
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 A shader using random noise to create a wood texture for the Metal Shader Showcase. This is an example of a 3D procedural texture based shader. The wood texture is accomplished by making rings of two different colors and using perlin noise to add some variation to the rings.
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <metal_common>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include "AAPLSharedTypes.h"
using namespace metal;
struct ColorInOut {
    float4 position [[position]];
    float3 normal_cameraspace;
    float3 eye_direction_cameraspace;
    float3 light_direction_cameraspace;
    float3 position_modelspace;
    float3 position_cameraspace;
float rand(int x, int y, int z);
float smoothNoise(float x, float y, float z);
float noise3D(float unscaledX, float unscaledY, float unscaledZ);
float3 woodColor(float3 position);
// Global constants
constant float3 light_position = float3(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
constant float4 light_color = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
constant float teapotMin = -0.144000;
constant float teapotMax = 0.164622;
constant float scaleLength = teapotMax - teapotMin;
constant uint NOISE_DIM = 512;
constant float NOISE_SIZE = 64;
constant float3 darkBrown = float3(0.234f, 0.125f, 0.109f);
constant float3 lightBrown = float3(0.168f, 0.133f, 0.043f);
constant float numberOfRings = 84.0;
constant float turbulence = 0.015;
constant float PI = 3.14159;
constant float  materialShine = 50.0;
// Generate a random float in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] using x, y, and z (based on the xor128 algorithm)
float rand(int x, int y, int z)
    int seed = x + y * 57 + z * 241;
    seed= (seed<< 13) ^ seed;
    return (( 1.0 - ( (seed * (seed * seed * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 2147483647) / 1073741824.0f) + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
// Return the interpolated noise for the given x, y, and z values. This is done by finding the whole
// number before and after the given position in each dimension. Using these values we can get 6 vertices
// that represent a cube that surrounds the position. We get each of the vertices noise values, and using the
// given position, interpolate between the noise values of the vertices to get the smooth noise.
float smoothNoise(float x, float y, float z)
    // Get the truncated x, y, and z values
    int intX = x;
    int intY = y;
    int intZ = z;
    // Get the fractional reaminder of x, y, and z
    float fractX = x - intX;
    float fractY = y - intY;
    float fractZ = z - intZ;
    // Get first whole number before
    int x1 = (intX + NOISE_DIM) % NOISE_DIM;
    int y1 = (intY + NOISE_DIM) % NOISE_DIM;
    int z1 = (intZ + NOISE_DIM) % NOISE_DIM;
    // Get the number after
    int x2 = (x1 + NOISE_DIM - 1) % NOISE_DIM;
    int y2 = (y1 + NOISE_DIM - 1) % NOISE_DIM;
    int z2 = (z1 + NOISE_DIM - 1) % NOISE_DIM;
    // Tri-linearly interpolate the noise
    float sumY1Z1 = mix(rand(x2,y1,z1), rand(x1,y1,z1), fractX);
    float sumY1Z2 = mix(rand(x2,y1,z2), rand(x1,y1,z2), fractX);
    float sumY2Z1 = mix(rand(x2,y2,z1), rand(x1,y2,z1), fractX);
    float sumY2Z2 = mix(rand(x2,y2,z2), rand(x1,y2,z2), fractX);
    float sumZ1 = mix(sumY2Z1, sumY1Z1, fractY);
    float sumZ2 = mix(sumY2Z2, sumY1Z2, fractY);
    float value = mix(sumZ2, sumZ1, fractZ);
    return value;
// Generate perlin noise for the given input values. This is done by generating smooth noise at mutiple
// different sizes and adding them together.
float noise3D(float unscaledX, float unscaledY, float unscaledZ)
    // Scale the values to force them in the range [0, NOISE_DIM]
    float x = ((unscaledX - teapotMin) / scaleLength) * NOISE_DIM;
    float y = ((unscaledY - teapotMin) / scaleLength) * NOISE_DIM;
    float z = ((unscaledZ - teapotMin) / scaleLength) * NOISE_DIM;
    float value = 0.0f, size = NOISE_SIZE, div = 0.0;
    //Add together smooth noise of increasingly smaller size.
    while(size >= 1.0f)
        value += smoothNoise(x / size, y / size, z / size) * size;
        div += size;
        size /= 2.0f;
    value /= div;
    return value;
// Calculate the wood color given the position
float3 woodColor(float3 position)
    float x = position.x, y = position.y, z = position.z;
    // Get the distance of the point from the y-axis to identify whether it will be a ring or not.
    // Get the smooth value for that point to add some randomness to the rings and scale the
    // randomness by a factor called turbulence. Use the cosine function to make the rings and
    // interpolate between the two wood ring colors.
    float distanceValue = sqrt(x*x + z*z) + turbulence * noise3D(x, y, z);
    float cosineValue = fabs(cos(2.0f * numberOfRings * distanceValue * PI));
    float3 finalColor = darkBrown + cosineValue * lightBrown;
    return finalColor;
// Wood vertex shader function
vertex ColorInOut wood_vertex(device packed_float3* vertices [[ buffer(0) ]],
                              device packed_float3* normals [[ buffer(1) ]],
                              constant AAPL::uniforms_t& uniforms [[ buffer(2) ]],
                              unsigned int vid [[ vertex_id ]])
    ColorInOut out;
    float4x4 model_matrix = uniforms.model_matrix;
    float4x4 view_matrix = uniforms.view_matrix;
    float4x4 projection_matrix = uniforms.projection_matrix;
    float4x4 mvp_matrix = projection_matrix * view_matrix * model_matrix;
    float4x4 model_view_matrix = view_matrix * model_matrix;
    // Calculate the position of the object from the perspective of the camera
    float4 vertex_position_modelspace = float4(float3(vertices[vid]), 1.0f);
    out.position = mvp_matrix * vertex_position_modelspace;
    out.position_modelspace = vertices[vid];
    // Calculate the normal from the perspective of the camera
    float3 normal = normals[vid];
    out.normal_cameraspace = (normalize(model_view_matrix * float4(normal, 0.0f))).xyz;
    // Calculate the view vector from the perspective of the camera
    float3 vertex_position_cameraspace = ( view_matrix * model_matrix * vertex_position_modelspace ).xyz;
    out.eye_direction_cameraspace = float3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) - vertex_position_cameraspace;
    // Calculate the direction of the light from the position of the camera
    float3 light_position_cameraspace = ( view_matrix * float4(light_position,1.0f)).xyz;
    out.light_direction_cameraspace = light_position_cameraspace + out.eye_direction_cameraspace;
    return out;
// Wood fragment shader function
fragment half4 wood_fragment(ColorInOut in [[stage_in]])
    half4 color(1.0f);
    // Get the woods base color using the woodColor function
    float3 baseColor = woodColor(in.position_modelspace);
    // Generate material ambient, difuse, and specular colors derived from the base color of the wood
    float3 material_ambient_color = 0.5f * baseColor;
    float3 material_diffuse_color = baseColor;
    float3 material_specular_color = float3(0.4f);
    // Calculate the ambient color
    float3 ambient_component = material_ambient_color;
    // Calculate the diffuse color
    float3 n = normalize(in.normal_cameraspace);
    float3 l = normalize(in.light_direction_cameraspace);
    float n_dot_l = saturate( dot(n, l) );
    float3 diffuse_component = * n_dot_l * material_diffuse_color;
    // Calculate the specular color
    float3 e = normalize(in.eye_direction_cameraspace);
    float3 r = -l + 2.0f * n_dot_l * n;
    float e_dot_r =  saturate( dot(e, r) );
    float3 specular_component = material_specular_color * * pow(e_dot_r, materialShine);
    // Combine the ambient, specular and diffuse colors to get the final color
    color.rgb = half3(ambient_component + diffuse_component + specular_component);
    return color;