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Macintosh System 6 and counting number of dialog itemsDate Written: 4/22/92 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 How do I count the number of items in a dialog without System 7's CountDITL? My solutions are either messy or dangerous: (1) Fiddle with the dialog's item list, (2) Try to find out which DITL the dialog used and read the count from the DITL resource, or (3) Repeatedly call GetDItem until garbage is returned. :-( ___ It's possible to use the CountDITL function with system software version 6.0.4 or later if the Macintosh Communications Toolbox is installed, because it's included as a part of the Toolbox. It's also possible, as you've found, to use the first two bytes of the DITL resource to get the number of items in the item list (see Inside Macintosh Volume I, page 427). If the handle to your DITL resource is defined as ditlHandl, for example, you can get at the number of items as follows:
Installer 3.2 and Macintosh Communications ToolboxDate Written: 8/29/91 Last reviewed: 9/24/91 How do we make the Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB) installation script work with Installer 3.2 for users running System 6.x? ___ The current installer script for the CTB is not compatible with Installer 3.2, nor will it be in the near future. Installer 3.2 was designed to be compatible with System 7.0. Because the CTB is included with System 7.0, and Systems 6.0.5 and 6.0.7 come with the installation disk necessary to install the CTB, there's no need to update the script. There isn't really any Apple-approved way to make the script Installer 3.2-compatible. Your users who are still using System 6.0.7 (or earlier) need to install the CTB separately from your product. They should have the installation disks necessary to install the CTB on their system. For System 6.0.5, they'll need to use the Installer and Install script on the Communications 1 disk to install the CTB managers and other resources onto their hard disks. Users running System 6.0.7 should use the Installer and Install script on the Network Products Installer disk, which is part of the System 6.0.7 set users receive with their Macintosh systems. The Network Products Installer disk does not contain the CTB managers and other resources, but it prompts the user to insert the Communications 1 disk during the installation procedure. The Basic Connectivity Set and Communications 1 disks should be shipped with your CTB-aware product. Contact Apple's Software Licensing group ( for a licensing agreement to ship the disks. This will also help ensure that the users are using the version of the tool(s) that is most compatible with your product. Remember to use Gestalt to make sure that you have the Communications ToolBox available, and check to make sure that the tools you need are available as well. For specific information on using Gestalt, please refer to Inside Macintosh Volume VI and the Macintosh Technical Note "_Gestalt and _SysEnvirons-A Never Ending Story." Macintosh Communications ToolBox documentationDate Written: 8/26/91 Last reviewed: 9/17/91 Can you point me to documentation on the Macintosh Communications Toolbox? ___ Inside the Macintosh Communications Toolboxis a nice, comprehensive manual, detailing how to write programs that use the Communications Toolbox. Macintosh CTB CRMSerialRecord documentation correctionDate Written: 8/29/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Are CRMSerialRecord's inputDriverName and outputDriverName fields of type StringHandle or are they Pascal string pointers? ___ As shown on page 183 of Inside the Macintosh Communications Toolbox, the CRMSerialRecord data structure contains two fields, inputDriverName and outputDriverName, declared as type StringHandle. These two fields are erroneously described as "pointer to Pascal-style string" in the documentation further down the page. The correct declaration is type StringHandle. Macintosh Communications Toolbox resource ID conflictsDate Written: 8/15/91 Last reviewed: 10/8/91 MPW's Simple I/O Window (SIOW) package is incompatible with certain Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB) Tools because of difficulties with CMGetConfig and CMChoose. The CTB and Tools do a somewhat imperfect job of looking in the correct resource map for string components used in CMGetConfig; the application-defined 'STR ' IDs override the correct Tool defined IDs. CMChoose has a similar problem with 'CNTL' resource conflicts. This problem is not confined to SIOW; it can happen for any application. In the case of SIOW, it is particularly frustrating since SIOW is a precompiled library and you can't simply change resource IDs to ones that don't conflict. Also, you cannot be certain that you won't ever conflict in this manner for any arbitrary Tool and application. There is a workaround to this situation which should be used for all applications, not just SIOW-based apps. The CTB makes sure that resource maps for Tools are searched after the system resource map--that is, instead of the resource chain looking like this: ROM (resource lookup progresses from the bottom up) System Application Document Tool it looks like this: ROM Tool System Application Document. The workaround is to save the current resource file reference, set the current resource file to the System file, and return to the proper resource file after completing CMGetConfig or CMChoose. Here is a C code fragment illustrating this technique:
and again in Pascal:
Mac Communications Toolbox (CTB) theEnvirons initializationDate Written: 10/1/91 Last reviewed: 10/1/91 The Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB) Connection Manager and Terminal Manager each support a "get environment" function in order that the application can obtain the current environment of the connection or terminal record. They are declared as follows in the Pascal interface files:
and in the C header files:
Inside the Macintosh Communications Toolbox does not make it clear that the respective theEnvirons parameter blocks used for these two functions require initialization for the functions to operate correctly. For CMGetConnEnvirons, theEnvirons.version should be initialized with the constant curConnEnvRecVers; similarly, TMGetTermEnvirons needs theEnvirons.version initialized with the constant curTermEnvRecVers. These constants are defined in Connections.p and Terminals.p (Connections.h and Terminals.h for C). Initializing theEnvirons properly will prevent error result codes envBadVers or envVersTooBig. On return with cmNoErr or tmNoErr results, CMGetConnEnvirons and TMGetTermEnvirons will have filled in theEnvirons correctly for the version you specified and will update theEnvirons.version with the current revision level of the environment function call. Macintosh Communications Toolbox manual init correctionDate Written: 8/30/91 Last reviewed: 8/30/91 The latest Macintosh Communications Toolbox manual says InitCTBUtilities should be called after InitCRM (page 192), but it should be the other way around. Call InitCTBUtilities before InitCRM, as do SurferPlus and Sessions. System 7 initializes all appropriate CTB utilities itself, so it shouldn't matter which order you call these routines if you're using System 7, but it does matter for earlier versions of the operating system. Macintosh Communications Toolbox Reference changesDate Written: 8/8/91 Last reviewed: 8/13/91 Is the new Addison-Wesley Macintosh Communications Toolbox Reference significantly different from the MacintoshCommunications Toolbox 1.0 reference manual that's been available from APDA for a while? ___ The Addison-Wesley manual has more information regarding extensions to the File Transfer Manager. It also has a description of the scripting interface to the tools and the Basic Connectivity Set, as well as having some of the text reworked. If you're unsure about buying it, try taking a look at it first at a computer bookstore. Trapping the "connect" message returned to CTB AMTDate Written: 8/15/91 Last reviewed: 8/15/91 When I use the Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB) Apple Modem Tool (AMT) to dial and connect to Telenet or CompuServe, I never see the "connect" message returned by the network. Does the tool remove the "connect" message? If so, how can I trap on the "connect" message? ___ The Communications ToolBox (CTB) Apple Modem Tool traps the keywords, such as "Connect," and does not pass this information on to the application. You'll need to set a search stream using CMAddSearch. How to obtain Macintosh Communication ToolboxDate Written: 4/29/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Does System 7.0 ship with the Macintosh Communications Toolbox? ___ Though the Communications Toolbox is a part of System 7.0, the Communications Tools are not. They are, however, available as the following products: * Macintosh Communications Tools Basic Connectivity Set, Version 1.0 * LAT: Local Access Transport Connection Tool, Version 1.0 * Serial NuBus(TM) Tool, Version 1.0F11 * VT320 Terminal Emulation Tool, Version 1.0 You can license the above tools through Software Licensing. If you need the Communications Tools (or any other connection tool) to run a third-party product, the software probably is provided as part of the third-party product.The specific tools you need depend on the third-party product. Customizing a modem's initialization stringDate Written: 8/30/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 How do you customize the intialization string of a modem? ___ If the user holds down the option key while clicking on the Modem Type Popup menu in the lower left corner of the "Apple Modem Tool" dialog box, then an additional menu item appears. This item is called "custom," and when selected, it brings up another dialog that contains the initialization string of whichever modem type (such as Hayes or Apple Personal) was LAST selected. You can then customize the intialization string to whatever you want it to be. In other words, select the modem, use the option-select method to get to custom, and then edit the init string. Macintosh CTB initialization calls from nonapplicationsDate Written: 4/4/91 Last reviewed: 6/7/91 What are the effects of InitCM, InitCRM, InitCRMUtilities, and similar calls to the Macintosh Communications Tools by nonapplications such as INITs or background processes? What effect do multiple INIT calls have on Communications Tools operations and any existing connections? What do these calls do, and when (and how many times) is it safe to call them? __ All these initialization calls deal with the process of loading the 'cmtb' resource into the system heap, putting entries into the Communications Toolbox (CTB) dispatch table with references to the current heap zone, and setting up various things having to do with resource management for the operation of the CTB. You can call them over and over again without damaging existing information. With the perspective provided by that information, you can see that a synergy exists between operations of the CTB and the Resource Manager. The CTB needs to be in the appropriate heap zone when a ConnHandle is generated or referenced for it to operate as desired. If you're writing a background process that maintains its own persistent heap zone, you shouldn't have any difficulties using the CTB. If you're writing an INIT, matters are more complex. You must SetZone(SystemZone) while performing all CTB operations (including initialization, CMGetProcID, and CMNew) to be sure the heap zone will persist after the INIT has completed. Possibly the reason for doing this at INIT time is to create ConnHandles that will persist for CTB access at a later time. It seems reasonable that ConnHandles thus created require a SetZone(SystemZone) by any routine that needs to access them for Read/Write/Status/Delete operations. Macintosh Communications ToolBox (CTB) initializationDate Written: 9/24/91 Last reviewed: 9/24/91 What happens if I accidently initialize the Macintosh Communications ToolBox (CTB) twice? The CTB documentation says to make initialization calls once and only once. ___ The CTB documentation isn't really true in that regard. It was originally thought that you couldn't re-initialize the CTB, but that was changed, and it is safe to do so. OK to use Communications Toolbox in DRVRs, cdevs, and INITsDate Written: 11/6/90 Last reviewed: 12/19/90 Can the Macintosh Communication Toolbox (CTB) be used in a DA? InitCM has to be called and the manual says to only call it one time (implies a crash if it is called twice). Is there any way to know if CM has already been INITed? ___ Yes, it is all right to call CTB Initialization routines from CODE Resources. This includes DRVR, cdev, and INIT. The CTB Reference Manual was not clear about this. How to "de-install" Communications Toolbox under System 6.0.xDate Written: 1/17/91 Last reviewed: 1/17/91 I have installed the Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB) under System 6.0.7. What do I need to do to "de-install" it? ___ As you launch the Comm Toolbox Installer, hold down the option key. When the installer window comes up, you can toggle back and forth between the install and remove options using the option key. Systems 6 & 7 Macintosh Comm Toolbox (CTB) installationDate Written: 8/26/91 Last reviewed: 8/30/91 How do users install the Macintosh Communications Toolbox (CTB)? ___ The Communications Toolbox consists of two parts: the CTB managers and the CTB tools. The installation procedure for CTB tools is different between System 6 and System 7. Under System 6 the CTB tools are dragged from the Basic Connectivity Set disk to the Communications Folder in the System Folder on the hard disk. Under System 7 the CTB tools are dragged from the Basic Connectivity Set disk to the Extensions folder in the System Folder on the hard disk. Of course, because of the way System 7 works, CTB tools can simply be dragged to the System Folder and the Finder will automatically move them to the Extensions folder where they belong. No installation of the CTB managers is required under System 7, since System 7 includes the Communications Toolbox as part of the system. Users running System 6.0.5 should use the Installer and Install script on the Communications 1 disk to install the CTB managers and other resources onto their hard disks. Users running System 6.0.7 should use the Installer and Install script on the Network Products Installer disk, which is part of the System 6.0.7 set users receive with their Macintosh systems. The Network Products Installer disk does not contain the CTB managers and other resources, but it prompts the user to insert the Communications 1 disk during the installation procedure. The Basic Connectivity Set and Communications 1 disks should be shipped with your CTB-aware product. Contact Apple's Software Licensing group (AppleLink SW.LICENSE) for a licensing agreement to ship the disks. Downloadables