Technical Q&A QA1649

WARNING: The Copy Bundle Resources build phase contains this target's Info.plist file 'Info.plist'.

Q:  Why am I getting "WARNING: The Copy Bundle Resources build phase contains this target's Info.plist file 'Info.plist'"? And how do I fix it?

A: You are getting this warning because you probably added your Info.plist file to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1  Remove Info.plist from the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.

The INFOPLIST_FILE build setting specifies the name of the Info.plist associated with your target. When building a target, Xcode reads this build setting and copies the referenced Info.plist into your application bundle. Because Xcode automatically processes the Info.plist, you should not add it to your Copy Bundle Resources build phase nor make it a target member.

To resolve this warning, select your Info.plist from the Copy Bundle Resource build phase as shown in Figure 1, then click the Remove (–) button to delete it from the phase.

Document Revision History


Editorial update.


Updated for Xcode 4.


New document that explains and describes how to fix the Copy Bundle Resources build phase warning.