ColorSync 2.6 is
the latest version of Apple Computer's color management
architecture for Mac OS. This Technote describes in detail
the changes in this new version of ColorSync. This note is
primarily intended for developers who are using the
ColorSync APIs.
Updated: [April 26 1999]
System Requirements
ColorSync 2.6 for Macintosh requires a PowerPC machine
running Mac OS 8.1 or later.
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Checking for ColorSync 2.6
To determine if the ColorSync Manager shared libraries have
been loaded on a PowerPC machine, use the
Gestalt function with the
gestaltColorMatchingAttr selector. Test the bit
field (bit 1) indicated by the
gestaltColorMatchingLibLoaded constant in the
response parameter. If the bit is set, the ColorSync Manager
shared libraries are loaded. The following code snippet
shows how this is done. This code snippet initializes the
ColorSyncAvailable Boolean variable to
false .
Boolean CheckIfColorSyncAvailableOnPPC (void)
Boolean ColorSyncAvailable = false;
long gestaltResponse;
if (Gestalt(gestaltColorMatchingAttr, &gestaltResponse) == noErr)
ColorSyncAvailable =
gestaltResponse & (1 << gestaltColorMatchingLibLoaded);
return ColorSyncAvailable;
Alternately, you can use the new ColorSync 2.6 function
CMGetColorSyncVersion (see the section
"New ColorSync 2.6 APIs" below for
the details) to check for the presence of ColorSync.
The CMGetColorSyncVersion function also
returns the ColorSync version information. Here's a code
snippet that checks for ColorSync version 2.:
#define kColorSync26 0x00000260
CMError err;
UInt32 version;
err = CMGetColorSyncVersion(&version);
if (err == noErr)
if (version >= kColorSync26)
/* ColorSync 2.6 or better is installed */
/* ColorSync not present */
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Getting ColorSync 2.6 Version Information
As described in the section "Checking
for ColorSync 2.6", use the new ColorSync 2.6 function
CMGetColorSyncVersion to get ColorSync version
Important Note:
On Macintosh systems with ColorSync 2.6 installed, the
CMGetColorSyncVersion function returns the
value 0x00026000 in the version field. However,
to remain consistent with Gestalt return values
this function should return the value
0x00000260 . Future versions of ColorSync 2.6 on
the Macintosh will correct this problem and return values
which are consistent with Gestalt .
Alternately, you can use the Gestalt function
with the gestaltColorMatchingVersion selector
to get ColorSync version information.
You can modify and use the following sample code to test for
version 2.6 of the ColorSync Manager. This function
initializes the Boolean variable
ColorSyncAvailable to false and
sets it to true if version 2.6 or later of the
ColorSync Manager is installed.
#define kColorSync26 0x00000260
Boolean CheckForColorSyncVersion26(void)
Boolean ColorSyncAvailable = false;
long version;
if (Gestalt(gestaltColorMatchingVersion, &version) == noErr)
if (version >= kColorSync26)
ColorSyncAvailable = true;
return ColorSyncAvailable;
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New ColorSync 2.6 APIs
The following new APIs were added to ColorSync 2.6:
CMError CMGetProfileDescriptions (CMProfileRef prof,
char *aName,
UInt32 *aCount,
Str255 mName,
ScriptCode *mCode,
UniChar *uName,
UniCharCount *uCount);
Field Descriptions
prof |
A reference to the profile from which to obtain
the desc tag info. |
aName |
A pointer to a field which is to receive the
profile name as a 7-bit Roman ASCII string. |
aCount |
A pointer to a field which is to receive a count
of the number of characters returned in the aName
field above. |
mName |
A pointer to a field which is to receive the
localized profile name string in Mac script-code
format. |
mCode |
A pointer to a field which is to receive the
script code corresponding to the name string
returned in the mName parameter above. |
uName |
A pointer to a field which is to receive the
Unicode localized profile name string. |
uCount |
A pointer to a field which is to receive a count
of the number of Unicode (2-byte) characters
returned in the uName field above. |
CMError CMSetProfileDescriptions (CMProfileRef prof,
const char *aName,
UInt32 aCount,
ConstStr255Param mName,
ScriptCode mCode,
const UniChar *uName,
UniCharCount uCount);
Field Descriptions
prof |
A reference to the profile into which to set the
desc tag info. |
aName |
A pointer to a field containing a 7-bit Roman
ASCII profile name string which is to be set for
the profile. This string must be null-terminated. |
aCount |
A count of the number of characters in the aName
field above. |
mName |
A pointer to a field containing the localized
profile name string in Mac script-code format which
is to be set for the profile. This string must be
null-terminated. |
mCode |
The script code corresponding to the name string
in the mName parameter above. |
uName |
A pointer to a field containing the Unicode
localized profile name string which is to be set
for the profile. This string must be
null-terminated. |
uCount |
A count of the number of Unicode characters in
the uName field above (do not confuse this with a
byte count, because each Unicode character requires
two bytes). |
Use these functions to get/set the description tag data
for a given profile. The ICC Profile Format Specification
(available at
includes a Description tag ('desc' ), designed
to provide more information about a profile than can be
contained in a file name. This is especially critical on
file systems with 8.3 names. The tag data can consist of up
to three separate pieces (strings) of information for a
profile. These different strings are designed to allow for
display in different languages or on different computer
systems. Applications typically use one of the strings to
show profiles in a list or a pop-up menu. ColorSync 2.6
includes these new APIs for accessing this information, and
also checks for the validity of the 'desc' tag
according to the ICC Spec.
CMError NCWConcatColorWorld (CMWorldRef *cw,
NCMConcatProfileSet *profileSet,
CMConcatCallBackUPP proc,
void *refCon);
Field Descriptions
A reference to a color world that the ColorSync Manager
returns if the function completes successfully. You pass
this reference to other functions that use the color world
for color-matching and color-checking sessions.
An array of profiles describing the processing to be
carried out. The array is in processing order source through
A calling-program-supplied callback function that allows
your application to monitor progress or abort the operation.
A reference constant containing data specified by the
calling application program.
New structures for use with this function:
struct NCMConcatProfileSet {
OSType cmm; /* e.g., 'KCMS'. Uniquely IDs the CMM, or 0000 */
unsigned long flags; /* specify quality */
unsigned long flagsMask; /* which bits of flags to use to override profile.
unsigned long profileCount; /* how many ProfileSpecs in the following set */
NCWConcatProfileSpec profileSpecs[]; /* A new structure, defined below */
struct NCWConcatProfileSpec {
unsigned long renderingIntent; /* intent to use along with transformTag. */
unsigned long transformTag; /* one of a set of tag identifiers, defined below
CMProfileRef profile; /* the profile to extract the transform from */
enum {
kNoTransform = 0, /* Not used */
kUseAtoB = 1, /* Use 'A2B*' tag from this profile or equivalent */
kUseBtoA = 2, /* Use 'B2A*' tag from this profile or equivalent */
kUseBtoB = 3, /* Use 'pre*' tag from this profile or equivalent */
/* For typical device profiles the following synonyms may be useful */
kDeviceToPCS = kUseAtoB, /* Device Dependent to Device Independent */
kPCSToDevice = kUseBtoA, /* Device Independent to Device Dependent */
kPCSToPCS = kUseBtoB, /* Independent, through device's gamut */
/* This is provided for default behavior when specifying rendering intent in the
/* NCMConcatProfileSpec
kUseProfileIntent = (long)0xFFFFFFFF
/* For renderingIntent in NCMConcatProfileSpec*/
Caller-supplied progress function for NCMMConcatInit & NCMMNewLinkProfile routines
typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(CMConcatCallBackProcPtr) CMConcatCallBackUPP;
typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean, CMConcatCallBackProcPtr )
(long progress, void *refCon);
Callback Proc Creation example:
CMConcatCallBackUPP myCallBackUpp = NewCMConcatCallBackProc(myCallBackProc);
The NCWConcatColorWorld function defines a
color world for color transformations among a series of
concatenated profiles. The caller can override the CMM that
would normally be selected by ColorSync by providing a CMM
identifier in the NCMConcatProfileSet
structure, or pass 0 to accept ColorSync's CMM selection
(note that this could either be the user's preferred CMM
selection or the CMM called for in the profile). The
flags and flagsMask parameters are
provided to allow easy customization of such attributes as
quality and gamut-checking, while preserving the other
settings. Each profile in the set can be customized by
overriding the intent, and the selection of the transform
tag. Together with other profiles, a custom-rendering
environment can be set up to transform to or from
device-dependent spaces with a minimum of gamut compression
and/or unnecessary transformations to and from connection
spaces. This flexibility comes at the price of specific
knowledge of the profile contents and how device gamuts
Note that for standard input and output device profiles,
A2B and B2A tags represent
transforms from data space to connection space and from
connection space to data space, respectively. Under these
circumstances, the caller would not normally be able to use
the same transform tags (e.g., kUseAtoB )
consecutively, since a connection space would not be the
same as the subsequent data space. If the spaces aren't the
same, the caller will get a
cmCantConcatenateError error (-178) returned.
For profiles of type cmLinkClass, cmAbstractClass,
cmColorSpaceClass , and
cmNamedColorClass , these constants are not
always meaningful, and the caller is encouraged to think in
terms of the actual tags present in the profiles (e.g.,
A2B0 or B2A0 ). Under these
conditions, it may well be appropriate to specify two
transform tags of the same type consecutively, as long as
the actual color spaces align in between tags. If this is
not the case, a cmCantConcatenateError error
(-178) is returned.
The Callback proc is provided as protection
against the appearance of a stalled machine during lengthy
color world processing. If a CMM takes more than several
seconds to process the information and create a color world,
it will call the Callback proc, if one is
provided, and pass it the refCon provided. This
is also true for NCWNewLinkProfile , described
CMError NCWNewLinkProfile (CMProfileRef *prof,
const CMProfileLocation *targetLocation,
NCMConcatProfileSet *profileSet,
CMConcatCallBackUPP proc,
void *refCon);
Field Descriptions
The returned profile reference.
The location of the profile, which you specify using the
CMProfileLocation data type. Commonly a profile
is disk-file based. However, the profile may be a file-based
profile, a handle-based profile, or a pointer-based profile.
The profile set structure.
A calling-program-supplied callback function that allows
your application to monitor progress or abort the operation.
A reference constant containing data specified by the
calling application program.
The same new flexibility in creating color worlds is
extended to link profiles, which are now not assumed to go
from input device color space to output device color space.
The returned profile is open, and should be closed when you
are finished with it.
CMError |
NCMSetSystemProfile (const
CMProfileLocation *profLoc);
Field Descriptions
The location of the profile, which you specify
using the CMProfileLocation data type.
Commonly a profile is disk-file based. However, the
profile may be a file-based profile, a handle-based
profile, or a pointer-based profile.
Prior to ColorSync 2.6, the API for setting the System
Profile supported only the FSSpec file
specification type as a way of specifying a profile. This
new API allows for greater flexibility when specifying a
system profile.
CMError NCMUnflattenProfile (CMProfileLocation *targetLocation,
CMFlattenUPP proc,
void *refCon,
Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound);
Field Descriptions
The location of the profile you wish to
unflatten, which you specify using the
CMProfileLocation data type. Commonly
a profile is disk-file based. However, the profile
may be a file-based profile, a handle-based
profile, or a pointer-based profile.
A user-defined procedure which is called during
the unflatten operation.
A reference constant containing data specified
by the calling application program.
A return value indicating whether or not the CMM
specified in the profile was found.
Use this function to unflatten a profile.
CMError CMIterateCMMInfo (CMMIterateUPP proc,
UInt32 *count,
void *refCon);
Field Descriptions
A calling-program-supplied callback function
that allows your application to monitor progress or
abort the operation.
A count of the number of CMMs referenced is
returned here.
A reference constant containing data specified
by the calling application program.
OSErr CMMIterateUPP(
CMMInfo* iterateData, /* Ptr to a structure containing
/* information about a particular CMM */
void* refcon /* Caller-defined data, passed through from
/* CMIterateCMMInfo API */
struct CMMInfo {
unsigned long dataSize; /* Size of this structure - for compatibility */
OSType CMMType; /* Signature of CMM */
OSType CMMMfr; /* Vendor, e.g. 'appl */
unsigned long CMMVersion; /* Version number */
Handle CMMIcons; /* If available, can be a group with varying size
& depth */
unsigned char ASCIIName[32]; /* Pascal string - name */
unsigned char ASCIIDesc[256]; /* Pascal string - description or copyright */
UniCharCount UniCodeNameCount; /* Count of UniChars in following array */
UniChar UniCodeName[32]; /* The name in UniCode chars */
UniCharCount UniCodeDescCount; /* Count of UniChars in following array */
UniChar UniCodeDesc[256]; /* The description in UniCode chars */
The CMIterateCMMInfo function returns
information for all CMMs installed on the system. The caller
can pass nil for the CMMIterateUPP param to
simply get a count of CMMs. If a CMMIterateUPP
proc is provided, it will be called once for each CMM
installed - with the CMMInfo structure filled
accordingly. The caller can pass a data reference to
CMIterateCMMInfo which will then be passed to
the CMMIterateUPP . This might be used to allow
some of the information in the CMMInfo data
structure to be put into a menu, for example, by passing a
menu reference as the refcon. Either the proc or the count
parameter must be provided. The caller will get a paramErr
if both are nil.
CMGetColorSyncVersion (UInt32
Field Descriptions
The version of ColorSync installed on the
machine is returned here
Returns ColorSync version information.
CMGetColorSyncVersion relieves the Mac OS
developer from having to call Gestalt to find
out the version of ColorSync installed on the system.
Important Note:
The return value for ColorSync 2.6 is
0x00026000 on the Macintosh. This is
not consistent with what is currently returned by
Gestalt (0x00000260 ).
Future versions of ColorSync on the Macintosh will
be fixed so they are consistent with
Gestalt return values.
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Deprecated APIs
Support for the following APIs will be eliminated or limited
in the future:
Reason for Deprecation
Pict-based, uses 1.x Profiles
Pict-based, uses 1.x Profiles
Pict-based, uses 2.x Profiles
Pict-based, uses 1.x Profiles
Pict-based, uses 2.x Profiles
Uses 1.x Profiles
Uses 1.x Profiles
Profile Responder function
Profile Responder function
Profile Responder function
Profile Responder function
Profile Responder function
Uses 1.x Profiles
Uses 1.x Profiles
CMM Function - HW acceleration no longer
CMM Function - HW acceleration no longer
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The following APIs specify new CMM entry points which
ColorSync will call to handle the creation of new color
worlds or link profiles as returned by the
NCWConcatColorWorld and
NCWNewLinkProfile functions respectively. These
APIs are of interest to CMM developers only.
CMError NCMMConcatInit (CMMStorageHdl hStorage,
NCMConcatProfileSet *profileSet,
CMConcatCallBackUPP proc,
void *refCon);
Field Descriptions
The CMM's private instance storage.
Set of profiles to concatenate into a color
Callback procedure.
User data passed on to callback procedure.
This is the API which ColorSync calls when an application
calls the NCWConcatColorWorld function. The new
selector for this function is kNCMMConcatInit .
The CMM is responsible for validating the profiles specified
in the profile set and for building a transform using these
profiles. If the CMM cannot build such a transform, it
should return a cmCantConcatenateErr error, or
another appropriate error code.
CMError NCMMNewLinkProfile (CMMStorageHdl hStorage,
CMProfileRef prof,
NCMConcatProfileSet *profileSet,
CMConcatCallBackUPP proc,
void *refCon);
Field Descriptions
The CMM's private instance storage.
The CMM will add the appropriate tags to this
Set of profiles to concatenate into a link
Callback procedure.
User data passed on to callback procedure.
This is the API which ColorSync calls when an application
calls the NCWNewLinkProfile function. The new
selector for this function is
kNCMMNewLinkProfile . The CMM is responsible for
validating the profiles specified in the profile set and for
building a link profile using these profiles. If the CMM
cannot build a link profile, it should return a
cmCantConcatenateErr error, or another
appropriate error code. ColorSync will create the profile
(via CMNewProfile ) before calling the CMM, so
the CMM need only add the appropriate tags to the profile
before returning. ColorSync will also ensure that the tags
are written to the profile by calling
CMUpdateProfile , before returning it to the
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New ColorSync Scripting Library APIs
ColorSync 2.6 provides a new set of scripting library
APIs which are designed to give applications access to the
same file format utilities provided by the new ColorSync 2.6
AppleEvent terminology. In fact, the code in ColorSync which
responds to AppleEvents actually calls this same library.
Listed below are the functions introduced in this new
scripting library:
CMError CMValidImage (const FSSpec *spec);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file you
wish to validate.
This function validates the specified image file.
ColorSync will check with any installed scripting plug-ins
to see if they recognize the image's file format. If a
scripting plug-in is found which recognizes the image's file
format, CMValidateImage will return
noErr . If the image's file format is not
recognized, CMValidateImage will return the
cmInvalidImageFile error.
CMError CMGetImageSpace (const FSSpec *spec,
OSType *space);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
The signature of the data color space of the
color values of colors for the image file is
returned here.
This function returns the signature of the data color
space in which the color values of colors in an image are
CMError CMEmbedImage (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl,
CMProfileRef embProf);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
The profile to embed in the image.
This function will embed an image with an ICC profile.
CMError CMUnembedImage (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
This function will remove any ICC profiles embeded in an
CMError CMMatchImage (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl,
UInt32 qual,
CMProfileRef srcProf,
UInt32 srcIntent,
CMProfileRef dstProf);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
The optional quality for the match - normal,
draft or best (cmNormalMode ,
cmDraftMode or
cmBestMode ).
The optional source profile for the match.
The rendering intent for the match - perceptual
intent, relative colorimetric intent, saturation
intent, or absolute colorimetric intent
(cmPerceptual ,
cmRelativecolorimetric ,
cmSaturation or
cmAbsoluteColorimetric ).
The destination profile for the match.
Use this function to color match an image file.
CMError CMProofImage (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl,
UInt32 qual,
CMProfileRef srcProf,
UInt32 srcIntent,
CMProfileRef dstProf,
CMProfileRef prfProf);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
The optional quality for the match - normal,
draft or best (cmNormalMode,
cmDraftMode or cmBestMode ).
The optional source profile for the match.
The rendering intent for the match between the
source and destination profiles - perceptual
intent, relative colorimetric intent, saturation
intent, or absolute colorimetric intent
(cmPerceptual, cmRelativecolorimetric,
cmSaturation or
cmAbsoluteColorimetric ).
The destination profile for the match.
The proof profile for the match between the
destination and proof profiles.
Use this function to proof an image file.
CMError CMLinkImage (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl,
UInt32 qual,
CMProfileRef lnkProf,
UInt32 lnkIntent);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
The optional quality for the match - normal,
draft or best (cmNormalMode,
cmDraftMode or cmBestMode ).
The device link profile for the match.
The rendering intent for the match - perceptual
intent, relative colorimetric intent, saturation
intent or absolute colorimetric intent
(cmPerceptual, cmRelativecolorimetric,
cmSaturation or
cmAbsoluteColorimetric ).
Use this function to match an image file with a device
link profile.
CMError CMCountImageProfiles (const FSSpec *spec,
UInt32 *count);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
A count of the embeded profiles for the image is
returned here.
Use this function to obtain a count of the number of
embeded profiles for a given image.
CMError CMGetIndImageProfile (const FSSpec *spec,
UInt32 index,
CMProfileRef *prof);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
The numeric index of the profile to return.
The profile is returned here.
Use this function to obtain a specific embeded profile
for a given image.
CMError CMSetIndImageProfile (const FSSpec *specFrom,
const FSSpec *specInto,
Boolean repl,
UInt32 index,
CMProfileRef prof);
Field Descriptions
A file specification for the image file.
If this parameter is a file, it specifies the
resulting image. If this parameter is a folder, it
specifies the location of the resulting image which
will have the same name as the original file. If
this parameter is not provided, the original file
is modified.
If a file with the same name already exists, it
will be replaced if this parameter is set to true.
The numeric index of the profile to set.
The profile to set at the index designated by
the index parameter.
Use this function to set a specific embeded profile for a
given image.
New CMBitmap Types
Several new CMBitmap spaces were added in
ColorSync 2.6 (see below) to provide developers with a wide
range of data formats appropriate for multiple platforms.
Several bitmap spaces now can have a new space attribute
flag cmLittleEndianPacking set to indicate
Little-Endian data. Another new variant
cmReverseChannelPacking , which can apply to
just about all of the new and old spaces is a "reverse
channels" attribute.
Bitmap spaces supported in ColorSync 2.5
- cmGray16Space = cmGraySpace,
- cmGrayA32Space = cmGrayASpace,
- cmRGB16Space = cmWord5ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
- cmRGB24Space = cm24_8ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
- cmRGB32Space = cm32_8ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
- cmRGB48Space = cm48_16ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
- cmARGB32Space = cm32_8ColorPacking +
cmAlphaFirstPacking + cmRGBASpace,
- cmRGBA32Space = cm32_8ColorPacking +
cmAlphaLastPacking + cmRGBASpace,
- cmCMYK32Space = cm32_8ColorPacking + cmCMYKSpace,
- cmCMYK64Space = cm64_16ColorPacking + cmCMYKSpace,
- cmHSV32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmHSVSpace,
- cmHLS32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmHLSSpace,
- cmYXY32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmYXYSpace,
- cmXYZ32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmXYZSpace,
- cmLUV32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmLUVSpace,
- cmLAB24Space = cm24_8ColorPacking + cmLABSpace,
- cmLAB32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmLABSpace,
- cmLAB48Space = cm48_16ColorPacking + cmLABSpace,
- cmGamutResult1Space = cmOneBitDirectPacking +
- cmNamedIndexed32Space = cm32_32ColorPacking +
- cmMCFive8Space = cm40_8ColorPacking + cmMCFiveSpace,
- cmMCSix8Space = cm48_8ColorPacking + cmMCSixSpace,
- cmMCSeven8Space = cm56_8ColorPacking +
- cmMCEight8Space = cm64_8ColorPacking + cmMCEightSpace
New Spaces added for 2.6
- cmGray8Space = cmGraySpace + cm8_8ColorPacking, 8-bit
- cmGrayA16Space = cmGrayASpace + cm16_8ColorPacking,
8-bit gray + 8-bit alpha
- cmGray16LSpace = cmGraySpace + cmLittleEndianPacking,
16-bit gray, little-endian
- cmGrayA32LSpace = cmGrayASpace +
cmLittleEndianPacking, 16-bit gray + 16-bit alpha,
- cmRGB565Space = cmRGBSpace + cmWord565ColorPacking,
Variant of
- cmRGB565LSpace = cmRGBSpace + cmWord565ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking, Variant of, little-endian
- cmRGB16LSpace = cmRGBSpace + cmWord5ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking,, little-endian
- cmRGB48LSpace = cmRGBSpace + cm48_16ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking, 16-bits per channel RGB,
- cmARGB64Space = cmRGBASpace + cm64_16ColorPacking +
cmAlphaFirstPacking, 16-bits per channel RGB w/leading
alpha channel
- cmARGB64LSpace = cmRGBASpace + cm64_16ColorPacking +
cmAlphaFirstPacking + cmLittleEndianPacking, bits / chl
RGB w/leading alpha, little-endian
- cmRGBA64Space = cmRGBASpace + cm64_16ColorPacking +
cmAlphaLastPacking, 16-bits / chl RGB with trailing alpha
- cmRGBA64LSpace = cmRGBASpace + cm64_16ColorPacking +
cmAlphaLastPacking + cmLittleEndianPacking bits / chl RGB
w/trailing alpha, little-endian
- cmCMYK64LSpace = cmCMYKSpace + cm64_16ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking, 16-bits per channel CMYK,
- cmXYZ24Space = cmXYZSpace + cm24_8ColorPacking, 8-bit
per channel XYZ
- cmXYZ48Space = cmXYZSpace + cm48_16ColorPacking,
16-bits per channel XYZ
- cmXYZ48LSpace = cmXYZSpace + cm48_16ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking, 16-bits
- per channel XYZ, little-endian
- cmLAB48LSpace = cmLABSpace + cm48_16ColorPacking +
cmLittleEndianPacking, 16-bits per channel Lab,
- cmNamedIndexed32LSpace = cm32_32ColorPacking +
cmNamedIndexedSpace + cmLittleEndianPacking, 32-bit
index, little-endian
ICC Profile Description ('desc' ) Tag
One important change in the recent release of ColorSync
(version 2.6) is how it handles the description
('desc' ) tag of ICC profiles.
The 'desc' tag of a profile, as defined by
the ICC, contains up to three strings. The first is a
required 7-bit Roman ASCII string. The second is an optional
localized Unicode string. The third, also optional, is a
localized string in Mac script-code format. Applications
typically use one of the available strings to show the name
of profiles in a list or pop-up menu. There are a few other
important devilish details in the ICC definition of the
'desc' tag. One is that all three strings must
be null terminated. Another is that all three strings are
preceded by a character count that includes the null
terminator. It is also worth noting that for the Unicode
string, the character count must not be confused with a byte
count because each Unicode character requires two bytes.
Previous releases of ColorSync only make partial use of
this tag and, as a result, only performed limited error
checking on its contents. For example, The ColorSync
function CMGetScriptProfileDescription would
return the Mac script-code from a profile if it was present
and, if not, it would return the 7-bit Roman ASCII string.
The Unicode string was simply ignored and in some cases, if
the Unicode and/or Mac script-code string were
non-compliant, ColorSync would return garbage (or the ASCII
string if you were lucky) without returning
cmProfileErr code.
ColorSync 2.6 provides a new function,
CMGetProfileDescriptions , to give the user
access to all three possible strings in the 'desc'
tag. In doing so, much stricter attention had to be
paid to the compliance of the 'desc' tag. For
example, if either the ASCII string or the Mac script-code
strings is not null terminated, or if any of the string's
character counts are invalid or beyond the range of the
'desc' tag, the and cmProfileErr
code is returned.
In order to achieve optimal performance when applications
add profiles to a list or pop-up menu, ColorSync maintains a
cache of all the profiles installed in the "ColorSync
Profiles" folder and its sub-directories. Among other things
this cache file contains the three possible names of each
profile obtained by calling
CMGetProfileDescriptions . If
CMGetProfileDescriptions returns an error
because the 'desc' tag is non-compliant, then
the profile is not added to the cache. This is why
non-compliant profiles, even though they are properly
installed in the "ColorSync Profiles" folder, no longer show
up in the ColorSync control panel or the ColorSync plug-ins
pop-up menus with ColorSync 2.6 installed.
The remedy for this problem is to repair the affected
profiles. Unfortunately, the "Rename Profile" AppleScript
that is installed as part of ColorSync 2.6 can not be used
to repair profiles with bad 'desc' tags because
it can only operate on profiles in the ColorSync profile
cache. Instead, a simple stand-alone tool called "Profile
First Aid" to verify and repair any profile will be made
available on the ColorSync web site
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ColorSync 2.6 Compatibility Issues
ColorSync 1.X/2.X Support
Support for version 1.0 profiles and hybrid (1.0/2.0)
color worlds has been removed in ColorSync 2.6. ColorSync
1.0 profiles, APIs and CMMs are not supported.
No longer required to support ColorSync 1.0 Profiles.
Existing CMMs will be compatible.
New CMM APIs: NCMConcatInit ,
NCMMNewLinkProfile (see section
"New CMM APIs" for the details) which
a CMM may choose to implement. If a given CMM does not
implement these new APIs, the default CMM is invoked
Profile Searching
ColorSync 2.6 will support new profile locations (System
Folder) for Profile searches made with the search functions
(CMNewProfileSearch , etc.). Profiles in
subfolders within the profiles folder will be found as well.
Color Worlds
New API NCWConcatColorWorld (see section
"New ColorSync 2.6 APIs" for the
details) puts power and responsibility of color world design
into the hands of developers. Callers can select which
profile tags and rendering intents to use. It also allows
for new combinations of profiles which were previously not
supported (e.g., more than one device-link profile).
QuickDraw Matching
2.X QuickDraw calls will continue to be supported
(N/NCMBeginMatching ,
CMEndMatching ,
N/CMDrawMatchedPicture ,
CWMatchPixMap , CWCheckPixMap ).
Scripting & File Formats
JPEG, GIF, as well as TIFF file format plug-ins are now
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Inside Macintosh:Managing Color With ColorSync.
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Change History
Originally written.
Corrected the NCMConcatProfileSet structure
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Acrobat version of this Note (96K).
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