Using SKCloudServiceController to determine your device's music library capabilities
Q: Calling requestCapabilities(completionHandler:) always returns the None capability. How do I determine my device's current music library capabilities?
A: Calling requestCapabilities(completionHandler:) may return the None
capability for any of the following reasons:
You are not logged into Apple Music on your device.
Your app hasn't requested access to the music library on the device yet. Use SKCloudServiceController's requestAuthorization: to request access to it as demonstrated in Listing 1.
Listing 1 Asking for permission to access the music library on the device.
func requestMusicLibraryAccess()
(status: SKCloudServiceAuthorizationStatus) in
case .Authorized: print("Access granted.")
case .Denied, .Restricted: print("Access denied or restricted.")
case .NotDetermined: print("Access cannot be determined.")
Your app does not have permission to access the music library on the device. Use SKCloudServiceController's authorizationStatus to determine your app's authorization status as illustrated in Listing 2.
Listing 2 Checking the app's authorization status for the music library on the device .
func checkMusicLibraryAuthorizationStatus()
switch SKCloudServiceController.authorizationStatus()
case .Authorized: print("Access granted.")
case .NotDetermined: requestAuthorization()
case .Denied, .Restricted: print("Access denied or restricted.")
You are probably not using the returned
parameter of requestCapabilities(completionHandler:) appropriately. You should be checkingcapabilities
for the features that you are interested in.To determine whether the device supports playback of Apple Music catalog tracks, check whether
as shown in Listing 3.Listing 3 Determining whether the device allows playback of Apple Music catalog tracks.
let controller = SKCloudServiceController()
(capabilities: SKCloudServiceCapability, error: NSError?) in
if capabilities.contains(SKCloudServiceCapability.MusicCatalogPlayback)
print("The device allows playback of Apple Music catalog tracks.")
To determine whether the device allows tracks to be added to the user’s music library, check whether
as shown in Listing 4.Listing 4 Determining whether the device allows tracks to be added to the user’s music library.
let controller = SKCloudServiceController()
(capabilities: SKCloudServiceCapability, error: NSError?) in
if capabilities.contains(SKCloudServiceCapability.AddToCloudMusicLibrary)
print("The device allows tracks to be added to the user’s music library.")
Document Revision History
Date | Notes |
2016-07-05 | New document that describes how to determine your device's music library capabilities using SKCloudServiceController. |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-07-05