SwingWatch WatchKit Extension/WorkoutManager.swift

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 This class manages the HealthKit interactions and provides a delegate 
         to indicate changes in data.
import Foundation
import HealthKit
 `WorkoutManagerDelegate` exists to inform delegates of swing data changes.
 These updates can be used to populate the user interface.
protocol WorkoutManagerDelegate: class {
    func didUpdateForehandSwingCount(_ manager: WorkoutManager, forehandCount: Int)
    func didUpdateBackhandSwingCount(_ manager: WorkoutManager, backhandCount: Int)
class WorkoutManager: MotionManagerDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    let motionManager = MotionManager()
    let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
    weak var delegate: WorkoutManagerDelegate?
    var session: HKWorkoutSession?
    // MARK: Initialization
    init() {
        motionManager.delegate = self
    // MARK: WorkoutManager
    func startWorkout() {
        // If we have already started the workout, then do nothing.
        if (session != nil) {
        // Configure the workout session.
        let workoutConfiguration = HKWorkoutConfiguration()
        workoutConfiguration.activityType = .tennis
        workoutConfiguration.locationType = .outdoor
        do {
            session = try HKWorkoutSession(configuration: workoutConfiguration)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Unable to create the workout session!")
        // Start the workout session and device motion updates.
    func stopWorkout() {
        // If we have already stopped the workout, then do nothing.
        if (session == nil) {
        // Stop the device motion updates and workout session.
        // Clear the workout session.
        session = nil
    // MARK: MotionManagerDelegate
    func didUpdateForehandSwingCount(_ manager: MotionManager, forehandCount: Int) {
        delegate?.didUpdateForehandSwingCount(self, forehandCount: forehandCount)
    func didUpdateBackhandSwingCount(_ manager: MotionManager, backhandCount: Int) {
        delegate?.didUpdateBackhandSwingCount(self, backhandCount: backhandCount)