SRLanguageModeler ƒ/LMSample.h

// LMSample.h
#define kPersonVerbNounPath     500
#define kMattPallakoff          1100
#define kBrentSchorsch          1101
#define kArloReeves             1102
#define kCoded                  1200
#define kCrashed                1201
#define kDebugged               1202
#define kAllNight               1300
#define kTheExtension           1301
#define kHisEasterEgg           1302
// remember [the phrase]    means "optional"    so is equivalent to:    (the phrase) {kSROptional=true}
// remember [the phrase]*   means "0 or more"   so is equivalent to:    (the phrase) {kSROptional=true; kSRRepeatable=true}
// remember [the phrase]+   means "1 or more"   so is equivalent to:    (the phrase) {kSRRepeatable=true}
<TopLM> = <Person Name> <verb> <noun> {kPersonVerbNounPath};    // set the refcon of the path to kPersonVerbNounPath
<Person Name> = Matt [Pallakoff] {kMattPallakoff} |             // set the refcon of the path to kMattPallakoff
           Brent [Schorsch]{kBrentSchorsch} |                   // set the refcon of the path to kBrentSchorsch
           Arlo [Reeves] {kArloReeves};                         // set the refcon of the path to kArloReeves
<verb> = coded [and coded] {kCoded} |                           // you can say "coded" OR "coded and coded"
         crashed [and crashed]* {kCrashed} |                    // you can say "crashed" PLUS "and crashed" zero or more times
         debugged [and debugged]+ {kDebugged};                  // you can say "debuged" PLUS "and debugged" one or more times
<noun> = all night {kAllNight} | 
         the extension {kTheExtension} | 
         his [massive]* easter egg {kHisEasterEgg};