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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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KillNBP Clarification


This technical note clears up some confusion regarding the Name Binding Protocol KillNBP function.

[Aug 01 1988]


The description of the PKillNBP function on page 519 of Inside Macintosh Volume V is somewhat confusing. The data type of the parameter thePBptr is incorrectly given as ATPPBPtr and the pointer to the queue element from the NBP call to be aborted is incorrectly given as being passed in aKillQEl. The following is a correct description of the KillNBP function:

KillNBP function

FUNCTION PKillNBP (thePBptr: MPPPBPtr; async: BOOLEAN) : OSErr;

Parameter block

-> 26 csCode word Always PKillNBP

-> 28 nKillQEl pointer Pointer to queue element

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