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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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_AddDrive, _DrvrInstall, and _DrvrRemove


_AddDrive, _DrvrInstall, and _DrvrRemove are used in the sample SCSI driver in the SCSI Development Package. This Technical Note documents the parameters for these calls.

 Updated: [March 1987]


_AddDrive adds a drive to the drive queue, and is discussed in more detail in Technical Note #36, Drive Queue Elements:

        FUNCTION AddDrive(DQE:DrvQE1;driveNum,refNum:INTEGER):OSErr;

                A0 (input)              ->     pointer to DQE
               D0 high word(input)       ->     drive number
               D0 low word(input)        ->     driver RefNum
               D0 (output)             <-      error code
                                     noErr (always returned)

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_DrvrInstall is used to install a driver. A DCE for the driver is created and its handle entered into the specified Unit Table position (-1 through -64). If the unit number is -4 through -9, the corresponding ROM-based driver will be replaced:

        FUNCTION DrvrInstall(drvrHandle:Handle; refNum: INTEGER): OSErr;

               A0 (input)        ->    pointer to driver
               D0 (input)        ->    driver RefNum (-1 through -64)
               D0 (output)       <-    error code

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_DrvrRemove is used to remove a driver. A RAM-based driver is purged from the system heap (using _ReleaseResource). Memory for the DCE is disposed:

        FUNCTION DrvrRemove(refNum: INTEGER):OSErr;

               D0 (input)        ->    Driver RefNum
               D0 (output)       <-    error code

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Through a sequence of cataclysmic events, the glue code for _DrvrInstall and _DrvrRemove was never actually added to the MPW interfaces (i.e., "We forgot."), so we will include simple glue here at no extra expense to you.

It would be advisable to first lock the handle to your driver with _HLock before making either of these calls since memory may be moved.

       ; FUNCTION DRVRInstall(drvrHandle:Handle; refNum:INTEGER):OSErr;

       DRVRInstall      PROC    EXPORT
              MOVEA.L           (SP)+, A1    ; pop return address
              MOVE.W              (SP)+, D0    ; driver reference number
              MOVEA.L           (SP)+, A0    ; handle to driver
              MOVEA.L           (A0), A0     ; pointer to driver
              _DrvrInstall                   ; $A03D
              MOVE.W            D0, (SP)     ; get error
              JMP               (A1)         ; & split

       ; FUNCTION DRVRRemove(refNum:INTEGER):OSErr;

       DRVRRemove      PROC    EXPORT
              MOVEA.L          (SP)+, A1    ; pop return address
              MOVE.W           (SP)+, D0    ; driver reference number
              _DrvrRemove                   ; $A03E
              MOVE.W           D0, (SP)     ; get error
              JMP              (A1)         ; & split

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Change History


Originally written.


Updated the _DrvrInstall text to reflect the use of register A0, which should contain a pointer to the driver when called. Also added simple glue code for _DrvrInstall and _DrvrRemove since none is available in the MPW interfaces.

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