Geometric Primitives.playground/Pages/Affine.xcplaygroundpage/Contents.swift

## Affine orientation predicates
The vector orientation predicates discussed on the previous page allow one to orient a simplex (triangle or tetrahedron) with one vertex at the origin in 2- or 3-dimensional space.  Most of the time, however, a simplex that you want to orient does not have a vertex at the origin.
import simd
let huge = Float(0x1.0p24)
var a = float3(1,     0,     0)
var b = float3(0,     1,     0)
var c = float3(0,     0,     1)
var d = float3(-huge, -huge, -huge)
A simplex like the tetrahedron with vertices (a, b, c, d) has *n+1* vertices, each of which is a point in *n* dimensional space.  The usual way to compute the orientation is to build the affine matrix whose columns are the vectors augmented with `1`:
 matrix = 1     0     0   -huge
          0     1     0   -huge
          0     0     1   -huge
          1     1     1     1
Simply computing this determinant happens to give the correct result for this case; these vectors are positively oriented:
let matrix = float4x4([a, b, c, d].map{ return float4($0.x, $0.y, $0.z, 1) })
//: As we saw on the previous page, the determinant cannot be depended on to give the correct orientation in general.  To get a robust solution, we might try subtracting off one of the vertices and using `simd_orient(a-d, b-d, c-d)`:
Orientation(simd_orient(a-d, b-d, c-d))
Unfortuantely, this gives the wrong answer.  But `simd_orient` is exact!  What went wrong?  Subtracting `a-d` is not exact, so rounding error has been introduced before the arguments even reach the function.  `simd_orient` is exact, but it is exactly solving the wrong problem.
Fortunately there's an easy solution; `simd` also provides *affine* variants orientation functions, which solve exactly the problem we're trying to solve (orienting *n+1* vectors in *n*-dimensional space).
Orientation(simd_orient(a, b, c, d))
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