Channel Folders and Related Elements

This chapter provides details about channel folders and related elements. It includes the following sections:

Transform Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

Encodes a scene object’s position.
X (float). The X position of the object.
Y (float). The Y position of the object.
Z (float). The Z position of the object.

Encodes an object’s rotation in ZYX order. A rotation parameter with an empty XML tag is maintained for backward compatibility purposes and should not be modified.
X (float). The rotation about the X axis, in radians.
Y (float). The rotation about the Y axis, in radians.
Z (float). The rotation about the Z axis, in radians.
Animate (enumerated): 0: use rotation; 1: use orientation.

Encodes an object’s scale.
X (float). The scale factor of the object about the X axis.
Y (float). The scale factor of the object about the Y axis.
Z (float). The scale factor of the object about the X axis.

Encodes an object’s shearing properties.
X (float). The shearing factor of the object about the X axis.
Y (float). The shearing factor of the object about the Y axis.

Anchor Point
Encodes an object’s anchor point.
X (float). The X position of the object’s anchor point.
Y (float). The Y position of the object’s anchor point.
Z (float). The Z position of the object’s anchor point.

Bottom Left/Bottom Right/Top Right/Top Left
Encodes each corner of the Four-Corner warping parameter of a scene node.
X (float). The X position of this corner.
Y (float). The Y position of this corner.

Color Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

Background Color
Encodes background color for various elements.
Red (float). The value of the Red channel for this background color.
Green (float). The value of the Green channel for this background color.
Blue (float). The value of the Blue channel for this background color.
Gamma (float). The gamma value for this background color.

Encodes a series of gradient color tags.
id=, flags=, factoryID=

Encodes color information specific to a gradient color tag. The name= attribute for this parameter is set according to the following convention: for a gradient tag containing m gradient color tags, the first parameter’s name attribute is RGB1; the second is RGB2, and so on, until RGBn, where n is equal to m.
Offset (percent). The absolute location of this color tag on a gradient line, represented as a constant curve when not keyframed. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel. Must be represented as a curve.
Middle (percent). The relative location of this color tag’s middle point between this color tag and the next, represented as a constant curve when not keyframed. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel. Must be represented as a curve.
Interpolation (enumerated). The interpolation method for this color, represented as a constant curve. This parameter contains a factoryID attribute referring to a channel. 0: constant; 1: linear; 2: continuous.
Color–>. The color at the offset of this color tag. This color parameter’s subelements, which represent red, green and blue color channels along with a gamma value, must be represented as curves—constant curves when not keyframed. (You cannot keyframe the gamma value.) This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel.

Encodes a series of gradient opacity tags.
id=, flags=, factoryID=

Encodes color information specific to a gradient opacity tag. For a gradient tag containing m gradient opacity tags, the first parameter’s name attribute is Alpha1; the second is Alpha2, and so on until Alphan, where n is equal to m.
Offset (percent). The absolute location of this opacity tag on a gradient line, represented as a constant curve when not keyframed. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel.
Middle (percent). The relative location of this opacity tag’s middle point between this color tag and the next, represented as a constant curve when not keyframed. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel.
Interpolation (enumerated). The interpolation method for this opacity tag, represented as a constant curve. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel. 0: constant; 1: linear; 2: continuous.
Alpha (float). The value of the alpha channel at this point, represented as a constant curve when not keyframed. This parameter contains a factoryID= attribute referring to a channel.

Encodes color in Motion. Can be used to represent individual colors or colors for gradient tags.
id=, flags=, factoryID=. The factoryID= for this channel folder; present only for color channel folders that represent colors for gradient tags.
Red (percent). The amount of red color to contribute to the final output color.
Green (percent). The amount of green color to contribute to the final output color.
Blue (percent). The amount of blue color to contribute to the final output color.
Gamma (float). The gamma value of this color. You cannot keyframe this value.
Color Mix (percent). The amount to color each pixel of a LiveFont text style. Present only for the Face channel folder of a text object’s style element. See Face.

Encodes information pertaining to a gradient for various Motion objects.
Type (enumerated): 0: linear; 1: radial.
Start–>. The starting point for this gradient.
End–>. The ending point for this gradient.

The ending point for a gradient.
X (float). The X position of this point.
Y (float). The Y position of this point.

The starting point for a gradient.
X (float). The X position of this point.
Y (float). The Y position of this point.

Text Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

LiveFont Timing
Encodes the parameters for LiveFont timing.
Random (float): a random variant for the order in which LiveFont movies are played. No keyframing supported.
Random Seed (unsigned integer): random seed for the Random parameter. No keyframing supported.
Sequence (percent). The percentage of a LiveFont movie to play for a character before the subsequent character’s LiveFont movie plays.
Direction (enumerated): 0: From Left; 1: From Right; 2: Ping-Pong.
Speed (float). The speed at which to play each LiveFont movie in this sequence, where 1.0 is the default speed. No keyframing supported.
Play (enumerated): 0: Forward; 1: Backward; 2: Ping-Pong.
Loop (unsigned integer). The number of times to loop through each LiveFont movie. No keyframing supported.
To End (Boolean).
Hold First (positive float). The number of seconds to delay the beginning of each LiveFont movie. No keyframing supported.
Hold Last (positive float). The number of seconds to hold the last frame of this font’s LiveFont movie. No keyframing supported.

Type On
Encodes the Type On characteristics for a text object.
Start (percent): denotes the first letter to draw, as a percentage of the number of letters in the text object.
End (percent): denotes the last letter to draw, as a percentage of the number of letters in the text object.
Fade In (Boolean): 1 if letters fade in as they are brought on-screen; 0 if not.

Path Options
Encodes path options for a text object.
Path–>: a container for the curve describing an open spline for a text object.
Path–>: a container for the curve describing a closed spline for a text object.
Path Shape (enumerated): 0: open spline; 1: closed spline; 2: circle; 3: rectangle; 4: wave; 5: geometry.
Path Type (enumerated): affects open and closed spline shapes only. 0: bezier; 1: B-spline.
Radius–>: affects circle path shape only.
Size–>: affects rectangle path shape only.
Start Point–>: affects wave path shape only.
End Point–>: affects wave path shape only.
Amplitude (float). The amplitude for a wave path. Affects wave path shape only.
Frequency (float). The frequency of a wave path. Affects wave path shape only.
Phase (angle). The phase of the wave path, in radians. Affects wave path shape only.
Damping (float). The damping of the wave path. Affects wave path shape only.
Shape Source (id). The id of the geometry source. Affects geometry path shape only.
Attach To Shape (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled. Affects wave path shape only.
Path Offset (float): amount to offset from beginning of path, in 1/100s of a percent.
Wrap Around (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled.
Inside Path (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled.
Align to Path (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled.
Align to Text (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled.

Encodes the keypoints in a path for a text object. The subelements in this channel folder are X, Y, and Z position parameters, represented as curves. Each keypoint in the curve element representing the X, Y, and Z parameters represents the position of a control point in the text path.
X (float). The X value of the position of each key point in the text path, as a parametric curve.
Y (float). The Y value of the position of each key point in the text path, as a parametric curve.
Z (float). The Z value of the position of each key point in the text path, as a parametric curve.

Encodes a parameter that determines if character scale affects the layout position for glyphs in a text object.
Affects Layout (Boolean): 0 if scale does not affect layout position, 1 if it does.

Encodes the Face parameter for text styles.
Fill With (enumerated): 0: color; 1: gradient; 2: texture.
Color–>. NOTE: Uniquely for a text object, the Color subelement of Face includes Color Mix (percent), defined as the amount to color each pixel of a LiveFont text style.
Opacity (percent). The opacity of the glyph face for this text style.
Blur ->
Blur. Used for backward compatibility; should not be modified.

Encodes the Outline parameter for text styles.
Fill With (enumerated): 0: color; 1: gradient; 2: texture.
Opacity (percent). The opacity of the outline for this text style.
Blur ->
Blur. Used for backward compatibility; should not be modified.
Width (float). The width of the outline.
Layer Order (enumerated): 0: under face; 1: over face.
Four Corner –>

Encodes the Glow values for text styles.
Fill With (enumerated): 0: color; 1: gradient; 2: texture.
Opacity (percent). The opacity of the glow for this text style.
Blur ->
Blur. Used for backward compatibility; should not be modified.
Radius (float). The radius of the glow.
Scale–>. The scaling factor of the glow for this text style.
Offset–>. The offset of the glow for this text style.
Layer Order (enumerated): 0: under face; 1: over face.
Four Corner –>

Drop Shadow
Encodes the Drop Shadow values for a text style.
Fill With (enumerated): 0: color; 1: gradient; 2: texture.
Opacity (percent). The opacity of the drop shadow for this text style.
Blur ->
Scale–>. The scaling factor of the drop shadow for this text style.
Distance (float). The distance of the drop shadow for this text style.
Angle (radians). The angle of the drop shadow for this text style.
Fixed Source (Boolean): 1 if the drop shadow’s distance remains fixed as the camera moves about the text object; 0 if it does not.
Four Corner->

Shape, Emitter, Replicator Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

Shape Animation
Encodes the X and Y positions of the keypoints in a Motion shape.
curve_X: specifies the X positions of the keypoints.
curve_Y: specifies the Y positions of the keypoints.

Encodes the color parameters for shapes.
Fill Mode (enumerated). 0: Color; 1: Gradient
Fill Color->
Fill Opacity (float). The opacity of a shape’s color.

Fill Color
Encodes the color of a fill for shapes.
Red (percent). The amount of red color to contribute to the fill color.
Green (percent). The amount of green color to contribute to the fill color.
Blue (percent). The amount of blue color to contribute to the fill color.
Gamma (float). The gamma value of the fill color.

Start Point
Encodes the starting point for line or wave replicators, or text paths.
X (float). The X coordinate of the starting point.
Y (float). The Y coordinate of the starting point.
Z (float). The Z coordinate of the starting point.

End Point
Encodes the ending point for line or wave replicators, or text paths.
X (float). The X coordinate of the ending point.
Y (float). The Y coordinate of the ending point.
Z (float). The Z coordinate of the ending point.

Encodes angle properties for particle cells or replicator cells, in radians.
X (float). The angle about the X axis to rotate each cell.
Y (float). The angle about the Y axis to rotate each cell.
Z (float); the angle about the Z axis to rotate each cell. Present for replicator cells in 3D mode only.
Angle (angle). The angle about the Z axis to rotate each cell; present in 2D mode only, always present for particle cells.
Animate (enumerated): 0: use rotation; 1: use orientation.

Angle Randomness
Encodes the angle randomness properties for particle cells or replicator cells.
X (float). The variance to apply to the X axis rotation of each cell.
Y (float). The variance to apply to the Y axis rotation of each cell.
Z (float). The variance to apply to the Z axis rotation of each cell. Present for replicator cells in 3D mode only.
Angle Randomness (angle). The variance to apply to the Z axis rotation of each cell; present in 2D mode only, always present for particle cells.
Animate (enumerated): 0: use rotation; 1: use orientation.

Opacity Over Life
Encodes Opacity Over Life values for various Motion objects, such as particle cells and replicator cells.

Brush Profile
Encodes Brush Profile values for various Motion objects, such as replicator cells for Motion paint strokes and shapes.

Encodes scaling factors for various parameters.
X (float). The horizontal scale factor.
Y (float). The vertical scale factor.

Scale End
Encodes scaling factor for replicator cells sitting at the edges of a replicator.
X (float). The horizontal scale factor.
Y (float). The vertical scale factor.

Shape Parameters
Encodes the characteristics of a replicator cell. Many parameters are used by emitters, replicators, shapes and paint strokes. Other parameters are used only by some of these objects. See the Motion Inspector tab for details.
Shape (enumerated). The shape for the replicator. 0: line; 1: rectangle; 2: circle; 3: burst; 4: spiral; 5: wave; 6: geometry; 7: image; 8: box (3D only); 9: sphere (3D only).
Object Animation: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Emit At Points (Boolean): 0 if disabled, 1 for enabled. Used by emitters.
Arrangement (enumerated). The arrangement for rectangle replicators. 0: outline; 1: tile fill; 2: random fill.
Points (unsigned integer). The number of cells for the replicator.
Columns (unsigned integer). The number of columns for rectangle replicators.
Rows (unsigned integer); the number of rows for rectangle replicators.
Ranks (unsigned integer); the number of ranks for 3D rectangle replicators.
Spacing (float). The spacing between individual cells.
Spacing Over Stroke. This parameter is used for backwards compatibility and should not be modified.
Width (float). The width of each individual cell.
Width Over Stroke. This parameter is used for backwards compatibility and should not be modified.
Tile Offset (float). The offset at which to begin placement of rows of cells on this tile-arranged replicator.
Origin (enumerated). The build origin for rectangle or image replicators in fill arrangements. 0: upper left; 1: upper right; 2: lower left; 3: lower right; 4: center; 5: left; 6: right; 7: top; 8: bottom.
Build Style (enumerated). The rectangle build style in tile arrangement and corner-based origin. 0: across; 1: by row; 2: by column; 3: by rank (valid only for replicators).
Hidden: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Origin (enumerated). The build origin for line and wave replicators. Not present for emitters. 0: start point; 1: end point; 2: center.
Build Style (enumerated). The build style for geometric replicators or rectangle replicators in an outline arrangement; not present for emitters. 0: counter clockwise; 1: clockwise.
Origin (enumerated). The build origin for circle, burst, and spiral replicators. 0: center; 1: edge.
Shuffle Order (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled; used by replicators.
Offset (float). The percentage of the replicator shape at which to begin placing cells.
Radius (float). The radius of this spiral or circle, outline-arranged replicator.
Start Point–>
End Point–>
Size. This parameter is used for backward compatibility purposes and should not be modified.
Number of Arms (unsigned integer). The number of arms for this spiral replicator.
Points Per Arm (unsigned integer). The number of cells per arm for this spiral replicator.
Twists (float). The number of twists for this spiral replicator.
Amplitude (float). The amplitude for this wave replicator.
Frequency (positive float). The frequency for this wave replicator.
Phase (angle). The phase angle for this wave replicator, in radians.
Damping (float). The damping factor for this wave replicator.
Emit At Alpha (Boolean): 1 if enabled; 0 if disabled; used for emitters.
Emission Alpha Cutoff (percent). The alpha cutoff point; used for emitters.
Shape Source (id). The id of the geometry to use for this geometry replicator.
Image Source(id). The id of the image to use for the image color mode.

Encodes the size of the rectangle or box defining a replicator’s shape.
Width (float). The width of the rectangle or box.
Height (float). The height of the rectangle or box.
Depth (float). The depth of the box; used only for 3D replicators.

Encodes the outline for Motion shapes.
Brush Type (enumerated): 0: solid; 1: airbrush; 2: image.
Brush Color–>. The color of the outline.
Brush Opacity (percent). The opacity for the outline.
Width (float). The width of the outline.
Preserve Width (Boolean): 0 if disabled; 1 if enabled.
Joint (enumerated): 0: square; 1: round; 2: bevel.
Start Cap (enumerated): 0: square; 1: round; 2: bevel; 3: arrow.
End Cap (enumerated): 0: square; 1: round; 2: bevel; 3: arrow.
Arrow Length (float). The length of the arrow end cap.
Arrow Width (float). The width of the arrow end cap.
Order (enumerated): 0: under fill; 1: over fill.
First Point Offset (percent). The point at which the outline should begin along the shape.
Last Point Offset (percent). The point at which the outline should end along the shape.
Hidden Stroke Completion: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Use Natural Stroke: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Offset: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Pressure Over Stroke: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Tilt Over Stroke: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Pen Speed Over Stroke: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.

Alpha Type
Encodes the alpha channel to use for clips.
Note: this element does not contain a foldFlags subelement..
Alpha Type (enumerated): 0: none/ignore; 1: straight; 2: premultiplied black; 3: premultiplied white; 4: premultiplied color.
Alpha Color–>

Alpha Color
Encodes the color to use for the alpha channel of a clip.
Red (percent). The amount of red to contribute to the alpha color. Keyframes unsupported.
Green (percent). The amount of green to contribute to the alpha color. Keyframes unsupported.
Blue (percent). The amount of blue to contribute to the alpha color. Keyframes unsupported.
Gamma (float). The gamma value of this color.

Footage and Audio Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

Encodes properties related to OpenEXR clips.
Exposure (float). The exposure value for this clip.
Defog (float). The defog value for this clip.
KneeLow (float). The KneeLow value for this clip.
KneeHigh (float). The KneeHigh value for this clip.

Encodes cropping information for an image or movie in the Media list.
Left (float). The number of pixels to crop from the left.
Right (float). The number of pixels to crop from the right.
Bottom (float). The number of pixels to crop from the bottom.
Top (float). The number of pixels to crop from the top.

Master Controls
Encodes information for emitters containing more than one particle cell.
Birth Rate (float). The birth rate for this emitter.
Hidden: a parameter used internally by Motion that should not be modified.
Initial Number (float). The initial number of cells.
Life (float). The lifespan of emitter cells.
Speed (float). The speed of emitter cells.
Spin (float). The spin rate of emitter cells.

Other Channels

The channel folders and elements in this section include:

Encodes blur applied separately in x and y.
X (float). The amount of blur in the x direction
Y (float) The amount of blur in the y direction.

Spot Options
Encodes options for a light scene object.
Cone Angle (float). The angle of the cone.
Soft Edge (float). The angle of the soft edge.

Clone Layer
Encodes a clone layer’s source information.
Source (id). The id of the layer that this clone Layer uses as its source.

Encodes information pertaining to texture for various Motion objects.
Image (id). The id of the media to use as the source for this texture.
Frame (frame). The frame of this footage to use as the image for this texture; 0 for images.
Hold Frame (Boolean): 0 if disabled; 1 if enabled.
Wrap Mode (enumerated) 0: none; 1: repeat; 2: mirror.

Encodes the offset for various parameters.
X (float). The offset along the X direction.
Y (float). The offset along the Y direction.
Z (float). The offset along the Z direction. May not appear for parameters with two-dimensional offsets.

Encodes the properties of an image mask.
Mask Source (id). The id corresponding to the source for this mask’s shape.
Frame (frame). The frame at which to derive the source image for this mask; 0 for image files.
Hold Frame (Boolean): 0 if disabled; 1 if enabled.
Wrap Mode (enumerated): 0: none; 1: repeat; 2: mirror.

Encodes information pertaining to the falloff in reflectivity of a scene object.
Begin Distance (float). The distance inside the reflection at which the falloff begins.
End Distance (float). The distance at which the falloff ends.
Exponent (float). Controls how quickly a reflection gets fainter as the reflected object gets further away from the reflected surface.

Depth of Field
Encodes information pertaining to the depth of field effect from a camera.
DOF Blur Amount (float). The amount of blur to apply to out-of-focus objects.
Focus Offset (float). The distance from the camera that will be in perfect focus.
Near Focus (float). The nearest point of focus, measured in pixels as an offset from the focal distance.
Far Focus (float). The farthest point of focus, measured in pixels as an offset from the focal distance.
Infinite Focus (Boolean): 1 if the far focus is infinite, 0 if the Far Focus setting is applied.
Filter (enumerated): 0: Gaussian; 1: Defocus.
Filter Shape (enumerated): 0: Disk; 1: Polygon.
Sides (positive integer). The number of sides in the Polygon filter; must be at least 3.
Depth (enumerated): 0: Radial; 1: Planar.

Encodes information pertaining to the shadows based on a Light. (A scene object also has Shadows parameters.)
Opacity (percent). The opacity of shadows based on a Light.
Softness (float). The amount of softness of shadows based on a Light.
Uniform Softness (Boolean): 0 if softness is based on the distance from a Light, 1 if not.
Color->. The color of the shadows based on a Light.