Technical Q&A QA1966

Rendering the currently visible frame of a paused AVPlayer that has a custom video compositor

Q:  How can I re-render the currently visible frame of a paused AVPlayer that has a custom video compositor? I would like to update values that affect the rendered video while it is paused, and have those changes reflected in the currently visible frame.

A: To re-render a frame, you must set a new instance of AVVideoComposition to the player's current player item as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1  Setting the video composition for a paused player to re-render the currently visible frame.

let asset:AVAsset = <#An asset#>
let playerItem:AVPlayerItem = <#A player's current player item#>
var applyComposition: ((AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest) -> Void)? = nil
applyComposition = { request in
let composition = AVVideoComposition(asset: asset,
          applyingCIFiltersWithHandler: applyComposition)
playerItem.videoComposition = composition   // Set the player item video composition.

Document Revision History


New document that shows how to re-render the currently visible frame of a paused AVPlayer that has a custom video compositor