Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
////////// |
// |
// File: VRScript.h |
// |
// Contains: Header file for external script file processing. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// |
// Copyright: © 1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <2> 04/17/97 rtm revised structures slightly |
// <1> 03/06/97 rtm first file |
// |
////////// |
#pragma once |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#include "ComApplication.h" |
#include "MacFramework.h" |
#endif |
#include "WinFramework.h" |
#endif |
typedef long SSpSourceReference; |
typedef long SSpListenerReference; |
#endif |
#if QD3D_AVAIL |
#include "VR3DTexture.h" |
#endif |
#ifndef _CTYPE_H |
#include <ctype.h> |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// compiler macros |
// |
////////// |
// these were in GXMath.h |
#define FloatToFixed(a) ((Fixed)((float)(a) * fixed1)) |
#define FloatToFract(a) ((Fract)((float)(a) * fract1)) |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
#define kDefaultScriptFileName "myScript" // default name of the script file |
#define kDebugWindowTitle "Debug" // name of verbose mode debug window |
#define kDebugWindowTextSize 10 // the text size of the debug window |
#define kDebugWindowLineSize (kDebugWindowTextSize + 3) |
#define kUnknownCommandString "WARNING: Previous command not recognized" |
#define kMaxCmdLineLength 512 // maximum length, in bytes, of a command line |
#define kMaxCmdWordLength 32 // maximum length, in bytes, of a command word |
#define kMaxVarNameLength 32 // maximum length, in bytes, of a variable name |
#define kMaxVarOpLength 3 // maximum length, in bytes, of a variable operation |
#define kMaxFileNameLength 64 // maximum length, in bytes, of a file name |
#define kOffscreenPixelType k32ARGBPixelFormat |
#endif |
#define kMaxFileNameLength MAX_PATH // maximum length, in bytes, of a file name |
#define kOffscreenPixelType k32BGRAPixelFormat |
#endif |
#define kRadianTolerance (float)0.001 // how close two floating-point radian values must be for us to count them equal |
#define kMaxOSTypeLength 5 // maximum length, in bytes, of an OSType (plus terminating null character) |
// values for fOptions field of sound or movie entry |
enum { |
kVRMedia_PlayNew = 0, // start the media playing (whether it's already playing or not) |
kVRMedia_Restart = 1, // stop the media if already playing, then start the media playing |
kVRMedia_ToggleStop = 2, // toggle between play and stop/remove |
kVRMedia_Continue = 3, // start the media playing if it's not playing, ignore otherwise |
kVRMedia_Stop = 4, // stop the media playing |
kVRMedia_TogglePause = 5 // toggle between play and pause |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of localized sound entry, fMode field of other sound/movies entries |
// (palindrome looping is not supported for sounds, however) |
enum { |
kVRPlay_Loop = 0, |
kVRPlay_Once = 1, |
kVRPlay_LoopPalindrome = 2 |
}; |
// values for fSoundContainer field of a sound entry |
enum { |
kVRSound_SoundResource = (UInt32)0, // sound container is a sound resource (of type 'snd ') |
kVRSound_AIFFFile = (UInt32)1, // sound container is an AIFF file |
kVRSound_WAVEFile = (UInt32)2, // sound container is a WAVE file |
kVRSound_URL = (UInt32)3, // sound container is a URL |
kVRSound_SoundFile = (UInt32)4 // sound container is a sound file (of type 'sfil' and creator 'movr'); |
// this is never used, since we just play the contained sound resource. |
}; |
// values for theOptions parameter of VRSound_DumpSelectedSounds and VRMoov_DumpSelectedSounds |
enum { |
kVRSelect_Node = 0, |
kVRSelect_Scene = 1 |
}; |
// special values for fMaxExecutions field of command entries |
enum { |
kVRDoIt_Forever = -1 |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of angle (and other) commands |
enum { |
kVRValue_Absolute = 0, // specified values are absolute |
kVRValue_Relative = 1 // specified values are relative to current values |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of action commands |
enum { |
kVRAction_Allow = 0, // allow the specified action to occur |
kVRAction_Cancel = 1 // cancel the specified action |
}; |
// special values for angle field of some angle commands |
enum { |
kVRValue_Preserve = -1 // retain current value of this angle field |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of controller bar command (and for some state parameters) |
enum { |
kVRState_Hide = 0, |
kVRState_Show = 1, |
kVRState_Toggle = 2 |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of timed commands |
enum { |
kVROrphan_LetLive = 0, |
kVROrphan_Kill = 1 |
}; |
// values for Button parameter of SetButtonState command |
enum { |
kVRButton_Step = 0, // QuickTime step buttons; not supported by VR controller |
kVRButton_Speaker = 1, // speaker button |
kVRButton_GoBack = 2, // go-back button |
kVRButton_ZoomInOut = 3, // zoom buttons |
kVRButton_ShowHotSpots = 4, // show hot spots button |
kVRButton_Translate = 5, // translate button |
kVRButton_HelpText = 6, // help text; not really a button, but same interface works |
kVRButton_HotSpotNames = 7, // hot spot names; not really a button, but same interface works |
kVRButton_Custom = 8 // the custom button |
}; |
// values for fOptions field of PlayTransMovie command |
enum { |
kVRMovie_PlayAll = 0, |
kVRMovie_PlayTilClick = 1 |
}; |
// values for Mode parameter of SetPanTiltZoom command |
enum { |
kVRTransition_Jump = 0, // jump from current pan/tilt/fov to new values |
kVRTransition_Swing = 1, // swing from current pan/tilt/fov to new values |
kVRTransition_SwingWait = 2 // swing from current pan/tilt/fov to new values and wait until done |
}; |
// special values for fBoxHeight and fBoxWidth fields of picture overlay entry |
#define kVRUseMovieHeight 32000 |
#define kVRUseMovieWidth 32000 |
// special values for NodeID parameter of many commands |
#define kVRAnyNode (UInt32)-1 |
// bit flags for fPegSides field of picture overlay entry |
enum { |
kPegSide_Left = (1L << 0), |
kPegSide_Top = (1L << 1), |
kPegSide_Right = (1L << 2), |
kPegSide_Bottom = (1L << 3) |
}; |
// values for fMode field of timed command entry |
enum { |
kVRUseAbsoluteTime = 0, // time is relative to application launch |
kVRUseNodeTime = 1, // time is relative to node entry |
kVRUseInstallTime = 2 // time is relative to command installation |
}; |
// values for NameType parameter of some commands |
enum { |
kVRAbsolutePath = 0, // path is absolute |
kVRRelativePath = 1, // path is relative |
kVRAbsoluteURL = 2, // URL is absolute |
kVRRelativeURL = 3 // URL is relative |
}; |
// resource IDs for undefined hot spots ('undf', other undefined, or missing type) |
#define kCursID_MouseOverUndefHS -19687 |
#define kCursID_MouseDownOnUndefHS -19686 |
#define kCursID_MouseUpOnUndefHS -19685 |
// values for fEntryType field of any list entry |
// IMPORTANT: the values for implemented list types MUST be sequential! |
enum { |
kVREntry_Generic = 0, // a generic list entry |
kVREntry_Sound = 1, // a sound list entry |
kVREntry_QTMovie = 2, // a QuickTime movie list entry |
kVREntry_QD3DObject = 3, // a QuickDraw 3D object list entry |
kVREntry_OverlayPicture = 4, // a picture overlay list entry |
kVREntry_TimedCommand = 5, // a timed command list entry |
kVREntry_QuitCommand = 6, // a quitting command list entry |
kVREntry_MouseOverHS = 7, // a mouse-over hot spot command list entry |
kVREntry_ClickHS = 8, // a click hot spot command list entry |
kVREntry_ClickCustom = 9, // a click custom button command list entry |
kVREntry_ClickSprite = 10, // a click sprite command list entry |
kVREntry_WiredAction = 11, // a wired action command list entry |
kVREntry_NodeEntry = 12, // a node-entry command list entry |
kVREntry_NodeExit = 13, // a node-exit command list entry |
kVREntry_PanAngleCmd = 14, // a pan angle command list entry |
kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd = 15, // a tilt angle command list entry |
kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd = 16, // a zoom angle command list entry |
kVREntry_Variable = 17, // a variable list entry |
kVREntry_TransitionEffect = 18, // a QuickTime video effect transition list entry |
kVREntry_VRObjectMovie = 19, // a QuickTime VR object movie embedded in a panorama list entry |
kVREntry_EmbedPicture = 20, // a picture embedded in a panorama list entry |
kVREntry_Unknown = 100 // an unknown list entry |
}; |
#define kVRScript_FirstEntryType kVREntry_Sound |
#define kVRScript_FinalEntryType kVREntry_TransitionEffect |
////////// |
// |
// data structures |
// |
////////// |
// most of our script data is kept in a linked list of some appropriate type; |
// here are the various types: |
// a generic list entry head |
typedef struct VRScriptGeneric { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_Generic |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
void *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // the ID of the relevant node |
UInt32 fOptions; |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
} VRScriptGeneric, *VRScriptGenericPtr; |
// a list entry for our sound linked list |
// NOTE: this list contains only sounds for the current node or that are scene-wide (to be played in all nodes) |
typedef struct VRScriptSound { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_Sound |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptSound *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // the node ID (either current node or kVRAnyNode) |
UInt32 fOptions; // user interaction options |
UInt32 fMode; // the loop mode (0 == loop; 1 == no loop) |
UInt32 fSoundContainer; // the sound's container (resource? AIFF file? etc.) |
UInt32 fResID; // the 'snd ' resource ID for the sound |
SndListHandle fResourceData; // the 'snd ' resource data for the sound |
short fRefNum; // the file reference number, for file-based sounds |
SndChannelPtr fChannel; // the sound channel |
Boolean fSoundIsPlaying; // is the sound (still) playing? |
Boolean fFadeWhenStopping; // should we fade sound out when we stop it? |
Boolean fSoundIsLocalized; // is the sound localized? |
TQ3Point3D fLocation; // the location of the sound |
float fProjAngle; // the angle within which the sound can be heard |
SSpSourceReference fSource; // the sound source |
} VRScriptSound, *VRScriptSoundPtr; |
#if QD3D_AVAIL |
// a list entry for our 3D object linked list |
typedef struct VRScript3DObj { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_QD3DObject |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScript3DObj *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
UInt32 fOptions; |
TQ3GroupObject fModel; // the 3D object in the scene being modelled |
TQ3StyleObject fInterpolation; // interpolation style used when rendering |
TQ3StyleObject fBackFacing; // whether to draw shapes that face away from the camera |
TQ3StyleObject fFillStyle; // whether drawn as solid filled object or decomposed to components |
TQ3Matrix4x4 fRotation; // the transform for the model |
TQ3Vector3D fRotateFactors; // the x, y, and z rotation factors |
TQ3Point3D fGroupCenter; // the center of the group |
float fGroupScale; // scaling factor to apply before drawing |
TextureHdl fTexture; // the texture for the 3D object |
Boolean fTextureIsMovie; // is the texture from a QuickTime movie? |
Boolean fModelIsVisible; // is the 3D object visible? |
Boolean fModelIsAnimated; // is the 3D object being animated? |
} VRScript3DObj, *VRScript3DObjPtr; |
#endif |
// a list entry for our picture overlay linked list |
// NOTE: this list contains only pictures for the current node |
typedef struct VRScriptPicture { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_OverlayPicture |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptPicture *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
UInt32 fOptions; |
UInt32 fResID; // the 'PICT' resource ID for the picture |
UInt32 fBoxHeight; // height of the display rectangle |
UInt32 fBoxWidth; // width of the display rectangle |
UInt32 fPegSides; // side(s) to which display rectangle is pegged |
UInt32 fOffset; // offset of display rectangle from pegged side(s) |
PicHandle fResourceData; // the 'PICT' resource data for the picture |
} VRScriptPicture, *VRScriptPicturePtr; |
// a list entry for our time-based command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptAtTime { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_TimedCommand |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptAtTime *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
UInt32 fTime; |
UInt32 fMode; // 0 == absolute time; 1 == node-relative time; 2 == install-relative |
float fTimeInstalled; // the time (in ticks) when entry installed |
char *fCommandLine; |
Boolean fRepeat; // does this command repeat? |
UInt32 fPeriod; // the interval (in ticks) of repeating |
} VRScriptAtTime, *VRScriptAtTimePtr; |
// a list entry for our quitting time command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptAtQuit { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_QuitCommand |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptAtQuit *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
UInt32 fOptions; |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptAtQuit, *VRScriptAtQuitPtr; |
// a list entry for our mouse-over hot spot command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptAtMOHS { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_MouseOverHS |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptAtMOHS *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // the hot spot action selector (see VRPWQTVR2.0, p.1-39) |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
Boolean fSelectByID; // do we want hot spots targeted by ID (true) or type (false)? |
UInt32 fHotSpotID; // the target hot spot ID; must be 0 if fSelectByID == false |
OSType fHotSpotType; // the target hot spot type; must be 0 if fSelectByID == true |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptAtMOHS, *VRScriptAtMOHSPtr; |
// a list entry for our hot spot click command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptClickHS { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_ClickHS |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptClickHS *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // do we prevent a link hot spot from triggering? |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
Boolean fSelectByID; // do we want hot spots targeted by ID (true) or type (false)? |
UInt32 fHotSpotID; // the target hot spot ID; must be 0 if fSelectByID == false |
OSType fHotSpotType; // the target hot spot type; must be 0 if fSelectByID == true |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptClickHS, *VRScriptClickHSPtr; |
// a list entry for our custom button click command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptClickCustom { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_ClickCustom |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptClickCustom *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // (unused here) |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptClickCustom, *VRScriptClickCustomPtr; |
// a list entry for our sprite click command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptClickSprite { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_ClickSprite |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptClickSprite *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // the sprite's atom ID |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptClickSprite, *VRScriptClickSpritePtr; |
// a list entry for our wired action command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptWiredAction { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_WiredAction |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptWiredAction *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // 1 == cancel the triggered action; 0 == do the triggered action |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
UInt32 fID; // the sprite's atom ID or the hot spot ID |
OSType fEventType; // the type of action trigger event |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptWiredAction, *VRScriptWiredActionPtr; |
// a list entry for our node-entry command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptNodeIn { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_NodeEntry |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptNodeIn *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptNodeIn, *VRScriptNodeInPtr; |
// a list entry for our node-exit command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptNodeOut { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_NodeExit |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptNodeOut *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
UInt32 fOptions; // 1 == cancel the node exiting; 0 == exit the node |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
UInt32 fFromNodeID; |
UInt32 fToNodeID; |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptNodeOut, *VRScriptNodeOutPtr; |
// a list entry for our angle-based command linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptAtAngle { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_PanAngleCmd, kVREntry_TiltAngleCmd, or kVREntry_FOVAngleCmd |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptAtAngle *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times command is executed |
float fMinAngle; |
float fMaxAngle; |
char *fCommandLine; |
} VRScriptAtAngle, *VRScriptAtAnglePtr; |
// a list entry for our QuickTime movie linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptMovie { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_QTMovie |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptMovie *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // the node ID (either current node or kVRAnyNode) |
UInt32 fOptions; // user interaction options |
UInt32 fMode; // loop or play once |
Movie fMovie; // the embedded movie to play |
GWorldPtr fOffscreenGWorld; // the offscreen graphics world used for imaging embedded movies |
PixMapHandle fOffscreenPixMap; // the pixmap of the offscreen graphics world |
GWorldPtr fPrevBBufGWorld; // the previous offscreen graphics world used for the back buffer |
Rect fPrevBBufRect; // the previous rectangle of the area of interest |
QTVRFloatPoint fMovieCenter; // the center in the panorama of the movie screen (in angles: x = pan; y = tilt) |
Rect fMovieBox; // the movie box |
float fMovieScale; // a scale factor for the movie rectangle |
float fMovieWidth; // the width (in radians) of the embedded movie; if 0, movie has no video track |
Boolean fUseOffscreenGWorld;// use an offscreen GWorld? |
Boolean fUseMovieCenter; // use the specified movie center? |
Boolean fQTMovieHasSound; // does the embedded movie have a sound track? |
Boolean fQTMovieHasVideo; // does the embedded movie have a video track? |
Boolean fCompositeMovie; // does the embedded movie need to be composited? |
Boolean fUseHideRegion; // use the specified movie hide region? |
RGBColor fChromaColor; // the color for chroma key compositing |
RgnHandle fHideRegion; // the region that obscures the embedded movie video track |
MatrixRecord fMovieMatrix; // the matrix we use to (optionally) rotate the movie |
MatrixRecord fOrigMovieMatrix; // the movie's original matrix |
ImageDescriptionHandle fImageDesc; // image description for DecompressSequenceFrameS |
ImageSequence fImageSequence; // image sequence for DecompressSequenceFrameS |
Boolean fSoundIsLocalized; // is the movie sound localized? |
Boolean fDoRotateMovie; // should we rotate the movie? |
float fVolAngle; // the half angle of the movie attenuation cone |
MediaHandler fMediaHandler; // the sound media handler |
char *fPathname; |
} VRScriptMovie, *VRScriptMoviePtr; |
// a list entry for our variables linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptVariable { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_Variable |
UInt32 fEntryID; // (unused here) |
struct VRScriptVariable *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
SInt32 fValue; // the value of the variable |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // (unused here) |
char *fVarName; // the name of the variable |
} VRScriptVariable, *VRScriptVariablePtr; |
// a list entry for our QuickTime video effects transitions linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptTransition { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_TransitionEffect |
UInt32 fEntryID; // (unused here) |
struct VRScriptTransition *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; // (unused here) |
UInt32 fOptions; // |
SInt32 fMaxExecutions; // the maximum number of times transition is executed |
UInt32 fFromNodeID; |
UInt32 fToNodeID; |
OSType fEffectType; // the type of the effect |
long fEffectNum; // the number of the effect |
QTAtomContainer fEffectDesc; // the effect description for the effect |
ImageDescriptionHandle fSampleDesc; // the sample description for the effect |
TimeBase fTimeBase; // time base for the effect |
TimeValue fTimeValue; // time value for the effect |
ImageSequence fSequenceID; // sequence ID for the effect |
long fNumberOfSteps; // number of steps in the effect |
} VRScriptTransition, *VRScriptTransitionPtr; |
// a list entry for our embedded picture linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptEmbPict { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_EmbedPicture |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptEmbPict *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // user interaction options |
QTVRFloatPoint fCenter; // the center in the panorama of the picture screen (in angles: x = pan; y = tilt) |
Rect fRect; // the height and width of the embedded picture (in coordinates) |
float fScale; // a scale factor for the picture rectangle |
float fWidth; // the width (in radians) of the embedded picture; if 0, movie has no video track |
Boolean fUseMovieGWorld; // use the specified picture GWorld? |
Boolean fCompositeMovie; // does the embedded picture need to be composited? |
Boolean fUseHideRegion; // use the specified picture hide region? |
RGBColor fChromaColor; // the color for chroma key compositing |
RgnHandle fHideRegion; // the region that obscures the embedded picture |
char *fPathname; |
} VRScriptEmbPict, *VRScriptEmbPictPtr; |
// a list entry for our embedded QuickTime VR object movie linked list |
typedef struct VRScriptVRObject { |
UInt32 fEntryType; // kVREntry_VRObjectMovie |
UInt32 fEntryID; // a unique identifier for this entry |
struct VRScriptEmbPict *fNextEntry; // the next entry in the list |
UInt32 fNodeID; |
UInt32 fOptions; // user interaction options |
QTVRFloatPoint fCenter; // the center in the panorama of the object |
Rect fRect; // the height and width of the embedded picture (in coordinates) |
float fScale; // a scale factor for the picture rectangle |
float fWidth; // the width (in radians) of the embedded picture; if 0, movie has no video track |
Boolean fUseMovieGWorld; // use the specified picture GWorld? |
Boolean fCompositeMovie; // does the embedded picture need to be composited? |
Boolean fUseHideRegion; // use the specified picture hide region? |
RGBColor fChromaColor; // the color for chroma key compositing |
RgnHandle fHideRegion; // the region that obscures the embedded picture |
char *fPathname; |
} VRScriptVRObject, *VRScriptVRObjectPtr; |
////////// |
// |
// function prototypes |
// |
////////// |
void VRScript_OpenScriptFile (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theFileName); |
void VRScript_OpenCommandLineScriptFile (LPSTR theCmdLine); |
#endif |
void VRScript_FindAndOpenQTVRMovieFile (FSSpec *theFSSpecPtr); |
void VRScript_ProcessScriptCommandLine (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theCommand); |
WindowPtr VRScript_OpenDebugWindow (void); |
void VRScript_PrintToDebugWindow (char *theString); |
void VRScript_SetCurrentDirectory (FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr); |
void VRScript_SetCurrentMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOverlayType, UInt32 theNameType, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName); |
void VRScript_SetControllerBarState (WindowObject theWindowObject, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions); |
void VRScript_SetControllerButtonState (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theButton, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions); |
void VRScript_SetResizeState (WindowObject theWindowObject, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions); |
void VRScript_SetAngleConstraints (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt16 theKind, float theMinAngle, float theMaxAngle, UInt32 theOptions); |
short VRScript_OpenResourceFile (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName); |
VRScriptSoundPtr VRScript_EnlistSound (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theFade, UInt32 theOptions, SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndListHandle theResource); |
VRScriptSoundPtr VRScript_EnlistLocalizedSound (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theProjAngle, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theFade, UInt32 theOptions, SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndListHandle theResource, SSpSourceReference theSource); |
VRScriptMoviePtr VRScript_EnlistMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theEntryID, float thePanAngle, float theTiltAngle, float theScale, float theWidth, UInt32 theKeyRed, UInt32 theKeyGreen, UInt32 theKeyBlue, Boolean theUseBuffer, Boolean theUseCenter, Boolean theUseKey, Boolean theUseHide, Boolean theUseDir, Boolean theRotate, float theVolAngle, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName); |
void VRScript_Enlist3DObject (WindowObject theWindowObject, TQ3GroupObject theGroup, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, UInt32 theOptions); |
VRScriptPicturePtr VRScript_EnlistOverlayPicture (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theResID, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theHeight, UInt32 theWidth, UInt32 thePegSides, UInt32 theOffset, PicHandle theResource, UInt32 theOptions); |
void VRScript_EnlistTimedCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theTicks, UInt32 theMode, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theRepeat, UInt32 thePeriod, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistQuitCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistMouseOverHSCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType theHotSpotType, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistClickHSCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType theHotSpotType, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistClickCustomButtonCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistClickSpriteCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistWiredActionCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, OSType theType, UInt32 theID, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistNodeEntryCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistNodeExitCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theFromNodeID, UInt32 theToNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistAngleCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theKind, UInt32 theNodeID, float theMinAngle, float theMaxAngle, SInt32 theMaxTimes, UInt32 theOptions, char *theCmdLine); |
void VRScript_EnlistVariable (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theVarName, UInt32 theVarValue); |
void VRScript_EnlistTransitionEffect (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theFromNodeID, UInt32 theToNodeID, SInt32 theMaxTimes, OSType theEffectType, long theEffectNum, UInt32 theOptions); |
void VRScript_DelistEntry (WindowObject theWindowObject, VRScriptGenericPtr theEntryPtr); |
void VRScript_DeleteListOfType (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryType); |
void VRScript_DeleteAllLists (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
VRScriptGenericPtr VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryType, UInt32 theEntryID); |
VRScriptVariablePtr VRScript_GetVariableEntry (WindowObject theWindowObject, char *theVarName); |
void VRScript_InstallAllQTVRCallbackProcs (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_InstallHotSpotInterceptProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_InstallPrescreenRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_InstallInterceptRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_InstallMouseOverHotSpotProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_InstallBackBufferImagingProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject); |
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_HotSpotInterceptProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRInterceptPtr theMsg, SInt32 theRefCon, Boolean *theCancel); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_PrescreenRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, SInt32 theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_BackBufferImagingProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, Rect *theRect, UInt16 theAreaIndex, UInt32 theFlagsIn, UInt32 *theFlagsOut, SInt32 theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_InterceptRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRInterceptPtr theMsg, SInt32 theRefCon, Boolean *theCancel); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_EnteringNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, SInt32 theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_LeavingNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 fromNodeID, UInt32 toNodeID, Boolean *theCancel, SInt32 theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr VRScript_MouseOverHotSpotProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theHotSpotID, UInt32 theFlags, SInt32 theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN void VRScript_MoviePrePrerollCompleteProc (Movie theMovie, OSErr thePrerollErr, void *theRefcon); |
void VRScript_CheckForTimedCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_CheckForClickCustomButtonCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, EventRecord *theEvent); |
Boolean VRScript_CheckForClickSpriteCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, EventRecord *theEvent); |
Boolean VRScript_CheckForWiredActionCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, ResolvedQTEventSpec *theEvent); |
void VRScript_CheckForAngleCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void VRScript_CheckForExpiredCommand (WindowObject theWindowObject, VRScriptGenericPtr thePointer); |
void VRScript_DumpUnexpiredCommands (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theNodeID); |
void VRScript_PackString (char *theString); |
void VRScript_UnpackString (char *theString); |
void VRScript_DecodeString (char *theString); |
OSType VRScript_StringToOSType (char *theString); |
char * VRScript_OSTypeToString (OSType theType); |
Boolean VRScript_FloatsAreEqual (float theFloat1, float theFloat2, float theTolerance); |
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