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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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When to call GetScrap in a Desk Accessory
We're having problems with the
The reason for the trouble you're having with desk accessories and Clipboard window should be hidden in MultiFinderDate Written: 11/21/89 Last reviewed: 12/17/90 I think my application is completely MultiFinder-aware and conforms to all the MultiFinder guidelines. What might I have missed? Many developers forget one important MultiFinder feature--there is a note on page 3-3 of the "Programmer's Guide to MultiFinder" which many programmers seem to miss: "Applications should hide their Clipboard window when not running in the foreground. The contents of the Clipboard are not valid unless the application is frontmost." This means you must do more than just deactivate the Clipboard. Make it invisible--otherwise there can be multiple incarnations of the Clipboard window displayed on the screen at the same time, only one of which is necessarily current. Downloadables