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QuickTime 3.0.2


This Technote describes the changes between the final release of QuickTime 3.0 and the update release of QuickTime 3.0.2

QuickTime 3.0.2 can be described as a minimal-changes release that provides a number of bug fixes and an increase in performance for high-end video playback applications. It also defines and implements two new API calls, which are documented here.

 Updated: [Sep 14 1998]

New APIs

QuickTime 3.0.2 adds one new API to the Movie Export component interface:

ComponentResult MovieExportSetGetMoviePropertyProc
                   (MovieExportComponent ci,
MovieExportGetPropertyUPP getPropertyProc, void* refCon); ci component instance getPropertyProc Specifies a callback function that provides
information about processing source samples. refcon Passed to the procedure specified in the
getPropertyProc parameter.

You call this routine to set a GetPropertyProc for the movie export component. This is the same GetPropertyProc that can be set in the call MovieExportAddDataSource. This allows you to set a property proc and programmatically control the properties of the export without exporting from a data proc.

QuickTime 3.0.2 also adds one new API to the Data Handler component interface:

ComponentResult DataHGetInfoFlags
                   (DataHandler dh, UInt32* flags);

dh       component instance

flags    pointer to the long integer to receive the current flags

Calling this routine returns information about the data handler component. The following flags can be returned by this call:

  • kDataHInfoFlagNeverStreams - This data handler does not support streaming data.

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Determining Installed Version

As always, the way to determine which version of QuickTime is installed is to call Gestalt. Listing 1 shows a code snippet demonstrating how to check the version of QuickTime.

            // check the version of QuickTime installed
        long version;
        result = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime,&version);
        if (!result && version >= 0x03028000)
            // we have version 3.0.2!

Listing 1

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Acrobat version of this Note (44K).


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