RTF Files and Attributed Strings

Rich Text Format (RTF) is a text formatting language devised by Microsoft Corporation. You can represent character, paragraph, and document format attributes using plain text with interspersed RTF commands, groups, and escape sequences. RTF is widely used as a document interchange format to transfer documents with their formatting information across applications and computing platforms. Apple has extended RTF with custom commands, which are described in this chapter.

Reading and Writing RTF Data

The Application Kit’s extensions for NSAttributedString add support for reading and writing a number of popular document formats, including RTF and RTFD, as described in Formatted Documents and Attributed Strings in Attributed String Programming Guide. Although NSAttributedString has convenience methods for reading and writing RTF and RTFD data in particular, those methods have no advantage over the general-purpose methods, and they lack the useful error: parameter.

Apple’s RTF Extensions

Apple has extended the RTF language to support text attributes and formatting constructs available in the Cocoa text system but not representable with standard RTF. The Apple extensions take the same form as standard RTF commands, groups, and escapes. RTF commands consist of a backslash followed by a string of alphabetic characters (case sensitive) followed by an optional integer parameter value which can be positive or negative. RTF groups begin with a left brace ({), followed by RTF sequences optionally including other groups, closed by a right brace (}). RTF escapes consist of a backslash followed by a special character, such as \{, which indicates a literal left brace instead of the beginning of a group.

RTF includes the concept of a destination, which is a group containing an RTF command and text possibly to be inserted at a different location in a document, such as a footnote. The escape sequence \* indicates that RTF readers that don’t understand the command that follows should ignore the contents of the destination.

Dimensions in RTF are expressed in twips—one twip is one twentieth of a point.

Table 1 lists Apple’s RTF extensions for character attributes.

Table 1  Character attribute RTF extensions

RTF Sequence




Ligature control

Value of NSLigatureAttributeName.

0 = no ligatures, 1 = default ligatures, 2 = all ligatures. Default value 1.


Expansion factor to be applied to glyphs

2000 * value of NSExpansionAttributeName (log of expansion factor).

Default value 0.


Skew to be applied to glyphs

2000 * value of NSObliquenessAttributeName.

0 = no skew. Default value 0.


A finer specification for font size

1000 * font size.

Written in addition to \fs when \fs is not an integral or half-point value; value is overridden by \fs, so this should be written immediately after \fs. Default driven by \fs.

\shadxN \shadyN

Shadow offset, written in conjunction with \shad

X and Y offsets in twips (0 = no offset).

Defaults are \shadx3 and \shady-3.


Shadow blur, written in conjunction with \shad

Blur radius in twips.

0 = no blur. Default value 0.


Strikethrough color

Color number.

Default same as foreground text color.


Strikethrough style, written where \strike, \striked, \strikew are not sufficient

Style and pattern mask, value of NSObliquenessAttributeName.

0 = none; 0x8000 = by word; styles: 1 = single, 2 = thick, 9 = double; patterns: 0x100 = dotted, 0x200 = dash, 0x300 = dash dot, 0x400 = dash dot dot. Default value 0.


Stroke color

Color number.

Default same as foreground text color.


Glyph stroke width, written in conjunction with \outl.

20 * stroke width as percentage of font point size.

0 = no stroke. Default value 0. Negative values indicate that glyphs are both stroked and filled; the stroke width is taken from the absolute value of the parameter.


Underline style, written where the standard \ul commands are not sufficient

Style and pattern mask, value of NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName.

0 = none; 0x8000 = by word; styles: 1 = single, 2 = thick, 9 = double; patterns: 0x100 = dotted, 0x200 = dash, 0x300 = dash dot, 0x400 = dash dot dot. Default value 0.

{{\NeXTGraphic attachment \widthN \heightN} string}

Name of attachment file in the same folder as the RTF file (typically packaged within an RTFD document)

The attachment is the attachment file name, encoded in UTF-8 and properly RTF-escaped.

The width and height parameters optionally specify the attachment size in twips. The string is always 0xAC.

{{}{\*\glidN basestring}string}

Glyph ID for explicitly specified glyphs. (The extra {} pair is necessary to work around an RTF reader bug in OS X version 10.2 and earlier.)

Glyph identifier (parameter to \glid). The basestring is the string the glyph id is intended to override; this attribute is then applied to the specified string. Typically string and basestring are the same, although string might contain multiple instances of basestring.

{{}{\*\glidN basestring\glcolN} string}

Glyph ID for explicitly specified glyphs

Character identifier (parameter to \glid) and character collection (parameter to \glcol).

Collection IDs: 0 = identity, 1 = Adobe-CNS1, 2 = Adobe-GB1, 3 = Adobe-Japan1, 4 = Adobe-Japan2, 5 = Adobe-Korea.

{{}{\*\glid basestring\glnam glyphname}string}

Glyph ID for explicitly specified glyphs

The glyphname is the glyph name in UTF-8 encoding.


Character shape control

Value of NSCharacterShapeAttributeName.

The value is interpreted as Apple Type Services kCharacterShapeType selector + 1. The value 0 disables this attribute. Default value 0.

Table 2 lists Apple’s RTF extensions for paragraph attributes.

Table 2  Paragraph attribute RTF extensions

RTF Sequence




Default tab interval for paragraph

Tab interval value in twips. 0 = no tabs other than those explicitly specified. Default value 0.


Natural text alignment for paragraph (based on script), written along with \ql



Paragraph line spacing (NSParagraphStyle lineSpacing method)

Line spacing value in twips. Default value 0.


Maximum line height (NSParagraphStyle maximumLineHeight method), written along with \sl and if needed \slmult

Maximum line height value in twips. Default value 0, implying no maximum.


Minimum line height (NSParagraphStyle minimumLineHeight method), written along with \sl and if needed \slmult

Minimum line height value in twips. Default value 0.

Table 3 lists Apple’s RTF extensions for document attributes.

Table 3  Document attribute RTF extensions

RTF Sequence




Read-only document. This has nothing to do with the file system permissions or ownership of the file; it's just a hint that indicates that the document should be presented in a read-only fashion to the user, if the viewer or editor is capable.

0 = Not read-only, 1 = read-only. Default value 0.


Cocoa RTF-writer version number. This is a number used by Apple to indicate the version number of the RTF writer used to write this document.

Incrementing version number. 0 = Not Cocoa writer, 1 = NextStep, 40 = OpenStep, 100 = OS X v10.0, 102 = 10.2. (Other than incrementing the number for future versions, no assumptions should be made as to how the number will change in the future.) Default value 0, although some heuristics are used to recognize pre–OS X documents as such.

\viewhN \viewwN

Size of display area (not window or view size) to be used for displaying the document

Display area dimension in twips. Default value unspecified.