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Lock GetPhysical address range even with VM disabledDate Written: 3/10/93 Last reviewed: 6/24/93 Page 318 of Inside Macintosh: Memory says you must lock the address range
passed to the ___ In the current implementation of the OS, pages don't move when VM isn't on;
however, we can't guarantee that that will always be true. Also, the Caching details for locked pages on 68030 and 68040Date Written: 3/10/93 Last reviewed: 6/24/93 The Macintosh Technical Note "Cache as Cache Can" states that data cacheing may be disabled or pages may be marked noncacheable in certain cases. Could you provide details of what exactly happens in 68030 and '040 CPU types. Which option is taken and what criteria is used in each case? ___ Basically, the caching situation for locked pages is this: on the Macintosh IIci and IIsi, locking a page disables the cache as a fix for a hardware problem. On other 68030 machines, the cache will be disabled with a 1 megabyte page resolution; on 040 machines, the page size is 16K. (***Tim, add "when VM is off"?***) Validating handles passed from another applicationDate Written: 1/14/93 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 I've written a control that is passed a handle from an application for which I
don't have the source. This application sometimes passes invalid handles. I
check to make sure a handle and its pointer are even and call ___ As you've found, passing a bogus handle to most Memory Manager calls will cause a deadly crash, which helps make validating handles a challenge. Even when you can determine that a long value is a valid handle, there's always the possibility that it doesn't point to data that you want or should be messing with. For example, you could be setting the size of a handle that belongs to a resource, completely confusing the Resource Manager. A valid handle pointing to someone else's data may make you crash after you try to use the data. You must also deal with the possibility that the handle is correct but your code doesn't like it because it's been allocated in the application's secondary heap, or it may be in the system heap or temporary memory. There's also a performance hit when you take time to validate handles. In short, it's better to change the source of the invalid handles so that it stops passing you garbage than to deal with validating handles. If you must do it, here are some checks that will help you get some certainty on the validity of a handle you receive:
Again, there's no way to determine whether a random value is the handle you expect to receive. The best documentation on the subject is the Inside Macintosh: Memory; it describes the structure of zones and heaps in depth. Check it out for more precise details on how to implement the validation code if you decide to go ahead with it. GetMHandle warning applies only to popUpCDEF menusDate Written: 1/14/93 Last reviewed: 3/10/93 The System 7.1 Digest has a disturbing comment about ___ This warning is misleading and is being corrected in future release notes. It
applies only to pop-up menus created with the pop-up menu control.
Before System 7.1, after a control was created, A corollary is that the pop-up control has always checked to see if the menu
was already in the menu list. If it is, the control doesn't get the menu from
the menu resource and doesn't delete the menu when it's done. You can use this
feature, for example, if you want to create a menu with Checking for GetHandleSize error conditionsDate Written: 10/14/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Inside Macintosh Volume II, page 33, states that ___ Inside Macintosh is correct (although confusing) regarding the
determination of an error condition. The way to do it is first test the long to
see if it's valid (D0 >= 0). If the long is valid, you can continue with
confidence that no error occurred. If, however, the long in D0 is negative, the
low word contains the error (and currently the high word contains $FFFF, the
sign extension). The reason the manual highlights the fact that only the low
word contains the error is to allow you to save the error in standard fashion
since all other errors are word sized, and also to caution you against using
the processor status on exit from
How Macintosh memory location 0 gets changedDate Written: 3/12/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Why does the longword at location $0 get changed to 0x40810000 at every trap? ___ In System 7, the Process Manager slams a benign value into location $0 to help protect against bus errors when an application inadvertently dereferences a NIL pointer. (There's no bus-error checking on writes to ROM, so the "benign value" is usually ROMBase+$10000.) If you're debugging, you want the opposite effect: you want these inadvertent accesses
to "cause" bus errors. If you put a different value in location $0 before the Process Manager
starts up (that is, from MacsBug or TMON initialization, or from an INIT like Downloadables