
About this sample:
  In this sample, a message is logged to the webpage for each HTML5 video event that is emitted. You can toggle the visibility of notes that provide more information about each event.
  You can point the src attribute on this video element to the source of your choice, and use this sample to inspect HTML5 video element events for different types of sources (a streaming video, a corrupt video, a very large video) in different software versions (iPhone OS 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, etc.) on different platforms (iPhone OS, Mac OS X, Windows).  Understanding when these events are emitted is important if you're designing a custom experience with HTML5 video.
  You can read more about events for HTML5 audio and video elements in the HTMLMediaElement Class Reference at  <>
Minimum Software Requirement:
  - Safari 4.0 or later on Mac OS X or Windows OR
  - Safari on iPhone OS 3.0 or later
Version 1.1
  Updated for fullscreen mode events.
Version 1.0
- First version.
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