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Supporting Plug-in Rendereds in QD3D 1.5.3 Applications


Support for third-party plug-in renderers is new in QuickDraw3D 1.5. This Technote describes how to properly provide support for plug-ins in a QuickDraw3D 1.5.3 application. Adding support for plug-ins is fairly easy, and it allows an application to take advantage of any existing and future third-party plug-ins.

Developers who are interested in providing support for plug-in renderers in their applications should read this Technote. This Technote assumes you are familiar with QD3D programming in general, as described in the book 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D by Addison-Wesley.

 Updated: [Feb 06 1998]

Supporting Plug-in Renderers

It is important when designing your application to consider the difference between renderers that have "interactive" performance (such as Apple's wireframe and interactive renderers), and other renderers (such as the ray tracer from LightWork Design - check out for more information about their QD3D plug-in renderer).

If the renderer does not offer interactive performance, it is likely you'll want to create a new window for the renderer output, while allowing the user to manipulate elements of the scene using a window that manages interaction using a renderer that is classed as interactive. You can determine if a renderer supports interactive performance by using the Q3Renderer_IsInteractive API call as follows:

* Q3Renderer_IsInteractive
* Determine if this renderer is intended to be used interactively.
TQ3Boolean Q3Renderer_IsInteractive(TQ3RendererObject renderer);

Even if you don't want to write a renderer, you almost certainly want to be able to provide support for plug-in renderers in your application. There are a number of things you must do in order to properly support plug-in renderers in your application:

  • Query QD3D to find out which renderers are available
  • Construct a list of available renderers so your users can select the desired renderer
  • Determine if the renderer is interactive
  • Set the renderer in response to a user selection

Also, your application will need to instantiate the renderers (i.e. create one of each type) at application launch time. The reason you must do this is the renderer preferences are not static between incarnations of renderers. In other words, if you want to be able to provide a dialog for a particular renderer's preferences then you need to keep the renderer existant.

As it happens, the approach taken in this article is very simple and may not serve as the best example, since each renderer has global preferences. In a real application, it is entirely possible you would want to maintain the renderers on a per-window basis. There are two ways to do this. The first method would be to have a separate renderer list for each window (more correct would be for each draw context) that is persistent for the life time of the window. The second method (this is better since it is more efficient) is to just cache the renderer preferences (using the Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetPreferences and Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences function calls).

Building a List of Plug-in Renderers

Lets look at how to build a menu that contains a list of available plug-in renderers. First you need to get the list of renderers installed in the system. In the QD3D.h interface file you'll find the following:

* TQ3SubClassData is used when querying the object system for
* the subclasses of a particular parent type:

typedef struct TQ3SubClassData {
   unsigned long numClasses;  /* the # of subclass types found */
                              /* for a parent class */
   TQ3ObjectType *classTypes; /* an array containing the class */
                              /* types */
} TQ3SubClassData;

This structure gets filled out with the number of classes of a particular type, along with an array of TQ3ObjectType which contains the 4 char identifier of the class type. You fill out this data structure with a call to Q3ObjectHierarchy_GetSubClassData:

* Given a parent type and an instance of the TQ3SubClassData struct fill
* it in with the number and class types of all of subclasses immediately
* below the parent in the class hierarchy. Return kQ3Success to indicate
* no errors occurred, else kQ3Failure.
* NOTE: This function will allocate memory for the classTypes array. Be
* sure to call Q3ObjectClass_EmptySubClassData to free this memory up.
TQ3Status Q3ObjectHierarchy_GetSubClassData(
   TQ3ObjectType objectClassType,
   TQ3SubClassData *subClassData

This call can allocate memory, but we also provide a call to dispose of the memory allocated:

* Given an instance of the TQ3SubClassData struct free all memory
* allocated by the Q3ObjectClass_GetSubClassData call.
* NOTE: This call MUST be made after a call to
* Q3ObjectClass_GetSubClassData to avoid memory leaks.
TQ3Status Q3ObjectHierarchy_EmptySubClassData(
   TQ3SubClassData *subClassData

Once you have obtained the list of subclasses of type renderer (you'd pass in kQ3SharedTypeRenderer to the Q3ObjectHierarchy_GetSubClassData function call above) you can loop through the array and process it in order, for each renderer sub-class in the array.

You'll see in the code snippet below we try to get the renderer nickname. Each class in the QD3D system has a unique type and a class name. The notion of a nickname is a new one. When the QD3D team was developing the plug-in renderer system, it became apparent the class name could not be used in the application user interface, since the class names are not localizable. We decided to give a renderer the option of providing a localized string to a calling application. With QD3D 1.5.1 there is a new function call Q3RendererClass_GetNickNameString:

* Q3RendererClass_GetNickNameString
* Allows an application to get a renderers name string, the
* renderer is responsible for storing this in a localizable format

* for example as a resource. This string can then be used to provide
* a selection mechanism for an application (for example in a menu).
* If this call returns nil in the supplied string, then the App may
* choose to use the class name for the renderer. You should always
* try to get the name string before using the class name, since the
* class name is not localizable.
TQ3Status Q3RendererClass_GetNickNameString(
   TQ3ObjectType rendererClassType,
   TQ3ObjectClassNameString rendererClassString

This call lets you get the renderer supplied string that describes the renderer. This can then be put into a menu, or some other user interface element. Note you'll probably also want to sort the list or renderers yourself, as the Q3ObjectHierarchy_GetSubClassData function returns the renderers unsorted.

That's all the pieces we need, lets put it together. Here is a routine that given a menu handle, will add all of the renderers installed to that menu:

#define kMaxRendererCount 10
static TQ3ObjectType pTypes[ kMaxRendererCount ] ;
#define mRendererMenu 5    /* our renderer menu definition */

void SetUpRendererMenu( void )
  MenuHandle theMenu ;
  TQ3SubClassData subClassData;
  TQ3ObjectType *classPointer;
  short i, pRendererCount;
  TQ3ObjectClassNameString objectClassName;
  TQ3ObjectClassNameString objectClassString ;

      theMenu = GetMHandle(mRendererMenu);
      classPointer = subClassData.classTypes;
      pRendererCount = 0;
      i = subClassData.numClasses;
      while( i-- > 0 && pRendererCount <= kMaxRendererCount) {
          * the "generic" renderer is used internally, it can't draw,
          * so don't display it in any user interface item
          if( *classPointer != kQ3RendererTypeGeneric )
                                                objectClassString );
              if( objectClassString[0] == '\0' )
                  /* the renderer did not provide the name, just use
                     the class name */
                  AppendMenu(theMenu,c2pstr((char *)objectClassName));
                  pTypes[pRendererCount++] = *classPointer ;
                  pTypes[pRendererCount++] = *classPointer ;
      classPointer++ ;

      pTypes[pRendererCount] = NULL ;
      Q3ObjectHierarchy_EmptySubClassData( &subClassData ) ;

There are three important things to note in the example given above. First, notice that if we cannot get the name from the renderer, we use the class name instead. Second, notice that we ignore a renderer of type kQ3RendererTypeGeneric. This is a dummy renderer which renders nothing. Since it cannot be used to draw anything, we don't add it to the menu. Third, notice at the appropriate index into the menu, we store the renderer type in the pTypes array. This will be most useful later when we set the renderer according to the user selection.

Finally, notice the call to Q3ObjectHierarchy_EmptySubClassData which disposes of the memory allocated when we queried the system for the installed plug-in renderers.

Setting The Renderer

Once we have set up the menu with the list of installed renderers it is an easy matter to set the renderer based on the user selection. This example is somewhat more complex than it needs to be, since it illustrates setting the renderer in a QD3D viewer application, but the principle will be the same for all kinds of applications:

#define kMaxRendererCount 10
static TQ3ObjectType pTypes[ kMaxRendererCount ] ;

typedef struct {
    TQ3ViewerObject fViewer; /* store reference to viewer for this
                                document */
} ViewerDocument, *ViewerDocumentPtr, **ViewerDocumentHdl;

* handle menu commands in the renderer menu
void HandleRendererMenu( short menuItem )
  ViewerDocumentHdl theViewerDocumentHdl ;
  WindowPtr theWindow ;
  TQ3ViewerObject theViewer ;
  OSErr theError ;
  TQ3ViewObject myView ;
  TQ3Status myStatus ;
  TQ3RendererObject myRenderer ;

      theWindow = FrontWindow() ;
      if( theWindow != NULL )
          * get the reference to our viewer document data structure
          * from the long reference constant for the window. Cast
          * it to the appropriate type. If we can't get it (i.e. it's
          * null we want to bail
          theViewerDocumentHdl =
             (ViewerDocumentHdl)GetWRefCon(theWindow) ;
          if(theViewerDocumentHdl == NULL)
              return ;

          /* get the reference to the viewer object from our data
             structure */
          theViewer = (**theViewerDocumentHdl).fViewer ;
          if(theViewer == NULL)
              return ;
          myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType( pTypes[ menuItem - 1 ] );

          * set the renderer for the view
          myView = Q3ViewerGetView( theViewer );
          if( myView != NULL && myRenderer != NULL )
            /* set the renderer to the one created in the switch
              statement above */
              myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer) ;
              /* now we have set the renderer we can dispose of the
                 reference to it */
              myStatus = Q3Object_Dispose( myRenderer ) ;
              /* and redraw the content region of the viewer */
              theError = Q3ViewerDrawContent( theViewer ) ;

Supporting Renderer Preferences

If you are going to support plug-in renderers, you'll want to have access to the renderer preferences dialog. This is a dialog that allows you to set preferences for how the renderer draws things.

You can use the QD3D Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure function call to determine if the renderer has a modal configure dialog. For QD3D 1.5.1 we did not implement this functionality for either the wireframe renderer or the interactive renderer, but we expect to have this implemented this in a post-1.5.3 release of QD3D. Here's code showing how to use the Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure function:

 TQ3RendererObject qd3dRenderer;
 TQ3ViewObject qd3dView;
 TQ3Status qd3dStatus;
 TQ3Boolean qd3dCanceled;
 TQ3DialogAnchor qd3dAnchor ;

    // Get the renderer
    qd3dView = Q3ViewerGetView(theViewer);
    qd3dStatus = Q3View_GetRenderer(qd3dView, &qd3dRenderer);

    // Put up the configure dialog
    if (Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure(qd3dRenderer))
        #if 0
            /* this will be modal */
            qd3dAnchor.clientEventHandler = NULL;
            /* this will enable a movable modal pass in event handler */
            qd3dAnchor.clientEventHandler = HandleEvent ;

        qd3dStatus = Q3Renderer_ModalConfigure(qd3dRenderer,

    // Clean up
    qd3dStatus = Q3Object_Dispose(qd3dRenderer);

An important thing to notice in the above code is the clientEventHandler field. This can be set to nil if the application just wants the dialog to be modal. If the dialog is to be movable then you need to pass in a reference to the applications event handler.

Also note, you need to disable menu items so the about menu item is disabled, but the rest of the apple menu is enabled. In addition, all menus except the edit menu are disabled, and all items in the edit menu are disabled except for undo, cut, copy, paste and clear, which must be enabled. The following code snippet illustrates this:

void SpinDialog_ConfigureRenderer(void)
    TQ3ViewObject view;
    TQ3RendererObject renderer;
    TQ3DialogAnchor dialogAnchor;
    TQ3Boolean canceled;
    MenuHandle m;

        Q3View_GetRenderer(view, &renderer);
        if (Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure(renderer)) {
            dialogAnchor.clientEventHandler = SpinEventHandlerWrapper;
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Apple);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kAppleMenu_About, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_File);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Edit);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Undo, true);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Cut, true);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Copy, true);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Paste, true);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Clear, true);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kEditMenu_Preferences, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Commands);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Dialog);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_View);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Geometry);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Complex);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Demos);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, false);
            Q3Renderer_ModalConfigure(renderer, dialogAnchor, &canceled);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Apple);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, kAppleMenu_About, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_File);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Commands);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Dialog);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_View);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Geometry);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Complex);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
            m = GetMHandle(kMenu_Demos);
            SpinMenu_EnableItem(m, 0, true);
        else {
            Alert(kNoModalConfigureALRT, NULL);

Supporting Renderer Names in a Plug-in Renderer

Most people won't write renderers since they require a great deal of expertise and time to implement. However, here is a modification we made to the sample renderer sample code (from the QD3D SDK ) to retrieve the renderer name string in a buffer :

extern AliasHandle SRgAliasHandle;
#define SR_NAME_RESOURCE  16211 /* the ID of our resource string for the
                                   renderer's name in our code */

TQ3Status SR_GetNameString(
    unsigned char *dataBuffer,
    unsigned long bufferSize,
    unsigned long *actualDataSize)
 TQ3Status status = kQ3Success ;
 Boolean wasChanged;
 FSSpec fileSpec;
 OSErr macErr;
 Str255 tempBuffer ;
 short SRgOldResFile, SRgResFile;

     * Get at the resource file for this renderer and open the resource
     * file, locate the renderer name string and close the res file
     * returning the string in the buffer we were passed.
     SRgOldResFile = CurResFile();
     if ((SRgAliasHandle != NULL) || (*SRgAliasHandle != NULL)) {
         macErr = ResolveAlias(NULL, SRgAliasHandle, &fileSpec,
         if (macErr == noErr) {
             SRgResFile = FSpOpenResFile(&fileSpec, fsRdPerm);
             if (SRgResFile != -1) {
                 *actualDataSize = 0L;
                 GetIndString( tempBuffer, SR_NAME_RESOURCE, 1 ) ;
                 /* trim the buffer if necessary */
                 *actualDataSize = (tempBuffer[0] > bufferSize) ?
                                    bufferSize : tempBuffer[0] ;
                 if (dataBuffer != NULL) {
                   /* copy from the pascal str returned by the res mgr*/
                     memcpy((char *)dataBuffer,
                     (char *) &tempBuffer[1],
                     *actualDataSize );
                     /* and terminate the string */
                     dataBuffer[*actualDataSize] = '\0' ;
             else {
                 status = kQ3Failure;
         else {
             status = kQ3Failure;
     else {
         status = kQ3Failure;  /* null alias */

     if( status == kQ3Failure )
     *actualDataSize = 0L ;
     dataBuffer = NULL ;

     return (status);

The key item to note from the above code is to save a reference to the renderers file (in SRgAliasHandle) so the resource fork can be opened. In this instance we decided to place the resource in the files as a string list 'STR#' type resource. This allows multiple strings to be stored, each of which could be a localized single or two byte string, so the renderer could switch between them. Of course, you could just have a single string that gets localized according to the market for the renderer.

You need to make sure the above code gets called when the renderer is loaded, and to do this you'll need to modify the metahandler for your renderer. The change is pretty simple, just add a case to reference your name routine as shown below:

* renderer name string
case kQ3XMethodTypeRendererGetNickNameString: {
   return (TQ3XFunctionPointer) SR_GetNameString;

The changes to Renderer.h explain this:

* kQ3XMethodTypeRendererGetNickNameString
* Allows an application to collect the name of the renderer for
* display in a user interface item such as a menu.
* If dataBuffer is NULL actualDataSize returns the required size in
* bytes of a data buffer large enough to store the name.
* bufferSize is the actual size of the memory block pointed to by
* dataBuffer
* actualDataSize - on return the actual number of bytes written to the
* buffer or if dataBuffer is NULL the required size of dataBuffer

#define kQ3XMethodTypeRendererGetNickNameString \
typedef TQ3Status (QD3D_CALLBACK *TQ3XRendererGetNickNameStringMethod)(
   unsigned char *dataBuffer,
   unsigned long bufferSize,
   unsigned long *actualDataSize);

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Developers will definitely want to provide support for plug-ins in their QD3D applications. Applications which properly support plug-ins will be able to take advantage of any existing and future third-party renderers, giving them a distinct advantage over applications which don't provide such support.

Adding plug-in support in a QD3D application is fairly easy. Here's what an application must do in order to provide support for plug-ins:

  • Query QD3D to find out which renderers are available
  • Construct a list of available renderers so your users can select the desired renderer
  • Determine if the renderer is interactive
  • Set the renderer in response to a user selection

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3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D, Addison-Wesley

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