
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 A table view cell to display various pieces of information about a time zone. Since the content is fairly complex and can't readily be rendered using three simple subviews, it uses a TimeZoneView to display the content.
#import "APLTimeZoneCell.h"
#import "APLTimeZoneWrapper.h"
#import "APLTimeZoneView.h"
@interface APLTimeZoneCell ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet APLTimeZoneView *timeZoneView;
@implementation APLTimeZoneCell
- (void)setTimeZoneWrapper:(APLTimeZoneWrapper *)newTimeZoneWrapper {
    // Pass the time zone wrapper to the view
    self.timeZoneView.timeZoneWrapper = newTimeZoneWrapper;
- (void)redisplay {
    [self.timeZoneView setNeedsDisplay];