This Technical Note contains a collection of archived Q&As relating to a specific
topic--questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with
answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&A's can be found on the
Macintosh Technical Q&A's web site.
[Sep 01 1993]
Kanji 7.1 and keydown events generating character codes $81 and $40
While updating our application to run correctly under the Kanji version of
System 7.1, we've noticed that the space bar sends two key-down events (values
$81 and $40) as opposed to one ($20). To determine whether the space bar was
hit, should we use the key code from the event record instead of the character
This is new with Kanji 7.1 and is still a controversial issue. Codes $81and $40
correspond to the two-byte space character, which is different from the
standard ASCII space character (different width).
You can't use the key code from the event record, as it has been lost during
KanjiTalk's event processing. Moreover, even if it were there (or if you got it
through a GetKeys call) you shouldn't use it; the space bar has different key
codes on different keyboards!
So, the only reasonable workaround in your case seems to be to expand your
space bar key-down check to compare with $81 (the first byte of a two-byte
character) followed by $40, in addition to comparing with the standard ASCII
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Getting OSEvents from a jGNEFilter
Date Written: 1/19/93
Last reviewed: 5/14/93
I've written a jGNEFilter to do something whenever an application comes to the
foreground. Unfortunately it seems that OSEvents aren't sent through this
filter, so I never see the resumeEvent . Is this correct or am I doing something
wrong? Is there a better way to get something done on a resumeEvent ?
You're correct in that a jGNEFilter won't see OSEvents . Because it sits below
the Process Manager, it will see only those events that are generated by the
Toolbox itself, rather than the Process Manager. The best way to ensure getting
these events is probably to tail-patch GetNextEvent and WaitNextEvent ;
depending on how you want to deal with the events, patching EventAvail may also
be necessary. There isn't a hook between the Process Manager and the actual
results of these traps, so there's no more general place to do this.
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Consistent application scrolling speed for all Macintosh systems
Date Written: 5/3/89
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I keep the speed of my application's scrolling consistent on all
Macintosh systems, including faster ones?
One method is to use TickCount . If a certain number of ticks has passed since
the last increment of the scroll bar, then go on. If not, then loop until the
desired number of ticks has passed before scrolling. It's easy to include this
test, but you'll have to play with itawhile to find the right number of ticks
for the desired delay. Also, consider that some Macintosh systems are faster
than a Mac II, such as the SE/30 and Macintosh systems with third-party
accelerator boards. It might be nice to let users set their preference for the
scrolling speed.
"The Toolbox Event Manager," Inside Macintosh Volume I
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'SIZE' resource is32BitCompatible flag
Date Written: 3/14/91
Last reviewed: 6/7/91
Does setting the is32BitCompatible bit in the 'SIZE' resource have any effect
in System 7.0?
The alert box that was to be shown for applications with the 'SIZE' resource's
is32BitCompatible flag disabled was found to be too confusing for an end user,
so the is32BitCompatible flag is not used and the alert box is not displayed in
the final System 7.0. (It is, however, displayed in A/UX 2.0 and 2.0.1.) This
could change in the future.
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'SIZE' resource bit and resume events in window title bar
Date Written: 9/3/91
Last reviewed: 9/16/91
We set our 'SIZE' resource to say we don't want mouse events for the click that
generates a resume event, but when the user clicks in the title bar of our
(inactive) window we get the event anyway.
You are quite right, you do get the mousedown if it occurs in the windows title
bar. This choice was made so that when you click in the drag region of a window
in the background you don't have to click twice to get the window to drag. This
somewhat negates the effect that some developers are trying to get by setting
the bit in the 'SIZE' resource, but it really could not be avoided. Your best
bet is to simply ignore the first mousedown after a resume if it is in the drag
region of the window. This way, you will not loose any events in the unlikely
event that the user can get a keystroke or something in the queue before you
get your resume.
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Using GetKeys to check Macintosh key status
Date Written: 7/26/90
Last reviewed: 10/1/91
Is there a way to test whether a particular key is down independently of the
event record? My application needs to check the Option key status before
entering the main event loop.
The call GetKeys(VAR theKeys:KeyMap) returns a keyMap of the current state of
all the keys on the keyboard. The call is documented in Inside Macintosh
Volume I on page 259. The Option key will appear as the 58th bit (counting from
0) in the map. In MacsBug you can see this with a DM KeyMap , which returns the
It's important to understand that the keyMap is an array of packed bits. You
need to test whether the Option key bit is 1 or 0. The key code 58 = $3A is the
58th bit of the keyMap . This number can be determined from the keyboard figure
on page 251 of Inside Macintosh Volume I and pages 191-192 of Volume V.
(If in counting the above bits you get 61 instead of 58, remember that the bits
within each byte are counted right to left.)
With the above information you should be able to determine the status of any
key on the keyboard within your program without waiting for an event. GetKeys ,
however, should be called only for special situations. Normal keyboard
processing should be done through events; otherwise, your application risks
incompatibilities with nonstandard input devices.
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System 7 applications need to be background-capable
Date Written: 8/1/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Do all System 7-savvy programs need to run with background processing
Yes, System 7-savvy applications should have the SIZE resource's background
processing bit set. (It's not documented explicitly that you need to have this
bit set.)
All System 7 Apple event-aware applications need to be background-capable,
since there are many instances where Apple events will come in to you while
you're in the background, and there will be many times (as new applications are
developed) when you will not come to the front to process a series of events;
you'll work in the background as a client for another application.
You don't want to hog a lot of system time when you have nothing to do in the
background, but with the Edition Manager you do need to be able to receive
events while you're in the background. However, you can still be
system-friendly when you do this. Here's one way: When you're switched into the
background, set your sleep time to MAXLONGINT and make sure you have an empty
mouse region. This way, you'll be getting null events very rarely, and you
won't be taking much time away from other applications, but you can still react
to events sent to you by other parts of the system. Then when you come forward,
you can reset your sleep time to your normal, low, frontmost sleep.
Note that WaitNextEvent is implemented when running System 6 without
MultiFinder, but there's no DA Handler ensuring that DAs receive time. In this
case, large sleep values prevent DAs from receiving timely accRun calls--the
Alarm Clock DA stops ticking, for example. A compromise that doesn't hog too
much processing time is to use sleep values only as large as 30-60 ticks for
System 6.
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Help balloons & OSEventAvail between BeginUpdate & EndUpdate
Date Written: 8/2/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Random garbage is occasionally displayed on the screen if a Macintosh help
balloon goes away due to an OSEventAvail call when a screen refresh is taking
place. Is it possible that the Help Manager code isn't entirely cool if it
hides a balloon between a BeginUpdate and EndUpdate ?
Yes, this is particularly nasty. Here's the deal:
OSEventAvail does do balloon maintenance. This is a problem, because
OSEventAvail is documented as to NOT move memory, but when balloons are active,
it does sometimes. Beyond this, which is really a bad thing, it is still a
problem for updates that allow interrupting, such as yours.
Your problem isn't that it moves memory. What it does do is recalculate
visRgns , due to the balloon moving. The balloons are actually windows, and the
Help Manager has its own WDEF that does the funny balloon shapes. When a
balloon/window is moved, the visRgns have to be recalculated to reflect what
has been covered or exposed. This is normally fine, but it is a really bad
thing between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate .
BeginUpdate first caches the visRgn . It then localizes the updateRgn . It then
intersects the visRgn and updateRgn and places the result in the visRgn . It
then clears the updateRgn . You are now ready to update just the portion of
the window that needs updating.
The problem is that you are making a call to OSEventAvail between BeginUpdate
and EndUpdate with balloons active, and somebody moves the mouse. The balloon
therefore moves, the visRgns are recalculated, and the window being updated now
has a new visRgn .
This would not be bad, except that the visRgn that was cached when
BeginUpdatewas called reflects the balloon's old position. When EndUpdate is
called, the visRgn for the window just updated will be restored to what it was
before the balloon moved.
This now means that there is possibly an area on the screen that is shared
between the updated window and the balloon window, plus a possible area that
should be in a window, and is no longer. Obviously, this is really bad.
The only thing that I can think of to do is the following:
- Call
BeginUpdate , as usual.
- Copy the resultant
visRgn into the clipRgn .
- Call
- Draw to the window as you would for a normal update. (Your normal update also calls
OSEventAvail every so often to see if it should interrupt.)
What this accomplishes is that the clipping for the area that doesn't need
updating is no longer done with the visRgn . It is done with the clipRgn
instead. This will not be affected by any balloons moving. Also, after the
EndUpdate , there is no longer a cached copy of the window's visRgn , and
therefore the balloon window can move and not mess up visRgns .
The above general technique should take care of the problem for you. At this
point, there isn't a resolution to this problem -- only a workaround. It is bad
that OSEventAvail can move memory, as it was documented not to. The problem is
that the Help Manager needs to do stuff at this time, and this may involve
moving the balloon window.
DTS recommends making your code safe from this problem with the above
workaround, and to also see if you can be hurt by memory moving when
OSEventAvail is called in general.
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Macintosh Finder and DoubleTime global
Date Written: 8/23/91
Last reviewed: 10/8/91
How does the Macintosh Finder interpret the DoubleTime global? It seems the
Finder doesn't use DoubleTime the way it's documented in Inside
The ratio of ticks to value of DoubleTime is 1:1--that is, the number in the
DoubleTime variable (Inside Macintosh Volume I, page 260) is, in fact,
the number of ticks between a mouse up and a mouse down. Of course, this is not
how the Finder works. The Finder multiplies the DoubleTime variable by 2 to
determine double click time. It does this to account for user problems that
occur while the user is arranging icons. Thus, the hard-and-fast answer is the
Finder uses DoubleTime *2, and the rest of the system just uses DoubleTime.
By the way, the Finder does not limit the double-time variable to 64 ticks. It
treats it like a byte in most places, although in some places it is treated
like a longword. However, clipping it at 64 ticks would be the best method
since that would provide a 1 second double click (two second in the Finder),
which is long enough for anyone.
Applications should use DoubleTime as documented in the manual, not as it's
used by the Finder.
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Events and switching between Macintosh applications
Date Written: 830/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
After an application in the System 7 Application or Apple menu is selected,
sometimes control doesn't switch from our application to the selected
application. What could be wrong and how can I zero in on the problem?
The symptoms you've described--the process menu not switching layers--is
exactly what happens if you have an activate or update event pending that
you're not acting on. Here are ways that pending activate or update events can
be handled incorrectly:
- You're not calling
BeginUpdate and EndUpdate (the most likely problem).
- Your application isn't asking for all events.
- Your application has dueling event loops.
- The word in your code that contains the everyEvent constant is trashed (unlikely).
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PostHighLevelEvent and sending low-level messages
Date Written: 8/23/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
It looks as though the Event Manager routine PostHighLevelEvent could be
(ab)used to send low-level messages, like phony mouse clicks and keystrokes.
Would this work?
No; unfortunately, this won't work. A few reasons why:
- The only applications that will receive high-level events (and their descendants, like Apple events) are applications that have their HLE bit set in their
SIZE resource. If you try to send (or post) an HLE to an older application you'll get an error from the PPC Toolbox telling you that there's no port available.
- There's no system-level translator to convert these things. There are currently translators to change some Apple events. Specifically, the Finder will translate any "puppet string" event into puppet strings for non-System 7 applications (
odoc , pdoc , and quit ), but these are very special.
- The only way to send user-level events such as mouse clicks through HLEs is to use the Apple events in the MiscStndSuite shown in the Apple Event Registry. And all those events assume that the receiving application will do the actual translations to user actions themselves.
- HLEs come in through the event loop. So even if it were possible (through some very nasty patching to
WaitNextEvent ) to force an HLE into a non-HLE-aware application, the event would come in with an event code of 23 (kHighLevel) and the targeted application would just throw it away.
So the answer is that you can't send user-level events to an HLE-aware
application. If you want to drive the interface of an old application in System
7, you have to use the same hacky method you used under all previous systems.
This, by the way, is one of the main reasons why MacroMaker wasn't revised for
System 7. Apple decided that it wasn't supportable and that we would wait for
applications to update to System 7 and take advantage of third-party Apple
event scripting systems.
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