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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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SndPlayDoubleBuffer and Carbon


This Technote is directed at application developers who have code that calls functions that are not in the Carbon Sound Manager and who want to move that code over to Carbon.

[Jun 18 2002]

The loss of the APIs

These sound functions are not in Carbon:

  • SndControl
  • SndStartFilePlay
  • SndPauseFilePlay
  • SndStopFilePlay
  • SndPlayDoubleBuffer
  • MACEVersion
  • Comp3to1
  • Exp1to3
  • Comp6to1
  • Exp1to6
  • AudioGetVolume
  • AudioSetVolume
  • AudioGetMute
  • AudioSetMute
  • AudioSetToDefaults
  • AudioGetInfo
  • AudioGetBass
  • AudioSetBass
  • AudioGetTreble
  • AudioSetTreble
  • AudioGetOutputDevice
  • AudioMuteOnEvent
  • SndRecordToFile
  • SPBRecordToFile

These SndCommand numbers are not supported by the Carbon Sound Manager:

  • initCmd
  • freeCmd
  • totalLoadCmd
  • loadCmd
  • freqDurationCmd
  • restCmd
  • freqCmd
  • ampCmd
  • timbreCmd
  • getAmpCmd
  • waveTableCmd
  • phaseCmd
  • rateCmd
  • continueCmd
  • doubleBufferCmd
  • getRateCmd
  • sizeCmd /*obsolete command*/
  • convertCmd /*obsolete MACE command*/

If you have code that relies on any of the above calls or SndCommands, you will have to rewrite it if you want to make your application Carbon compatible. This Note will describe how to duplicate the functionality of these APIs with Carbon-compatible code.

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Why they were removed

The low-level calls were removed because there are better, more compatible, ways of accomplishing what these calls accomplished. In some cases, the calls had ceased to be useful so their removal should not affect any modern code base.

The high-level calls, SndStartFilePlay, SPBRecordToFile, etc., were removed because their functionality is largely subsumed by QuickTime. Using QuickTime in place of these routines should increase the functionality of your program (for instance, you will be able to play a more varied list of sound files) without adding much work or code to your existing code base.

The SndCommands were removed because they either operate on non-wave data which is no long supported, or there are newer SndCommands that supercede their functionality.

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What they did and how they can be replaced

This is a brief description of what these functions did in the past and how they can be replaced in Carbon. For a complete description, see Inside Macintosh: Sound.

  • SndControl
    • In Sound Manager 2.0 this returned information about the sound hardware.
    • This call was made obsolete by Sound Manager 3.0 and should be replaced by calls to Gestalt.
  • SndStartFilePlay
    • Starts a file playing from disk. This function is basically a wrapper around SndPlayDoubleBuffer.
    • Can be mimicked with QuickTime.
  • SndPauseFilePlay
    • Toggles the playing state of a file that is being played by SndStartFilePlay.
    • When using QuickTime, use QuickTime's control commands.
  • SndStopFilePlay
    • Stops a sound that is being played by SndStartFilePlay.
    • When using QuickTime, use QuickTime's control commands.
  • SndPlayDoubleBuffer
    • Plays a sound by first playing one buffer of audio and then a second.
    • Can be mimicked with bufferCmd and callBackCmd, or to some extent, QuickTime.
  • MACEVersion
    • Gets the version of the MACE compressor/decompressor.
    • This call should never be needed. The current version of MACE is 1.0.2 and it hasn't changed in years.
  • Comp3to1
    • Compresses a sound with MACE 3:1.
    • Can be replaced with the appropriate calls to the SoundConverter APIs.
  • Exp1to3
    • Decompresses a sound compressed with MACE 3:1.
    • Can be replaced with the appropriate calls to the SoundConverter APIs.
  • Comp6to1
    • Compresses a sound with MACE 6:1.
    • Can be replaced with the appropriate calls to the SoundConverter APIs.
  • Exp1to6
    • Decompresses a sound compressed with MACE 6:1.
    • Can be replaced with the appropriate calls to the SoundConverter APIs.
  • AudioGetVolume
    • Called by the Sound Manager to get an output component's volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentGetInfo and the siHardwareVolume selector.
  • AudioSetVolume
    • Called by the Sound Manager to set an output component's volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentSetInfo and the siHardwareVolume selector.
  • AudioGetMute
    • Called by the Sound Manager to get the mute state of an output component.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentGetInfo and the siHardwareMute selector.
  • AudioSetMute
    • Called by the Sound Manager to set the mute state of an output component.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentSetInfo and the siHardwareMute selector.
  • AudioSetToDefaults
    • Called by the Sound Manager to return an output component to its defaults.
    • No replacement.
  • AudioGetInfo
    • Called by the Sound Manager to get information about an output component.
    • Can be replaced with calls to SoundComponentGetInfo and the appropriate selectors.
  • AudioGetBass
    • Called by the Sound Manager to get an output component's bass volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentGetInfo and the siHardwareBass selector.
  • AudioSetBass
    • Called by the Sound Manager to set an output component's bass volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentSetInfo and the siHardwareBass selector.
  • AudioGetTreble
    • Called by the Sound Manager to get an output component's treble volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentGetInfo and the siHardwareTreble selector.
  • AudioSetTreble
    • Called by the Sound Manager to set an output component's treble volume.
    • Can be replaced with SoundComponentSetInfo and the siHardwareTreble selector.
  • AudioGetOutputDevice
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • AudioMuteOnEvent
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • SndRecordToFile
    • Records sound data to a file in a synchronous operation.
    • Can be mimicked with QuickTime using the Sequence Grabber Component.
  • SPBRecordToFile
    • Records sound data to a file, optionally doing it asynchronously.
    • Can be mimicked with appropriate calls SPBRecord and PBWriteAsync for the asynchronous case. QuickTime Sequence Grabber Component can also be used to replace it.


  • initCmd
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • freeCmd
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • totalLoadCmd
    • Sent using the obsolete SndControl function, it reported the total CPU load factor for all existing sound activity.
    • No replacement, but it was not accurate or useful starting with Sound Manager 3.1.
  • loadCmd
    • Sent using the obsolete SndControl function, it reported the percentage of CPU processing power that the sound channel would require.
    • No replacement, but it was not accurate or useful starting with Sound Manager 3.1.
  • freqDurationCmd
    • Play the note specified in param2 for the duration specified in param1.
    • Replace the pitch shift functionality with rateMultiplierCmd.
  • freqCmd
    • Change the frequency (or pitch) of a sound. Could be used to loop a sampled-sound data sound installed with a soundCmd.
    • Replace the pitch shift and duration functionality with rateMultiplierCmd. You can no longer loop a sound. To loop a sound play it over and over again using bufferCmd and callBackCmd.
  • restCmd
    • Rest a channel for a specified duration.
    • No replacement as square wave data sound and wave table data sound are not supported by the Carbon Sound Manager.
  • ampCmd
    • Change the amplitude (or loudness) of a sound.
    • Use volumeCmd instead.
  • timbreCmd
    • Change the timbre (or tone) of a sound currently being defined using square-wave data.
    • No replacement as square wave data sound and wave table data sound are not supported by the Carbon Sound Manager.
  • getAmpCmd
    • Determine the current amplitude (or loudness) of a sound.
    • Use volumeCmd instead.
  • waveTableCmd
    • Install a wave table as a voice in the specified channel.
    • No replacement as wave table data sound are not supported by the Carbon Sound Manager.
  • phaseCmd
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • rateCmd
    • Set the rate of a sampled sound that is currently playing, thus effectively altering its pitch and duration.
    • Use rateMultiplierCmd instead.
  • continueCmd
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • doubleBufferCmd
    • This is the command used by SndPlayDoubleBuffer.
    • This is the command used by SndPlayDoubleBuffer. No direct replacement. You can use bufferCmd and callBackCmd to simulate, see Replacing SndPlayDoubleBuffer below.
  • getRateCmd
    • Determine the sample rate of the sampled sound currently playing.
    • Use getRateMultiplierCmd instead.
  • sizeCmd /*obsolete command*/
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.
  • convertCmd /*obsolete MACE command*/
    • Not documented.
    • No replacement.

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Replacing SndPlayDoubleBuffer

Replacing SndPlayDoubleBuffer is a bit tricky because of the subtle ways it does its work. Replacing it a simple stream of bufferCmds and callBackCmds does not do exactly the same thing for code that was expecting the real SndPlayDoubleBuffer.

This is because the real SndPlayDoubleBuffer call is a single command in the sound channel's queue, a doubleBufferCmd, but the replacement is two commands. Furthermore, the doubleBufferCmd stays in the channel's queue until the sound is done playing, but the bufferCmd and callBackCmd are constantly being added and removed. This is an issue for any commands that might be waiting in the queue after the doubleBufferCmd and the code that relies on those commands being after the doubleBufferCmd. This doesn't immediately kill the prospect of simulating SndPlayDoubleBuffer, but it means that the work is a little more complicated for the simulating code.

The first issue is that information about the currently playing sound will need to be kept for each sound channel. This information is kept by the Sound Manager when using the real SndPlayDoubleBuffer.

// Structs
struct PerChanInfo {
    QElemPtr             qLink;    /* next queue entry */
    short                qType;    /* queue type = 0 */
    short                stopping;
    #if DEBUG
        OSType           magic;
    SndCallBackUPP        usersCallBack;
    SndDoubleBufferHeader theParams;
    CmpSoundHeader        soundHeader;
typedef struct PerChanInfo   PerChanInfo;
typedef struct PerChanInfo * PerChanInfoPtr;

// Globals
    Boolean              gNMRecBusy;
    NMRecPtr             gNMRecPtr;
    QHdrPtr              gFreeList;
    Ptr                  gSilenceTwos;
    Ptr                  gSilenceOnes;

The queue structure is used to keep track of the per-channel sound information, such as the format of the sound, the parameters to SndPlayDoubleBuffer, the callback function that was originally in the sound channel (before the simulating code users it for its own use) and some housekeeping information. This queue structure will allow us to enqueue the channel information using PBEnqueue at interrupt time so that at task time we can dispose of the per-channel structure and associated memory.

The simulation has to set up its simple state machine and the first buffer of sound has to be played. That code looks like this:

// This function is only callable at system task time.
//    Note: CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer calls NewPtrClear,
//          which is only callable at system task time,
//          this means that CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer itself
//          is only callable at system task time.
OSErr CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer (SndChannelPtr chan,
  SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr theParams) {
    OSErr                            err;
    CompressionInfo                  compInfo;
    PerChanInfoPtr                   perChanInfoPtr;
    SndCommand                       playCmd;
    SndCommand                       callBack;

    if (chan == nil) {
        err = badChannel;
        goto exit;

    if (theParams == nil) {
        err = paramErr;
        goto exit;

    if (gFreeList == nil) {
        // This can't ever be disposed since we don't know when
        // we might need to use it (at interrupt time)
        gFreeList = (QHdrPtr)NewPtrClear (sizeof (QHdr));
        err = MemError ();
        if (noErr != err) goto exit;

    if (gSilenceOnes == nil) {
        short        i;
        // This can't ever be disposed since we don't know when
        // we might need to use it (at interrupt time)
        gSilenceOnes = NewPtr (kBufSize);
        err = MemError ();
        if (noErr != err) goto exit;
        for (i = 0; i < kBufSize; i++) {
            gSilenceOnes[i] = (char)0x80;

    if (gSilenceTwos == nil) {
        // This can't ever be disposed since we don't know when
        // we might need to use it (at interrupt time)
        gSilenceTwos = NewPtrClear (kBufSize);
        err = MemError ();
        if (noErr != err) goto exit;

    if (gNMRecPtr == nil) {
        // This can't ever be disposed since we don't know when
        // we might need to use it (at interrupt time)
        gNMRecPtr = (NMRecPtr)NewPtr (sizeof (NMRec));
        err = MemError ();
        if (noErr != err) goto exit;

        // Set up our NMProc info that will dispose of most
        // (but not all) of our memory
        gNMRecPtr->qLink = nil;
        gNMRecPtr->qType = 8;
        gNMRecPtr->nmFlags = 0;
        gNMRecPtr->nmPrivate = 0;
        gNMRecPtr->nmReserved = 0;
        gNMRecPtr->nmMark = nil;
        gNMRecPtr->nmIcon = nil;
        gNMRecPtr->nmSound = nil;
        gNMRecPtr->nmStr = nil;
        gNMRecPtr->nmResp = NewNMProc (NMResponseProc);
        gNMRecPtr->nmRefCon = 0;

    perChanInfoPtr = (PerChanInfoPtr)NewPtr (sizeof (PerChanInfo));
    err = MemError ();
    if (noErr != err) goto exit;

    // Init basic per channel information
    perChanInfoPtr->qLink = nil;
    perChanInfoPtr->qType = 0;                // not used
    perChanInfoPtr->stopping = 0;
    #if DEBUG
        perChanInfoPtr->magic = 'SANE';

    perChanInfoPtr->theParams = *theParams;
    // Have to remember the user's callback function from the sound because
    // we are going to overwrite it with our own callback function.
    perChanInfoPtr->usersCallBack = chan->callBack;

    // Set up the sound header for the bufferCmd that will be used to play
    // the buffers passed in by the SndPlayDoubleBuffer call.
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.samplePtr =
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.numChannels =
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.sampleRate =
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.loopStart = 0;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.loopEnd = 0;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.encode = cmpSH;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.baseFrequency = kMiddleC;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.numFrames =
         (unsigned long)theParams->dbhBufferPtr[0]->dbNumFrames;
    //    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.AIFFSampleRate = 0;          // unused
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.markerChunk = nil;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.futureUse2 = nil;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.stateVars = nil;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.leftOverSamples = nil;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.compressionID =
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.packetSize =
         (unsigned short)theParams->dbhPacketSize;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.snthID = 0;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.sampleSize =
         (unsigned short)theParams->dbhSampleSize;
    perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.sampleArea[0] = 0;

    // Is the sound compressed?  If so, we need to treat
    // theParams as a SndDoubleBufferHeader2Ptr.
    if (theParams->dbhCompressionID != 0 ) {
        // Sound is compressed
        err = GetCompressionInfo (theParams->dbhCompressionID,
        if (noErr != err) goto exitDispose;

        perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.format = compInfo.format;
    } else {
        // Sound is not compressed
        perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.format = kSoundNotCompressed;

    playCmd.cmd = bufferCmd;
    playCmd.param1 = 0;          // unused
    playCmd.param2 = (long)&perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader;

    callBack.cmd = callBackCmd;
    callBack.param1 = 0;          // which buffer to fill, 0 buffer, 1, 0, ...
    callBack.param2 = (long)perChanInfoPtr;

    // Install our callback function pointer straight into
    // the sound channel structure
    if (gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackUPP == nil) {
        gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackUPP =
             NewSndCallBackProc (CarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackProc);

    chan->callBack = gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackUPP;

    if (gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCleanUpUPP == nil) {
            gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCleanUpUPP =
                 NewSndCallBackProc (CarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCleanUpProc);

    err = SndDoCommand (chan, &playCmd, true);
    if (noErr != err) goto exitDispose;

    err = SndDoCommand (chan, &callBack, true);
    if (noErr != err) goto exitDispose;

    return err;

    if (perChanInfoPtr != nil)
        DisposePtr ((Ptr)perChanInfoPtr);
    goto exit;

In Carbon there is no UPP for the SndDoubleBackProc, but that's OK. Since all code in Carbon is PowerPC, and this code will be compiled into the calling program (therefore not needing to worry about CFM<->Mach-O calling conventions) the SndDoubleBackProc will just be treated as a regular C function pointer.

The callback function that tells the user's code to refill the now empty buffer and begins playing the alternate buffer looks like this:

static pascal void    CarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackProc
               (SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndCommand * theCallBackCmd) {
    SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr        theParams;
    SndDoubleBufferPtr                emptyBuf;
    SndDoubleBufferPtr                nextBuf;
    PerChanInfoPtr                    perChanInfoPtr;
    SndCommand                        playCmd;

    perChanInfoPtr = (PerChanInfoPtr)(theCallBackCmd->param2);
    #if DEBUG
        if (perChanInfoPtr->magic != 'SANE')
                    DebugStr("\pBAD in CarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackProc");
    if (perChanInfoPtr->stopping == true) goto exit;

    theParams = &(perChanInfoPtr->theParams);

    // The buffer that just played and needs to be filled
    emptyBuf = theParams->dbhBufferPtr[theCallBackCmd->param1];

    // Clear the ready flag
    emptyBuf->dbFlags ^= dbBufferReady;

    // This is the buffer to play now
    nextBuf = theParams->dbhBufferPtr[!theCallBackCmd->param1];

    // Check to see if it is ready, or if we have to wait a bit
    if (nextBuf->dbFlags & dbBufferReady) {
         perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.numFrames = (unsigned long)nextBuf->dbNumFrames;
         perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.samplePtr = (Ptr)(nextBuf->dbSoundData);

         // Flip the bit telling us which buffer is next
         theCallBackCmd->param1 = !theCallBackCmd->param1;

         // If this isn't the last buffer, call the user's fill routine
         if (!(nextBuf->dbFlags & dbLastBuffer)) {
            #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
              // Declare a function pointer to the user's double back proc
              void (*doubleBackProc)(SndChannel*, SndDoubleBuffer*);

               // Call user's double back proc
              doubleBackProc = (void*)theParams->dbhDoubleBack;
              (*doubleBackProc) (theChannel, emptyBuf);
              CallSndDoubleBackProc (theParams->dbhDoubleBack, theChannel, emptyBuf);
        } else {
            // Call our clean up proc when the last buffer finishes
            theChannel->callBack = gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCleanUpUPP;
    } else {
        // We have to wait for the buffer to become ready.
        // The real SndPlayDoubleBuffer would play a short bit of silence
        // waiting for the user to read the audio from disk,
        // so that's what we do here.
        #if DEBUG
            DebugStr ("\p buffer is not ready!");
        // Play a short section of silence so that we can check the
        // ready flag again
        if (theParams->dbhSampleSize == 8) {
            perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.numFrames =
                   (UInt32)(kBufSize / theParams->dbhNumChannels);
            perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.samplePtr = gSilenceOnes;
        } else {
            perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.numFrames =
                   (UInt32)(kBufSize / (theParams->dbhNumChannels *
                   (theParams->dbhSampleSize / 8)));
            perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader.samplePtr = gSilenceTwos;

    // Insert our callback command
    InsertSndDoCommand (theChannel, theCallBackCmd);

    // Play the next buffer
    playCmd.cmd = bufferCmd;
    playCmd.param1 = 0;
    playCmd.param2 = (long)&(perChanInfoPtr->soundHeader);
    InsertSndDoCommand(theChannel, &playCmd);


There is a further callback function that runs only once the application has signaled that we have played the last buffer of its data. This function queues the per-channel sound information so that the Notification Manager callback can dispose of the per-channel memory.

static pascal void    CarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCleanUpProc
              (SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndCommand * theCallBackCmd) {
    PerChanInfoPtr perChanInfoPtr;

    perChanInfoPtr = (PerChanInfoPtr)(theCallBackCmd->param2);
    #if DEBUG
        if (perChanInfoPtr->magic != 'SANE') DebugStr("\pBAD in

    // Put our per channel data on the free queue so we can
    // clean up later
    Enqueue ((QElemPtr)perChanInfoPtr, gFreeList);

    // Have to put the user's callback proc back so
    // they get called when the next buffer finishes
    theChannel->callBack = perChanInfoPtr->usersCallBack;

    // Have to install our Notification Manager routine so that
    // we can clean up the gFreeList
    if (!OTAtomicSetBit (&gNMRecBusy, 0)) {
        NMInstall (gNMRecPtr);

The next issue is that because the simulating code will not be called once the sound has finished, it doesn't have a good opportunity to clean up after itself because it will be called at interrupt time when it wants to dispose of the associated memory for the completed sound. This can be partially alleviated by using the Notification Manager to dispose of most of the memory, but there is no easy way to clean up the Notification Manager record that is allocated for this.

The Notification Manager callback code looks like this:

static pascal void NMResponseProc (NMRecPtr nmReqPtr) {
    PerChanInfoPtr                    perChanInfoPtr;
    OSErr                            err;

    NMRemove (nmReqPtr);
    gNMRecBusy = false;

    do {
        perChanInfoPtr = (PerChanInfoPtr)gFreeList->qHead;
        if (nil != perChanInfoPtr) {
            err = Dequeue ((QElemPtr)perChanInfoPtr, gFreeList);
            if (noErr == err) {
                DisposePtr ((Ptr)perChanInfoPtr);
    } while (nil != perChanInfoPtr && noErr == err);

Because existing code will assume that once it has called SndPlayDoubleBuffer that it can install a callBackCmd without affecting the playing of the sound, the code replacing SndPlayDoubleBuffer must insert its bufferCmds and callBackCmds at the head of the sound queue. This means directly manipulating the sound channel's command queue.

The code to do that looks like:

static void    InsertSndDoCommand (SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand * newCmd) {
    if (-1 == chan->qHead) {
        chan->qHead = chan->qTail;

    if (1 <= chan->qHead) {
    } else {
        chan->qHead = chan->qLength - 1;

    chan->queue[chan->qHead] = *newCmd;

This also means that SndDoImmediate must be wrapped so as to allow the original code to use the quietCmd as it always has. Here is code that shows how to wrap SndDoImmediate to make sure that a quietCmd stops the sound and calls the correct function for any callBackCmd that might have been installed after the call to SndPlayDoubleBuffer.

// Remember this routine could be called at interrupt time,
// so don't allocate or deallocate memory.
OSErr    MySndDoImmediate (SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand * cmd) {
    PerChanInfoPtr                    perChanInfoPtr;

    // Is this being called on one of the sound channels we are manipulating?
    // If so, we need to pull our callback out of the way so
    // that the user's commands run
    if (nil != gFreeList && gCarbonSndPlayDoubleBufferCallBackUPP ==
                        chan->callBack) {
        if (quietCmd == cmd->cmd || flushCmd == cmd->cmd) {
            // We know that our callBackCmd is the first item in the queue
            // if this is our channel
            perChanInfoPtr = (PerChanInfoPtr)
            #if DEBUG
                if (perChanInfoPtr->magic != 'SANE')
                          DebugStr("\pBAD in MySndDoImmediate");
            perChanInfoPtr->stopping = true;
            Enqueue ((QElemPtr)perChanInfoPtr, gFreeList);
            if (! OTAtomicSetBit (&gNMRecBusy, 0)) {
                NMInstall (gNMRecPtr);
            chan->callBack = perChanInfoPtr->usersCallBack;

    return (SndDoImmediate (chan, cmd));

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If you use SndStartFilePlay to play sound resources (resources of type 'snd ') using limited amounts of memory (rather than loading the entire sound into memory and playing it), your only solution is to write a wrapper around the CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer code using ReadPartialResource to extract only a portion of the sound resource at a time.

QuickTime doesn't give you the option of playing a resource handle whose data hasn't been completely loaded. QuickTime will play a sound resource, but it expects that the resource has been fully loaded into memory.

If you use SndStartFilePlay to play sound files from disk, this is probably a good fit for QuickTime. You can even have QuickTime start playing the sound from a specific time, just like SndStartFilePlay, though you have to poll to know when the sound is done, there is no QuickTime callback for this information.

The code to have QuickTime play a file from disk looks like:

    OSErr            err;
    Movie            theSound;
    short            fileRefNum;

    err = OpenMovieFile (&theSpec, &fileRefNum, fsRdPerm);

    if (noErr == err) {
          err = NewMovieFromFile (&theSound, fileRefNum, 0, nil,
             newMovieActive, nil);

    if (noErr == err) {
        GoToBeginningOfMovie (theSound);

    if (noErr == err) {
        StartMovie (theSound);

    if (noErr == err) {
        while (!IsMovieDone (theSound) {
            MoviesTask (theSound, 0);

This code will open a file on disk, pointed to by a FSSpec, and play it synchronously from the beginning of the sound to the end. SndStartFilePlay required you to already have the file open and pass it a file reference number, so you probably already have a FSSpec to the file you want to play.

If you want to start the sound at some place other than the start, you would use QuickTime's SetMovieTime function to set the current time in the movie.

If you want to play the sound asynchronously, then you will need to make theSound a global and in your main event loop call MoviesTask about every quarter of a second to keep the movie running with any glitches. What this implies is that if you cannot call MoviesTask, for instance, because your user is holding down the mouse button and you are inside a call to TrackDrag, then the sound will stop. If that is unacceptable, then you will probably want to convert to using the CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer code which does not require task time to continue playing a sound.

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SndRecordToFile and SPBRecordToFile

If you use SndRecordToFile to record sound to disk, the easiest way to convert to Carbon is to use QuickTime. The following code shows how you would use QuickTime's Sequence Grabber to record audio in a synchronous manner.

    SGChannel               sgSoundChan;
    ComponentInstance        sgSoundComp;
    short                  numChannels,
    OSType                 compressionType,

    err = SGInitialize (sgSoundComp);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGNewChannel (sgSoundComp, SoundMediaType, &sgSoundChan);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGSetChannelUsage (sgSoundChan, seqGrabRecord);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGSetSoundInputRate (sgSoundChan, sampleRate);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGSetSoundInputParameters
                  (sgSoundChan, sampleSize, numChannels, compressionType);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SPBSetDeviceInfo
                  (SGGetSoundInputDriver (sgSoundChan),
                  siOSTypeInputSource, &inputSource);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGSoundInputDriverChanged (sgSoundChan);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGSetDataOutput (sgSoundComp, &theSpec, seqGrabToDisk);

    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SGStartRecord (sgSoundComp);

    if (err == noErr) {
        EventRecord        event;
        Boolean            done = false;

        while (!done && err == noErr) {
            WaitNextEvent (mDownMask | keyDownMask, &event, 6, nil);
            err = SGIdle (sgSoundComp);
            switch (event.what) {
                case mouseDown:
                case keyDown:
                    done = true;
        err = SGStop (sgSoundComp);

    if (sgSoundComp != nil) {
        err = CloseComponent (sgSoundComp);

If you would prefer to use the Sequence Grabber's user interface to have the user configure the recording (which is recommended if you don't have your own interface already) then you can skip the calls to SGSetSoundInputRate, SGSetSoundInputParameters, and SPBSetDeviceInfo with the siOSTypeInputSource selector, and SGSoundInputDriverChanged and replace them all with a single call to SGSettingsDialog.

If you want to record asynchronously (something that SndRecordToFile will not do but SPBRecordToFile would), then you will need to make sgSoundComp a global and call SGIdle from your main event loop at least once every quarter of a second.

One nice feature of using the Sequence Grabber to record is that it will record in any compression format currently installed on the Mac. It does not limit you to only MACE 3:1 and MACE 6:1 compression.

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Many of the Sound Manager functions not in Carbon were not used and so their loss will not cause any difficulties. For the other functions, QuickTime and a little extra Sound Manager Carbon compatible code is all that is required.

Since QuickTime is very easy to use (at least in these cases) and has most of the functionality of the non-Carbon Sound Manager calls, converting your code to use QuickTime when converting the rest of your code to Carbon should not be difficult.

For those applications that made heavy use of SndPlayDoubleBuffer and required its interrupt driven nature to deliver uninterrupted audio, the CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer and associated functions allow you to do this with a minimum of change to your existing code base.

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Carbon Developer Documentation

Technote 1108: Unknown Sound Features

Technote 1048: Some Sound Advice: Getting the Most Out of the Sound Manager

Inside Macintosh: Sound

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Acrobat version of this Note (96K).



CarbonSndPlayDoubleBuffer code


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