
    Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Main app controller.
import UIKit
class AppDelegate : UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, EndpointPicker.Delegate, ActiveConversation.Delegate {
    var window: UIWindow?
    /// This is the initial view, which allows the user to configure and start a
    /// connection.
    private var endpointPicker: EndpointPicker!
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        self.endpointPicker = ((window?.rootViewController! as! UINavigationController).viewControllers[0] as! EndpointPicker)
        self.endpointPicker.endpoint = UserDefaults.standard.lastEndpoint
        self.endpointPicker.delegate = self
        return true
    /// If there’s a conversation view on screen, this controller manages it.
    private var activeConversation: ActiveConversation? = nil
    func check(endpointPicker: EndpointPicker) -> String? {
        // Constructing the transport and then throwing it away is a bit of a
        // waste because it’s not actively toxic because transports don’t do
        // anything exciting until you call `start()`.  I could fix this by
        // caching the transport to be picked up by `prepareStartConnection(…)`,
        // but the reality is that this is not a big enough deal in this sample
        // to justify writing that code.
        do {
            _ = try ConversationTransport(endpoint: endpointPicker.endpoint)
            return nil
        } catch BSDSocketsTransport.Error.tlsNotSupported {
            return NSLocalizedString("_The_BSD_Sockets_transport_does_not_support_tls_", comment: "Body of alert view.")
        } catch BSDSocketsTransport.Error.numericAddressRequired {
            return NSLocalizedString("_The_BSD_Sockets_transport_requires_an_numeric_ip_address_", comment: "Body of alert view.")
        } catch NWTCPTransport.Error.nwTCPConnectionNotSupported {
            return NSLocalizedString("_The_NWTCPConnection_transport_is_not_supported_in_an_application_context_", comment: "Body of alert view.")
        } catch {
            return NSLocalizedString("_The_transport_youve_selected_doesnt_support_this_configuration_", comment: "Body of alert view.")
    func prepareStartConnection(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, endpointPicker: EndpointPicker) {
        precondition(self.activeConversation == nil)    // All is lost if we try to show a conversation while already showing one.
        // Get our connection info and persist it to user defaults.
        let endpoint = endpointPicker.endpoint
        UserDefaults.standard.lastEndpoint = endpoint
        // Create a transport from the connection info.  Note that this
        // shouldn’t throw because of the check in
        // `shouldPerformStartConnectionSegue(…)`, above.
        let conversationTransport = try! ConversationTransport(endpoint: endpointPicker.endpoint)
        // Get the destination view controller, combine it with the transport,
        // and create the active conversation.
        let conversationViewController = (segue.destination as! UINavigationController).viewControllers[0] as! ConversationViewController
        let activeConversation = ActiveConversation(viewController: conversationViewController, transport: conversationTransport)
        self.activeConversation = activeConversation
        activeConversation.delegate = self
    func close(activeConversation: ActiveConversation) {
        self.endpointPicker.dismiss(animated: true) {
            assert(self.activeConversation != nil)          // I want to know about this in debug builds.
            if let activeConversation = self.activeConversation {
                self.activeConversation = nil
private extension UserDefaults {
    /// This property makes it easy to save and restore the user’s last chose endpoint.
    var lastEndpoint: Endpoint {
        get {
            guard let data = "lastEndpoint"),
                let result = try? PropertyListDecoder().decode(Endpoint.self, from: data)
                else {
                return Endpoint.empty
            return result
        set {
            guard let data = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(newValue) else {
                assert(false)   // tell me in debug builds
            self.set(data, forKey: "lastEndpoint")