This Technote
describes the new APIs provided by the Multiple Users
technology introduced in Mac OS 9.0. It also answers the
most frequent questions from developers and provides a few
workarounds for commonly encountered problems.
This Note is directed at application developers who are
accessing folders within the System Folder or using the
FindFolder API and need to pay extra attention
to the access privileges of those folders.
At Ease and Macintosh Manager were previous similar
products and all the information provided in this Note is
also relevant for those technologies.
Updated: [Jun 1 2000]
Where is that Folder?
The FindFolder
routine allows callers to determine the location of folders
that have a special purpose. For example,
FindFolder can be used to locate the
Preferences folder&emdash;the appropriate location for
applications to store their preference files. In the
beginning, FindFolder 's main utility was
the fact that it would always find the appropriate folder
even when a different language system was in effect: in
these cases, folder names were often spelled differently or
may have been named using non-Roman character encodings.
Now, with the advent of Multiple Users, not only may the
folders returned by FindFolder be named in many
different ways according to the language in effect, but
their location may be different than what is expected.
The Multiple Users technology manages a group of
redirected folders associated with each User who may be
logged in. If the Owner of the computer is logged in, then
no redirection occurs and all folders are accessed as if the
Multiple Users technology was not there. However, if any
other User is logged in then those redirected (one of each
per User) folders are accessible with the
FindFolder API using the constants:
kDesktopFolderType ,
kTrashFolderType ,
kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType ,
kStartupFolderType ,
kAppleMenuFolderType ,
kPreferencesFolderType ,
kLauncherItemsFolderType ,
kShutdownItemsFolderType ,
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType ,
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType ,
kInternetSearchSitesFolder ,
kControlStripModulesFolder ,
kDesktopPicturesFolderType ,
kFavoritesFolderType ,
kALMLocationsFolderType ,
kSpeakableItemsFolderType ,
kKeychainFolderType ,
In the case of remote access (i.e., when using
Macintosh Manager), the desktop folder
(kDesktopFolderType ) and the
PrintMonitor folder
(kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType ) will be
redirected to the local startup volume instead of
the remote volume where user preferences would
normally be. Thus, when logged into Macintosh
Manager, the preference structure would look like
Startup Volume
Remote Volume
However, developers should never assume that the
location of the desktop folder is at a certain
location as this may change in the future. Instead
use the vRefNum and dirID
from the FindFolder call to locate all
redirected folders.
If you need to access the non-redirected folders (not all
of them are accessible), you may do so using the following
Additionally, there are new constants defined to locate
the User's folders:
kUsersFolderType : "Users"
folder, contains one folder for each user.
kCurrentUserFolderType : The folder for
the currently logged on user.
kCurrentUserRemoteFolderLocation : The
remote folder for the currently logged on user
kCurrentUserRemoteFolderType : The remote
folder location for the currently logged on user
kSharedUserDataFolderType : A Shared
"Documents" folder, readable & writable by
all users
kVolumeSettingsFolderType : Volume
specific user information goes here
However, location of those special folders is
unfortunately not the last word of the story...
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Not All Users are Equal
After the boot process completes, Multiple Users displays
a login dialog. To login, a user must have an account
(usually set up by the owner of the computer). The user may
have to enter a password to login. While the login dialog is
displayed, background-only applications (i.e., type
'appe' , or any application with the
background-only bit set in the SIZE resource)
are allowed to run, but normal applications are not.
When the user is finished, they choose Logout from
the Special menu. This begins the logout process.
First, all normal applications are sent quit Apple Events
until they quit. (Note that once the user has confirmed the
logout, there is no way to abort it&emdash;an application
will be sent a quit event every few seconds until it
actually quits.) Next, a logout notification is sent to all
registered programs. Finally, the Folder Manager is told to
stop redirecting the per-user folders. Once logout is
complete, the login dialog is displayed.
If the user chooses Restart or
Shutdown from the Special menu, the
logout notifications will also occur in the same
Applications usually need to write two different kinds of
data: the user data, such as documents, or user's
preferences, and application data, such as hardware
configuration, or dictionaries. The former typically needs
to be stored in one of the redirected folder, the latter
needs a non-redirected folder. The problem comes from the
fact that some environments (Limited and Panels) will forbid
write-access to all non-redirected folders but one: the
Application Support folder that you can locate through the
constant: kApplicationSupportFolderType .
Therefore, if your application is currently writing data
in any other folder, you will have to make that change in
order to be compatible with the Multiple Users technology.
In particular, as with Netboot, you can't even be sure
that your application's folder is going to be
To determine if you have write access to a given folder,
check the ioACUser field in the
CInfoPBRec struct after a call to
PBGetCatInfo . There is one exception to that
rule, though. To provide some level of security for the
Application Support folder and its subfolders and to prevent
the Finder, Panels, Standard File Package, and Navigation
Services to write to the Application Support folder, and
since those processes check for it,
PBGetCatInfo will always return that you
don't have write access to those folders. But, in fact,
just for those folders, and since most of the current
applications never bother to check the permissions first,
you can write to them. That means that you should always
check for write permission for a folder except for the
Application Support folder and its subfolders.
Or, if you prefer, do not check in advance if you can
write to a folder, but be ready to handle
afpAccessDenied (-5000 ) errors
when you attempt to read from or write to any folder.
You also have to pay attention to the
foundVRefNum value returned by
FindFolder because it may not be the same as
the vRefNum value you passed in. Some of the
redirected folders may be on another volume and even on a
remote volume. So always use both the
foundVRefNum and foundDirID values
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Not All Applications are Equal
If you're writing a classic Macintosh application, aside
from using FindFolder to locate the folders you
need and checking the write access of those folders,
it's business as usual. The Multiple Users technology
redirects the folders and that's fairly transparent.
These applications never "see" the login, and they
receive the 'quit' Apple Event whenever there
is a logout.
But if you're writing a background-only application (type
'appe' ) or some kind of system extension which
is always loaded, then you have to be aware of the
login/logouts as they occur.
All the following APIs are found in Folders.h.
You can register for the following notifications:
Sent when a user has logged in. When you receive this
message FindFolder will return the
vRefNum and dirID of the
user's redirected folders (see list of redirected
folders, above) until the user logs out. This message can be
used to load the new user's preferences.
Sent just prior to redirecting FindFolder to
the user's folders. Calling FindFolder
when receiving this notification will return the
vRefNum and dirID of the system
folders. This message can be used to update the owner's
preference files prior to FindFolder being
Sent when a user has logged out. This is the last time
FindFolder will return user's
folders&emdash;after this notification
FindFolder will return the vRefNum
and dirID of system folders. This message can
be used to update a user's preference files during
Sent just after FindFolder has been restored
to return the vRefNum and dirID of
system folders. This message can be used to load the
owner's preferences.
Use the following APIs to register and unregister your
OSErr FolderManagerRegisterNotificationProc(
FolderManagerNotificationUPP notifyProc,
void * refCon,
UInt32 options);
OSErr FolderManagerUnregisterNotificationProc(
FolderManagerNotificationUPP notifyProc,
void * refCon);
Use FolderManagerRegisterNotificationProc to
register your notification function with the Folder Manager.
The notifyProc parameter is the pointer or UPP
to your notification function. The refCon
parameter is for your own use&emdash;this value will be
passed to your notification function each time it is called.
The options parameter specifies registration options.
Currently, the only option is specified by the
constant. By setting this bit, you tell the Folder Manager
to not remove your notification function when the current
application quits. Otherwise, a notification function
registered within an application's context will be
automatically removed when that application quits. Programs
that register notifications at system startup should set
this bit. Most likely you will need to set this bit, since
applications won't normally need to receive Folder
Manager notifications.
Use FolderManagerUnregisterNotificationProc
to remove your notification function from the Folder
Manager's queue. The notifyProc parameter
is the pointer or UPP to your notification function that you
passed to the
FolderManagerRegisterNotificationProc function.
The refCon parameter should be the same value
that you passed to the
The prototype of your notification function should
typedef OSStatus (*FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr)(
OSType message,
void * arg,
void * userRefCon);
This function will be called for all Folder Manager
notifications. The message parameter will contain the type
of notification (user login, user logout, etc.), the
arg parameter will contain a pointer to
additional information (if any), and the
userRefCon parameter is a value provided when
the function was registered. The userRefCon is
for your own use and can be any value you want (such as a
pointer to your globals or other state information).
In the case of the four notifications cited above, the
arg parameter is a pointer to a
FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals structure :
struct FindFolder UserRedirectionGlobals {
UInt32 version;
UInt32 flags;
Str31 userName;
short userNameScript;
short currentUserFolderVRefNum;
long currentUserFolderDirID;
short remoteUserFolderVRefNum;
long remoteUserFolderDirID;
There is an additional fifth notification which is very
different from the first four and will be of use only to a
few developers:
Sent by third-party software when the entire Folder
Manager cache should be flushed
In that case, arg is undefined.
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Is Multiple Users Installed?
If you wish to be more than just compatible with the
Multiple Users technology then it is crucial to know whether
it is installed on your users system of not. In order to
check, use the Gestalt API and the defined
constant gestaltMultipleUsersState
('mfdr' ):
GestaltRecHand result;
if ( Gestalt(gestaltMultipleUsersState, (long*) &result) == noErr &&
(*result)->giVersion > 0)
// do stuff
Note that the result of the Gestalt call is
a handle to the following structure. Do not dispose
of this handle.
The current version of the GestaltRecHand
structure for Multiple Users is 6
(gestaltMultipleUsersStateVers ) and the
structure itself is defined as:
#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct { // gestalt info structure
// Version 1 fields.
shortgiVersion; // structure version;
// (0 = invalid)
shortgiReserved0;// [OBSOLETE]
shortgiReserved1;// [OBSOLETE]
shortgiReserved2;// [OBSOLETE]
shortgiReserved3;// [OBSOLETE]
FSSpec giReserved4;// [OBSOLETE]
// Version 2 fields.
shortgiDocsVRefNum; // vrefnum of user's documents
// location (only valid if not
// on floppy)
long giDocsDirID;// directory id of user's
// documents folder (only valid
// if not on floppy)
shortgiForceSaves; // true if user is forced to
// save to their documents
// folder
shortgiForceOpens; // true if user is forced to
// open from their documents
// folder
Str31giWorkgroupName; // name of current workgroup
// (for Macintosh Manager)
Str31giUserName; // name of current user
Str31giFrontAppName;// name of the frontmost
// application
shortgiReserved5;// [OBSOLETE]
shortgiIsOn; // true if Multiple Users or
// Macintosh Manager is on
// right now
// Version 3 fields. - There were no additional fields for version 3
// Version 4 fields.
shortgiUserLoggedInType; // logged in user type
char giUserEncryptPwd[16]; // encrypted user password
// (our digest form)
shortgiUserEnvironment; // environment that user has
// logged into
long giReserved6;// [OBSOLETE]
long giReserved7;// [OBSOLETE]
Boolean giDisableScrnShots; // true if screen shots are not
// allowed
// Version 5 fields.
Boolean giSupportsAsyncFSCalls; // Finder uses this to tell if
// our patches support async
// trap patches
shortgiPrefsVRefNum;// vrefnum of preferences
long giPrefsDirID; // dirID of the At Ease Items
// folder on preferences volume
unsigned long giUserLogInTime; // time in seconds when user
// logged in (0 or 1 mean not
// logged in)
Boolean giUsingPrintQuotas; // true if logged in user is
// using printer quotas
Boolean giUsingDiskQuotas; // true if logged in user has
// disk quotas active
// Version 6 fields
Boolean giInSystemAccess; // true if system is in System
// Access (i.e., owner logged
// in)
Boolean giUserFolderEnabled; // true if FindFolder is
// redirecting folders (uses
// giUserName for user)
shortgiReserved8;// [OBSOLETE]
long giReserved9;// [OBSOLETE]
Boolean giInLoginScreen; // true if no user has logged
// in (including owner)
// May have more fields added in future,
// so never check for sizeof(GestaltRec)
} GestaltRec, *GestaltRecPtr, **GestaltRecHand;
#pragma options align=reset
// Possible values for giUserLoggedInType
// (only applicable for AEFW/MM, not Multiple Users)
enum {
kMUUserTypeNormal = 0, // default is a normal user
kMUUserTypeWGAdmin = 1, // Workgroup Administrator type
kMUUserTypeGlobalAdmin = 2 // Global Administrator type (superuser)
// Possible values for giUserEnvironment
enum {
kMUEnvironmentPanels = 0, // Panels environment
kMUEnvironmentFinder = 1, // Normal (or Unrestricted Finder)
// environment
kMUEnvironmentFinderSecure = 2 // Limited (or Restricted Finder)
// environment
At Ease and the Macintosh Manager also register the
'mfdr' Gestalt constant but use
earlier versions of the GestaltRec
structure. Be sure to always check its version
(giVersion ) field before accessing the
other fields.
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Is Multiple Users Running?
In order to determine whether Multiple Users is active on
your users machine, check for the existence of the Multiple
Users Gestalt and look at the
giIsOn field to see if Multiple Users is
Boolean IsMultipleUsersOn (void)
GestaltRecHand result;
if (Gestalt (gestaltMultipleUsersState, (long *) &result) == noErr &&
(*result)->giVersion >= 2 && (*result)->giIsOn)
return true;
return false;
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Who is Logged In?
How can I tell if no user is currently logged
You should make sure Multiple Users is active and then
look at the giInLoginScreen field to see if the
machine is currently in the login screen. Or register your
notification function, and in between a login notification
and a logout notification, you know that a user is logged
How can I tell if a User other than the Owner is
logged in?
Use the Gestalt API as described above. If
giUserLogInTime is > 1 then a User other
than the Owner is logged in. If the Owner is logged in, then
giUserLogInTime will be 0 and
giInSystemAccess will be true.
Boolean IsUserLoggedIn (void)
GestaltRecHand result;
if (Gestalt (gestaltMultipleUsersState, (long *) &result) == noErr &&
(*result)->giVersion >= 5 && (*result)->giIsOn &&
(*result)->giUserLogInTime > 1)
return true;
return false;
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User Names and Passwords
Many developers may be interested in knowing what their
user's name and password are, and how secure the
password is.
In order to get the user name, check the
giUserLoginTime field to make sure it's
greater than 1. If so, then check the
giUserName field to obtain the user's
name. Alternatively, you can register your notification
function and catch the login notification, which will
indicate the user name in the
FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals . However, you
should note that when the owner logs in, the globals
structure will indicate an empty string for the user name in
this case.
void GetUserName (Str255 userName)
GestaltRecHand result;
userName [0] = 0;
if (Gestalt (gestaltMultipleUsersState, (long *) &result) == noErr &&
(*result)->giVersion >= 5 && (*result)->giIsOn &&
(*result)->giUserLogInTime > 1)
BlockMoveData ((*result)->giUserName, userName,
(*result)->giUserName [0] + 1);
With regards to the security of the password, it is
stored hashed in the Multiple User database and is never in
a form that can be decrypted.
Note: The user's password is not
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Additional Notes & Warnings
- If you are a good NetBoot citizen (see Technote
1151) then you have a good chance to be a good
Multiple Users citizen.
- The following is not a Multiple Users problem per se
but is important to all applications. The very first
application launched by the system after the boot can be
either the Finder, At Ease, Login, or Panels and is
referred hereby as the shell:
- Some processes are allocating memory to store data
or code in the shell's heap, or in some cases,
the heap of the first process to launch, or making a
copy of state variables, such as the
value of this other process.
- Usually, this particular process is the Finder and
it does not go away until the User chooses
Restart or Shut Down which is why this
practice hasn't been a huge problem in the
- When Multiple Users is running, the shell or the
first process to launch is going to go away as soon as
the User logs in.
- So any memory allocated in that heap is going to
be purged. If data is stored there, it's going to
be lost, if code is stored there, it's going to
cause a crash as soon as the process who installed it
is going to try to execute it.
- Therefore, allocate memory only in your heap if
it's going to be around long enough, or in the
System heap if you can't help it but do NOT
allocate memory in the shell or in the first process
to launch any more and do not assume that you can keep
a valid copy of state variables of this process.
- When using Macintosh Manager, the Preferences folder
is redirected to a server volume. All connected machines
may not be using the same version of a particular
application. The different versions of that application
may be using a different preferences file format. That
file is going to be rewritten each time by the different
versions. That file is also going to be read by the
different versions. That means that the application has
to be ready to deal gracefully, not only with previous
formats but also with newer formats.
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To be compatible with the Multiple Users technology,
always use the FindFolder API (using all
returned values) and either be ready to handle
afpAccessDenied (-5000 ) errors
when you attempt I/O calls, or test beforehand the
read/write permission of the folder. Additionally, do not
assume that the Finder is always running, or that any Finder
information you got at one time is still valid later on.
To take advantage of the Multiple Users technology,
register the new notification functions, and use the Gestalt
call with the gestaltMultipleUsersState
Technote 1151: Creating NetBoot
Server-Friendly Applications
Technote 1134: The Preferences
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