
//  File:       WatchMe.c
//  Contains:   Application-specific code for WatchMe shell.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <4>      07/30/98    rtm     added WatchMe_GetLaunchVolumeName
//     <3>      07/28/98    rtm     some clean-up; added WatchMe_EncodeURL
//     <2>      07/25/98    rtm     further enhancements; everything working pretty well now
//     <1>      07/23/98    rtm     first file
//  Currently, the movie controller knows how to handle absolute URLs but not relative ones.
//  Here our job is to convert a relative URL into an absolute one. By "relative" we mean that
//  a URL is relative to the location of the movie file.
// header files
#include "WatchMe.h"
// WatchMe_ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL 
// Convert a relative URL to an absolute URL.
// On entry, theURLHandle is a handle to a block of memory that contains a URL,
// either absolute or relative. If it's absolute, we don't do anything. If it's
// relative, we convert the URL to an absolute one and return a handle to that
// URL in theURLHandle.
// On entry, theRefCon is a handle to a window object record. We use it only to
// obtain the full pathname of the movie file. You could simplify this function
// if you passed the full pathname as a parameter.
void WatchMe_ConvertRelativeToAbsoluteURL (Handle theURLHandle, long theRefCon)
    WindowObject            myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    char                    *myMovieFilePath = NULL;
    char                    *myMovieFolderURL = NULL;
    char                    *myGivenURL = NULL;
    char                    myAbsoluteURL[MAX_PATH];
    Size                    mySize = 0;
    int                     myIndex, myCount;
    // copy the URL passed to this function into a C string
    mySize = GetHandleSize(theURLHandle);
    if (mySize <= 0)
        goto bail;
    myGivenURL = malloc(mySize + 1);
    if (myGivenURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    BlockMove(*theURLHandle, myGivenURL, mySize);
    myGivenURL[mySize] = '\0';
    // if myGivenURL is already absolute, just return
    if (WatchMe_IsAbsoluteURL(myGivenURL))
        goto bail;
    // get the full pathname of the movie file
    if (myWindowObject == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myMovieFilePath = WatchMe_FSSpecToFullPath(&(**myWindowObject).fFileFSSpec);
    if (myMovieFilePath == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // convert the full pathname of the movie file into a URL to the folder enclosing the movie file
    myMovieFolderURL = WatchMe_FullPathToURL(myMovieFilePath);
    if (myMovieFolderURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // strip off the file name, to get the folder name
    myIndex = strlen(myMovieFolderURL) - 1;
    while (myMovieFolderURL[myIndex] != kWM_URLSeparator)
    myMovieFolderURL[myIndex] = '\0';
    // if we successfully arrived here, myGivenURL is a URL specified relative to myMovieFolderURL
    // there are three cases to consider:
    // (1) myGivenURL is a file in a folder below the folder myMovieFolderURL
    // (2) myGivenURL is a file in a folder above the folder myMovieFolderURL
    // (3) myGivenURL is a file in the folder myMovieFolderURL
    myAbsoluteURL[0] = '\0';
    if ((myGivenURL[0] == '.') && (myGivenURL[1] == kWM_URLSeparator)) {
        // (1) myGivenURL is a file in a folder below the folder myMovieFolderURL
        // we assume that myGivenURL begins with the string "./" and that the remainder
        // of myGivenURL is a partial URL path with no further "./" or "../" constructs
        // take all of the existing myMovieFolderURL 
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, myMovieFolderURL);
        // strip off the initial '.' and append the rest of myGivenURL to myAbsoluteURL
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, &myGivenURL[1]);
    } else if ((myGivenURL[0] == '.') && (myGivenURL[1] == '.') && (myGivenURL[2] == kWM_URLSeparator)) {
        // (2) myGivenURL is a file in a folder above the folder myMovieFolderURL
        // we assume that myGivenURL begins with one or more consecutive occurrences of
        // the string "../" and that the remainder of myGivenURL is a partial URL path
        // with no further "./" or "../" constructs
        myIndex = 0;
        while ((myGivenURL[myIndex] == '.') && (myGivenURL[myIndex + 1] == '.') && (myGivenURL[myIndex + 2] == kWM_URLSeparator)) {
            // truncate myMovieFolderURL at the rightmost path separator
            myCount = strlen(myMovieFolderURL) - 1;
            while (myMovieFolderURL[myCount] != kWM_URLSeparator)
            myMovieFolderURL[myCount] = '\0';
            myIndex += 3;
        // concatenate the paths for an absolute URL
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, myMovieFolderURL);
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, &myGivenURL[myIndex - 1]);
    } else {
        // (3) myGivenURL is a file in the folder myMovieFolderURL
        // concatenate the paths for an absolute URL
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, myMovieFolderURL);        
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, "/");
        strcat(myAbsoluteURL, myGivenURL);
    // return the absolute URL to the caller
    mySize = (Size)strlen(myAbsoluteURL);
    SetHandleSize(theURLHandle, mySize);
    if (theURLHandle != NULL)
        BlockMove(myAbsoluteURL, *theURLHandle, mySize);
    // dispose of any storage we allocated
    if (myMovieFilePath != NULL)
    if (myMovieFolderURL != NULL)
    if (myGivenURL != NULL)
// WatchMe_GetLaunchVolumeName 
// Return the name of the volume from which this application was launched,
// in a form that can be embedded in a full pathname.
// On Macintosh, this is just the volume's name; on Windows, this is the
// drive letter and colon (and NOT the volume's name).
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
char *WatchMe_GetLaunchVolumeName (void)
    char                    *myVolName = NULL;
    ProcessSerialNumber     myPSN;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    myVolName = malloc(MAX_PATH);
    if (myVolName == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myVolName[0] = '\0';
    // on Windows, we can use GetCurrentDirectory to get the name of the current directory
    GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, myVolName);
    myVolName[0] = 'E';     // just testing on my local machine, which uses "E" for the CD-ROM
    myVolName[0] = toupper(myVolName[0]);
    // add the ":" that terminates drive names
    myVolName[1] = ':';
    myVolName[2] = '\0';
#endif // TARGET_OS_WIN32
    // on Macintosh, we'll use the Process Manager
    myErr = GetCurrentProcess(&myPSN);
    if (myErr == noErr) {
        ProcessInfoRec      myInfo;
        FSSpec              myFSSpec;
        int                 myPos = 0;
        myInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
        myInfo.processName = NULL;
        myInfo.processAppSpec = &myFSSpec;
        myErr = GetProcessInformation(&myPSN, &myInfo);
        if (myErr == noErr) {
            // get the full pathname of the application file
            myVolName = WatchMe_FSSpecToFullPath(myInfo.processAppSpec);
            // truncate before the first path separator
            myPos = strcspn(myVolName, ":");
            myVolName[myPos] = '\0';
    myVolName[0] = '\0';
    strcat(myVolName, "QT3SDK");
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC
// WatchMe_FSSpecToFullPath 
// Convert an FSSpec into a full native path name.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
static char *WatchMe_FSSpecToFullPath (const FSSpec *theFSSpec)
    char        *myPathName = NULL;
    Handle      myHandle = NULL;
    short       myLength;
    if (theFSSpec == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myPathName = malloc(MAX_PATH);
    if (myPathName == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // on Windows, this is easy (thanks to those hardworking QuickTime engineers)
    FSSpecToNativePathName(theFSSpec, myPathName, MAX_PATH, kFullNativePath);   
    // on Macintosh, this is easy (thanks to that hardworking Jim Luther)
    WatchMe_FSpGetFullPath(theFSSpec, &myLength, &myHandle);
    BlockMove(*myHandle, myPathName, myLength);
    myPathName[myLength] = '\0';
// WatchMe_FullPathToURL 
// Convert a full native pathname into an absolute local URL.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
static char *WatchMe_FullPathToURL (char *thePath)
    char        *myURL = NULL;  
    UInt16      myIndex;
    if (thePath == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myURL = malloc(MAX_PATH);
    if (myURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // convert all native path separators into the URL path separator
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < strlen(thePath); myIndex++)
        if (thePath[myIndex] == kWM_PathSeparator)
            thePath[myIndex] = kWM_URLSeparator;
    // convert any special characters in the URL path into their encoded versions;
    // in theory, the URLs we are passed should already be encoded, but we'll make
    // sure before passing the URL to the movie controller
    thePath = WatchMe_EncodeURL(thePath);
    // prepend the appropriate URL head
    myURL[0] = '\0';
    strcat(myURL, "file:///");
    // append the converted path name to the URL
    strcat(myURL, thePath);
// WatchMe_EncodeURL 
// Convert any special characters in the specified URL path into their encoded versions.
// Currently, only the space character ' ' is treated specially.
// Note that this encoding might cause the size of the string to increase; in that case,
// we'll allocate some new storage and free theURL before returning.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
static char *WatchMe_EncodeURL (char *theURL)
    char        *myEncodedURL = NULL;   
    char        *mySpecialChar = NULL;  
    UInt16      myPos, myIndex;
    if (theURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // determine whether we actually need to do any work
    mySpecialChar = strchr(theURL, ' ');
    if (mySpecialChar == NULL) {
        myEncodedURL = theURL;          // return the string we were passed
        goto bail;
    // theURL contains one or more special characters that need to be encoded;
    // allocate a new string into which we can write the encoded URL
    myEncodedURL = malloc(MAX_PATH);
    if (myEncodedURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myPos = 0;
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < strlen(theURL); myIndex++) {
        if (theURL[myIndex] == ' ') {
            char    myChar;
            myEncodedURL[myPos + 0] = '%';          
            myChar = theURL[myIndex] >> 4;
            myEncodedURL[myPos + 1] = myChar + ((myChar <= 9) ? '0' : ('A' - 10));
            myChar = theURL[myIndex] & 0xF;
            myEncodedURL[myPos + 2] = myChar + ((myChar <= 9) ? '0' : ('A' - 10));
            myPos += 3;     
        } else {
            myEncodedURL[myPos] = theURL[myIndex];
    myEncodedURL[myPos] = '\0';
// WatchMe_IsAbsoluteURL 
// Determine whether the specified URL is absolute.
static Boolean WatchMe_IsAbsoluteURL (char *theURL)
    return(theURL[0] != '.');
// WatchMe_FSpGetFullPath 
// Get a full path name from an FSSpec.
// This is straight out of MoreFiles 1.4 by Jim Luther; the only thing I did
// was to change the name.
// NOTE: This function is MACINTOSH ONLY.
static OSErr WatchMe_FSpGetFullPath (const FSSpec *spec, short *fullPathLength, Handle *fullPath)
    OSErr       result;
    FSSpec      tempSpec;
    CInfoPBRec  pb;
    *fullPathLength = 0;
    *fullPath = NULL;
    /* Make a copy of the input FSSpec that can be modified */
    BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
    if ( tempSpec.parID == fsRtParID )
        /* The object is a volume */
        /* Add a colon to make it a full pathname */[0];[[0]] = ':';
        /* We're done */
        result = PtrToHand(&[1], fullPath,[0]);
        /* The object isn't a volume */
        /* Is the object a file or a directory? */
        pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr =;
        pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
        pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = tempSpec.parID;
        pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
        result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
        if ( result == noErr )
            /* if the object is a directory, append a colon so full pathname ends with colon */
            if ( (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0 )
      [[0]] = ':';
            /* Put the object name in first */
            result = PtrToHand(&[1], fullPath,[0]);
            if ( result == noErr )
                /* Get the ancestor directory names */
                pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr =;
                pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
                pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID = tempSpec.parID;
                do  /* loop until we have an error or find the root directory */
                    pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1;
                    pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
                    result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
                    if ( result == noErr )
                        /* Append colon to directory name */
              [[0]] = ':';
                        /* Add directory name to beginning of fullPath */
                        (void) Munger(*fullPath, 0, NULL, 0, &[1],[0]);
                        result = MemError();
                } while ( (result == noErr) && (pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID != fsRtDirID) );
    if ( result == noErr )
        /* Return the length */
        *fullPathLength = GetHandleSize(*fullPath);
        /* Dispose of the handle and return NULL and zero length */
        if ( *fullPath != NULL )
        *fullPath = NULL;
        *fullPathLength = 0;
    return ( result );