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SADE needs locked code resourcesDate Written: 12/5/90 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 I am having difficulty in using SADE on an Omnis 5 external. I have previously succeeded in using SADE on stand-alone code resources called from a standard C application, and with MPW tools. I place the external code resource in the Omnis 5 application resource fork, when the external executes, SADE yields:
Note that the TRAP is at the breakpoint address, which makes sense. Somehow SADE is getting confused and failing to recognize the TRAP as the breakpoint. What's happening here? It seems like that TRAP statement you got was something from outer space because the trap-dispatching with Macintosh traps is handled by A-line traps whose opcodes start with hex A. The TRAP opcode is never used as with other operating systems, such as A/UX. The most likely reason for this behavior is that your code resources were moved around, and SADE picked up whatever it found in that memory location - after that the CODE had moved to another place. In order for SADE to get access to the real CODE resources you need to lock them. SADE "Cannot determine break address..." errorDate Written: 4/9/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 What does the SADE error "Cannot determine break address: Could not determine address from available source information" mean and how do I fix it? Two common problems are indicated by with SADE's "Cannot determine break address: Could not determine address from available source information" error message are:
For the first problem, put breakpoints everywhere except for where the error occurs, and make sure all source code is compiled with the "-sym on" option. If you can't set breakpoints, check for the second problem. The MPW 3.2 tools (compilers) generate the symbolic information that the Linker puts together for one single file, so eventually when you use an old tool it will not produce good symbolic information for the final .SYM file. Check the latest Essentials*Tools*Objects (ETO) CD for the current SADE and MPW tools. SADE "Invalid A6..." error messageDate Written: 5/9/91 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 What's the cause of the SADE error message, "Invalid A6, A6 must be greater than or equal to SP, and within valid stack range"?
The "Invalid A6, A6 must be greater than or equal to SP, and within valid stack
range" error message that you are receiving stems from a feature that was
placed into SADE 1.3a5. There is a simple fix. You just need to change the
When a user targets an application, SADE launches the application and runs
until it hits an internally placed break point. At this point in time, the
program is given a name and A6 is basically junk. The
To sum it up, when How MPW and SADE 1.0 work togetherDate Written: 5/3/89 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Why is using SADE 1.0 to step through an MPW Tool so slow? When MPW launches a Tool, it acts much like Finder launching an application.The MPW shell now becomes the operating system for the Tool. But unlike Finder, MPW has no hooks for a debugger like SADE. Because of this, SADE requires a huge amount of overhead for each step operation it performs. For each step operation, SADE must:
Why using SADE 1.0 to look at low memory is so slowDate Written: 5/3/89 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 Why is using SADE 1.0 to look at low memory so slow? Since SADE needs to use low memory just like any other application, there is some overhead involved when using SADE to view low memory. Here is what SADE has to do to view the target application's low memory:
SADE and MacApp CString type conflictDate Written: 8/19/92 Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I'm having problems printing a does not print the string stored at $B64A12. What do I need to do?
The problem you encountered with getting SADE to cast a value to SADE requires 4-byte value for arithmetic operationsDate Written: 8/19/92 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 The following SADE code gives me an "### Invalid expression operand type" on line 05, unless I include line 03. Could you tell me why?
The reason line 03 makes it work is that the constant one is treated as a
4-byte value. Multiplying Downloadables