This Technical Note discusses MultiFinder issues of which programmers should be
[Nov 01 1987]
For conceptual clarity, it is best to think of MultiFinder 6.0 and earlier as
using three types of switching: major, minor, and update. All switching
occurs at a well defined times, namely, when a call is made to either
_WaitNextEvent , _GetNextEvent , or _EventAvail .
Major switching is a complete context switch, that is, an application's
windows are moved from the background to the foreground or vice versa.
A5 worlds are switched, and the application's low-memory world is
switched. If the application accepts Suspend and Resume events, it is so
notified at major switch time.
Major switching will not occur when a modal dialog is the frontmost window of
the front layer, though minor and update switching will occur. To determine
whether major switching will occur, MultiFinder checks (among other things) if
the window definition procedure of that window is dBoxProc . If it is,
then MultiFinder won't allow a switch via the user clicking on another
application. A window definition procedure of dBoxProc is
specifically reserved for modal dialogs--when most users see a
dBoxProc , they are expecting a modal situation. If you are using a
dBoxProc for a non-modal window, we strongly recommend that you change
it to some other window type, or risk the wrath of the User-Interface Thought
Police (UITP).
Minor switching occurs when an application needs to be switched out to give
time to background processes. In a minor switch, A5 worlds are
switched, as are low-memory worlds, but the application's layer of windows is
not switched, and the application won't be notified of the switch via
Suspend and Resume events.
Update switching occurs when MultiFinder detects that one or more of the
windows of an application that is not frontmost needs updating. This happens
whether or not the application has the canBackground bit in the
'SIZE' -1 resource set. This switch is very similar to minor
switching, except that update events are sent to the application whose window
need updating.
Both minor and update switches should be transparent to the frontmost
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Suspend and Resume Events
If your application does not accept Suspend and Resume events (as set in the
'SIZE' -1 resource), then if a mouse-click event occurs in a window
that isn't yours, MultiFinder will send your application a mouse-down event
with code inMenuBar (with menuID equal to the ID of the Apple
menu and menuItem set to "About MultiFinder..."). The reason that
MultiFinder does this is to force your application to think that a desk
accessory is opening, so that it will convert any private scrap that it might
be keeping. MultiFinder is expecting your application to call
_MenuSelect --if you don't, it will currently issue a few more
mouse-down events in the menu bar before finally giving up. This isn't really
a problem, but a lot of developers have run into it, especially in "quick and
dirty" applications.
If you are switching menu bars with _SetMenuBar (and switching the
Apple Menu) during the execution of your application, then you should
definitely make sure that your application accepts Suspend and Resume events.
MultiFinder records the ID of the original Apple menu that you use and won't
keep track of any changes that you make to the Apple menu. So, in the above
situation, MultiFinder will give you a mouse-down event in the menu bar with
the menuItem set to the item number of "About MultiFinder..." that was
in the original Apple menu, which could be quite a confusing situation. If you
set the MultiFinder friendly bit in the 'SIZE' resource, MultiFinder
will never give you these mouse-down events.
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Referencing Global Data (A5 and MultiFinder)
MultiFinder maintains a separate A5 world for each application.
MultiFinder switches A5 worlds as appropriate, so most applications
don't have to worry about A5 at all (except to make sure that it
points to a valid QuickDraw global record at _GetNextEvent or
_WaitNextEvent time). MultiFinder also switches low-memory globals
for you. To get the value of the application's A5 , use the routines
from TM.OV.A5.
If an application uses routines that execute at interrupt time and accesses
globals, then it needs to be concerned about A5 . MultiFinder affects
four basic types of interrupt routines:
- VBL tasks
- Completion routines
- Time Manager tasks
- Interrupt service routines
VBL Tasks
If an application installs a VBL task into its application heap, MultiFinder
will currently "unhook" that VBL routine when it switches that application out
(using either a major or a minor switch). It will "rehook" it when the
application is switched back in. A VBL task that is installed in the system
heap will always receive time, that is, it will never be "unhooked." Given
this condition, it is technically not necessary for a VBL task that is in the
application's heap to worry about its A5 context, since it will only
be running when that application's partition is switched in. However, we would
still like to encourage you to set up A5 by carrying its value around
with the VBL, since we may change the way this works in future versions of
MultiFinder (and even without MultiFinder, the VBL could trigger at a time when
A5 is not correct).
The following short MPW examples show how to do this using the new MPW 3.0
calls mentioned in M.OV.A5. Please note that this technique does not
involve writing into your code segment (we'll get to that later), we just put
our value of the application's A5 in a location where we can find it
from our VBL task. Nor does it depend on the VBL task information being
allocated globally. This gives you more flexibility setting up your VBL.
This example also serves to demonstrate how one might write a completion
routine for an asynchronous Device Manager call. It is not intended to be a
complete program, nor to demonstrate optimal techniques for displaying
MPW Pascal 3.0
Dialogs, Events, OSEvents, Retrace, Packages, Types, Traps;
Interval = 6;
rInfoDialog = 140;
rStatTextItem = 1;
{ Define a record to keep track of what we need. Put theVBLTask into the
record first because its address will be passed to our VBL task in A0. }
theVBLTask: VBLTask; { the actual VBLTask }
VBLA5: LongInt; { saved CurrentA5 where we can ( find it }
VBLRecPtr = ^VBLRec;
gCounter: LongInt; { Global counter incremented by ( VBL }
{ GetVBLRec returns the address of the VBLRec associated with our VBL task.
This works because on entry into the VBL task, A0 points to the theVBLTask
field in the VBLRec record, which is the first field in the record and that
is the address we return. Note that this method works whether the VBLRec
is allocated globally, in the heap (as long as the record is locked in
memory) or if it is allocated on the stack as is the case in this example.
In the latter case this is OK as long as the procedure which installed the
task does not exit while the task is running. This trick allows us to get
to the saved A5, but it could also be used to get to anything we wanted to
store in the record. }
INLINE $2E88; { MOVE.L A0,(A7) }
{ DoVBL is called only by StartVBL }
gCounter := gCounter + 1; { Show we can set a global }
VRP^.theVBLTask.vblCount := Interval; { Set ourselves to run again }
{ This is the actual VBL task code. It uses GetVBLRec to get our VBL record
and properly set up A5. Having done that, it calls DoVBL to increment a
global counter and sets itself to run again. Because of the vagaries of
MPW C 3.0 optimization, it calls a separate routine to actually access
global variables. See M.OV.A5 for the reasons for this, as well
as for a description of SetA5. }
curA5: LongInt;
recPtr: VBLRecPtr;
recPtr := GetVBLRec; { First get our record }
curA5:= SetA5(recPtr^.VBLA5); { Get our application's A5 }
{ Now we can access globals }
DoVBL (recPtr); { Call another routine for actual ( work}
curA5:= SetA5(curA5); { restore original A5, ignoring ( result }
{ InstallVBL creates a dialog just to demonstrate that the global variable
is being updated by the VBL Task. Before installing the VBL, we store
our A5 in the actual VBL Task record, using SetCurrentA5 described in
M.OV.A5. We'll run the VBL, showing the counter being incremented,
until the mouse button is clicked. Then we remove the VBL Task, close the
dialog, and remove the mouse down events to prevent the application from
being inadvertently switched by MultiFinder. }
theVBLRec: VBLRec;
infoDPtr: DialogPtr;
infoDStorage: DialogRecord;
numStr: Str255;
theErr: OSErr;
theItemHandle: Handle;
theItemType: INTEGER;
theRect: Rect;
gCounter:= 0; { initialize the global variable }
infoDPtr:= GetNewDialog(rInfoDialog, @infoDStorage, Pointer(-1));
GetDItem(infoDPtr, rStatTextItem, theItemType, theItemHandle, theRect);
theVBLRec.VBLA5:= SetCurrentA5; { get our A5 }
WITH theVBLRec.theVBLTask DO
vblAddr:= @StartVBL; { pointer to VBL code }
vblCount:= Interval; { frequency of VBL in System ticks }
qType:= ORD(vType); { qElement is a VBL type }
vblPhase:= 0; { no phases }
theErr:= VInstall(@theVBLRec.theVBLTask); { install this VBL task }
IF theErr = noErr THEN { we'll show the global value in }
BEGIN { the dialog until a mouse click }
NumToString(gCounter, numStr);
SetIText(theItemHandle, numStr);
UNTIL Button;
theErr:= VRemove(@theVBLRec.theVBLTask); { remove the VBL task }
CloseDialog(infoDPtr); { get rid of the info dialog }
FlushEvents(mDownMask, 0); { remove all mouse down events }
MPW C 3.0
#include <Events.h>
#include <OSEvents.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#include <Retrace.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#define INTERVAL 6
#define rInfoDialog 140
#define rStatTextItem 1
* These are globals which will be referenced from our VBL Task
long gCounter; /* Counter incremented each time our VBL gets called */
* Define a struct to keep track of what we need. Put theVBLTask into the
* struct first because its address will be passed to our VBL task in A0
struct VBLRec {
VBLTask theVBLTask; /* the VBL task itself */
long VBLA5; /* saved CurrentA5 where we can find it */
typedef struct VBLRec VBLRec, *VBLRecPtr;
* GetVBLRec returns the address of the VBLRec associated with our VBL task.
* This works because on entry into the VBL task, A0 points to the theVBLTask
* field in the VBLRec record, which is the first field in the record and that
* is the address we return. Note that this method works whether the VBLRec
* is allocated globally, in the heap (as long as the record is locked in
* memory) or if it is allocated on the stack as is the case in this example.
* In the latter case this is OK as long as the procedure which installed the
* task does not exit while the task is running. This trick allows us to get
* to the saved A5, but it could also be used to get to anything we wanted to
* store in the record.
VBLRecPtr GetVBLRec ()
= 0x2008; /* MOVE.L A0,D0 */
* DoVBL is called only by StartVBL ()
void DoVBL (VRP)
gCounter++; /* Show we can set a global */
VRP->theVBLTask.vblCount = INTERVAL; /* Set ourselves to run again */
* This is the actual VBL task code. It uses GetVBLRec to get our VBL record
* and properly set up A5. Having done that, it calls DoVBL to increment a
* global counter and sets itself to run again. Because of the vagaries of
* MPW C 3.0 optimization, it calls a separate routine to actually access
* global variables. See M.OV.A5 - "Setting and Restoring A5" for
* the reasons for this, as well as for a description of SetA5.
void StartVBL ()
long curA5;
VBLRecPtr recPtr;
recPtr = GetVBLRec (); /* First get our record */
curA5 = SetA5 (recPtr->VBLA5); /* Get the saved A5 */
/* Now we can access globals */
DoVBL (recPtr); /* Call another routine to do actual work */
(void) SetA5 (curA5); /* Restore old A5 */
* InstallVBL creates a dialog just to demonstrate that the global variable
* is being updated by the VBL Task. Before installing the VBL, we store
* our A5 in the actual VBL Task record, using SetCurrentA5 described in
* TM.OV.A5. We'll run the VBL, showing the counter being incremented,
* until the mouse button is clicked. Then we remove the VBL Task, close the
* dialog, and remove the mouse down events to prevent the application from
* being inadvertently switched by MultiFinder.
void InstallCVBL ()
VBLRec theVBLRec;
DialogPtr infoDPtr;
DialogRecord infoDStorage;
Str255 numStr;
OSErr theErr;
Handle theItemHandle;
short theItemType;
Rect theRect;
gCounter = 0; /* Initialize our global counter */
infoDPtr = GetNewDialog (rInfoDialog, (Ptr) &infoDStorage, (WindowPtr) -1);
DrawDialog (infoDPtr);
GetDItem (infoDPtr, rStatTextItem, &theItemType, &theItemHandle,
* Store the current value of A5 in the MyA5 field. For more
* information on SetCurrentA5, see M.OV.A5
theVBLRec.VBLA5 = SetCurrentA5 ();
/* Set the address of our routine */
theVBLRec.theVBLTask.vblAddr = (VBLProcPtr) StartVBL;
theVBLRec.theVBLTask.vblCount = INTERVAL; /* Frequency of task, in ticks */
theVBLRec.theVBLTask.qType = vType; /* qElement is a VBL task */
theVBLRec.theVBLTask.vblPhase = 0;
/* Now install the VBL task */
theErr = VInstall ((QElemPtr)&theVBLRec.theVBLTask);
if (!theErr) {
do {
NumToString (gCounter, numStr);
SetIText (theItemHandle, numStr);
} while (!Button ());
theErr = VRemove ((QElemPtr)&theVBLRec.theVBLTask); /* Remove it when done */
/* Finish up */
CloseDialog (infoDPtr); /* Get rid of our dialog */
FlushEvents (mDownMask, 0); /* Flush all mouse down events */
Completion Routines
Currently, MultiFinder will not do a major, minor, or update switch if an
asynchronous File Manager call is pending. This may not be true in the future.
We recommend that you use the above technique to save A5 for
asynchronous File Manager calls. MultiFinder does allow a switch if an
asynchronous Device Manager or Sound Manager call is pending. When the call
completes, the completion routine has no way of knowing whose partition is
active, that is, it doesn't know if A5 is valid (it needs A5
if it wants to access a global). Sounds pretty hopeless, huh?
Well, actually this one is quite easy, you just need to put the value of
A5 that "belongs" to your partition in a place where you can find it
from your completion routine. It is guaranteed that A0 will point to
your parameter block when your completion routine is called, so you can use the
same technique shown with VBL tasks to put the value of A5 at a known
offset from the beginning of the parameter block, and then reference it from
A0 . Completion routines are normally written in assembly language,
though you can also write them in a high-level language. A simple example of
how to do this in MPW Pascal and C can be found in the previous section about
VBL tasks (it was easier to provide a clear, concise example for VBL tasks than
for asynchronous Device Manager completion routines).
Time Manager Tasks
The Time Manager was rewritten for System 6.0.3. The new version will put a
pointer to the TMTask record in A1 . This is not true in
System 6.0.2 or earlier. The technique shown in the example VBL for accessing
an application's globals is possible using System 6.0.3 and the Time Manager.
Prior to System 6.0.3, the task must also store the application's A5
into its code. This method is not a very good idea and runs the risk of
incompatibility (self-modifying code).
Interrupt Service Routines
If your application needs to get to its application globals, and it replaces
the standard 68xxx interrupt vectors (levels 1-7) with pointers to its own
routines, it must also store the application's A5 into its code (since
there is no parameter block for interrupt service routines). This method is
not a very good idea and runs the risk of compatibility (self-modifying
WDEFs should also maintain a copy of A5 in the same
fashion as Time Manager tasks (prior to System Software 6.0.3) and set up
A5 when called; WDEFs should also be non-purgeable.
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Launching and MultiFinder
M.PS.SubLaunching discusses the sublaunching feature of Systems 4.1 and newer.
If you are running MultiFinder, and you use the technique demonstrated in that
Technical Note, your application will be able to launch the desired application
and remain open.
MultiFinder does not support _Chain ; your
application should never call this trap.
The application that you launch will become the foreground application. Unlike
non-MultiFinder systems, when the user quits the application that you have
sublaunched, control will not necessarily return to your application, but
rather to the next frontmost layer.
The warnings in M.PS.SubLaunching about sublaunching still apply,
but, if you still wish to sublaunch, we strongly recommend that you set both
high bits of LaunchFlags .
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The Scrap and MultiFinder
MultiFinder 6.0 and earlier keeps separate scrap variables for each partition.
MultiFinder only checks to see whether or not to increment the other
partitions' scrapCount variables in response to a user-initiated Cut
or Copy. To do this, it watches for a call to _SysEdit
(SystemEdit ) or a menu event to determine if an official Cut or Copy
command has been issued.
When an application calls _PutScrap or _ZeroScrap in response
to a Cut or Copy menu selection, the other partitions' scrapCount
variables will be incremented (the other partitions will know that something
new has been put in the scrap).
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_UnmountVol and MultiFinder
_UnmountVol was changed in System 4.2 so that it would work better in a
shared environment. In systems 4.1 and prior, _UnmountVol would
successfully unmount a volume even if files were open on that volume. Under
MultiFinder, that would be disastrous, since one application could unmount a
volume that another application was using (this exact problem could occur when
MultiFinder is not active, if a DA unmounted a volume "out from under" an
System 4.2 changes the behavior of _UnmountVol (whether or not
MultiFinder is active) so that it returns a -47 (FBsyErr ) error if any
files are open on the volume you wish to unmount. Since the Finder always has
a Desktop file open for each volume, a call to _UnmountVol asks it to
close the Desktop file so you won't get an error if the only file open is the
Desktop file. However, there is a bug with this new behavior. In System
6.0.3, and earlier, _UnmountVol does not close the Desktop file for
MFS-formatted volumes. Only the Finder can unmount a MFS volume (when the user
drags the disk icon to the trash).
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Displaying a Splash Screen
Some applications like to put up a "splash screen" to give the user something
to look at while the application is loading. If your application does this
and has the canBackground bit set in the size resource, then it
should call _EventAvail several times (or _WaitNextEvent or
_GetNextEvent ) before putting up the splash screen, or the splash
screen will come up behind the frontmost layer. If the canBackground
bit is set, MultiFinder will not move your layer to the front until you call
_GetNextEvent , _WaitNextEvent , or _EventAvail .
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The Apple Menu and MultiFinder
Applications should avoid doing anything untoward with the Apple menu. For
example, if your application puts an icon next to the "About MyApplication..."
item, MultiFinder may unceremoniously write over it. It is important to
consider the Apple Menu owned by the system. You can have the standard about
item, but other than this, you should avoid using the Apple menu. Don't make
any assumptions about the contents of this menu. Even reading from its data
may be a compatibility risk since its structure may change.
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Interprocess Communication
MultiFinder 6.0, and earlier, does not have full-fledged interprocess
communication facilities. There is no standard way to communicate between
applications in MultiFinder 6.0. There are, however, a couple of ways to
communicate between applications.
It is in your best interest to wait until Apple implements
Interapplication Communication (IAC) in System 7.0.
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Even though you can have many applications running at once, each with a fairly
independent world, the Event Manager maintains only one event queue. Because
of this single queue, and because there is no facility implemented to keep
track of which events belong to which layer, all events in the queue are passed
to the frontmost application. This situation can cause problems for
applications that take advantage of application-defined events. If the
application is in the background and posts one of these events, then it is the
foreground application that receives it.
This does not apply to events which are not really stored in the event queue.
The list of these events include, but is not limited to, activate and update
events, which are generated by the Window Manager as needed, and are correctly
routed to the right application.
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Miscellaneous Miscellanea
The sound driver glue that shipped with MPW 1.0 and 2.0 is not
MultiFinder compatible and should not be used. This also includes much of the
glue supplied with older development systems. Instead, applications should be
using the Sound Manager.
All code needs to be aware of the shared environment; this includes screen
savers. Screen savers should make sure that background processing continues.
A simple scenario for a screen saver that's an INIT might be: patch
_PostEvent at INIT time, put up a full-screen black window spider,
call _WaitNextEvent , and watch _PostEvent to see if an event
that should cause the screen saver to go away has occurred.
Back to top References
Inside Macintosh, Volume V, Compatibility Guidelines
Programmer's Guide to MultiFinder (APDA)
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