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How to structure your handleCheckUpdate callback


A JManager host application should call JMFrameUpdate from its window-drawing code, and should also implement a checkUpdate callback that will call JMFrameUpdate if the window's update region is non-empty. (CheckUpdate is called by the AWT to fix up the display immediately if part of the window may have been invalidated by some AWT action.)

 Updated: [Feb 02 2000]

What's the problem?

Both of these routines typically do something like this:


This results in AWT being called while the window is in a funny state -- the BeginUpdate call has clipped its visRgn down to just the area needing updating, so any drawing calls can only draw in that area.

The problem comes in if another thread gets control before the JManager call completes. This might be any other thread, and it may perform other AWT operations like graphics-based drawing, moving components, or updating controls. Since whatever it draws will be clipped down to the window's updateRgn, some parts of the window may not be updated, which looks ugly.

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How do we fix it?

The only workable fix turns out to involve a slight change in the way the host app calls JManager -- and the purpose of this Technote is to tell you to make this change. It's simple to describe:

Never call JManager while within a BeginUpdate...EndUpdate operation.

To do this, you'll need to restructure your drawing and checkUpdate code to be something like the following, which was taken nearly verbatim from MRJShellLib, the library that runs JBound apps:

/** Called in response to a JManager checkUpdate request */
void RequestedWindow::checkUpdate() {
    RgnHandle update = WindowPeek(itsWindow)->updateRgn;
    if (! EmptyRgn(update)) {                            /*1*/
        // Determine the local/global offset:
        Point globalPos = {0,0};

        // Compute the global rgn used for the Java Frame's content:
        Rect content = itsWindow->portRect;            /*2*/
        if( resizeable && !theGrowboxIntrudes )
            content.bottom -= 15;
        OffsetRect(&content, globalPos.h,globalPos.v);
        RgnHandle contentUpdate = NewRgn();

        // Clip the update region against the Java content region:
        SectRgn(contentUpdate,update, contentUpdate);  /*3*/
                                   // move back to local coordinates

        // Call JMFrameUpdate *without* calling BeginUpdate,
        // which mucks up the visRgn:
        if( !EmptyRgn(contentUpdate) ) {               /*4*/
            ValidRgn(contentUpdate);                 /*5*/
            JMFrameUpdate(frameRef, contentUpdate);  /*6*/


/** Main method called to handle incoming updateEvents. */
void RequestedWindow::handleUpdate( ) {
    checkUpdate();   // first redraw Java content
    ... // draw native content here

In essence the checkUpdate method does the following:

  1. Checks whether the window's updateRgn is non-empty; otherwise it returns.
  2. Computes the region of the window allocated to the Java Frame and converts it to global coordinates.
  3. Intersects the region against the window's updateRgn.
  4. If the resulting region is empty, it returns.
  5. Otherwise it calls ValidRgn with that region, to remove it from the updateRgn.
  6. Then finally it calls JMFrameUpdate, passing in the clipped region.

Note that in the checkUpdate method we've avoided using Begin/EndUpdate at all. The main handleUpdate method still needs to use them, to correctly clip the drawing of the native content, but it calls checkUpdate first, before calling BeginUpdate. (Alternatively, you might need to draw the Java content after the native content; if so, you'll have to save a copy of the updateRgn before calling BeginUpdate, since otherwise it'll be lost.)

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Why This Hasn't Been a Problem Before

This never showed up before MRJ 2.2 because the main thread, which handles JManager calls, runs at the highest possible priority, and with the older thread scheduler it used to be impossible for any other thread to get control while this thread was active. But with MRJ 2.2's new "fair share" scheduler, other threads sometimes get time to run.

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Programming with JManager for MRJ 2.1


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