This Technote describes the AEStream* collection of
APIs that can be used to construct Apple event records and Apple event
descriptors using stream oriented calling conventions. These APIs allow you to use
interesting and easy to maintain stream oriented algorithms for
creating complex Apple event descriptor records.
The AEStream* routines are not intended to be
a replacement for the other documented Apple Event Manager APIs. Rather, they supplement
the other APIs and accomodate different styles of programming. Together with
the other collection of Apple Event Manager APIs, the AEStream* routines make it simpler
to create Apple event descriptor records in a wider variety of algorithms.
This Note is directed at application developers interested in using stream
oriented algorithms for constructing complex Apple event descriptors.
[Mar 29 2002]
The AEStream* routines allow you to append data to Apple event descriptor
records in a way that is similar to opening and writing data to a file.
Once an AEStreamRef has been opened, callers can append information
to the stream using AEStream * routines describing the resulting
descriptor that should be created. The commands sent to the stream are saved
in the AEStreamRef but they are not actually combined to
create a descriptor record until the AEStreamRef is closed.
Listing 1. An example illustrating
how to make a simple descriptor.
AEStreamRef ref;
char* p = "Hello World";
/* open the stream */
ref = AEStreamOpen();
if (ref != NULL) {
/* save a descriptor to the stream */
err = AEStreamWriteDesc( ref, typeChar, p, strlen(p));
if (err == noErr) {
/* close the stream gathering the contents
into theNewDesc, a new descriptor */
AEDesc theNewDesc;
err = AEStreamClose( ref, &theNewDesc);
if (err == noErr) {
/* here we would use the new descriptor
for some purpose */
/* dispose of the descriptor once we're
finished with it. */
} else {
/* if an error occurred creating the descriptor,
close the stream and discard the result. */
AEStreamClose( ref, NULL);
In the simplest case, an AEStreamRef can be used to create simple
descriptor records as shown in Listing 1. But, going by
this sample, it's not obvious that there is any advantage to using the AEStream* calls
rather than using a simple call to AECreateDesc as shown in Listing 2.
And, it is true, in this particular case, there is no particular advantage to using
the AEStream* calls. However, in some similar circumstances the AEStream* calls may
prove to be a better choice than simply calling AECreateDesc .
Listing 2. An example illustrating
how to make a simple descriptor using AECreateDesc .
char* p = "Hello World";
err = AECreateDesc(typeChar, p, strlen(p), &textDesc);
Say, for example, the contents of the descriptor record are complex and can
not be determined all at once, but you would like to accumulate that data
in sequence as the contents of the descriptor record. To create such a descriptor
using AECreateDesc , you would have to accumulate the data yourself, collect it
into a large contiguous block of memory, and then copy the data to a descriptor
by calling AECreateDesc . However, the AEStream* routines provide facilities
for performing these operations without having to maintain any additional house
keeping information. As shown in Listing 3, repeated
calls to the AEStreamWriteData routine can be used to build-up the contents of
a descriptor record. Also, when calling AEStreamWriteData , there is no need to specify all
of the information that will be included in the descriptor at the same time (it
could be collected across a number of calls in many different routines, for example).
Listing 3. An example illustrating
how to build a simple descriptor, one letter at a time.
/* AddTextDesc adds a text descriptor containing the
text in the string pointed to by theText to an AEStreamRef.
It adds the text one character at a time illustrate how the
AEStream* routines can be used to build up the data contents
of descriptors incrementally. */
OSStatus AddTextDesc(AEStreamRef ref, char* theText) {
char* p;
OSStatus err;
/* start a descriptor of type text */
err = AEStreamOpenDesc( ref, typeChar);
if (err == noErr) {
/* add the string to the descriptor,
one letter at a time */
for (p=theText; *p; p++) {
/* write a single character */
err = AEStreamWriteData( ref, p, 1);
if (err != noErr) break;
if (err == noErr) {
/* mark the end of the descriptor */
err = AEStreamCloseDesc(AEStreamRef ref);
return err;
AEStreamRef ref;
ref = AEStreamOpen();
if (ref != NULL) {
/* call our AddTextDesc to add a text descriptor to
the AEStreamRef */
err = AddTextDesc(ref, "Hello World");
if (err == noErr) {
AEDesc theNewDesc;
/* close the stream gathering the contents
into theNewDesc, a new descriptor */
err = AEStreamClose( ref, &theNewDesc);
if (err == noErr) {
/* here we would use the new descriptor
for some purpose */
/* dispose of the descriptor once we're
finished with it. */
} else {
/* if an error occurred creating the descriptor,
close the stream and discard the result. */
AEStreamClose( ref, NULL);
In the implementation of some algorithms, it may make more sense to incrementally
build a descriptor record using techiques similar to those used in
Listing 3. Similarly, you may use the AEStream* routines
to incrementally build AEDescList structures and AERecord
structures. For instance, to build a list AEDescList , we simply bracket
a sequence of calls writing individual descriptors with calls to AEStreamOpenList
and AEStreamCloseList . The AddAListOfStrings routine defined in
Listing 4 shows an example of how to use these routines
to create a simple list of text descriptors. And, as one may expect, it is perfectly
acceptable to nest calls to AEStreamOpenList and AEStreamCloseList
to create lists inside of lists.
Listing 4. An example illustrating
how to make a complex descriptor containing a list of strings.
/* AddAListOfStrings appends a single AEDescList structure to
the AEStreamRef containing a list of n descriptors of typeChar
built using the array of string pointers provided in the strings
parameter. */
OSStatus AddAListOfStrings(AEStreamRef ref, char** strings, long n) {
OSStatus err;
long i;
/* start collecting items into a list */
err = AEStreamOpenList(ref);
if (err == noErr) {
/* add all of our strings to the list
using the AddTextDesc routine defined in
Listing 3 */
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
err = AddTextDesc(ref, strings[i]);
if (err != noErr) break;
/* close the list */
if (err == noErr) {
err = AEStreamCloseList(ref);
return err;
/* a list of strings we will use to create our
descriptor list */
char* gStringList[] = {
"Hello World",
"Apple events",
"one last string"
AEStreamRef ref;
long i;
OSStatus err;
/* open a stream */
ref = AEStreamOpen();
if (ref != NULL) {
/* add a descriptor containing list of strings to
the AEStream */
err = AddAListOfStrings(ref, gStringList,
/* close the AEStream, saving the new
descriptor if no errors occurred */
if (err == noErr) {
AEDesc theNewDesc;
/* close the stream gathering the contents
into theNewDesc, a new descriptor */
err = AEStreamClose( ref, &theNewDesc);
if (err == noErr) {
/* here we would use the new descriptor
for some purpose */
/* dispose of the descriptor once we're
finished with it. */
} else {
/* if an error occurred creating the descriptor,
close the stream and discard the result. */
AEStreamClose( ref, NULL);
Similar techniques can be used to construct complex AERecord s and
to add parameters to Apple event records. For the most part, adding descriptors
to records and parameters to Apple events proceeds in a similar fashion to creating
a AEDescList ; however, the AEStream* routines have additional provisions that allow
you to specify record types and keywords associated with descriptors in records.
Routines for creating records and adding elements to them are presented later
in this document.
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AEStream* Tips
Here are some key points to remember when using the AEStream* routines:
- You create exactly one descriptor record between calls to
and AEStreamClose . Don't expect AEStream* to automatically create a list
for you if you write more than one descriptor between AEStreamOpen and AEStreamClose .
If you want to create a list, then add the descriptors between calls to
AEStreamOpenList and AEStreamCloseList .
- Be careful to balance all of your calls. For every call to
there must be a call to AEStreamCloseDesc , for every AEStreamOpenList call there
must be a corresponding AEStreamCloseList call, and so on. As shown in the outline
provided in Listing 5, it is possible make complex calling sequences to the
AEStream* routines to create complex nested structures.
Listing 5. An outline of a calling sequence
illustrating how calls to AEStream* can be nested to create a complex Apple event descriptor.
open a stream
begin a list
write a descriptor
write a descriptor
open a descriptor
write some data
write some data
write some data
write some data
close the descriptor
open a record
set the record type
write a key/descriptor pair
write a key/descriptor pair
close the record
begin a list
write a descriptor
write a descriptor
open a record
set the record type
write a key/descriptor pair
write a key/descriptor pair
close the record
end a list
write a descriptor
end a list
close the stream -> a new descriptor
The AEStream* routines maintain state information that tracks
the nesting of calls made to the library. This is necessary for its own operation, but it also
uses this information to report errors. If your calls to the library are not balanced properly,
AEStreamClose will return an errAEStreamBadNesting error when you
try to close the AEStreamRef .
- Weigh other alternatives. Ask: will your code be simpler, more clear, and easier to maintain
if you use the original Apple Event Manager routines such as
AECreateDesc or the AEBuild* routines
(see Technical Note TN2045) instead of the AEStream*
routines? Using the AEStream*
routines may improve the clarity of some implementations, but for others the
AEStream* routines may not be the
best choice.
- Be sure to dispose of the descriptor record created by
AEStreamClose . It is
your application's responsibility to dispose of the AEDesc record
once it has finished using it.
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Opening and Closing an Apple event Stream
There are three routines that allow you to create and open a new
AEStreamRef for collecting commands that will be used to create a new
descriptor record when AEStreamClose is called. AEStreamOpen should be used
for creating records of type AEDesc , AEDescList , and AERecord . The
routine AEStreamCreateEvent can be used to create new AppleEvent records
and the routine AEStreamOpenEvent can be used to open an
existing AppleEvent record so you can add parameters to it. No matter which routine
you choose to open an AEStreamRef , you must call AEStreamClose to close the
stream and collect all of the commands issued to the AEStreamRef into the resulting
descriptor record.
AEStreamRef AEStreamOpen(void);
An AEStreamRef or, if an error occurs, the
value NULL .
AEStreamOpen opens a new AEStreamRef that you can use for
collecting commands describing an Apple event descriptor record. Once you have
opened an AEStreamRef you can call the other AEStream* routines to describe
the format of the descriptor record you would like to create. The example provided
in Listing 1 shows how you would call this routine.
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OSStatus AEStreamClose(
AEStreamRef ref,
AEDesc* desc);
ref - An AEStreamRef created by either
AEStreamOpen , AEStreamCreateEvent or
AEStreamOpenEvent .
desc - either a pointer to AEDesc record
where the sequence of items written to the AEStreamRef
should be saved or the value NULL . If this parameter is
set to NULL, then AEStreamClose will discard the result
and dispose of the AEStreamRef (no matter what state it is
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamClose closes and deallocates an AEStreamRef created by calling one of
the routines AEStreamOpen , AEStreamCreateEvent or
AEStreamOpenEvent . If a pointer to a descriptor is provided in the
second parameter, then the resulting descriptor record will be stored in that
location. If the AEStreamRef was created by AEStreamOpenEvent
or AEStreamCreateEvent , then the resulting descriptor will contain a complete
Apple event.
It is the calling application's responsibility to dispose of the descriptor record
returned by AEStreamClose . Once you are finished with the descriptor
record, you should dispose of it by calling AEDisposeDesc .
Providing a NULL pointer in the desc parameter instructs
AEStreamClose to discard the result and dispose of the AEStreamRef (no matter what
state it is in). When you call AEStreamClose in this way, you do not need to worry about
balancing nested calls to AEStream* (such as, for example, AEStreamOpenList
and AEStreamCloseList ).
This can be particularly useful in error handling situations when you would like to
dispose of the AEStreamRef , but you do not necessarily know anything about what state
it is in.
All nested sequences of calls must be appropriately balanced before AEStreamClose
is called. That is to say, every AEStreamOpenList call must have a corresponding
AEStreamCloseList call, every AEStreamOpenRecord call must have a corresponding
AEStreamCloseRecord call, and so on. Calling AEStreamClose to close
an AEStreamRef
after nested calls have not been balanced properly will result in a errAEStreamBadNesting
error. The example listing in Listing 1 illustrates how to call
AEStreamClose to obtain the resulting descriptor record and how to call
AEStreamClose discarding the result after an error has occurred.
In the case where AEStreamClose fails and returns an error, the AEDesc
record pointed to by the desc parameter will be set to a descriptor of
typeNull . Because of this, it is always safe to call AEDisposeDesc
on the descriptor record returned by AEStreamClose no matter what result code
is returned.
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Writing Descriptors
The AEStream* routines include three different facilities that allow you
to add individual descriptor records to an AEStreamRef .
AEStreamWriteAEDesc , allows you to write a pre-built AEDesc
record (of any format) to an AEStreamRef . This allows you to take pre-assembled
descriptors and build them into complex descriptor structures in much the same
way as you would use constants in any program.
AEStreamWriteDesc lets you provide a data buffer and a typeCode
that will be used to create the descriptor.
- The
AEStreamOpenDesc , AEStreamWriteData , and
AEStreamCloseDesc calls allow you to create a descriptor record
by building up the data it contains incrementally. All of the data provided
across multiple calls to AEStreamWriteData is combined
when the resulting descriptor record is created. The example shown in
Listing 3 shows how to use these three calls
to build a descriptor record incrementally.
These routines are described in this section. Keep in mind that all of these routines
can be used to create individual descriptor records (AEDesc records).
These same routines are used for adding descriptor records to AEDescList
and AERecord structures, but to do so calls to these routines must
be bracketed by calls to AEStreamOpenList /AEStreamCloseList
and AEStreamOpenRecord /AEStreamCloseRecord , respectively.
OSStatus AEStreamWriteAEDesc(
AEStreamRef ref,
const AEDesc *desc);
ref - An AEStreamRef created by either
AEStreamOpen , AEStreamCreateEvent or
AEStreamOpenEvent .
desc - a pointer to an AEDesc record that should be copied
into the AEStreamRef . AEStreamWriteAEDesc copies the
AEDesc immediately so there is no need to retain this storage after
calling AEStreamWriteAEDesc .
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamWriteAEDesc copies an entire existing Apple event
descriptor record to the AEStreamRef .
This routine useful in cases where you have a pre-assembled
descriptor record that you would like to use in the descriptor you are creating. For
example, say you have a complex object specifier record that could be costly to create
every time you build a descriptor, but you would like to add it to many different
descriptor records. In this case, it would be more efficient to create the object
specifier record at program start up time and then use it, much like a constant, again and
again, in calls to AEStreamWriteAEDesc .
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OSStatus AEStreamWriteDesc(
AEStreamRef ref,
DescType newType,
const void* data,
Size length);
ref - An AEStreamRef created by either
AEStreamOpen , AEStreamCreateEvent or
AEStreamOpenEvent .
newType - A type code for the new AEDesc
being copied to the AEStreamRef .
data - A pointer to a block of memory containing length
bytes of data that will be used in the new AEDesc being copied to the AEStreamRef .
AEStreamWriteDesc copies the data immediately so you do not need to retain this
memory after calling AEStreamWriteDesc .
length - The number of bytes pointed to by the data parameter.
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamWriteDesc allows you to provide a typeCode and a data
buffer that will be used to create a descriptor record. With this routine, you must
provide all of the data that will be used in the descriptor record all at once. If you
would like to provide the data incrementally, then you should use the
AEStreamOpenDesc , AEStreamWriteData ,
and AEStreamCloseDesc calls (described next).
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OSStatus AEStreamOpenDesc(
AEStreamRef ref,
DescType newType);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Calling AEStreamOpenDesc marks the beginning of a sequence of zero or more
calls to AEStreamWriteData . All of the calls to AEStreamWriteData made between
calls to AEStreamOpenDesc and AEStreamCloseDesc will be combined to create a descriptor
with the typeCode specified in the call to AEStreamOpenDesc . A call to
AEStreamOpenDesc may be followed by any number of calls AEStreamWriteData and
must be balanced with a call to AEStreamCloseDesc .
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OSStatus AEStreamWriteData(
AEStreamRef ref,
const void* data,
Size length);
ref - An AEStreamRef created by either
AEStreamOpen , AEStreamCreateEvent or
AEStreamOpenEvent . AEStreamOpenDesc or AEStreamOpenKeyDesc must
have been called on this AEStreamRef prior to calling
AEStreamWriteData .
data - A pointer to a block of memory containing length
bytes of data that will be used in the new AEDesc being copied to the AEStreamRef .
AEStreamWriteData copies the data immediately so you do not need to retain this
memory after calling AEStreamWriteData .
length - The number of bytes pointed to by the data parameter.
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamWriteData appends data to the current descriptor record being defined
in the AEStreamRef . You can call this routine any number of times to build
up the data contents of a descriptor record incrementally. Calls to AEStreamWriteData
must be preceded by either a call to AEStreamOpenDesc or a call to
AEStreamOpenKeyDesc . After calling AEStreamWriteData one or more times to define
the data contents of a descriptor record, you must call AEStreamCloseDesc to complete the descriptor's
definition and balance the preceding call to either AEStreamOpenDesc or AEStreamOpenKeyDesc .
The example shown in Listing 3 shows how to call AEStreamWriteData .
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OSStatus AEStreamCloseDesc(AEStreamRef ref);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamCloseDesc is used to mark the end of a descriptor record being written
to an AEStreamRef . After calling AEStreamWriteData one or more times to define
the data contents of a descriptor record, you must call this routine
to complete the descriptor's definition and balance the preceding call to either
AEStreamOpenDesc or AEStreamOpenKeyDesc . The example shown
in Listing 3 shows how to call AEStreamCloseDesc .
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Writing Lists
Routines in this section are used to delimit a group of descriptor records
that will be combined to create at AEDescList structure in the resulting
OSStatus AEStreamOpenList(AEStreamRef ref);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Calling AEStreamOpenList marks the beginning of a sequence of zero or more
descriptor definitions that will be combined to create a single AEDescList
structure in the resulting descriptor record. Every call to AEStreamOpenList must
be balanced with a corresponding call to AEStreamCloseList . The descriptors included
in an AEDescList structure can be:
AEDesc s defined using any of the three methods described in the
Writing Descriptors section.
AEDescList s defined using the routines described in this section.
AERecord s defined using the routines described in the Writing Records
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OSStatus AEStreamCloseList(AEStreamRef ref);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamCloseList is used to mark the end of a list started by calling
to AEStreamOpenList . Call this routine after writing some descriptors
to an AEStreamRef to balance the preceding call to AEStreamOpenList .
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Writing Records
Routines provided for writing AERecord structures are very similar to the
set of routines provided for writing AEDescList structures. The main
difference is the routines for writing AERecord structures include provisions
for specifying type codes associated with AERecord and the keywords associated with
record elements. For flexibility, the AEStream* routines provide more than
one way to specify these additional elements.
OSStatus AEStreamOpenRecord(
AEStreamRef ref,
DescType newType);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Calling AEStreamOpenRecord marks the beginning of a sequence of zero or more
keyword/descriptor definitions that will be combined to create a single AERecord
structure in the resulting descriptor record. Every call to AEStreamOpenRecord must
be balanced with a corresponding call to AEStreamCloseRecord . Each keyword/descriptor
definition is introduced with a call to either AEStreamWriteKeyDesc ,
AEStreamOpenKeyDesc , or AEStreamWriteKey .
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OSStatus AEStreamCloseRecord(AEStreamRef ref);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamCloseRecord is used to mark the end of a record started by calling
to AEStreamOpenRecord . Call this routine after writing some keyword/descriptor pairs
to an AEStreamRef to balance the preceding call to AEStreamOpenRecord .
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OSStatus AEStreamSetRecordType(
AEStreamRef ref,
DescType newType);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
AEStreamSetRecordType can be called after AEStreamOpenRecord to set the type
of the AERecord being defined to a different type than the type specified in the
newType parameter to the AEStreamOpenRecord call. In the case where your code
is creating nested records, AEStreamSetRecordType will set the type of the
AERecord associated with the most recent call to AEStreamOpenRecord .
This routine can only be called between AEStreamOpenRecord
and AEStreamCloseRecord calls.
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OSStatus AEStreamWriteKeyDesc(
AEStreamRef ref,
AEKeyword key,
DescType newType,
const void* data,
Size length);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Call AEStreamWriteKeyDesc to write a complete keyword/descriptor pair to
an AEStreamRef for inclusion in a AERecord .
This routine can only be called between AEStreamOpenRecord
and AEStreamCloseRecord calls. AEStreamWriteKeyDesc
is analogous to the Apple Event Manager routine AEPutParamPtr , and
it is nearly the same as AEStreamWriteDesc (except it has an
additional AEKeyword parameter). The sample shown in
Listing 6 shows how you could call this routine.
In the case where your code is creating nested records, AEStreamWriteKeyDesc
will add a AEKeyword /AEDesc pair to the AERecord associated with the
most recent call to AEStreamOpenRecord or AEStreamOpenEvent .
AEStreamWriteKeyDesc can only be called while an AERecord
is being written - it cannot be called to add AEKeyword /AEDesc pairs
to a AERecord while you are writing to a nested AEDescList inside of
that AERecord .
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OSStatus AEStreamOpenKeyDesc(
AEStreamRef ref,
AEKeyword key,
DescType newType);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Call AEStreamOpenKeyDesc to start the definition of a keyword/descriptor
pair for inclusion in an AERecord .
AEStreamOpenKeyDesc is the same as AEStreamOpenDesc with the exception that it includes
an AEKeyword parameter that will be used as the AERecord element's keyword. You should
use this routine when you would like to provide the
data associated with a keyword/descriptor pair in an incremental fashion with repeated
calls to AEStreamWriteData . After calling AEStreamOpenKeyDesc you should
call AEStreamWriteData a number of times to define the data contents for the descriptor
before calling AEStreamCloseDesc to complete the definition.
In the case where your code is creating nested records, AEStreamOpenKeyDesc
will begin a AEKeyword /AEDesc pair in the AERecord associated with the
most recent call to AEStreamOpenRecord or AEStreamOpenEvent .
AEStreamOpenKeyDesc can only be called while an AERecord
is being written - it cannot be called to begin AEKeyword /AEDesc pairs
in a AERecord while you are writing to a nested AEDescList inside of
that AERecord .
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OSStatus AEStreamWriteKey(
AEStreamRef ref,
AEKeyword key);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
Call AEStreamWriteKey to start the definition of a keyword/descriptor
pair for inclusion in an AERecord . This routine only writes the keyword
part of the definition and it must be followed by a sequence of AEStream*
calls that define exactly one descriptor record. That descriptor can be any of the
The sample shown in Listing 6 shows how you could call this routine.
In the case where your code is creating nested records, AEStreamWriteKey
will begin a AEKeyword /AEDesc pair in the AERecord associated with the
most recent call to AEStreamOpenRecord or AEStreamOpenEvent .
AEStreamWriteKey can only be called while an AERecord
is being written - it cannot be called to begin AEKeyword /AEDesc pairs
in a AERecord while you are writing to a nested AEDescList inside
of that AERecord .
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Writing Apple Event Records
The AEStream* routines can be used to create complete Apple event records.
AEStreamCreateEvent can be used to define a new AppleEvent
record, and the routine AEStreamOpenEvent can be used to supplement
an existing one. Since the contents of AppleEvent records are formatted
the same as AERecord s, we use the same routines for filling in the parameters
as we use for adding AERecord elements. For Apple events, we use the routines
AEStreamWriteKeyDesc , AEStreamOpenKeyDesc , or
AEStreamWriteKey defined in the Writing
Records section. AppleEvent records include provisions for optional
parameters. So that you can specify which of the parameters you supply are
optional, AEStream* provides the AEStreamOptionalParam call.
AEStreamRef AEStreamOpenEvent(AppleEvent *event);
event - An existing Apple event record that you would
like to add parameters to.
An AEStreamRef or, if an error occurs, the
value NULL .
AEStreamOpenEvent allows you to open an existing AppleEvent
record in an AEStreamRef so you can use the AEStream* routines
to append additional parameters to the event. Once you have opened an event
record the contents of the event record are copied into the AEStreamRef . When
you have finished describing the parameters for the event record, call AEStreamClose
to save them to an AppleEvent record. The example shown in Listing 6
illustrates how to call this routine.
If there is not enough storage available to complete the operation, AEStreamOpenEvent will
return NULL and the AppleEvent parameter will remain unchanged. Otherwise, if successful,
AEStreamOpenEvent will return a vaild AEStreamRef and the AppleEvent
parameter will be
set to a descriptor of typeNull . When you open an AppleEvent
record using AEStreamOpenEvent , you must define the parameters using the same routines
you would use for adding keyword/descriptor pairs to records as described in the
Writing Records section together with the AEStreamOptionalParam
routine described in this section.
Listing 6. An example illustrating
how to call AEStreamOpenEvent .
AppleEvent event;
AEStreamRef ref;
OSStatus err;
char* p = "Hello World";
ref = AEStreamOpenEvent(&event);
if (ref != NULL) {
/* add a direct parameter */
err = AEStreamWriteKeyDesc( ref, keyDirectObject, typeChar, p, strlen(p));
if (err == noErr) {
/* add another, optional parameter. */
err = AEStreamWriteKey( ref, 'mine');
if (err == noErr) {
/* add all of our strings to the list
using the AddTextDesc routine defined in
Listing 3 */
err = AddTextDesc( ref, "this is an optional parameter");
if (err == noErr) {
/* flag the parameter with the keyword 'mine' as an
optional parameter. */
err = AEStreamOptionalParam( ref, 'mine');
if (err == noErr) {
/* close the stream */
err = AEStreamClose(ref, &event);
if (err == noErr) {
/* send the event */
err = AESend(&event, ...);
AEStreamOpenEvent clears the contents of the AppleEvent structure passed
to it and sets it to a 'null' descriptor after it reads the
AppleEvent into the AEStreamRef . To copy the
AppleEvent back into this variable after you are finished writing parameters
to it, call AEStreamClose providing this same structure as the destination
for the resulting descriptor record.
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AEStreamRef AEStreamCreateEvent(
AEEventClass clazz,
AEEventID id,
DescType targetType,
const void* targetData,
long targetLength,
short returnID,
long transactionID);
clazz - The event class for the resulting Apple event.
id - The event id for the resulting Apple event.
targetType - The address type for the addressing information
described in the next two parameters: usually one of typeApplSignature ,
typeProcessSerialNumber , or typeKernelProcessID .
targetData - A pointer to the address information.
targetLength - The number of bytes pointed to by the targetData
returnID - Usually, set to the value kAutoGenerateReturnID . See
the Apple Event Manager documentation for more information.
transactionID - Usually, set to the value kAnyTransactionID .
See the Apple Event Manager documentation for more information.
An AEStreamRef or, if an error occurs, the
value NULL .
AEStreamCreateEvent calls AECreateAppleEvent before calling
AEStreamOpenEvent to open an AEStreamRef for adding parameters to
the event.
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OSStatus AEStreamOptionalParam(
AEStreamRef ref,
AEKeyword key);
A numeric result code indicating the success of the call. A value of noErr
(zero) means the call succeeded.
The AEStreamOptionalParam allows you to designate optional parameters
(by AEKeyword ) in AppleEvent records. The sample shown
in Listing 6 shows how you could call this routine.
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