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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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System 7 virtual memory limits with 24- and 32-bit addressingDate Written: 11/13/92 Last reviewed: 3/1/93 What's the maximum amount of System 7 virtual memory with 24-bit addressing on the following Macintosh models: Classic II, LC II, IIvx, IIvi, Quadras, Performas, and PowerBooks (except 100)? Is built-in video on those models mapped to a NuBus slot space as it is on a Macintosh IIci or IIsi, reducing maximum virtual memory from 14 MB to 13 MB? ___ Below you'll find general formulas that you can use to determine the maximum amount of VM you can have for both 24- and 32-bit addressing, as well as a couple of references that explain VM in further detail. Yes, the built-in video on the Macintosh models you specified are mapped to a NuBus slot space as it is on a Macintosh IIci and IIsi. Think of on-board video as a fake NuBus slot. The following four factors determine how much VM these Macintosh models can have:
24-bit addressing ----------------- The maximum amount of VM that you can have with 24-bit addressing is 16 MB. Note: With 24-bit addressing you're limited to 8 MB physical RAM. Take the maximum amount of VM that you can have with 24-bit addressing (16 MB) and subtract 2 MB for system management. Then subtract 1 MB for each occupied NuBus slot. To determine how much disk space you must have available, take the maximum amount of VM that you can have and add it to the amount of physical RAM that you have. That's the amount of disk space that you must have free. Here's an example for a Macintosh II with 8 MB of physical RAM and 2 occupied NuBus slots:
So for a Macintosh II with 8 MB of physical RAM and 2 occupied NuBus slots, you must have 20 MB of free disk space to get 12 MB of VM. 32-bit addressing ----------------- The maximum amount of VM that you can have with 32-bit addressing is 4 GB. Note: with 32-bit addressing your physical RAM limits are determined by the capabilities of the hardware.
Here's a quick chart of physical RAM and NuBus slots for the CPUs that you inquired.
VM XRef:
Macintosh Virtual Memory and protecting large buffersDate Written: 4/25/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 I'm filling a large buffer with one ___ Parts of your buffer must not be swapped out. Before calling In general, I/O buffer space used by drivers must be held in real memory for
the duration of the I/O operation. This is especially true for SCSI I/O because
VM uses SCSI to swap virtual memory in and out, and encountering another page
fault would cause a bus error. Device Manager-level I/O handles this
automatically, by holding down the appropriate memory when the driver is
entered through a Read or Write call. The Device Manager does not take care of
this for you when the driver is entered through a Control or Status call,
however. If the Downloadables