Setting up a watchOS project
Create a new watchOS project or add a watch target to an existing iOS project.
class WKApplication
The centralized point of control and coordination for apps with a single watchOS app target.
protocol WKApplicationDelegate
A collection of methods that manages the app-level behavior for a single-target watchOS app.
class WKExtension
The centralized point of control and coordination for extension-based apps running in watchOS.
protocol WKExtensionDelegate
A collection of methods that manages the app-level behavior of a WatchKit extension.
func WKApplicationMain (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer <UnsafeMutablePointer <CChar>?>, String?) -> Int32
Creates the application object and the application delegate, and sets up the app’s event cycle.
class WKInterfaceDevice
An object that provides information about the user’s Apple Watch.
A Boolean value that indicates whether an app requires network access on launch.