Technical Q&A QA1483

Audio Unit - Testing your custom Audio Unit in a sandboxed environment

Q:  I want to test my custom Audio Unit in a host that is sandboxed to check its behavior. Where can I get a sandboxed host like AU Lab to test with?

A: You can sandbox AU Lab (or any other other application) yourself from the command line using the codesign tool.

Entitlements and Identity

There are a few steps you need to perform prior to signing the application:

1) Create an entitlements Property List file to specify the entitlements.

The following set of suggested entitlements for AU Lab will place the application in the most restrictive sandbox while still allowing it to function. You may add or remove entitlements as needed to test your Audio Unit in a variety of sandbox conditions.


2) Obtain a code signing identity by using the Certificate Assistant in the Keychain Access application.

You can also create a self-signed signing identity for testing purposes, or use the single character "-" (hyphen) for the identity for adhoc-signing. See the Code Signing Tasks section of the Code Signing Guide for more information.

Signing the Application

With the above tasks completed, you may now sign the application by using the command-line codesign tool:

codesign --entitlements /path/to/Foo.entitlements -f -s <identity> /path/to/AU\

For more information, see the Code Signing Guide and Audio Components and the Application Sandbox.

Document Revision History


New document that discusses how to sandbox AULab so Audio Unit developers can test AU functionality in a fully sandboxed environment.