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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Using ResEdit to get Apple icon RGB valuesDate Written: 1/7/92 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 I am trying to find the RGB values for Apple's standard icon colors. I can't find this information in any documentation. Is this information available? While the RGB values for the standard Apple icon colors (and other standard
palette colors) are not explicitly documented, they are easy to obtain with ResEdit 2.1.1.
In any resource file, create and open a new ResEdit 2.1.1 is available on the latest Developer CD Series disc. Macintosh Color Manager versus Palette ManagerDate Written: 1/1/90 Last reviewed: 6/14/93 When should the Macintosh Color Manager be used and when should the Palette Manager be used? The Palette Manager is by far the friendlier and more versatile of the two if your application uses different colors than the default system colors. It provides all the functionality you need to customize and animate the colors in your application. You shouldn't ever need to use the Color Manager unless you require custom color search and complement functions. When using the Palette Manager, applications will maintain their respective color environments safely as they move back and forth from foreground to background, and from one screen to another. Accomplishing this with the Color Manager calls is not worth the effort or very safe. For additional information, see the Palette Manager chapter in Inside Macintosh Volumes V and VI. Downloadables