Creating and Using CFDateFormatter Objects

Date formatters format the textual representation of date objects and convert textual representations of dates and times into date objects. You create date formatter objects by specifying a locale (typically the user's current locale) and a time style, you can also specify a custom format string.

Creating Date Formatters

You create a date formatter using the function CFDateFormatterCreate. You specify a locale for the format, and styles for the date and time parts of the format. You use CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate to convert a date to a textual representation.

CFDateFormatter defines several date and time format styles—short, medium, long, and full. It also defines a “none” style that you can use to suppress output of a component. The use of styles is illustrated in Use Formatter Styles to Present Dates and Times With the User’s Preferences. The date and time styles do not specify an exact format—they depend on the locale, the user preference settings, and the operating system version. If you want an exact format, use the CFDateFormatterSetFormat function to change the format strings, as shown in Use Format Strings to Specify Custom Formats.

Use Formatter Styles to Present Dates and Times With the User’s Preferences

The following code sample creates a date formatter that provides a full representation of a date using the kCFDateFormatterLongStyle style.

CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(NULL, 123456);
CFLocaleRef currentLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterRef dateFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, currentLocale, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle);
CFStringRef formattedString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, dateFormatter, date);
// Memory management
// Output (for en_US locale): January 2, 2001 2:17:36 AM PST

The following example shows the use of kCFDateFormatterNoStyle to suppress output of the time component.

CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(NULL, 123456);
CFLocaleRef currentLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterRef dateFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, currentLocale, kCFDateFormatterShortStyle, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
CFStringRef formattedString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, dateFormatter, date);
// Memory management
// Output (for en_US locale): 1/2/01

The code sample shown in Listing 1 formats a date value using different styles as a comparison. For the purposes of illustration, the sample specifies a particular locale.

Listing 1  Comparing date format styles

CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(NULL, 123456);
CFStringRef enUSLocaleIdentifier = CFSTR("en_US");
CFLocaleRef enUSLocale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, enUSLocaleIdentifier);
// Create different date formatters
CFDateFormatterRef shortFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, enUSLocale, kCFDateFormatterShortStyle, kCFDateFormatterShortStyle);
CFDateFormatterRef mediumFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, enUSLocale, kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle, kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle);
CFDateFormatterRef longFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, enUSLocale, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle);
CFDateFormatterRef fullFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, enUSLocale, kCFDateFormatterFullStyle, kCFDateFormatterFullStyle);
// Create formatted strings
CFStringRef shortString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, shortFormatter, date);
CFStringRef mediumString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, mediumFormatter, date);
CFStringRef longString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, longFormatter, date);
CFStringRef fullString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, fullFormatter, date);
fprintf(stdout, "Short formatted date = %s\n",
        CFStringGetCStringPtr(shortString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
fprintf(stdout, "Medium date = %s\n",
        CFStringGetCStringPtr(mediumString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
fprintf(stdout, "Long formatted date = %s\n",
        CFStringGetCStringPtr(longString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
fprintf(stdout, "Full formatted date = %s\n\n",
        CFStringGetCStringPtr(fullString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
// Memory management
// Output
Short formatted date = 1/2/01 2:17 AM
Medium date = Jan 2, 2001 2:17:36 AM
Long formatted date = January 2, 2001 2:17:36 AM PST
Full formatted date = Tuesday, January 2, 2001 2:17:36 AM PST

Use Format Strings to Specify Custom Formats

Typically, you are encouraged to use the predefined styles that are localized by the system. There are, though, broadly speaking two situations in which you need to use custom formats:

  1. For fixed format strings, like Internet dates.

  2. For user-visible elements that don’t match any of the existing styles

Fixed Formats

To specify a custom fixed format for a date formatter, you use setDateFormat:. The format string uses the format patterns from the Unicode Technical Standard #35. The version of the standard varies with release of the operating system:

The following example illustrates using a custom format string. (Note use of yyyy to format the year. A common mistake is to use YYYY which represents the week year, not the calendar year.)

CFLocaleRef currentLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(NULL, 123456);
CFDateFormatterRef customDateFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate
        (NULL, currentLocale, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
CFStringRef customDateFormat = CFSTR("yyyy-MM-dd*HH:mm");
CFDateFormatterSetFormat(customDateFormatter, customDateFormat);
CFStringRef customFormattedDateString = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate
        (NULL, customDateFormatter, date);
// Memory management
// Output: 2001-01-02*02:17

Custom Formats for User-Visible Dates

To display a date that contains a specific set of elements, you use CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate]. The function generates a format string with the date components you want to use, but with the correct punctuation and order appropriate for the user (that is, customized for the user’s locale and preferences). You then use the format string to create a formatter.

To understand the need for this, consider a situation where you want to display the day name, day, and month. You cannot create this representation of a date using formatter styles (there is no style that omits the year). Neither, though, can you easily and consistently create the representation correctly using format strings. Although at first glance it may seem straightforward, there’s a complication: a user from the United States would typically expect dates in the form, “Mon, Jan 3”, whereas a user from Great Britain would typically expect dates in the form “Mon 31 Jan”.

The following example illustrates the point:

CFStringRef dateComponents = CFSTR("yMMMMd");
CFLocaleRef usLocale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, CFSTR("en_US"));
CFStringRef usDateFormatString =
    CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate(NULL, dateComponents, 0, usLocale);
// Date format for English (United States): MMMM d, y
CFLocaleRef gbLocale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, CFSTR("en_GB"));
CFStringRef gbDateFormatString =
    CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate(NULL, dateComponents, 0, gbLocale);
// Date format for English (United Kingdom): d MMMM y