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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:
MS Word version of this TechnoteThis Technote is heavily dependent upon mathematical derivation, which HTML does not yet adequately support. In order to ensure the mathematical integrity of the text, we are not publishing the body of the Technote as an HTML file. You can download the Technote, in its entirety, as a PDF document, by clicking here. Technote 1052Technote 1052 - QuickDraw GX ConicLibrary.c in Detail: Description, and Derivations also addresses the concept of conic splines, and approaches it from a different perspective. See Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Graphics and Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects for further documentation. ReferencesTechnote 1052 - QuickDraw GX ConicLibrary.c in Detail: Description, and Derivations Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Graphics Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects Downloadables