Introduction to Java on OS X v10.5 Update 1 Release Notes

These release notes explain Java on OS X v10.5 Update 1 and some known and resolved issues that may affect developers creating Java applications for OS X v10.5 Update 1.

Java on OS X v10.5 Update 1

Java for OS X v10.5 Update 1 provides Java SE 6 version 1.6.0_05 to all 64-bit capable Intel Macs. This release is only for OS X v10.5.2 and later, and should not be installed on earlier versions of OS X. This release provides several additional features including support for AppleScript as a javax.script language, new API for altering the application Dock icon, and native support for document modal sheets.

Who Should Read This Document?

Any developer who wants to develop Java applications on OS X v10.5 should read this document as various issues and fixes found in this release may affect your application. Java developers should also read this document for the most current information on Java SE 6 and 64-bit support in OS X v10.5.

In addition, this document contains new details regarding:

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following chapter:

This document also contains a revision history.