorRec;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myPrevID, &myNewID, &myOptions);
            myCursorRec.theType = (UInt16)myOptions;        // the type of cursor to replace
            myCursorRec.rsrcID = (SInt16)myPrevID;          // the resource ID of cursor to replace
            if (myOptions == kQTVRUseDefaultCursor) {
                myCursorRec.handle = NULL;
            } else {
                myCursorRec.handle = (Handle)MacGetCursor((short)myNewID);
                if (myCursorRec.handle != NULL)
            QTVRReplaceCursor((**theWindowObject).fInstance, &myCursorRec);
            // QTVRReplaceCursor makes a copy of the handle we pass it, so we can dispose of our handle;
            // make sure not to dispose the handle if QTVR loaded it, however
            if ((myCursorRec.handle != NULL) && (myOptions != kQTVRUseDefaultCursor))
        case kSetHotSpotIDCursors: {    // replace the triad of cursors for a hot spot specified by its ID; currently this works only for *undefined* hot spots
            SInt32      myCurs1ID, myCurs2ID, myCurs3ID;    // resource IDs of the three replacement cursors
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            // read the command paramters   
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myCurs1ID, &myCurs2ID, &myCurs3ID, &myOptions);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for entering the hot spot: install new cursor triad
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, myCurs3ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, myCurs2ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, myCurs1ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for leaving the hot spot: reinstall original cursor triad
            // NOTE: this prevents the new cursor from appearing on other hot spots of the same type, and
            // also works around a bug in QTVR 2.0.0 and 2.0.1: replacing a cursor by itself disposes of 
            // the cursor and eventually might lead to a crash.
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, 0L, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for leaving the node: reinstall original cursor triad
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
        case kSetHotSpotTypeCursors: {  // replace the triad of cursors for a hot spot specified by its type
            char        myHotSpotType[kMaxOSTypeLength];
            SInt32      myCurs1ID, myCurs2ID, myCurs3ID;    // resource IDs of the three replacement cursors
            OSType      myType;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            // read the command paramters   
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myNodeID, myHotSpotType, &myCurs1ID, &myCurs2ID, &myCurs3ID, &myOptions);
            // convert the string to an OSType
            myType = VRScript_StringToOSType(myHotSpotType);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for entering the hot spot: install new cursor triad
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, myCurs3ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, myCurs2ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, myCurs1ID, kQTVRStdCursorType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotEnter, myCmdLine);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for leaving the hot spot: reinstall original cursor triad
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, kVRDoIt_Forever, kQTVRHotSpotLeave, myCmdLine);
            // enlist three ReplaceCursor calls for leaving the node: reinstall original cursor triad
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ReplaceCursor %ld %ld %ld", kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS, 0, kQTVRUseDefaultCursor);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRAnyNode, kVRDoIt_Forever, (UInt32)0, myCmdLine);
        case kGoToNodeID:               // go to a node     
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myNodeID, &myOptions);
            QTVRGoToNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myNodeID);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kShowDefaultView:          // display the default view of the current node     
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kOpenResourceFile:         // open the specified resource file
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myPathName);
            VRScript_OpenResourceFile(theWindowObject, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kSetCorrection:            // set the imaging correction mode
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetImagingProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (QTVRImagingMode)myOptions, kQTVRImagingCorrection, myUInt32);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetQuality:               // set the image quality
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetImagingProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (QTVRImagingMode)myOptions, kQTVRImagingQuality, myUInt32);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetSwingSpeed:            // set the speed of swing transitions
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetTransitionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTransitionSwing, kQTVRTransitionSpeed, myUInt32);
        case kSetSwingDirection:        // set the direction of swing transitions
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetTransitionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTransitionSwing, kQTVRTransitionDirection, myUInt32);
        case kSetSwingState:            // enable or disable swing transitions
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVREnableTransition((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTransitionSwing, (Boolean)myUInt32);
        case kSetPanAngle:              // set the pan angle
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myPanAngle, &myOptions);
            myPanAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myPanAngle);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myPanAngle += myTempAngle;
            QTVRSetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myPanAngle);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetTiltAngle:             // set the tilt angle
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myTiltAngle, &myOptions);
            myTiltAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myTiltAngle);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myTiltAngle += myTempAngle;
            QTVRSetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myTiltAngle);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetPanTiltZoom:           // set the pan, tilt, and zoom angles
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %f %ld %ld", &myPanAngle, &myTiltAngle, &myFOVAngle, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            // if the value passed in is kVRValue_Preserve and the values are absolute, then keep that angle constant
            if ((myPanAngle == kVRValue_Preserve) && (myOptions == kVRValue_Absolute))
                myPanAngle = QTVRGetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myPanAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myPanAngle);
            if ((myTiltAngle == kVRValue_Preserve) && (myOptions == kVRValue_Absolute))
                myTiltAngle = QTVRGetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myTiltAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myTiltAngle);
            if ((myFOVAngle == kVRValue_Preserve) && (myOptions == kVRValue_Absolute))
                myFOVAngle = QTVRGetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myFOVAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myFOVAngle);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myPanAngle += myTempAngle;
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myTiltAngle += myTempAngle;
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myFOVAngle += myTempAngle;
            // wrap and constrain, so that the values we shoot for are actually achievable
            QTVRWrapAndConstrain((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRPan, myPanAngle, &myPanAngle);
            QTVRWrapAndConstrain((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTilt, myTiltAngle, &myTiltAngle);
            QTVRWrapAndConstrain((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRFieldOfView, myFOVAngle, &myFOVAngle);
            // enable swing transitions, if requested by myMode parameter
            if ((myUInt32 == kVRTransition_Swing) || (myUInt32 == kVRTransition_SwingWait))
                QTVREnableTransition((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTransitionSwing, true);
            // set the desired FOV, pan, and tilt angles
            QTVRSetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myFOVAngle);
            QTVRSetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myPanAngle);
            QTVRSetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myTiltAngle);
            // update the screen
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
            // if a blocking swing is requested, "spin our wheels" until we get (close to) to the destination angles
            if (myUInt32 == kVRTransition_SwingWait)
                while (!VRScript_FloatsAreEqual(myPanAngle, QTVRGetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance), kRadianTolerance) ||
                       !VRScript_FloatsAreEqual(myTiltAngle, QTVRGetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance), kRadianTolerance) ||
                       !VRScript_FloatsAreEqual(myFOVAngle, QTVRGetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance), kRadianTolerance)) {
                    QTVRSetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myFOVAngle);
                    QTVRSetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myPanAngle);
                    QTVRSetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myTiltAngle);
            // disable swing transitions, if previously enabled
            if ((myUInt32 == kVRTransition_Swing) || (myUInt32 == kVRTransition_SwingWait))
                QTVREnableTransition((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRTransitionSwing, false);
        case kSetFieldOfView:           // set the field of view
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myFOVAngle, &myOptions);
            myFOVAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myFOVAngle);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
                myTempAngle = QTVRGetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
                myFOVAngle += myTempAngle;
            QTVRSetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myFOVAngle);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetViewCenter: {          // set the view center of an object node
            QTVRFloatPoint      myPoint;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %ld", &myPoint.x, &myPoint.y, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetViewCenter((**theWindowObject).fInstance, &myPoint);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetPanLimits:             // set the current pan angle constraints
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %ld", &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetAngleConstraints(theWindowObject, kQTVRPan, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myOptions);
        case kSetTiltLimits:            // set the current tilt angle constraints
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %ld", &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetAngleConstraints(theWindowObject, kQTVRTilt, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myOptions);
        case kSetZoomLimits:            // set the current zoom angle constraints
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %ld", &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myOptions);
            VRScript_SetAngleConstraints(theWindowObject, kQTVRFieldOfView, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myOptions);
        case kSetHotSpotState: {        // enable or disable a hot spot;
            UInt32      myState;        // there's no easy way to get the current state of a hot spot, so we don't support toggling
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myHotSpotID, &myState, &myOptions);
            QTVREnableHotSpot((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myOptions, myHotSpotID, (Boolean)myState);
            // we need to update, because the hot spot regions might currently be showing
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSetTranslateState:        // enable or disable object translation
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionTranslateOnMouseDown, (void *)myUInt32);
        case kSetClickRadius: {         // set the radius within which clicks occur
            UInt16      myRadius;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myRadius, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionMouseClickHysteresis, (void *)myRadius);
        case kSetClickTimeout:          // set the timeout for clicks
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionMouseClickTimeout, (void *)myUInt32);
        case kSetPanTiltSpeed:          // set the pan and tilt speed
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionPanTiltSpeed, (void *)myUInt32);
        case kSetZoomSpeed:             // set the zoom speed
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionZoomSpeed, (void *)myUInt32);
        case kSetMouseScale:            // set the mouse-motion scale
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myFloat, &myOptions);
            myFloat = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myFloat);
            QTVRSetInteractionProperty((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRInteractionMouseMotionScale, &myFloat);
        case kSetFrameRate:             // set the frame rate of an object node
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myFloat, &myOptions);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative)
                myFloat += QTVRGetFrameRate((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            QTVRSetFrameRate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myFloat);
        case kSetViewRate:              // set the view rate of an object node
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myFloat, &myOptions);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative)
                myFloat += QTVRGetViewRate((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            QTVRSetViewRate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myFloat);
        case kSetViewTime: {            // set the current view time of an object node
            TimeValue   myTime;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %ld", &myTime, &myOptions);
            if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative)
                myTime += QTVRGetViewCurrentTime((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            QTVRSetViewCurrentTime((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myTime);
        case kSetViewState: {           // set the current view state of an object node
            UInt32      myType;
            UInt32      myState;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myType, &myState, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetViewState((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (QTVRViewStateType)myType, (UInt16)myState);
        case kSetAnimationState: {      // set the animation state of an object node
            UInt32      mySetting;
            UInt32      myState;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySetting, &myState, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetAnimationSetting((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (QTVRObjectAnimationSetting)mySetting, (Boolean)myState);
        case kSetControlState: {        // set the control state of an object node
            UInt32      mySetting;
            UInt32      myState;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySetting, &myState, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetControlSetting((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (QTVRControlSetting)mySetting, (Boolean)myState);
        case kSetFrameAnimState:        // enable or disable frame animation in an object node
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVREnableFrameAnimation((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (Boolean)myUInt32);
        case kSetViewAnimState:         // enable or disable view animation in an object node
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVREnableViewAnimation((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (Boolean)myUInt32);
        case kSetQTVRVisState:          // enable or disable QTVR movie visibility
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetVisible((**theWindowObject).fInstance, (Boolean)myUInt32);
        case kSetCachePrefs: {          // set the back buffer resolution, depth, and size
            SInt32      myResolution;
            SInt32      myDepth;
            SInt32      mySize;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResolution, &myDepth, &mySize, &myOptions);
            QTVRSetBackBufferPrefs((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRUseMovieGeometry, (UInt16)myResolution, (SInt16)myDepth, (SInt16)mySize);
        case kSetMovieVolume:           // set the volume of a QTVR sound track
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            SetMovieVolume((**theWindowObject).fMovie, (short)myUInt32);
        case kSetSoundVolume: {         // set the volume of a sound
            UInt32              myVolume;
            VRScriptSoundPtr    mySoundPtr;
            VRScriptMoviePtr    myMoviePtr;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myVolume, &myOptions);
            // is it a sound resource?
            mySoundPtr = (VRScriptSoundPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_Sound, myEntryID);
            if (mySoundPtr != NULL) {
                VRSound_SetVolume(mySoundPtr->fChannel, (unsigned short)myVolume, (unsigned short)myVolume);
            // is it a movie sound track?
            myMoviePtr = (VRScriptMoviePtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QTMovie, myEntryID);
            if (myMoviePtr != NULL)
                SetMovieVolume(myMoviePtr->fMovie, (short)myVolume);
        case kSetSoundBalance: {        // set the balance of a sound
            UInt32              myLeftPct;
            UInt32              myRightPct;
            VRScriptSoundPtr    mySoundPtr;
            VRScriptMoviePtr    myMoviePtr;
            unsigned short      myLeftVol, myRightVol;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myLeftPct, &myRightPct, &myOptions);
            // is it a sound resource?
            mySoundPtr = (VRScriptSoundPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_Sound, myEntryID);
            if (mySoundPtr != NULL) {
                VRSound_GetVolume(mySoundPtr->fChannel, &myLeftVol, &myRightVol);
                VRSound_SetVolume(mySoundPtr->fChannel, myLeftVol * (myLeftPct / 100), myRightVol * (myRightPct / 100));
            // is it a movie sound track?
            myMoviePtr = (VRScriptMoviePtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QTMovie, myEntryID);
            if (myMoviePtr != NULL) {
                short           myValue;
                myValue = (((float)myRightPct / 100) * kQTMaxSoundVolume) - (((float)myLeftPct / 100) * kQTMaxSoundVolume);
                MediaSetSoundBalance(myMoviePtr->fMediaHandler, myValue);
        case kPlaySceneSound: {         // play a movie-wide ambient sound asynchronously
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            VRSound_PlaySound(theWindowObject, kVRAnyNode, myResID, myEntryID, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, kSSpSourceMode_Ambient, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
        case kPlaySceneQTMidi: {        // play a movie-wide ambient QuickTime sound-only file asynchronously
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            UInt32      myIsLocal;
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", &myEntryID, &myIsLocal, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions, myPathName);
            myProjAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myProjAngle);
            VRMoov_PlayMovie(theWindowObject, kVRAnyNode, myEntryID, QTVRUtils_Point3DToPanAngle(myX, myY, myZ), QTVRUtils_Point3DToTiltAngle(myX, myY, myZ), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, myIsLocal, myIsLocal, myProjAngle, myMode, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kPlayNodeQTMidi: {         // play a QuickTime MIDI file in a node
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            UInt32      myIsLocal;
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myEntryID, &myMaxTimes, &myIsLocal, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions, myPathName);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "PlayQTMidi %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", myEntryID, myIsLocal, myX, myY, myZ, myProjAngle, myMode, myFade, myOptions, myPathName);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kPlayNodeSound: {          // play a sound in a node
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myNodeID, &myEntryID, &myMaxTimes, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "PlaySndResource %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", myResID, myEntryID, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kPlayNode3DSound: {        // play a 3D sound in a node
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            UInt32      mySourceMode;
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myNodeID, &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &mySourceMode, &myMaxTimes, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "Play3DSndResource %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld", myResID, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myProjAngle, mySourceMode, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kHotSpotQTMidi: {          // play a QuickTime MIDI file when a hot spot is clicked
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            UInt32      myIsLocal;
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myEntryID, &myMaxTimes, &myIsLocal, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions, myPathName);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "PlayQTMidi %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", myEntryID, myIsLocal, myX, myY, myZ, myProjAngle, myMode, myFade, myOptions, myPathName);
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kHotSpotSound: {           // play a sound when a hot spot is clicked
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myEntryID, &myMaxTimes, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "PlaySndResource %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", myResID, myEntryID, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kHotSpot3DSound: {         // play a 3D sound when a hot spot is clicked
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            UInt32      mySourceMode;
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &mySourceMode, &myMaxTimes, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "Play3DSndResource %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld", myResID, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myProjAngle, mySourceMode, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kHotSpotMovie: {           // play a movie when a hot spot is clicked
            float       myScale;
            float       myWidth;
            UInt32      myKeyRed;
            UInt32      myKeyGreen;
            UInt32      myKeyBlue;
            UInt32      myUseBuffer;
            UInt32      myUseCenter;
            UInt32      myUseKey;
            UInt32      myUseHide;
            UInt32      myUseDir;
            UInt32      myRotate;
            float       myVolAngle;
            UInt32      myMode;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %ld %ld %ld %s", 
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "PlayMovie %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %ld %ld %s",
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kTriggerHotSpot:           // trigger a particular hot spot
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            QTVRTriggerHotSpot((**theWindowObject).fInstance, myUInt32, 0, 0);
        case kPlayQTMidi: {             // play a QuickTime sound-only file asynchronously, or stop a file from playing
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            UInt32      myIsLocal;
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %s", &myEntryID, &myIsLocal, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions, myPathName);
            myProjAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myProjAngle);
            VRMoov_PlayMovie(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myEntryID, QTVRUtils_Point3DToPanAngle(myX, myY, myZ), QTVRUtils_Point3DToTiltAngle(myX, myY, myZ), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, myIsLocal, myIsLocal, myProjAngle, myMode, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kPlaySndResource: {        // play a sound resource ambiently, or stop an ambient sound resource from playing
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            VRSound_PlaySound(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myResID, myEntryID, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, kSSpSourceMode_Ambient, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
        case kPlaySoundFile: {          // play a sound file ambiently, or stop an ambient sound file from playing
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            short       myRefNum;
            short       myResID;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %s", &myEntryID, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions, myPathName);
            // a sound file (of type 'sfil') is a resource file that contains one 'snd ' resource,
            // so open the resource file and get the resource ID; then call VRSound_PlaySound.
            myRefNum = VRScript_OpenResourceFile(theWindowObject, 0, myPathName);
            myResID = VRSound_GetSndResourceID(myRefNum);
            VRSound_PlaySound(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myResID, myEntryID, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, kSSpSourceMode_Ambient, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
        case kPlay3DSndResource: {      // play a sound file localized, or stop an ambient sound file from playing
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myProjAngle;
            UInt32      mySourceMode;
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myProjAngle, &mySourceMode, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            myProjAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myProjAngle);
            VRSound_PlaySound(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myResID, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myProjAngle, mySourceMode, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
        case kPlay3DSndResourceAngle: { // play a localized sound, specified using angles
            TQ3Point3D  myPoint;
            float       myDistance;
            float       myProjAngle;
            UInt32      mySourceMode;
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myFade;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myPanAngle, &myTiltAngle, &myDistance, &myProjAngle, &mySourceMode, &myMode, &myFade, &myOptions);
            myPanAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myPanAngle);
            myTiltAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myTiltAngle);
            myProjAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myProjAngle);
            myPoint.x = -sin(myPanAngle) * cos(myTiltAngle) * (myDistance);
            myPoint.y = sin(myTiltAngle) * (myDistance);
            myPoint.z = -cos(myPanAngle) * cos(myTiltAngle) * (myDistance);
            VRSound_PlaySound(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myResID, myEntryID, myPoint.x, myPoint.y, myPoint.z, myProjAngle, mySourceMode, myMode, myFade, myOptions);
        case kShowPicture: {            // overlay a picture (in the front buffer)
            UInt32      myHeight;
            UInt32      myWidth;
            UInt32      myPegSides;
            UInt32      myOffset;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myHeight, &myWidth, &myPegSides, &myOffset, &myOptions);
            VRPicture_ShowPicture(theWindowObject, myResID, myEntryID, myHeight, myWidth, myPegSides, myOffset, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kShowNodePicture: {        // overlay a picture (in the front buffer) in a particular node
            UInt32      myHeight;
            UInt32      myWidth;
            UInt32      myPegSides;
            UInt32      myOffset;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myResID, &myEntryID, &myNodeID, &myHeight, &myWidth, &myPegSides, &myOffset, &myOptions);
            sprintf(myCmdLine, "ShowPicture %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", myResID, myEntryID, myHeight, myWidth, myPegSides, myOffset, myOptions);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, kVRDoIt_Forever, 0, myCmdLine);
        case kAtTime: {                 // execute a command at a specific time
            UInt32      myTicks;
            UInt32      myMode;
            UInt32      myRepeat;
            UInt32      myPeriod;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %s", &myTicks, &myMode, &myNodeID, &myRepeat, &myPeriod, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistTimedCommand(theWindowObject, myTicks, myMode, myNodeID, myRepeat, myPeriod, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtAppLaunch:              // execute a command when the application is launched
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myCmdLine);
        case kAtAppQuit:                // execute a command when the application is quit
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistQuitCommand(theWindowObject, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtMouseOverHSID:          // execute a command when the mouse is over a hot spot, targeted by ID
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtMouseOverHSType: {      // execute a command when the mouse is over a hot spot, targeted by type
            OSType      myType;
            char        myHotSpotType[kMaxOSTypeLength];
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotType, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            myType = VRScript_StringToOSType(myHotSpotType);
            VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtClickHSID:              // execute a command when the mouse is clicked on a hot spot, targeted by ID
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, (OSType)0, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtClickHSType: {          // execute a command when the mouse is clicked on a hot spot, targeted by type
            OSType      myType;
            char        myHotSpotType[kMaxOSTypeLength];
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myHotSpotType, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            myType = VRScript_StringToOSType(myHotSpotType);
            VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, (UInt32)0, myType, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtClickCustomButton:      // execute a command when the mouse is clicked on the custom button in the controller bar
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistClickCustomButtonCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtClickSprite:            // execute a command when the mouse is clicked on a sprite          
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistClickSpriteCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtTriggerWiredAction: {   // execute a command in response to a wired action being triggered          
            OSType      myType;
            char        myEventType[kMaxOSTypeLength];
            UInt32      myID;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %s %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMaxTimes, &myEventType, &myID, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            myType = VRScript_StringToOSType(myEventType);
            VRScript_EnlistWiredActionCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, myType, myID, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtNodeEntry:              // execute a command when the specified node is entered
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand(theWindowObject, myNodeID, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtNodeExit: {             // execute a command when the specified node is exited
            UInt32      myFromNodeID;
            UInt32      myToNodeID;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld %s", &myFromNodeID, &myToNodeID, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand(theWindowObject, myFromNodeID, myToNodeID, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtPanAngle:               // execute a command at the specified pan angle
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand(theWindowObject, kVREntry_PanAngleCmd, myNodeID, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtTiltAngle:              // execute a command at the specified tilt angle
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand(theWindowObject, kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd, myNodeID, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kAtZoomAngle:              // execute a command at the specified zoom angle
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %ld %ld %s", &myNodeID, &myMinAngle, &myMaxAngle, &myMaxTimes, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand(theWindowObject, kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd, myNodeID, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle, myMaxTimes, myOptions, myCmdLine);
        case kDoBoth: {                 // execute both of the specified commands
            char        myCmdLine1[kMaxCmdLineLength];
            char        myCmdLine2[kMaxCmdLineLength];
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s %s", &myOptions, myCmdLine1, myCmdLine2);
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myCmdLine1);
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myCmdLine2);
        case kDoNothing:                // don't do anything; this can be useful to trigger some side effects of an "At" command
        case kPlayMovie: {              // play a QuickTime movie
            float       myScale;
            float       myWidth;
            UInt32      myKeyRed;
            UInt32      myKeyGreen;
            UInt32      myKeyBlue;
            UInt32      myUseBuffer;
            UInt32      myUseCenter;
            UInt32      myUseKey;
            UInt32      myUseHide;
            UInt32      myUseDir;
            UInt32      myRotate;
            UInt32      myMode;
            float       myVolAngle;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %ld %ld %s", 
            myPanAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myPanAngle);
            myTiltAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myTiltAngle);
            myVolAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myVolAngle);
            myWidth = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myWidth);
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
        case kPlayTransMovie:           // play a QuickTime movie as a transition between two nodes
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myPathName);
            VRMoov_PlayTransitionMovie(theWindowObject, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kPlayTransEffect: {        // play a QuickTime video effect as a transition between two nodes
            char        myEffectType[kMaxOSTypeLength];
            UInt32      myFromNodeID;
            UInt32      myToNodeID;
            long        myEffectNum;
            OSType      myType;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s %ld %ld", &myFromNodeID, &myToNodeID, &myMaxTimes, myEffectType, &myEffectNum, &myOptions);
            // convert the string to an OSType
            myType = VRScript_StringToOSType(myEffectType);
            VRScript_EnlistTransitionEffect(theWindowObject, myFromNodeID, myToNodeID, myMaxTimes, myType, myEffectNum, myOptions);
        case kMoveScreen: {             // shift the movie screen center
            QTVRFloatPoint  myCenter;
            float           myHoriz;
            float           myVert;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %f %f %ld", &myHoriz, &myVert, &myOptions);
            myHoriz = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myHoriz);
            myVert = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myVert);
            VRMoov_GetEmbeddedMovieCenter(theWindowObject, &myCenter);
            myCenter.x += myHoriz;
            myCenter.y += myVert;
            VRMoov_SetEmbeddedMovieCenter(theWindowObject, &myCenter);
        case kBeep:                     // play the system beep
        case kProcessScript:            // open and process a script file (synchronously!)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %s", &myOptions, myPathName);
            VRScript_OpenScriptFile(theWindowObject, myPathName);
        case kCreateBox: {              // create a box
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myXSize, myYSize, myZSize;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myXSize, &myYSize, &myZSize, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistBox(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myXSize, myYSize, myZSize, myOptions);
        case kCreateCone: {             // create a cone
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D15)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myMajRad, &myMinRad, &myHeight, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistCone(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight, myOptions);
        case kCreateCylinder: {         // create a cylinder
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D15)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myMajRad, &myMinRad, &myHeight, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistCylinder(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight, myOptions);
        case kCreateEllipsoid: {        // create an ellipsoid
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D15)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myMajRad, &myMinRad, &myHeight, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistEllipsoid(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight, myOptions);
        case kCreateTorus: {            // create a torus
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight, myRatio;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D15)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myMajRad, &myMinRad, &myHeight, &myRatio, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistTorus(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myMajRad, myMinRad, myHeight, myRatio, myOptions);
        case kCreateRectangle: {        // create a rectangle
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            float       myX1, myY1, myZ1, myX2, myY2, myZ2, myX3, myY3, myZ3, myX4, myY4, myZ4;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D15)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myX1, &myY1, &myZ1, &myX2, &myY2, &myZ2, &myX3, &myY3, &myZ3, &myX4, &myY4, &myZ4, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_EnlistRectangle(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myX1, myY1, myZ1, myX2, myY2, myZ2, myX3, myY3, myZ3, myX4, myY4, myZ4, myOptions);
        case kOpen3DMFFile: {           // load a 3D object contained in a 3DMF file
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            if (!gHasQuickDraw3D)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld %s", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myOptions, myPathName);
            VR3DObjects_Enlist3DMFFile(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kSet3DObjLocation: {       // set the location of a 3D object
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetLocation(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjColor: {          // set the color of a 3D object
            float       myRed, myGreen, myBlue;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myRed, &myGreen, &myBlue, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetColor(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myRed, myGreen, myBlue, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjTransp: {         // set the transparency level of a 3D object
            float       myRed, myGreen, myBlue;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myRed, &myGreen, &myBlue, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetTransparency(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myRed, myGreen, myBlue, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjInterp:           // set the interpolation style of a 3D object
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetInterpolation(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myUInt32, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjBackface:         // set the backfacing style of a 3D object
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetBackfacing(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myUInt32, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjFill:             // set the fill style of a 3D object
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetFill(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myUInt32, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjRotation: {       // set the rotation factors of a 3D object
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myOptions);
            myX = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myX);
            myY = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myY);
            myZ = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(myZ);
            VR3DObjects_SetRotation(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjRotState:         // set the rotation state of a 3D object
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetRotationState(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSet3DObjVisState:         // set the visibility state of a 3D object
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VR3DObjects_SetVisibleState(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myUInt32, myOptions);
            QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        case kSet3DObjTexture:          // set the texture of a 3D object
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %s", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions, myPathName);
            VR3DObjects_SetTexture(theWindowObject, myEntryID, (Boolean)myUInt32, myOptions, myPathName);
        case kDestroy3DObject: {        // destroy a 3D object; note that the options are not yet defined
            VRScriptGenericPtr  myPointer;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myOptions);
            myPointer = VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, myEntryID);
            if (myPointer != NULL)
                VRScript_DelistEntry(theWindowObject, myPointer);
#endif // QD3D_AVAIL
        case kSet3DSndLocation: {       // set the location of a localized sound
            float       myX, myY, myZ;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %ld", &myEntryID, &myX, &myY, &myZ, &myOptions);
            VRSound_SetLocation(theWindowObject, myEntryID, myX, myY, myZ, myOptions);
        case kSetVariable: {            // set the value of a variable; variables are used only in If commands
            char                    myVarName[kMaxVarNameLength];
            SInt32                  myVarValue;
            VRScriptVariablePtr     myPointer;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %s %ld %ld", myVarName, &myVarValue, &myOptions);
            myPointer = VRScript_GetVariableEntry(theWindowObject, myVarName);
            if (myPointer == NULL) {
                VRScript_EnlistVariable(theWindowObject, myVarName, myVarValue);
            } else {
                if (myOptions == kVRValue_Absolute)
                    myPointer->fValue = myVarValue;
                if (myOptions == kVRValue_Relative)
                    myPointer->fValue += myVarValue;
        case kIf: {                     // evaluate the expression "var op value"; execute a command if true
            char                    myVarName[kMaxVarNameLength];
            char                    myOperation[kMaxVarOpLength];
            SInt32                  myVarValue;
            VRScriptVariablePtr     myPointer;
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %s %s %ld %ld %s", myVarName, myOperation, &myVarValue, &myOptions, myCmdLine);
            myPointer = VRScript_GetVariableEntry(theWindowObject, myVarName);
            if (myPointer != NULL) {
                Boolean             myRunCommand = false;
                // find the appropriate operation and test for its satisfaction
                if ((strcmp(myOperation, "=") == 0) || (strcmp(myOperation, "==") == 0))
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue == myVarValue);
                else if (strcmp(myOperation, "!=") == 0)
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue != myVarValue);
                else if (strcmp(myOperation, "<") == 0)
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue < myVarValue);
                else if (strcmp(myOperation, "<=") == 0)
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue <= myVarValue);
                else if (strcmp(myOperation, ">") == 0)
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue > myVarValue);
                else if (strcmp(myOperation, ">=") == 0)
                    myRunCommand = (myPointer->fValue >= myVarValue);       
                if (myRunCommand) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myCmdLine);
        case kSetSpriteVisState:        // set the visibility of a sprite on or off
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySpriteID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRSprites_SetVisibleState(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetSpriteLayer:           // set the layer of a sprite
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySpriteID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRSprites_SetLayer(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetSpriteGraphicsMode:    // set the graphics mode of a sprite
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySpriteID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRSprites_SetGraphicsMode(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetSpriteImageIndex:      // set the image index of a sprite
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &mySpriteID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            VRSprites_SetImageIndex(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, (short)myUInt32, myOptions);
        case kSetSpriteMatrix: {        // set the matrix of a sprite
            float           myR0C0, myR0C1, myR0C2, myR1C0, myR1C1, myR1C2, myR2C0, myR2C1, myR2C2;
            MatrixRecord    myMatrix;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %ld", &mySpriteID, &myR0C0, &myR0C1, &myR0C2, &myR1C0, &myR1C1, &myR1C2, &myR2C0, &myR2C1, &myR2C2, &myOptions);
            myMatrix.matrix[0][0] = FloatToFixed(myR0C0);
            myMatrix.matrix[0][1] = FloatToFixed(myR0C1);
            myMatrix.matrix[0][2] = FloatToFract(myR0C2);
            myMatrix.matrix[1][0] = FloatToFixed(myR1C0);
            myMatrix.matrix[1][1] = FloatToFixed(myR1C1);
            myMatrix.matrix[1][2] = FloatToFract(myR1C2);
            myMatrix.matrix[2][0] = FloatToFixed(myR2C0);
            myMatrix.matrix[2][1] = FloatToFixed(myR2C1);
            myMatrix.matrix[2][2] = FloatToFract(myR2C2);
            VRSprites_SetMatrix(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, &myMatrix, myOptions);
        case kSetSpriteLocation: {      // set the location of a sprite;
                                        // the h and v values are pixels relative to the sprite track's origin
            UInt32          myH, myV;
            Point           myPoint;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld", &mySpriteID, &myH, &myV, &myOptions);
            myPoint.h = (short)myH;
            myPoint.v = (short)myV;
            VRSprites_SetLocation(theWindowObject, (QTAtomID)mySpriteID, &myPoint, myOptions);
        case kSetTrackVolume:           // set the volume of a sound track in an embedded QuickTime movie
        case kSetTrackState:            // enable or disable a track in an embedded QuickTime movie
        case kSetTrackLayer: {          // set the layer of a track in an embedded QuickTime movie
            UInt32              myValue;
            UInt32              myIndex;
            VRScriptMoviePtr    myMoviePtr = NULL;
            Track               myTrack = NULL;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myValue, &myIndex, &myOptions);
            myMoviePtr = (VRScriptMoviePtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QTMovie, myEntryID);
            if (myMoviePtr != NULL) {
                if (myMoviePtr->fMovie != NULL)
                    myTrack = GetMovieIndTrack(myMoviePtr->fMovie, myIndex);
                if (myTrack == NULL)
                switch (myCode) {
                    case kSetTrackVolume:
                        if (myOptions == kVRValue_Absolute)
                            SetTrackVolume(myTrack, (short)myValue);
                            SetTrackVolume(myTrack, (short)myValue + GetTrackVolume(myTrack));
                    case kSetTrackState:
                        if (myValue == kVRState_Toggle)
                            myValue = (UInt32)!GetTrackEnabled(myTrack);
                        SetTrackEnabled(myTrack, (Boolean)myValue);
                    case kSetTrackLayer:
                        SetTrackLayer(myTrack, (short)myValue);
        case kSetMovieTime:             // set the current time of the specified movie
        case kSetMovieRate:             // set the rate of the specified movie
        case kSetMovieTimeScale: {      // set the time scale of the specified movie
            VRScriptMoviePtr    myMoviePtr = NULL;
            if (theWindowObject == NULL)
            sscanf(theCommandLine, "%*s %ld %ld %ld", &myEntryID, &myUInt32, &myOptions);
            myMoviePtr = (VRScriptMoviePtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QTMovie, myEntryID);
            if (myMoviePtr != NULL)
                if (myMoviePtr->fMovie != NULL)
                    switch (myCode) {
                        case kSetMovieTime:
                            SetMovieTimeValue(myMoviePtr->fMovie, (TimeValue)myUInt32);
                        case kSetMovieRate:
                            SetMovieRate(myMoviePtr->fMovie, (Fixed)myUInt32);
                        case kSetMovieTimeScale:
                            SetMovieTimeScale(myMoviePtr->fMovie, (TimeScale)myUInt32);
        case kInvalidCommand:
            // if we got here, we encountered an unrecognized command;
            // in verbose mode, print a warning
            if (gIsVerbose)
    } // switch (myCode)
// VRScript_OpenDebugWindow
// Open the debug window.
WindowPtr VRScript_OpenDebugWindow (void)
    WindowPtr           myWindow = NULL;
    StringPtr           myTitle = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kDebugWindowTitle);
    Rect                myRect;
    GrafPtr             myPort = NULL;
    MacSetRect(&myRect, 50, 100, 700, 500);
    myWindow = NewCWindow(NULL, &myRect, myTitle, true, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1, false, 0);
    if (myWindow != NULL) {
// VRScript_PrintToDebugWindow
// Display the specified string in the debug window.
void VRScript_PrintToDebugWindow (char *theString)
    static short    myCurYPos = 0;
    GrafPtr         myPort;
    Rect            myRect;
    RgnHandle       myRegion;
    StringPtr       myString = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(theString);
    if (gDebugWindow == NULL)
    GetWindowPortBounds(gDebugWindow, &myRect);
    myRect = gDebugWindow->portRect;
    MoveTo(0, myCurYPos);
    if (myCurYPos >= (myRect.bottom - kDebugWindowLineSize)) {
        myRegion = NewRgn();
        ScrollRect(&myRect, 0, -kDebugWindowLineSize, myRegion);
    } else {
        myCurYPos += kDebugWindowLineSize;
// VRScript_SetCurrentDirectory
// Set the current (or default) directory. All filenames specified in the script file that are not full
// pathnames are taken as relative to this directory.
// A bit of terminology: on MacOS, the directory that is searched when only a filename is given is called
// the "default directory"; on Windows, this is called the "current directory".
// NOTE: The theFSSpecPtr parameter must specify *a file* in the directory to be made current. That file
// does not need to exist, however.
void VRScript_SetCurrentDirectory (FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr)
    HSetVol(NULL, theFSSpecPtr->vRefNum, theFSSpecPtr->parID);
    char        myFilePath[MAX_PATH];
    myFilePath[0] = '\0';
    FSSpecToNativePathName(theFSSpecPtr, myFilePath, MAX_PATH, kDirectoryPathOnly);
// VRScript_SetCurrentMovie
// Set the QuickTime movie currently displayed in the window attached to theWindowObject.
void VRScript_SetCurrentMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOverlayType, UInt32 theNameType, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName)
#pragma unused(theOverlayType, theOptions)
    FSSpec              myFSSpec;
    Movie               myNewMovie = NULL;
    Movie               myOldMovie = NULL;
    MovieController     myNewMC = NULL;
    MovieController     myOldMC = NULL;
    short               myNewRefNum = 0;
    short               myOldRefNum = 0;
    short               myResID = 0;
    WindowReference     myWindow = NULL;
    QTVRInstance        myInstance = NULL;
    char                myFileName[MAX_PATH];
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // make sure we have a valid window object and movie window
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    myWindow = (**theWindowObject).fWindow;
    if (myWindow == NULL)
    // get the previous movie and controller
    myOldMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie;
    myOldMC = (**theWindowObject).fController;
    myOldRefNum = (**theWindowObject).fFileRefNum;
    // find the target QuickTime movie file
    switch (theNameType) {
        case kVRRelativePath:
        case kVRAbsolutePath:
            myErr = FileUtils_MakeFSSpecForPathName(0, 0, thePathName, &myFSSpec);
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
            // open the specified movie file;
            // ideally, we'd like read and write permission, but we'll settle for read-only permission
            myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFSSpec, &myNewRefNum, fsRdWrPerm);
            if (myErr != noErr)
                myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFSSpec, &myNewRefNum, fsRdPerm);
            // if we couldn't open the file with even just read-only permission, bail....
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
            // now fetch the first movie from the file
            myResID = 0;
            myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myNewMovie, myNewRefNum, &myResID, NULL, newMovieActive, NULL);
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
        case kVRAbsoluteURL: {
            char    *myString;
            myResID = 0;
            myNewMovie = URLUtils_NewMovieFromURL(thePathName, newMovieActive, &myResID);
            myString = URLUtils_GetURLBasename(thePathName);
            FileUtils_MakeFSSpecForPathName(0, 0, myString, &myFSSpec);
        case kVRRelativeURL:
            // to be supplied
            goto bail;  // unknown pathname type
    // make sure the movie uses the window GWorld in all situations
    SetMovieGWorld(myNewMovie, (CGrafPtr)QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(myWindow), GetGWorldDevice((CGrafPtr)QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(myWindow)));
    // create and configure the movie controller
    myNewMC = QTFrame_SetupController(myNewMovie, myWindow, false);
    if (myNewMC == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // in with the new....
    // set the window title
    SetWTitle(myWindow, myFSSpec.name);
    FSSpecToNativePathName(&myFSSpec, myFileName, MAX_PATH, kFileNameOnly);
    SetWindowText(myWindow, myFileName);
    // look for the QTVR instance 
    QTVRGetQTVRInstance(&myInstance, QTVRGetQTVRTrack(myNewMovie, 1), myNewMC);
    // store movie info in the window record
    (**theWindowObject).fMovie = myNewMovie;
    (**theWindowObject).fController = myNewMC;
    (**theWindowObject).fFileResID = myResID;
    (**theWindowObject).fFileRefNum = myNewRefNum;
    (**theWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow = true;
    (**theWindowObject).fIsDirty = false;
    (**theWindowObject).fInstance = myInstance;
    (**theWindowObject).fFileFSSpec = myFSSpec;
    // if it's a QuickTime VR movie, install all the QuickTime VR-related callback procedures
    if (myInstance != NULL)
        VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs(myInstance, theWindowObject);
    // redraw the window
    MCInvalidate(myNewMC, QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference(myWindow), MCGetWindowRgn(myNewMC, QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference(myWindow)));
    // reset the cursor
    // out with the old....
    // we'd like to be able to just call DisposeMovieController and DisposeMovie on the
    // previous controller and movie, but we can't; the reason is that this function might
    // have been called in response to a user event (such as a click on a hot spot) that
    // was passed to MCIsPlayerEvent in our main event loop. Experience tells me that it's
    // not good to dispose of the movie controller inside code called by MCIsPlayerEvent.
    // Our solution is to defer disposal until a safe time.
    gPreviousMC = myOldMC;
    gPreviousMovie = myOldMovie;
    if (myOldRefNum != 0)
    // if we arrived here, an error occurred and we could not load the new movie;
    // undo any work we did to install the new movie
    if (myNewMC != NULL)
    if (myNewMovie != NULL)
    if (myNewRefNum != 0)
// VRScript_SetControllerBarState
// Set the state of the controller bar.
void VRScript_SetControllerBarState (WindowObject theWindowObject, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    if (theState == kVRState_Toggle)
        theState = !MCGetVisible((**theWindowObject).fController);
    MCSetVisible((**theWindowObject).fController, theState);
// VRScript_SetControllerButtonState
// Set the state of the specified button (or text display) in the controller bar.
void VRScript_SetControllerButtonState (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theButton, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    long    myButton;
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    if ((**theWindowObject).fController == NULL)
    // convert VRScript's enum into the actual value expected by the movie controller
    switch (theButton) {
        case kVRButton_Step:            myButton = mcFlagSuppressStepButtons;           break;
        case kVRButton_Speaker:         myButton = mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton;         break;
        case kVRButton_GoBack:          myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn;           break;
        case kVRButton_ZoomInOut:       myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressZoomBtns;          break;
        case kVRButton_ShowHotSpots:    myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn;        break;
        case kVRButton_Translate:       myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn;      break;
        case kVRButton_HelpText:        myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHelpText;          break;
        case kVRButton_HotSpotNames:    myButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotNames;      break;
        case kVRButton_Custom:          myButton = mcFlagsUseCustomButton;              break;
    // set the correct state of the button      
    switch (theState) {
        case kVRState_Hide:
            QTUtils_HideControllerButton((**theWindowObject).fController, myButton);
        case kVRState_Show:
            QTUtils_ShowControllerButton((**theWindowObject).fController, myButton);
        case kVRState_Toggle:
            QTUtils_ToggleControllerButton((**theWindowObject).fController, myButton);
// VRScript_SetResizeState
// Set the state of window resizing.
void VRScript_SetResizeState (WindowObject theWindowObject, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    Rect            myRect;
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    if (theState == kVRState_Toggle)
        theState = !(**theWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow;
    (**theWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow = theState;
    // set size of growable window
    if ((**theWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow)
        MacSetRect(&myRect, gMCResizeBounds.left, gMCResizeBounds.top, gMCResizeBounds.right, gMCResizeBounds.bottom);
        MacSetRect(&myRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    MCDoAction((**theWindowObject).fController, mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds, &myRect);
    QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
// VRScript_SetAngleConstraints
// Set the pan, tilt, or zoom constraints.
// Note: this function expects theMinAngle and theMaxAngle to be in *degrees*.
void VRScript_SetAngleConstraints (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt16 theKind, float theMinAngle, float theMaxAngle, UInt32 theOptions)
    float   myMinAngle;
    float   myMaxAngle;
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    myMinAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(theMinAngle);
    myMaxAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(theMaxAngle);
    if (theOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
        float   myCurrMin;
        float   myCurrMax;
        OSErr   myErr;
        myErr = QTVRGetConstraints((**theWindowObject).fInstance, theKind, &myCurrMin, &myCurrMax);
        if (myErr == noErr) {
            myMinAngle += myCurrMin;
            myMaxAngle += myCurrMax;
    QTVRSetConstraints((**theWindowObject).fInstance, theKind, myMinAngle, myMaxAngle);
    QTVRUpdate((**theWindowObject).fInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
// VRScript_OpenResourceFile
// Open the specified resource file and add it to the application's resource chain.
// Returns the file reference number, if successful, or -1 otherwise.
short VRScript_OpenResourceFile (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName)
#pragma unused(theWindowObject, theOptions)
    FSSpec      myFSSpec;
    short       myRefNum = -1;
    // we accept either full pathnames or partial pathnames specified relative to the default directory
    // on the default volume
    FileUtils_MakeFSSpecForPathName(0, 0L, thePathName, &myFSSpec);
    myRefNum = FSpOpenResFile(&myFSSpec, fsRdPerm);
    if (myRefNum == -1)
        ;                   // no error handling yet....
// VRScript_EnlistSound
// Install an ambient sound.
VRScriptSoundPtr VRScript_EnlistSound (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theFade, UInt32 theOptions, SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndListHandle theResource)
    VRScriptSoundPtr        myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptSoundPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptSound));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_Sound;
        myPointer->fEntryID = theEntryID;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fMode = theMode;
        myPointer->fSoundContainer = kVRSound_SoundResource;
        myPointer->fResID = theResID;
        myPointer->fResourceData = theResource;
        myPointer->fChannel = theChannel;
        myPointer->fFadeWhenStopping = (Boolean)theFade;
        myPointer->fSoundIsLocalized = false;
        myPointer->fSource = 0;
        myPointer->fLocation.x = 0.0;
        myPointer->fLocation.y = 0.0;
        myPointer->fLocation.z = 0.0;
        myPointer->fProjAngle = 0.0;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptSoundPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Sound];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Sound] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistLocalizedSound
// Install a localized sound.
VRScriptSoundPtr VRScript_EnlistLocalizedSound (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theProjAngle, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theFade, UInt32 theOptions, SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndListHandle theResource, SSpSourceReference theSource)
    VRScriptSoundPtr        myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptSoundPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptSound));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_Sound;
        myPointer->fEntryID = theEntryID;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fMode = theMode;
        myPointer->fSoundContainer = kVRSound_SoundResource;
        myPointer->fResID = theResID;
        myPointer->fResourceData = theResource;
        myPointer->fChannel = theChannel;
        myPointer->fSource = theSource;
        myPointer->fLocation.x = theX;
        myPointer->fLocation.y = theY;
        myPointer->fLocation.z = theZ;
        myPointer->fProjAngle = theProjAngle;
        myPointer->fFadeWhenStopping = (Boolean)theFade;
        myPointer->fSoundIsLocalized = true;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptSoundPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Sound];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Sound] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistMovie
// Install a QuickTime movie by adding the given information to our linked list.
VRScriptMoviePtr VRScript_EnlistMovie (
                WindowObject theWindowObject,
                UInt32 theNodeID,
                UInt32 theEntryID,
                float thePanAngle,
                float theTiltAngle,
                float theScale, 
                float theWidth, 
                UInt32 theKeyRed, 
                UInt32 theKeyGreen, 
                UInt32 theKeyBlue, 
                Boolean theUseBuffer,
                Boolean theUseCenter,
                Boolean theUseKey,
                Boolean theUseHide,
                Boolean theUseDir,
                Boolean theRotate,
                float theVolAngle,
                UInt32 theMode,
                UInt32 theOptions,
                char *thePathName)
    VRScriptMoviePtr        myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptMoviePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptMovie));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_QTMovie;
        myPointer->fEntryID = theEntryID;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fMode = theMode;
        myPointer->fMovie = NULL;
        myPointer->fOffscreenGWorld = NULL;
        myPointer->fOffscreenPixMap = NULL;
        myPointer->fPrevBBufGWorld = NULL;
        myPointer->fMovieCenter.x = thePanAngle;
        myPointer->fMovieCenter.y = theTiltAngle;
        myPointer->fMovieScale = theScale;
        myPointer->fMovieWidth = theWidth;
        myPointer->fUseOffscreenGWorld = theUseBuffer;
        myPointer->fUseMovieCenter = theUseCenter;
        myPointer->fQTMovieHasSound = false;        // we don't really know until we open the file....
        myPointer->fQTMovieHasVideo = false;        // we don't really know until we open the file....
        myPointer->fCompositeMovie = theUseKey;
        myPointer->fUseHideRegion = theUseHide;
        myPointer->fChromaColor.red = (unsigned short)theKeyRed;
        myPointer->fChromaColor.green = (unsigned short)theKeyGreen;
        myPointer->fChromaColor.blue = (unsigned short)theKeyBlue;
        myPointer->fHideRegion = NULL;
        myPointer->fImageDesc = NULL;
        myPointer->fImageSequence = 0;
        myPointer->fSoundIsLocalized = theUseDir;
        myPointer->fDoRotateMovie = theRotate;
        myPointer->fVolAngle = theVolAngle;
        myPointer->fMediaHandler = NULL;
        myPointer->fPathname = malloc(strlen(thePathName) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fPathname, thePathName, strlen(thePathName) + 1);
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptMoviePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QTMovie];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QTMovie] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_Enlist3DObject
// Install a 3D object.
void VRScript_Enlist3DObject (WindowObject theWindowObject, TQ3GroupObject theGroup, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, UInt32 theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr        myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    TQ3Point3D              myPoint;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScript3DObj));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_QD3DObject;
        myPointer->fEntryID = theEntryID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fModel = theGroup;
        myPointer->fInterpolation = Q3InterpolationStyle_New((TQ3InterpolationStyle)kDefaultInterpolation);
        myPointer->fBackFacing = Q3BackfacingStyle_New((TQ3BackfacingStyle)kDefaultBackfacing);
        myPointer->fFillStyle = Q3FillStyle_New((TQ3FillStyle)kDefaultFill);
        myPointer->fRotateFactors.x = kDefaultRotateRadians;        // default rotation factors
        myPointer->fRotateFactors.y = kDefaultRotateRadians;
        myPointer->fRotateFactors.y = kDefaultRotateRadians;
        Q3Point3D_Set(&myPoint, -1.0 * theX, theY, -1.0 * theZ);
        myPointer->fGroupCenter = myPoint;
        myPointer->fGroupScale = kDefaultScale;
        myPointer->fTexture = NULL;
        myPointer->fTextureIsMovie = false;
        myPointer->fModelIsVisible = true;
        myPointer->fModelIsAnimated = false;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScript3DObjPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistOverlayPicture
// Install an overlay picture by adding the given information to our linked list.
VRScriptPicturePtr VRScript_EnlistOverlayPicture (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theHeight, UInt32 theWidth, UInt32 thePegSides, UInt32 theOffset, PicHandle theResource, UInt32 theOptions)
    VRScriptPicturePtr      myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptPicturePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptPicture));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_OverlayPicture;
        myPointer->fEntryID = theEntryID;
        myPointer->fNodeID = 0;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fResID = theResID;
        myPointer->fBoxHeight = theHeight;
        myPointer->fBoxWidth = theWidth;
        myPointer->fPegSides = thePegSides;
        myPointer->fOffset = theOffset;
        myPointer->fResourceData = theResource;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptPicturePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_OverlayPicture];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_OverlayPicture] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistTimedCommand
// Install a timed-activated command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistTimedCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theTicks, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theRepeat, UInt32 thePeriod, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptAtTimePtr       myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtTimePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptAtTime));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_TimedCommand;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fTime = theTicks;
        myPointer->fMode = theMode;
        myPointer->fTimeInstalled = gAbsoluteElapsedTime;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fRepeat = (Boolean)theRepeat;
        myPointer->fPeriod = thePeriod;
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptAtTimePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TimedCommand];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TimedCommand] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistQuitCommand
// Install an application-quit command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistQuitCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptAtQuitPtr       myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtQuitPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptAtQuit));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_QuitCommand;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptAtQuitPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QuitCommand];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QuitCommand] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand
// Install a mouse-over hot spot command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType theHotSpotType, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptAtMOHSPtr       myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtMOHSPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptAtMOHS));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_MouseOverHS;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;                           // the hot spot action selector
        myPointer->fSelectByID = theHotSpotID > 0 ? true : false;
        myPointer->fHotSpotID = theHotSpotID;
        myPointer->fHotSpotType = theHotSpotType;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptAtMOHSPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_MouseOverHS];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_MouseOverHS] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand
// Install a hot spot click command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType theHotSpotType, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptClickHSPtr      myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptClickHSPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptClickHS));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_ClickHS;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fSelectByID = theHotSpotID > 0 ? true : false;
        myPointer->fHotSpotID = theHotSpotID;
        myPointer->fHotSpotType = theHotSpotType;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptClickHSPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickHS];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickHS] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistClickCustomButtonCommand
// Install a custom button click command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistClickCustomButtonCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptClickCustomPtr  myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptClickCustomPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptClickCustom));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_ClickCustom;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptClickCustomPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickCustom];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickCustom] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistClickSpriteCommand
// Install a sprite click command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistClickSpriteCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptClickSpritePtr  myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptClickSpritePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptClickSprite));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_ClickSprite;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptClickSpritePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickSprite];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickSprite] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistWiredActionCommand
// Install a wired-action-triggered command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistWiredActionCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, OSType theType, UInt32 theID, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptWiredActionPtr  myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptWiredActionPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptWiredAction));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_WiredAction;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fID = theID;
        myPointer->fEventType = theType;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptWiredActionPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_WiredAction];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_WiredAction] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand
// Install a node-entry command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptNodeInPtr       myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptNodeInPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptNodeIn));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_NodeEntry;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptNodeInPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeEntry];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeEntry] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand
// Install a node-exit command by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theFromNodeID, UInt32 theToNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptNodeOutPtr      myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptNodeOutPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptNodeOut));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_NodeExit;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fFromNodeID = theFromNodeID;
        myPointer->fToNodeID = theToNodeID;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptNodeOutPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeExit];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeExit] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand
// Install an angle-triggered command by adding the given information to our linked list.
// Note: this function expects theMinAngle and theMaxAngle to be in *degrees*.
void VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theKind, UInt32 theNodeID, float theMinAngle, float theMaxAngle, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine)
    VRScriptAtAnglePtr      myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    theMinAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(theMinAngle);
    theMaxAngle = QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(theMaxAngle);
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtAnglePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptAtAngle));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = theKind;
        myPointer->fNodeID = theNodeID;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fMinAngle = theMinAngle;
        myPointer->fMaxAngle = theMaxAngle;
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fCommandLine = malloc(strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fCommandLine, theCmdLine, strlen(theCmdLine) + 1);
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptAtAnglePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[theKind];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[theKind] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistVariable
// Install a variable by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistVariable (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theVarName, UInt32 theVarValue)
    VRScriptVariablePtr     myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptVariablePtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptVariable));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_Variable;
        myPointer->fValue = theVarValue;
        myPointer->fVarName = malloc(strlen(theVarName) + 1);
        strncpy(myPointer->fVarName, theVarName, strlen(theVarName) + 1);
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptVariablePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Variable];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Variable] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_EnlistTransition
// Install a transition effect by adding the given information to our linked list.
void VRScript_EnlistTransitionEffect (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theFromNodeID, UInt32 theToNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, OSType theEffectType, long theEffectNum, UInt32 theOptions)
    VRScriptTransitionPtr   myPointer;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myPointer = (VRScriptTransitionPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(VRScriptTransition));
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myPointer->fEntryType = kVREntry_TransitionEffect;
        myPointer->fOptions = theOptions;
        myPointer->fFromNodeID = theFromNodeID;
        myPointer->fToNodeID = theToNodeID;
        myPointer->fMaxExecutions = theMaxTimes;
        myPointer->fEffectType = theEffectType;
        myPointer->fEffectNum = theEffectNum;
        myPointer->fNumberOfSteps = (long)kDefaultNumSteps;
        myPointer->fNextEntry = (VRScriptTransitionPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TransitionEffect];
        (**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TransitionEffect] = (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer;
// VRScript_DelistEntry
// Remove an entry from a linked list.
void VRScript_DelistEntry (WindowObject theWindowObject, VRScriptGenericPtr theEntryPtr)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScriptGenericPtr      *myListHead;    // the *address* of the list head
    if (theEntryPtr == NULL)
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData != NULL) {
        // get the head of the specified list
        myListHead = &((**myAppData).fListArray[theEntryPtr->fEntryType]);
        // get rid of any memory associated with this entry
        switch (theEntryPtr->fEntryType) {
            case kVREntry_Sound:
                VRSound_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptSoundPtr)theEntryPtr);            break;
            case kVREntry_QTMovie: 
                VRMoov_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptMoviePtr)theEntryPtr);             break;
            case kVREntry_QD3DObject: 
            case kVREntry_OverlayPicture: 
                VRPicture_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptPicturePtr)theEntryPtr);        break;
            case kVREntry_TimedCommand: 
                free(((VRScriptAtTimePtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);           break;
            case kVREntry_QuitCommand: 
                free(((VRScriptAtQuitPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);           break;
            case kVREntry_MouseOverHS: 
                free(((VRScriptAtMOHSPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);           break;
            case kVREntry_ClickHS: 
                free(((VRScriptClickHSPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);          break;
            case kVREntry_ClickCustom: 
                free(((VRScriptClickCustomPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);      break;
            case kVREntry_ClickSprite: 
                free(((VRScriptClickSpritePtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);      break;
            case kVREntry_NodeEntry: 
                free(((VRScriptNodeInPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);           break;
            case kVREntry_NodeExit: 
                free(((VRScriptNodeOutPtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);          break;
            case kVREntry_PanAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);          break;
            case kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);          break;
            case kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)theEntryPtr)->fCommandLine);          break;
            case kVREntry_Variable: 
                free(((VRScriptVariablePtr)theEntryPtr)->fVarName);             break;
            case kVREntry_TransitionEffect: 
                VREffects_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptTransitionPtr)theEntryPtr);     break;
            case kVREntry_Generic: 
            case kVREntry_Unknown: 
        // now drop the specified entry from the correct list
        if (*myListHead == theEntryPtr) {
            // the entry to remove is the head of the list; make the next entry the head    
            *myListHead = theEntryPtr->fNextEntry;
        } else {
            // the entry to remove is not the head of the list;
            // walk the list until we find the entry *before* the one to be removed
            VRScriptGenericPtr      myPointer;
            myPointer = *myListHead;
            while (myPointer != NULL) {
                if (myPointer->fNextEntry == theEntryPtr) {
                    myPointer->fNextEntry = theEntryPtr->fNextEntry;
                myPointer = (VRScriptGenericPtr)(myPointer->fNextEntry);
// VRScript_DeleteListOfType
// Delete the list containing entries of the specified type.
void VRScript_DeleteListOfType (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryType)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScriptGenericPtr      myPointer;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // get the head of specified list
    myPointer = (**myAppData).fListArray[theEntryType];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        VRScriptGenericPtr      myNext;
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        // get rid of any memory associated with this entry
        switch (theEntryType) {
            case kVREntry_Sound: 
                VRSound_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptSoundPtr)myPointer);              break;
            case kVREntry_QTMovie: 
                VRMoov_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptMoviePtr)myPointer);               break;
            case kVREntry_QD3DObject: 
            case kVREntry_OverlayPicture: 
                VRPicture_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptPicturePtr)myPointer);          break;
            case kVREntry_TimedCommand: 
                free(((VRScriptAtTimePtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);             break;
            case kVREntry_QuitCommand: 
                free(((VRScriptAtQuitPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);             break;
            case kVREntry_MouseOverHS: 
                free(((VRScriptAtMOHSPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);             break;
            case kVREntry_ClickHS: 
                free(((VRScriptClickHSPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);            break;
            case kVREntry_ClickCustom: 
                free(((VRScriptClickCustomPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);        break;
            case kVREntry_ClickSprite: 
                free(((VRScriptClickSpritePtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);        break;
            case kVREntry_NodeEntry: 
                free(((VRScriptNodeInPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);             break;
            case kVREntry_NodeExit: 
                free(((VRScriptNodeOutPtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);            break;
            case kVREntry_PanAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);            break;
            case kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);            break;
            case kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd: 
                free(((VRScriptAtAnglePtr)myPointer)->fCommandLine);            break;
            case kVREntry_Variable: 
                free(((VRScriptVariablePtr)myPointer)->fVarName);               break;
            case kVREntry_TransitionEffect: 
                VREffects_DumpEntryMem((VRScriptTransitionPtr)myPointer);       break;
            case kVREntry_Generic: 
            case kVREntry_Unknown: 
        myPointer = myNext;
    (**myAppData).fListArray[theEntryType] = NULL;
// VRScript_DeleteAllLists
// Delete all lists used by this window.
void VRScript_DeleteAllLists (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    UInt32      myCount;
    for (myCount = kVRScript_FirstEntryType; myCount <= kVRScript_FinalEntryType; myCount++)
        VRScript_DeleteListOfType(theWindowObject, myCount);
// VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID
// Get the (first) list entry of the specified type having a specified entry ID.
VRScriptGenericPtr VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryType, UInt32 theEntryID)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    VRScriptGenericPtr  myPointer = NULL;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // walk our linked list to find the target object
    myPointer = (**myAppData).fListArray[theEntryType];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (myPointer->fEntryID == theEntryID)
        myPointer = myPointer->fNextEntry;
// VRScript_GetVariableEntry
// Get the (first) variable having the specified name.
VRScriptVariablePtr VRScript_GetVariableEntry (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theVarName)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    VRScriptVariablePtr myPointer = NULL;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // walk our linked list to find the target object
    myPointer = (VRScriptVariablePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Variable];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(myPointer->fVarName, theVarName) == 0)
        myPointer = myPointer->fNextEntry;
// VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs
// Install all QTVR-related callback procedures.
void VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    // install an intercept procedure and a prescreen procedure
    VRScript_InstallInterceptRoutine(theInstance, theWindowObject);
    VRScript_InstallPrescreenRoutine(theInstance, theWindowObject);
    // install node-entering and node-leaving procedures
    QTVRSetEnteringNodeProc(theInstance, NewQTVREnteringNodeUPP(VRScript_EnteringNodeProc), (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
    QTVRSetLeavingNodeProc(theInstance, NewQTVRLeavingNodeUPP(VRScript_LeavingNodeProc), (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
    // install hot spot procedures
    VRScript_InstallHotSpotInterceptProc(theInstance, theWindowObject);
    VRScript_InstallMouseOverHotSpotProc(theInstance, theWindowObject);
// VRScript_InstallHotSpotInterceptProc
// Install an intercept procedure for handling hot spot triggerings.
void VRScript_InstallHotSpotInterceptProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    QTVRInterceptUPP        myInterceptProc;
    myInterceptProc = NewQTVRInterceptUPP(VRScript_HotSpotInterceptProc);
    QTVRInstallInterceptProc(theInstance, kQTVRTriggerHotSpotSelector, myInterceptProc, (long)theWindowObject, 0);
// VRScript_InstallMouseOverHotSpotProc
// Install an intercept procedure for handling mouse-over hot spots.
void VRScript_InstallMouseOverHotSpotProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    QTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP     myInterceptProc;
    myInterceptProc = NewQTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP(VRScript_MouseOverHotSpotProc);
    QTVRSetMouseOverHotSpotProc(theInstance, myInterceptProc, (long)theWindowObject, 0);
// VRScript_InstallPrescreenRoutine
// Install a prescreen buffer imaging complete procedure.
void VRScript_InstallPrescreenRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData != NULL)
        QTVRSetPrescreenImagingCompleteProc(theInstance, (**myAppData).fPrescreenProc, (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
// VRScript_InstallBackBufferImagingProc
// Install a back buffer imaging procedure.
// (This routine might sometimes be called to move or resize the area of interest within the panorama.)
void VRScript_InstallBackBufferImagingProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData = NULL;
    QTVRAreaOfInterest      myArea;
    float                   myWidth, myHeight;
    VRScriptMoviePtr        myPointer = NULL;
    OSErr                   myErr = paramErr;
    // initialize; clean up any existing back buffer procedure
    if ((theInstance == NULL) || (theWindowObject == NULL)) 
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL) 
    // remove any existing back buffer imaging procedure
    if ((**myAppData).fBackBufferProc != NULL)
        QTVRSetBackBufferImagingProc((**theWindowObject).fInstance, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
    // set the area of interest
    // the panAngle and tiltAngle fields define the top-left corner, in panorama space, of the area of interest;
    // so here we do not have to worry about whether the back buffer is oriented vertically or horizontally
    myPointer = VRMoov_GetEmbeddedVideo(theWindowObject);
    if (myPointer == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myWidth = myPointer->fMovieWidth * myPointer->fMovieScale;
    myHeight = myWidth * (((float)myPointer->fMovieBox.bottom) / ((float)myPointer->fMovieBox.right));
    if (myPointer->fUseMovieCenter) {
        // use the stored movie center
        myArea.panAngle = myPointer->fMovieCenter.x + (myWidth/2);
        myArea.tiltAngle = myPointer->fMovieCenter.y + (myHeight/2);
    } else {
        // center the movie on the current pan and tilt angles
        myArea.panAngle = QTVRGetPanAngle(theInstance) + (myWidth/2);
        myArea.tiltAngle = QTVRGetTiltAngle(theInstance) + (myHeight/2);
    myArea.width = myWidth;
    myArea.height = myHeight;
    // *** insertion (B) ***
    // set the back buffer flags and install the back buffer procedure
    // make sure we get called on every idle event, so we can keep playing the embedded movie;
    // also make sure we get called on every back buffer update
    if (myPointer->fCompositeMovie)
        myArea.flags = kQTVRBackBufferEveryIdle | kQTVRBackBufferEveryUpdate | kQTVRBackBufferAlwaysRefresh;
        myArea.flags = kQTVRBackBufferEveryIdle | kQTVRBackBufferEveryUpdate;
    // if the back buffer is oriented horizontally, set the appropriate flag
    if ((**myAppData).fBackBufferIsHoriz)
        myArea.flags |= kQTVRBackBufferHorizontal;
    // install our procedure
    myErr = QTVRSetBackBufferImagingProc(theInstance, (**myAppData).fBackBufferProc, 1, &myArea, (SInt32)theWindowObject);
    // make sure we successfully installed the procedure;
    // if an error occurred, clear the back-buffer imaging procedure
    if (myErr != noErr)
        QTVRSetBackBufferImagingProc((**theWindowObject).fInstance, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
// VRScript_InstallInterceptRoutine
// Install our QTVR intercept procedure.
void VRScript_InstallInterceptRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
    QTVRInterceptUPP    myInterceptProc;
    myInterceptProc = NewQTVRInterceptUPP(VRScript_InterceptRoutine);   
    // we'll just use the same intercept proc for each intercepted procedure
    QTVRInstallInterceptProc(theInstance, kQTVRSetPanAngleSelector, myInterceptProc, (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
    QTVRInstallInterceptProc(theInstance, kQTVRSetTiltAngleSelector, myInterceptProc, (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
    QTVRInstallInterceptProc(theInstance, kQTVRSetFieldOfViewSelector, myInterceptProc, (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
    QTVRInstallInterceptProc(theInstance, kQTVRSetViewCenterSelector, myInterceptProc, (SInt32)theWindowObject, 0);
// VRScript_HotSpotInterceptProc
// An intercept procedure for handling hot spot triggerings.
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_HotSpotInterceptProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRInterceptPtr theMsg, SInt32 theRefCon, Boolean *theCancel)
    VRScriptClickHSPtr      myPointer;
    VRScriptClickHSPtr      myNext;
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    UInt32                  myHotSpotID;
    OSType                  myType;
    Boolean                 myCancelLink = false;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID(theInstance);
    myHotSpotID = (UInt32)(theMsg->parameter[0]);
    // get the type of the hot spot, given its ID
    QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotType(theInstance, myNodeID, myHotSpotID, &myType);
    // walk the linked list and find any commands for this hot spot
    myPointer = (VRScriptClickHSPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickHS];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if (((myPointer->fSelectByID) && (myPointer->fHotSpotID == myHotSpotID))    // hot spot is specified by ID
            || ((!myPointer->fSelectByID) && (myPointer->fHotSpotType == myType))) {    // hot spot is specified by type
                if (myPointer->fOptions != 0)
                    myCancelLink = true;
                VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(myWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(myWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    *theCancel = myCancelLink;
// VRScript_PrescreenRoutine
// A prescreen buffer imaging completion routine:
//  * alter the position of the 3D sound listener based on the user's panning or tilting
//  * set balance and volume of embedded QuickTime movie
//  * draw the rendered 3D scene into the prescreen buffer
//  * draw any enlisted overlay picture into the prescreen buffer
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_PrescreenRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, SInt32 theRefCon)
    float               myPan;
    float               myTilt;
    float               myFOV;
    UInt32              myNodeID;
    WindowObject        myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    // get the application-specific data associated with the window
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // get the current environment
    myPan = QTVRGetPanAngle(theInstance);
    myTilt = QTVRGetTiltAngle(theInstance);
    myFOV = QTVRGetFieldOfView(theInstance);
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID(theInstance);
    // process any localized sounds in the current node
    if ((**myAppData).fViewHasChanged || (**myAppData).fSoundHasChanged) 
        if ((**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_Sound] != NULL) {
            if (gHasSoundSprockets) {
                TQ3Vector3D         myOrientation;
                // figure out the orientation   
                myOrientation.x = -sin(myPan) * cos(myTilt);
                myOrientation.y = sin(myTilt);
                myOrientation.z = -cos(myPan) * cos(myTilt);
                // set the new orientation of the listener
                SSpListener_SetOrientation((**myAppData).fListener, &myOrientation);
                // update the virtual audio environment
            } else {
                // we don't have SoundSprockets, so....
                // handle sound balance and volume attentuation ourselves
                VRSound_SetBalanceAndVolume(myWindowObject, myPan, myTilt);
    // process any 3D objects in the current node
    if (gHasQuickDraw3D)
        if ((**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject] != NULL)
            VR3DObjects_PrescreenRoutine(theInstance, (SInt32)myWindowObject);
    // handle directionality and volume attenuation for QuickTime movie sound and texture-mapped QuickTime movie sound
    if ((**myAppData).fViewHasChanged || (**myAppData).fSoundHasChanged)
        if (((**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QTMovie] != NULL) || ((**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject] != NULL))
            VRMoov_SetAllBalanceAndVolume(myWindowObject, myPan, myTilt);
    // draw any overlay pictures
    // reset our flags
    (**myAppData).fViewHasChanged = false;
    (**myAppData).fSoundHasChanged = false;
// VRScript_BackBufferImagingProc
// A back buffer imaging procedure:
//  * handle any QuickTime movies playing in the back buffer
//  * handle any pictures embedded in the back buffer [to be provided]
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_BackBufferImagingProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, Rect *theRect, UInt16 theAreaIndex, UInt32 theFlagsIn, UInt32 *theFlagsOut, SInt32 theRefCon)
#pragma unused(theAreaIndex)
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData = NULL;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    if ((theInstance == NULL) || (myWindowObject == NULL)) 
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL) 
    // if we've got an active movie to play, do so
    if (VRMoov_GetEmbeddedVideo(myWindowObject) != NULL)
        myErr = VRMoov_BackBufferImagingProc(theInstance, theRect, theAreaIndex, theFlagsIn, theFlagsOut, (SInt32)myWindowObject);
// VRScript_InterceptRoutine
// An intercept routine:
//  * signal that the view parameters have changed
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_InterceptRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRInterceptPtr theMsg, SInt32 theRefCon, Boolean *theCancel)
#pragma unused(theInstance)
    Boolean                 myCancelInterceptedProc = false;    // true == do NOT call thru; false == call thru
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    *theCancel = myCancelInterceptedProc;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    switch (theMsg->selector) {
        case kQTVRSetPanAngleSelector:
        case kQTVRSetTiltAngleSelector:
        case kQTVRSetFieldOfViewSelector:
        case kQTVRSetViewCenterSelector:
            (**myAppData).fViewHasChanged = true;
// VRScript_EnteringNodeProc
// A node-entering procedure:
//  * initialize node-specific global variables (e.g., the node timer)
//  * execute the standard node-entry procedure
//  * execute any node-entry commands
//  * execute any custom transitions from the previous node to the current node
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_EnteringNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theRefCon)
    VRScriptNodeInPtr       myPointer = NULL;
    VRScriptNodeInPtr       myNext = NULL;
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    // initialize our node timer
    gNodeStartingTime = TickCount();
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // call the standard node-entry procedure
    if ((**myWindowObject).fController != NULL)
        QTVRUtils_StandardEnteringNodeProc(theInstance, theNodeID, (**myWindowObject).fController);
    // node-entry commands might invoke QTVRUpdate, so enable update-streaming
    if (QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode(theInstance))
        QTVRBeginUpdateStream(theInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
    // walk the node-entry command list and execute any that apply to this node
    myPointer = (VRScriptNodeInPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeEntry];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == theNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode)) {
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(myWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
            VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(myWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    // disable update-streaming, if previously enabled
    if (QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode(theInstance))
    // if a node transition effect is pending, force the movie image to be updated;
    // this draws the destination image into an offscreen GWorld
    if ((**myAppData).fActiveTransition != NULL) {
        MoviesTask((**myWindowObject).fMovie, 0L);
        // execute any custom transitions from the previous node to the current node
        if (gHasQTVideoEffects)
// VRScript_LeavingNodeProc
// A node-leaving procedure:
//  * execute any node-exit commands
//  *Êstop any sounds attached to the current node
//  * dump any pictures attached to the current node
//  * dump any movies attached to the current node
//  * dump any unexpired AtTime commands that shouldn't be orphaned
//  * set up for any custom transitions from the current node to the target node
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_LeavingNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 fromNodeID, UInt32 toNodeID, Boolean *theCancel, SInt32 theRefCon)
    VRScriptNodeOutPtr      myPointer;
    VRScriptNodeOutPtr      myNext;
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    Boolean                 myCancelExit = false;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // walk the node-leaving command list and execute any that apply to this node
    myPointer = (VRScriptNodeOutPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_NodeExit];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fFromNodeID == fromNodeID) || (myPointer->fFromNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if ((myPointer->fToNodeID == toNodeID) || (myPointer->fToNodeID == kVRAnyNode)) {
                VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(myWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                if (myPointer->fOptions != 0)
                    myCancelExit = true;
                VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(myWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    // set output parameter to indicate whether we're leaving the node or not
    *theCancel = myCancelExit;
    // if we're not leaving the node, just return
    if (myCancelExit)
    // set up for any custom transitions from the current node to the target node
    // (since we're going to get the first frame of our effect by rendering a frame
    // of the movie into an offscreen GWorld, we need to do this before we dump the
    // node pictures, movies, etc.)
    if (gHasQTVideoEffects)
        VREffects_SetupTransitionEffect(myWindowObject, fromNodeID, toNodeID);
    // if we really are leaving the node, dump node-specific sounds, pictures, and movies
    // dump any unexpired time-based commands that are marked as to-be-killed
    VRScript_DumpUnexpiredCommands(myWindowObject, fromNodeID);
    // work around a bug in QTVR: 
    // moving from a panoramic node to an object node effectively hoses the prescreen routine,
    // so we need to reinstall that routine if we're moving from an object to a panoramic node
    if (QTVRGetNodeType(theInstance, fromNodeID) == kQTVRObjectType)
        if (QTVRGetNodeType(theInstance, toNodeID) == kQTVRPanoramaType)
            VRScript_InstallPrescreenRoutine(theInstance, myWindowObject);
// VRScript_MouseOverHotSpotProc
// Walk through our linked list of mouse-over hot spot commands and see whether any need to be executed.
// We support hot spots specified by ID (myPointer->fSelectByID == true) or by type (myPointer->fSelectByID == false).
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_MouseOverHotSpotProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theHotSpotID, UInt32 theFlags, SInt32 theRefCon)
    VRScriptAtMOHSPtr       myPointer;
    VRScriptAtMOHSPtr       myNext;
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    OSType                  myType;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // get the current node ID
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID(theInstance);
    // get the type of the hot spot, given its ID
    QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotType(theInstance, myNodeID, theHotSpotID, &myType);
    // walk the linked list and find any commands for this hot spot
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtMOHSPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_MouseOverHS];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if (((myPointer->fSelectByID) && (myPointer->fHotSpotID == theHotSpotID))   // hot spot is specified by ID
            || ((!myPointer->fSelectByID) && (myPointer->fHotSpotType == myType)))      // hot spot is specified by type
                if (myPointer->fOptions == theFlags) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(myWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                    VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(myWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    return(noErr);      // returning noErr means QTVR should do its normal mouse-over-hot-spot stuff
// VRScript_MoviePrePrerollCompleteProc
// A completion procedure for pre-prerolling movies.
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_MoviePrePrerollCompleteProc (Movie theMovie, OSErr thePrerollErr, void *theRefcon)
#pragma unused(thePrerollErr, theRefcon)
// VRScript_CheckForTimedCommands
// Walk through our linked list of timed commands and see whether any need to be executed.
void VRScript_CheckForTimedCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    VRScriptAtTimePtr       myPointer;
    VRScriptAtTimePtr       myNext;
    Boolean                 myRunCommand;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    // walk the linked list and find any commands ready to be executed
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtTimePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TimedCommand];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        myRunCommand = false;
        switch (myPointer->fMode) {
            case kVRUseNodeTime:
                if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
                    myRunCommand = (gNodeElapsedTime >= myPointer->fTime);
            case kVRUseAbsoluteTime:
                myRunCommand = (gAbsoluteElapsedTime >= myPointer->fTime);
            case kVRUseInstallTime:
                myRunCommand = ((gAbsoluteElapsedTime - myPointer->fTimeInstalled) >= myPointer->fTime);
        if (myRunCommand) {
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
            if (myPointer->fRepeat) {
                myPointer->fTime += myPointer->fPeriod;
                VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
            } else {
                VRScript_DelistEntry(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
// VRScript_CheckForClickCustomButtonCommands
// Walk through our linked list of custom-button-click commands and see whether any need to be executed.
void VRScript_CheckForClickCustomButtonCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, EventRecord *theEvent)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    VRScriptClickCustomPtr  myPointer = NULL;
    VRScriptClickCustomPtr  myNext = NULL;
    UInt32                  myStartTicks = theEvent->when;
    UInt32                  myElapsedTime = 0;
    UInt32                  myIgnoredTime;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    // walk the custom-button-click command linked list and execute any that apply to this node
    myPointer = (VRScriptClickCustomPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickCustom];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode)) {
            VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
            VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    // we want the button to be depressed for at least kMyButtonDelay ticks, so (perhaps) let's wait before returning
    myElapsedTime = TickCount() - myStartTicks;
    if (myElapsedTime < kMyButtonDelay)
        Delay(kMyButtonDelay - myElapsedTime, &myIgnoredTime);
// VRScript_CheckForClickSpriteCommands
// Determine whether a mouse click is on a sprite; if it is, then execute any commands
// enlisted for that sprite; return true if any command was executed, false otherwise.
// This routine is intended to be called from your movie controller action filter function,
// in response to mcActionMouseDown actions.
Boolean VRScript_CheckForClickSpriteCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, EventRecord *theEvent)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    MediaHandler            myHandler = NULL;
    Boolean                 isHandled = false;
    long                    myFlags = 0L;
    QTAtomID                myAtomID = 0;
    Point                   myPoint;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    VRScriptClickSpritePtr  myPointer = NULL;
    VRScriptClickSpritePtr  myNext = NULL;
    ComponentResult         myErr = noErr;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
        goto bail;
    if (theEvent == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myHandler = (**myAppData).fSpriteHandler;
    myFlags = spriteHitTestImage | spriteHitTestLocInDisplayCoordinates | spriteHitTestInvisibleSprites;
    myPoint = theEvent->where;
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    myErr = SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites(myHandler, myFlags, myPoint, &myAtomID);
    if ((myErr == noErr) && (myAtomID != 0)) {
        // the user has clicked on a sprite;
        // walk the sprite-click command linked list and execute any that apply to that sprite in this node
        myPointer = (VRScriptClickSpritePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_ClickSprite];
        while (myPointer != NULL) {
            myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
            if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode)) {
                if ((myPointer->fOptions == (UInt32)myAtomID) || (myPointer->fOptions == kVRAnySprite)) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                    VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
                    isHandled = true;
            myPointer = myNext;
// VRScript_CheckForWiredActionCommands
// Execute any commands enlisted for a wired action.
// Return false if any file-based actions should be executed, true otherwise.
// This routine is intended to be called from your movie controller action filter function,
// in response to mcActionExecuteAllActionsForQTEvent actions.
Boolean VRScript_CheckForWiredActionCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, ResolvedQTEventSpec *theEvent)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData = NULL;
    Boolean                 myCancelAction = false;
    QTAtomContainer         myContainer = NULL;
    QTAtom                  myAtom;
    QTAtomType              myAtomType;
    QTAtomID                myAtomID = 0;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    UInt32                  myItemID = 0;
    VRScriptWiredActionPtr  myPointer = NULL;
    VRScriptWiredActionPtr  myNext = NULL;
    OSType                  myType = 0;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
        goto bail;
    if (theEvent == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    // determine the type of the wired action passed to us
    myContainer = theEvent->actionAtom.container;
    myAtom = theEvent->actionAtom.atom;
    myErr = QTGetAtomTypeAndID(myContainer, myAtom, &myAtomType, &myAtomID);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    if (myAtomType == kQTEventFrameLoaded)
        myType = (OSType)myAtomType;
    else if (myAtomType == kQTEventType)
        myType = (OSType)myAtomID;
    // get the sprite ID or the hot spot ID of the triggering item
    if (myAtomType == kQTEventFrameLoaded)
        myItemID = kVRAnyItemID;
    else if (myAtomType == kQTEventType)
        myItemID = theEvent->targetRefCon;      // this works for sprites, but not for VR hot spots (this should soon be fixed)
    if ((myErr == noErr) && (myType != 0)) {
        // the user has triggered a wired action;
        // walk the wired action command linked list and execute any that apply to the triggering item in this node
        myPointer = (VRScriptWiredActionPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_WiredAction];
        while (myPointer != NULL) {
            myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
            if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode)) {
                if ((myPointer->fID == myItemID) || (myPointer->fID == kVRAnyItemID)) {
                    if ((myPointer->fEventType == myType) || (myPointer->fEventType == kVRAnyEvent)) {
                        VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                        if (myPointer->fOptions != kVRAction_Allow)
                            myCancelAction = true;
                        VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
            myPointer = myNext;
// VRScript_CheckForAngleCommands
// Walk through our linked lists of angle-triggered commands and see whether any need to be executed.
void VRScript_CheckForAngleCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScriptAtAnglePtr      myNext;
    VRScriptAtAnglePtr      myPointer;
    UInt32                  myNodeID;
    float                   myPan;
    float                   myTilt;
    float                   myFOV;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // get the current environment
    myPan = QTVRGetPanAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    myTilt = QTVRGetTiltAngle((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    myFOV = QTVRGetFieldOfView((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    myNodeID = QTVRGetCurrentNodeID((**theWindowObject).fInstance);
    // walk the pan angle linked list
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtAnglePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_PanAngleCmd];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if (myPointer->fMinAngle <= myPan)
                if (myPointer->fMaxAngle >= myPan) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                    VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    // walk the tilt angle linked list
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtAnglePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if (myPointer->fMinAngle <= myTilt)
                if (myPointer->fMaxAngle >= myTilt) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                    VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
    // walk the zoom angle linked list
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtAnglePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if ((myPointer->fNodeID == myNodeID) || (myPointer->fNodeID == kVRAnyNode))
            if (myPointer->fMinAngle <= myFOV)
                if (myPointer->fMaxAngle >= myFOV) {
                    VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine(theWindowObject, myPointer->fCommandLine);
                    VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
// VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand
// See whether the specified command entry has expired.
void VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, VRScriptGenericPtr thePointer)
    if (thePointer->fMaxExecutions != kVRDoIt_Forever)
    if (thePointer->fMaxExecutions == 0)
        VRScript_DelistEntry(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)thePointer);
// VRScript_DumpUnexpiredCommands
// Dump any unexpired AtTime commands, if the list entry so indicates.
// This is called only when leaving a node, to removed unexecuted ("orphaned") commands
// which would be executed the next time the user entered the node.
void VRScript_DumpUnexpiredCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScriptAtTimePtr       myPointer;
    VRScriptAtTimePtr       myNext;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // walk the linked list of timed commands and find any commands to be removed from list
    myPointer = (VRScriptAtTimePtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_TimedCommand];
    while (myPointer != NULL) {
        myNext = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        if (myPointer->fNodeID == theNodeID)
            if (myPointer->fOptions == kVROrphan_Kill)
                VRScript_DelistEntry(theWindowObject, (VRScriptGenericPtr)myPointer);
        myPointer = myNext;
// VRScript_PackString
// Pack a string.
void VRScript_PackString (char *theString)
    short       myLength;
    short       myIndex;
    myLength = strlen(theString);
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myLength; myIndex++)
        if (isspace(theString[myIndex]))
            theString[myIndex] = '#';
// VRScript_UnpackString
// Unpack a string (for instance, to make a packed command line suitable for parsing by VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine).
// We allow embedding commands in other commands: '*' -> '&' -> '%' -> '#' -> ' '
void VRScript_UnpackString (char *theString)
    short       myLength;
    short       myIndex;
    myLength = strlen(theString);
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myLength; myIndex++) {
        if (theString[myIndex] == '#')
            theString[myIndex] = ' ';
        if (theString[myIndex] == '%')
            theString[myIndex] = '#';
        if (theString[myIndex] == '&')
            theString[myIndex] = '%';
        if (theString[myIndex] == '*')
            theString[myIndex] = '&';
// VRScript_DecodeString
// Decode a string, assumed to have been encoded using a simple rotate-11 scheme.
void VRScript_DecodeString (char *theString)
    short       myLength;
    short       myIndex;
    myLength = strlen(theString);
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myLength; myIndex++)
        if (theString[myIndex] != '\n')
            theString[myIndex] = theString[myIndex] - 11;
// VRScript_StringToOSType
// Convert a string to an OSType.
OSType VRScript_StringToOSType (char *theString)
    unsigned long       myType = 0L;
    if (strlen(theString) < kMaxOSTypeLength - 1)
    myType += theString[3] << 0;
    myType += theString[2] << 8;
    myType += theString[1] << 16;
    myType += theString[0] << 24;
// VRScript_OSTypeToString
// Convert an OSType to a string.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
char *VRScript_OSTypeToString (OSType theType)
    char            *myString = malloc(kMaxOSTypeLength);
    if (myString == NULL)
    myString[0] = (theType & 0xff000000) >> 24;
    myString[1] = (theType & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
    myString[2] = (theType & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
    myString[3] = (theType & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
    myString[4] = '\0';
// VRScript_FloatsAreEqual
// Are the specified floating-point numbers equal, within a specified tolerance?
Boolean VRScript_FloatsAreEqual (float theFloat1, float theFloat2, float theTolerance)
    Boolean         areEqual = false;
    float           myDifference;
    myDifference = theFloat1 - theFloat2;
    if (myDifference < 0.0)
        myDifference *= -1.0;
    if (myDifference <= theTolerance)
        areEqual = true;