iOS 9.2

This article summarizes the key developer-related features introduced in iOS 9.2, which runs on currently shipping iOS devices. The article also lists the documents that describe new features in more detail.

For late-breaking news and information about known issues, see iOS 9.2 Release Notes. For the complete list of new APIs added in iOS 9.2, see iOS 9.2 API Diffs. For more information on new devices, see iOS Device Compatibility Reference.

CloudKit Framework

The CloudKit framework includes the following enhancement.

The CKFetchWebAuthTokenOperation class provides an object that you can use to get a web authentication token when you give it an API token.

WatchKit Framework

The WatchKit framework includes the following enhancement.

The WKInterfaceDevice class provides support for right-to-left languages, including the ability to get the device’s layout direction (using WKInterfaceLayoutDirection), and to control whether content should be flipped for right-to-left languages (using WKInterfaceSemanticContentAttribute).