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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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Printer Access Protocol Q&As


This Technical Note contains a collection of archived Q&As relating to a specific topic--questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&A's can be found on the Macintosh Technical Q&A's web site.

[Oct 01 1990]

Monitoring PAP packets with AppleTalk Peek

Date Written: 8/7/90

Last reviewed: 8/30/90

Are there hardware or software tools for monitoring AppleTalk Printer Access Protocol (PAP) packets in some direct way?

A tool called "AppleTalk Peek" allows you to monitor packets that are being sent over AppleTalk. It is available on the AppleLink and on the latest Developer CD Series disc. You can find the tool via the following path: Storage and Communication Folder : Network Folder : AppleTalk Tools Folder. This tool might enable you to determine experimentally, PostScript handle sizes that work best for your application.

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Using PAP & code for finding printer driver under System 7

Date Written: 6/6/91

Last reviewed: 8/1/91

Is there any documentation or sample code on the Printer Access Protocol (PAP), besides Inside AppleTalk and MacTutor's sample? Or is there a better way to shove 1 MB and larger files down the pipe to a PostScript device?

The question that you ask has become a popular one these days; it seems that a lot of people are writing PAP programs. Unfortunately, there isn't really a clean-cut answer. There are several options:

1) The code that appeared in MacTutor seems to work just fine. Of course, it is unsupported by Apple and it may very well break under a future system software release. It is definitely the quickest way to get a PAP-based program coded.

2) You could write your own PAP interfaces. This is a very time consuming operation, but it also most likely not to break under future systems. Other companies have done it, and it is fairly straightforward.

3) Through software licensing, you can license a library named papworkstation.o. It is a library only, with little or no documentation, and it is unsupported. It is, however, used by several third parties, and it works OK.

In case you do use the MacTutor code, the following example shows a method for finding the printer driver under System 7:

  theResFile:        INTEGER;
  theWorld:        SysEnvRec;
  theError:        OSErr;
  DoinFolders:    BOOLEAN;
  myFeature:        LONGINT;
  sysVRefNum:        INTEGER;
  sysDirID:        LONGINT;
  gotDriver:        BOOLEAN;

  numStr:            Str255;
  gotDriver := TRUE;
  DoinFolders := FALSE;

(*---------------------  The 7.0 Way!   --------------------------*)
  IF GestaltAvailable THEN BEGIN
    theError := Gestalt(gestaltFindFolderAttr, myFeature);
    IF theError = noErr THEN BEGIN
      DoinFolders := BitTst(@myFeature, 31-gestaltFindFolderPresent);
      IF DoinFolders THEN BEGIN
          theError := FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kExtensionFolderType,
                                 kDontCreateFolder, sysVRefNum, sysDirID);
          IF theError <> noErr THEN BEGIN
              DebugStr('FindFolder err');
              gotDriver := FALSE;

  (* If FindFolder was not available, use good ol' SysEnvirons (thanks Jim)*)
    (* No FindFolder!  Gotta do it the old way... *)
    theError := SysEnvirons(1, theWorld);
    IF theError = noErr THEN
      sysVRefNum := theWorld.sysVRefNum
      gotDriver := FALSE;

  (* Okay, at this point we should have found the folder where the drivers *)
  (* are. If we  are running under System 7.0, this folder will be the     *)
  (* extensions folder in the System folder. If we are pre-7.0, this will  *)
  (* be the System folder. If FindFolder was available, then we have to    *)
  (* use HOpenResFile because FindFolder uses dirIDs. If we just used      *)
  (* SysEnvirons (ie. pre 7.0), then we can use OpenRFPerm.                *)
  IF gotDriver THEN BEGIN
    IF DoinFolders THEN
      theResFile := HOpenResFile(sysVRefNum, sysDirID, driverName, fsRdPerm)
      theResFile := OpenRFPerm(driverName, sysVRefNum, fsRdPerm);

    theError := ResError;
    IF theError = noErr THEN BEGIN
      driverCode := GetResource('PDEF', 10);
      IF ResError = noErr THEN BEGIN
        LWName := StringHdl(GetResource('PAPA', -8192));
      END ELSE
          gotDriver := FALSE;
      NumToString(theError, numStr);
      gotDriver := FALSE;
    gotDriver := FALSE;
  GetPAPDriver := gotDriver;

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