
Simple Core Data Relationships
The TaggedLocations application illustrates how you can manipulate Core Data attributes and relationships in an iOS application.
The first screen displays a table view of events, which encapsulate a time stamp, a geographical location expressed in latitude and longitude, and a name for the event. The user can add, remove, and edit events using the first screen.
Events have a to-many relationship to tags (which have an inverse to-many relationship to events). Tags have a name which describes a feature of an event. Tags are displayed in a second table view; when a tag is related to the selected event, a check mark is displayed in the corresponding row.
Main Components
View Controllers
The table view controller responsible for displaying the list of events, supporting additional functionality:
 * Addition of new events
 * Deletion of existing events using UITableView's tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: method
 * Editing an event's name
The table view controller responsible for displaying and editing tags.
The rows show a check mark if the selected event is related to the corresponding tag. 
The Core Data managed object model for the application.
A Core Data managed object class to represent an event containing geographical coordinates and a time stamp.
A Core Data managed object class to represent a tag.
Table View Cells
Table view cell to display information about an event.
The delegate is the RootViewController table view controller which acts as:
* The name text field's delegate to respond to editing operations
* The target of the tag button to initiate tag editing
Table view cell to present an editable text field.
Application configuration
Configures the Core Data stack and passes a managed object context to the first view controller.
Loaded automatically by the application.
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