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An object used to perform an animated transition to a new scene.
class SKTransition


Scenes are the basic building blocks of games. Typically, you design self-contained scenes for the parts of your game, and then transition between these scenes as necessary. For example, you might create different scene classes to represent any or all of the following concepts:

  • A loading scene to display while other content is loaded

  • A main menu scene to choose what kind of game the user wants to play

  • A scene to configure the details of the specific kind of game the user chose

  • A scene that provides the gameplay

  • A scene displayed when gameplay ends

When you present a new scene in a view that is already presenting a scene, you have the option of using a transition to animate the change from the old scene to the new scene. Using a transition provides continuity so that the scene change is not quite so abrupt.


See Also

Current page is SKTransition