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PPC Toolbox and its use of AppleTalk protocol layersDate Written: 6/21/91 Last reviewed: 11/6/91 Can I use the PPC Toolbox's program linking dialog interface via the ___ The Although the PPC Toolbox currently uses ADSP as the transport mechanism to communicate with other Macintosh systems, the ADSP structures used by the PPC Toolbox aren't accessible for good reason: The transport mechanism used by the PPC Toolbox could change in the future to support other transport mechanisms besides ADSP. (On the local machine, PPC transfers the data directly, circumventing ADSP.) If you really need to use ADSP in a way that the PPC Toolbox does not, then you should skip the PPC Toolbox and use ADSP directly. Call PPCEnd before PPCCloseDate Written: 9/3/91 Last reviewed: 8/1/92 Before closing a PPC port with PPCClose, is it necessary to call ___ It isn't always necessary to call However, there are a few instances where you will want to call Apple events and user authenticationDate Written: 11/6/91 Last reviewed: 3/25/99 (updated to point to latest AutoGuest software) I'd like to be able to start an Apple event-based session between two machines
that are networked together without the user identity dialog box that always comes up,
even if I only want to use Guest access. Is there any way I can use the PPC Toolbox's ___ Sessions set up by the Apple Event Manager with other Macintosh computers are always authenticated. That's why you always get to see the user identity dialog box, even if you want to use Guest access. You're always automatically authenticated with other processes on the local system, and that's the only time you won't see the user identity dialog box. You cannot use the PPC Toolbox to start a session and then pass that session off to the Apple Event Manager, even though the PPC Toolbox is the underlying transport mechanism used to send Apple events to other systems. By isolating the Apple Event Manager from the transport layer it uses to send Apple events as much as possible, Apple can change which transport layers are used in the future without breaking your applications. If you really need to have connections made with no user intervention, you'll
have to use the PPC Toolbox or go directly to one of the AppleTalk protocol
layers. If you choose the PPC Toolbox, you'll have to make sure Guest access is
allowed on the system you're trying to connect to or you'll still have to
authenticate the session. (The An unsupported init called AutoGuest, available on the Developer CD Series as well as our ftp site, circumvents this limitation by means of trap patches. DTS can't recommend using this init, however, because it almost certainly will break in future software builds. Downloadables