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Power Management & The Energy Saver API


In an effort to provide a consistent method of controlling the various power conservation hardware and software features implemented on the Macintosh platform, Apple has introduced the Energy Saver system.

In addition to providing developers with a standard way to control power management features such as display sleep/dimming, hard drive spindown, idle shutdown or sleep, the Energy Services API also provides a consistent way to synchronize the Human Interfaces for multiple concurrent applications that need to access these features.

This Note discusses how to communicate with the Macintosh Energy Saver Extension through the Energy Services API and is important for developers who wish to access Mac OS power management features from their applications.

This Note also includes the public interfaces for the Energy Services API.

 Updated: [Dec 06 1996]

Energy Saver Overview

Energy Saver provides a consistent method of controlling the various power conservation hardware and software features implemented on the Macintosh platform.

Although the features it supports vary depending on the machines' capabilities, Energy Saver typically attempts to reduce power consumption by controlling such operations as:

  • Display Sleep/Dimming - by reducing the power requirements to the display monitor.
  • Hard Drive Spindown - by reducing power by spinning down (removing power) the hard disk drive spindle motor.
  • Idle Shutdown - by programatically turning off power to the computer without losing any data.
  • Idle Sleep - Enter a reduced power requirement state from which rapid recovery can be made when waking up. Note that the sleep state differs according to the hardware capabilities present in the machine.
  • Scheduled Startup/Shutdown - Scheduled startup is used to restart the system at a predetermined time. When used in conjunction with scheduled shutdown, document autosave, and bookmarking, these can offer a substantial savings in energy requirements while providing a convenient means of restarting the system.
  • Document AutoSave - Document autosave provides the means to automatically save open untitled or unsaved documents at system shutdown time without requiring user intervention or confirmation.
  • Wakeup Sound- A user-configurable sound to be played when the system is waking up from sleep mode. Since the monitor is typically dimmed, the wake-up sound is the only means of determining if the system is currently active.

Even though the majority of action is handled by either the Mac OS Power Manager or various Macintosh power conservation hardware, the Energy Saver is the method used to provide the user with a mechanism for determining when and how the various actions are to occur.

The Energy Services API also provides a way to synchronize the Human Interfaces for multiple concurrent applications that need to access the power management features.

Components of the Energy Saver

Energy Saver is actually composed of two separate components: a system extension and a control panel.

  • Control panel - The control panel manipulates the settings that are stored in system memory and a preference file.
  • Energy Saver Extension - The extension uses the settings stored in the preference file to direct desired energy-saving behavior.

Figure 1 provides an overview of the Energy Saver components.

Figure 1. Energy Saver Overview

The Energy Saver control panel is not really a control panel. It is an application with a special signature of 'APPC', which, to the Finder in systems after Systems 7.5.2, is used to allow applications dropped on the System Folder to be automatically placed into the Control Panel.

This allows the developer to construct control panels in the same manner as an application but permits the Finder to do its auto-placement function.

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Energy Services Access

Applications can safely use the same mechanism to manipulate the Energy Saver preference file as the Energy Saver control panel. This is accomplished through the Energy Services API. The purpose of this API is to provide homogenous support for high-level power management features that are not provided by the Power Manager, as well as provide standardized preference support for power manager functions that do not have persistent PRAM settings.

The Energy Saver Extension provides auto power on/off features for all Macs with an Egret or Cuda microcontrollers. In addition, it will manage preferences for Screen dimming, Hard disk spin down, sleep mode, and options for all these features. There are calls that can be used to obtain and set the preferences, as well as calls to activate the settings in the preferences passed.

Whenever possible, application developers should use this functionality instead of creating their own from scratch, at least to the extent of updating the preferences, so that other applications and control panels will reflect user choices made in all applications.

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Determining If Your Mac Supports the Energy Services API

The proper way to determine if a particular Macintosh model supports the Energy Services API is to use the Gestalt function to check for the 'wnkl' selector, then check the response for non-nil value. This will indicate that the Energy Services API is loaded.

Calling the Energy Services API

Once you have established the existence of the Energy Services Manager you can access the energy services API via the gestalt selector 'wnkl' response value. The response is a Handle to a data structure whose first field is a pointer to the Main routine. The interface to this routine is:

    typedef pascal long (*ESRoutineCallPtr)(short selector, long parm1, long parm2);

To facilitate developer usage, the EnergyServPubLib.c and EnergyServPub.h files are provided with this document and and should be used to access to the Energy Services API.

Calling the ESGetINITVersion function from the EnergyServPubLib is the recomended way to determine if the Energy Services API is loaded and available. The interface code will perform the proper safety checks.

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Energy Services API

The ESGlobals Structure

The Energy Saver Extension maintains a set of preferences globals. These globals are defined in the ESGlobals structure as follows:

typedef struct {
    short           version;                // data structure version (1)
    long            EnergySaverFeatures;    // ES features (not used yet)

// Idle Sleep & ShutDown Timing
    unsigned long   dimIdleTime;        // minutes before screen sleeps
    unsigned long   spinDownIdleTime;   // minutes before HD spins down
                                        //   desktops must be >30
    unsigned long   sleepIdleTime;      // minutes prior to system sleep

    short           idleFlags;          // Idle time features supported
                                        //  0001 = Enable dimIdleTime
                                        //  0002 = Enable spinDownIdleTime
                                        //  0008 = ShutDown instead of sleep
                                        //  0010 = Never Spindown disk
                                        //  0020 = Restart after powerfail
    short           reserved1;
    short           reserved2;

// Schedule Sleep & Shut Down
//  These times are in minutes from midnight (actually 12: 00: 01 AM )
//  these fileds are only used by the Energy Saver application HI.
//  your application should use the SDxxxTime and  SWUxxxTime fields
//  to maniupulate the shutdown and Wakeup time
    unsigned long   mainWUTime;             // Time computer starts up
    unsigned long   mainSDTime;             // Time computer shuts down

// bit fields telling which day of the week Wakeup or Shutdown is enabled
    short           WUFields;   //  Startup
    short           SDFields;   //  Shutdown
                                    // Monday    = 0x0001
                                    // Tuesday   = 0x0002
                                    // Wednesday = 0x0004
                                    // Thursday  = 0x0008
                                    // Friday    = 0x0010
                                    // Saturday  = 0x0020
                                    // Sunday    = 0x0040
                                    // EveryDay  = 0x007F
                                    // Enabled   = 0x0080

// The following fields let you specify different times of the day
// for startup and shutdown for each individual day.  If you are not
// going to allow specific daily schedules. then set all WU's to
// mainWUTime and all SD fields to mainSDTime.

// Shutdown Time
    unsigned long   SDMonTime;
    unsigned long   SDTueTime;
    unsigned long   SDWedTime;
    unsigned long   SDThuTime;
    unsigned long   SDFriTime;
    unsigned long   SDSatTime;
    unsigned long   SDSunTime;

// Wakeup Time
    unsigned long   WUMonTime;
    unsigned long   WUTueTime;
    unsigned long   WUWedTime;
    unsigned long   WUThuTime;
    unsigned long   WUFriTime;
    unsigned long   WUSatTime;
    unsigned long   WUSunTime;

// Sleep Prefs Info stuff
    short           reserved3;
    short           WUSoundResID;       // ID of the 'snd ' to play on wakeup
    short           reserved4;

// Startup Prefs Info
    short           reserved5;
    short           AppFlags;           // Always set to 0 in new pref file.
    short           NonComplianceFlag;  // Set if machine sleeps over 30 watts

// Shutdown Prefs Info
    short           SDIdleTime;
    short           SDNotifyFlags;      // Notification Options
                                        //  0020 = Notify on Shutdown
                                        //  0001 =  Blinking icon
                                        //  0002 =  Text message
                                        //  0004 =  Play snd
                                        //  0008 =  save files
                                        //  8008 =  Dont save on sleep

                                        //  0400 = Play snd on Wakeup
                                        //  0800 = Wakeup on Ring detect
                                        //  1000 = Blink pwr light (portables)
                                        //  2000 = mute sounds when asleep

    short           SDNotifyDelayTime;
    short           SDSoundResID;
// ID of the 'snd ' to play on Shutdown
    short           reserved6;
    short           reserved7;

// Energy Saver General prefs info
    long            reserved8;
    Boolean         reserved9;

} ESGlobals, *ESGlobalsPtr, **ESGlobalsHand;

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ESLoadPreferences reloads the current settings from the preferences file and updates the Energy Services Globals. It also returns a copy of the settings for your use.


OSErr ESLoadPreferences(ESGlobalsPtr thePrefs);


A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


File Read Errors, Memory Errors, ES Errors


This is called by the Energy Saver Extension at system startup time. Your application should never have to make this call unless you intend to revert back to the saved preference settings.

ESLoadPreferences will not update the state of the machine. After making this call, you need to call ESRefreshSettings() in order to make the read in settings take effect.

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ESGetPreferences returns a copy of the current settings for your use. This is the normal call an application will make to get the current user settings for all the energy services information.


OSErr ESGetPreferences(ESGlobalsPtr thePrefs);


A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


Memory Errors, ES Errors

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ESSetPreferences copies the passed settings to the Energy Services globals.


OSErr ESSetPreferences(ESGlobalsPtr thePrefs);


A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


Memory Errors, ES Errors


ESSetPreferences will NOT call the Power Manager to make the settings effective, nor will it set new startup and shutdown times. After making this call, you need to call ESRefreshSettings() to cause the new settings to take effect.

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ESRefreshSettings will cause the current settings to be activated and will make all necessary power manager calls to cause them to be active. In addition, it will install whatever startup and shutdown tasks need to be installed to act on the current set of notifications.


OSErr ESRefreshSettings();


ES Errors

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ESSavePreferences performs three operations: it calls ESSetPreferences() to transfer the passed settings, then ESRefreshSettings() to make them active, and lastly it saves the settings out to the preferences file so they remain consistent over boots. This is the normal call an application will make when it wants to make a persistent update to the Energy services settings.


OSErr ESSavePreferences(ESGlobalsPtr thePrefs);


A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


File Errors, Memory Errors, ES Errors


When specifying snd resources in the WUSoundResID or SDSoundResID field of ESGlobals record, you should ensure that those resources are in the current resource chain. This is important because ESSavePreferences will cause them to be loaded, detached and copied into System Heap.

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You can use the ESAddNoteProc to install an Energy Saver notification response procedure. This notfifier can be used to inform your application that the energy saver prefs are being read or written.


OSErr ESAddNoteProc(ESNotifyProcPtr theProc, long data);


A pointer to a notification response procedure


A user defined ref to pass to the data procedure


ES Errors


The Energy Saver Notification and ESRemoveNoteProc function.

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You can use the ESRemoveNoteProc to remove an Energy Saver notification response procedure.


OSErr ESRemoveNoteProc(ESNotifyProcPtr theProc);


A pointer to a notification response procedure


ES Errors


The Energy Saver Notification and ESAddNoteProc function.

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Energy Saver Notification Function

Once installed by the ESAddNoteProc function, your notification procedure will be called when any application attempts to access the ES prefs.

The notifier will be called with the selector xNoteESDataReq whenever the Energy Saver prefs are being read but before the application is returned to them.

You are also called when someone copies new prefs to the Energy Saver Extension with a xNoteNewESData selector. You then get a chance to change the data that they have copied Globals, but you get to it before it is applied.

This allows your application to dynamically update the display of the ESGlobals or to filter data values.


pascal long MyESNotifyProc (short selector, ESGlobalsPtr theData);


A value indicating the type of activity that has occurred. See the description below for the meaning of this field.


A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


The valid types of activity are:

Value name





New ESGlobals written out.



ESGlobals are being requested.

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ESRestoreDefaults is used to restore the system to the machine-dependent default settings as stored in the extension resource data. Use this call whenever you want to return the Energy Saver back to the installed default settings.

You also get a copy of the ESGlobals so that you can see what those defaults are. Getting the ESGlobals is convenient so that you can update your HI to reflect the current machine state.

One possible use for this is in response to a "Apple Defaults" menu item.


OSErr ESRestoreDefaults(ESGlobalsPtr thePrefs);
thePrefs A pointer to the ESGlobals structure


Memory Errors, ES Errors

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This call is used to retrieve the pathname of the Unsaved Document folder used by the Autosave feature.


OSErr ESGetUnsavedFolder(Ptr theString);


A pointer to a string into which the current pathname of the unsaved document folder will be copied.


Memory Errors, ES Errors

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You can use the ESSetUnsavedFolder to set the pathname of the Unsaved Document folder used by the Autosave feature.


OSErr ESSetUnsavedFolder(Ptr theString);


A pointer to a string which contains the pathname of the unsaved document folder to be used.


Memory Errors, ES Errors

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This call is used to retrieve the current version number of the installed Energy Saver extension file. Use this call to verify that the correct version of the Energy Saver extension is being used.


OSErr ESGetINITVersion(Handle* theVers);


A pointer to the version structure


ES Errors

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As the Macintosh platform continues to evolve, the Energy Saver API provides a consistent method of monitoring and controlling power management features. In addition, the Energy Saver API also presents a few interesting opportunities for third-party developer applications.


Inside Macintosh: Devices, Chapter 6, Power Manager Reference

Technote 1046: Inside Macintosh: Devices, Power Manager Addenda

Technote 1079: Power Management & Servers: Auto Restart From Power Failure

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Binhexed version of the Energy Services API files (38K)


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