Using the File System Events API

The File System Events API consists of several distinct groups of functions. You can obtain general information about volumes and events by using functions that begin with FSEvents. You can create a new event stream, perform operations on the stream, and so on using functions that begin with FSEventStream.

The life cycle of a file system events stream is as follows:

  1. The application creates a stream by calling FSEventStreamCreate or FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice.

  2. The application schedules the stream on the run loop by calling FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop.

  3. The application tells the file system events daemon to start sending events by calling FSEventStreamStart.

  4. The application services events as they arrive. The API posts events by calling the callback function specified in step 1.

  5. The application tells the daemon to stop sending events by calling FSEventStreamStop.

  6. If the application needs to restart the stream, go to step 3.

  7. The application unschedules the event from its run loop by calling FSEventStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop.

  8. The application invalidates the stream by calling FSEventStreamInvalidate.

  9. The application releases its reference to the stream by calling FSEventStreamRelease.

These steps are explained in more detail in the sections that follow.

Adding Include Directives

Before you use the file system event stream API, you must include the Core Services framework as follows:

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>

When you compile, you must include the Core Services Framework by adding it to your target in Xcode or by adding the flag -framework CoreServices to your linker flags on the command line or in a Makefile.

Creating an Event Stream

The file system events API supports two types of event streams: per-disk event streams and a per-host event streams. Before you can create a stream, you must decide which type of stream to create: a per-host event stream or a per-disk event stream. You can create these streams by calling the functions FSEventStreamCreate and FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice, respectively.

A per-host event stream consists of events whose IDs are increasing with respect to other events on that host. These IDs are guaranteed to be unique with one exception: if additional disks are added from another computer that was also running OS X v10.5 or later, historical IDs may conflict between these volumes. Any new events will automatically start after the highest-numbered historical ID for any attached drive.

A per-disk event stream, by contrast, consists of events whose IDs are increasing with respect to previous events on that disk. It does not have any relationship with other events on other disks, and thus you must create a separate event stream for each physical device that you wish to monitor.

In general, if you are writing software that requires persistence, you should use per-disk streams to avoid any confusion due to ID conflicts. By contrast, per-host streams are most convenient if you are monitoring for changes in a directory or tree of directories during normal execution, such as watching a queue directory.

If you are monitoring files on the root file system, either stream mechanism will behave similarly.

For example, the following snippet shows how to create an event stream:

    /* Define variables and create a CFArray object containing
       CFString objects containing paths to watch.
    CFStringRef mypath = CFSTR("/path/to/scan");
    CFArrayRef pathsToWatch = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&mypath, 1, NULL);
    void *callbackInfo = NULL; // could put stream-specific data here.
    FSEventStreamRef stream;
    CFAbsoluteTime latency = 3.0; /* Latency in seconds */
    /* Create the stream, passing in a callback */
    stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL,
        kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, /* Or a previous event ID */
        kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNone /* Flags explained in reference */

Once you have created an event stream, you must schedule it on your application’s run loop. To do this, call FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop, passing in the newly-created stream, a reference to your run loop, and a run loop mode. For more information about run loops, read Run Loops.

If you don’t already have a run loop, you will need to devote a thread to this task. After creating a thread using your API of choice, call CFRunLoopGetCurrent to allocate an initial run loop for that thread. Any future calls to CFRunLoopGetCurrent will return the same run loop.

For example, the following snippet shows how to schedule a stream, called stream, on the current thread’s run loop (not yet running):

    FSEventStreamRef stream;
    /* Create the stream before calling this. */
    FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),         kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

The final step in setting up an event stream is to call FSEventStreamStart. This function tells the event stream to begin sending events. Its sole parameter is the event stream to start.

Once the event stream has been created and scheduled, if your run loop is not already running, you should start it by calling CFRunLoopRun.

Handling Events

Your event handler callback must conform to the prototype for FSEventStreamCallback. The parameters are described in the reference documentation for the FSEventStreamCallback data type.

Your event handler receives three lists: a list of paths, a list of identifiers, and a list of flags. In effect, these represent a list of events. The first event consists of the first entry taken from each of the arrays, and so on. Your handler must iterate through these lists, processing the events as needed.

For each event, you should scan the directory at the specified path, processing its contents as desired. Normally, you need to scan only the exact directory specified by the path. However, there are three situations in which this is not the case:

As part of your handler, you may sometimes need to obtain a list of paths being watched by the current event stream. You can obtain that list by calling FSEventStreamCopyPathsBeingWatched.

Sometimes, you may wish to monitor where you are in the stream. You might, for example, choose to do less processing if your code is slipping significantly behind. You can find out the latest event included in the current batch of events by calling FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId (or by examining the last event in the list). You can then compare this with the value returned by FSEventsGetCurrentEventId, which returns the highest numbered event in the system.

For example, the following code snippet shows a very simple handler.

void mycallback(
    ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef,
    void *clientCallBackInfo,
    size_t numEvents,
    void *eventPaths,
    const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],
    const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[])
    int i;
    char **paths = eventPaths;
    // printf("Callback called\n");
    for (i=0; i<numEvents; i++) {
        int count;
        /* flags are unsigned long, IDs are uint64_t */
        printf("Change %llu in %s, flags %lu\n", eventIds[i], paths[i], eventFlags[i]);

Using Persistent Events

One of the most powerful features of file system events is their persistence across reboots. This means that your application can easily find out what happened since a particular time or a particular event in the distant past. By doing so, you can find out what files have been modified even when your application is not running. This can greatly simplify tasks such as backing up modified files, checking for changed dependencies in multi-file projects, and so on.

To work with persistent events, your application should regularly store the last event ID that it processes. Then, when it needs to go back and see what files have changed, it only needs to look at events that occurred after the last known event. To obtain all events since a particular event in the past, you pass the event ID in the sinceWhen argument to FSEventStreamCreate or FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice.] [On a per-device basis, you can also easily use a timestamp to determine which events to include. To do this, you must first call FSEventsGetLastEventIdForDeviceBeforeTime to obtain the last event ID sinceWhen argument to FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice.

On a per-device basis, you can also easily use a time stamp to determine which events to include. To do this, you must first call FSEventsGetLastEventIdForDeviceBeforeTime to obtain the last event ID for that device prior to the specified time stamp. You then pass the resulting value to FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice. This is described further in Special Considerations for Per-Device Streams.

When working with persistent events, a commonly-used technique is to combine file system event notifications with a cached “snapshot” of the metadata of files within the tree. This process is described further in Building a Directory Hierarchy Snapshot.

Building a Directory Hierarchy Snapshot

File system events tell you that something in a given directory changed. In some cases, this is sufficient—for example, if your application is a print or mail spooler, all it needs to know is that a file has been added to the directory.

In some cases, however, this is not enough, and you need to know precisely what changed within the directory. The simplest way to solve this problem is to take a snapshot directory hierarchy, storing your own copy of the state of the system at a given point in time. You might, for example, store a list of filenames and last modified dates, thus allowing you to determine which files have been modified since the last time you performed a backup.

You do this by iterating through the hierarchy and building up a data structure of your choice. As you cache this metadata, if you see changes during the caching process, you can reread the directory or directories that changed to obtain an updated snapshot. Once you have a cached tree of metadata that accurately reflects the current state of the hierarchy you are concerned with, you can then determine what file or files changed within a directory or hierarchy (after a file system event notification) by comparing the current directory state with your snapshot.

OS X provides a number of APIs that can make this easier. The scandir function returns an array of directory entries that you can quickly iterate through. This is somewhat easier than reading a directory manually with opendir, readdir, and so on, and is slightly more efficient since you will always iterate through the entire directory while caching anyway.

The binary tree functions tsearch, tfind, twalk, and tdelete can simplify working with large search trees. In particular, binary trees are an easy way of quickly finding the cached file information from a particular directory. The following code snippet demonstrates the proper way to call these functions:

Listing 2-1  Using the tsearch, tfind, twalk, and tdelete API.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
int array[] = { 1, 17, 2432, 645, 2456, 1234, 6543, 214, 3, 45, 34 };
void *dirtree;
static int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
    if (*(int *)a < *(int *)b) return -1;
    if (*(int *)a > *(int *)b) return 1;
    return 0;
void printtree(void);
/* Pass in a directory as an argument. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    for (i=0; i< sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); i++) {
        void *x = tsearch(&array[i], &dirtree, &cmp);
        printf("Inserted %p\n", x);
    void *deleted_node = tdelete(&array[2], &dirtree, &cmp);
    printf("Deleted node %p with value %d (parent node contains %d)\n",
        deleted_node, array[2], **(int**)deleted_node);
    for (i=0; i< sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); i++) {
        void *node = tfind(&array[i], &dirtree, &cmp);
        if (node) {
            int **x = node;
            printf("Found %d (%d) at %p\n", array[i], **x, node);
        } else {
            printf("Not found: %d\n", array[i]);
static void printme(const void *node, VISIT v, int k)
    const void *myvoid = *(void **)node;
    const int *myint = (const int *)myvoid;
    // printf("x\n");
    if (v != postorder && v != leaf) return;
    printf("%d\n", *myint);
void printtree(void)
    twalk(dirtree, &printme);

Two unusual design decisions in this API can make it tricky to use correctly if you haven’t used it before on other UNIX-based or UNIX-like operating systems:

The POSIX functions stat and lstat provide easy access to file metadata. These two functions differ in their treatment of symbolic links. The lstat function provides information about the link itself, while the stat function provides information about the file that the link points to. Generally speaking, when working with file system event notifications, you will probably want to use lstat, because changes to the underlying file will not result in a change notification for the directory containing the symbolic link to that file. However, if you are working with a controlled file structure in which symbolic links always point within your watched tree, you might have reason to use stat.

For an example of a tool that builds a directory snapshot, see the Watcher sample code.

Cleaning Up

When you no longer need a file system event stream, you should always clean up the stream to avoid leaking memory and descriptors. Before cleaning up, however, you must first stop the run loop by calling FSEventStreamStop.

Next, you should call FSEventStreamInvalidate. This function unschedules the stream from all run loops with a single call. If you need to unschedule it from only a single run loop, or if you need to move the event stream between two run loops, you should instead call FSEventStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop. You can then reschedule the event stream, if desired, by calling FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop.

Once you have invalidated the event stream, you can release it by calling FSEventStreamRelease. When the stream release and stream retain counts balance and there are no longer any occurances of the stream being retained, the stream will be freed.

There are three other cleanup-related functions that you should be aware of under certain circumstances. If your application needs to make certain that the file system has reached a steady state prior to cleaning up the stream, you may find it useful to flush the stream. You can do this with one of two functions: FSEventStreamFlushAsync and FSEventStreamFlushSync.

When flushing events, the synchronous call will not return until all pending events are flushed. The asynchronous call will return immediately, and will return the event ID (of type FSEventStreamEventId) of the last event pending. You can then use this value in your callback function to determine when the last event has been processed, if desired.

The final function related to cleaning up is FSEventsPurgeEventsForDeviceUpToEventId. This function can only be called by the root user because it destroys the historical record of events on a volume prior to a given event ID. As a general rule, you should never call this function because you cannot safely assume that your application is the only consumer of event data.

If you are writing a specialized application (an enterprise backup solution, for example), it may be appropriate to call this function to trim the event record to some reasonable size to prevent it from growing arbitrarily large. You should do this only if the administrator explicitly requests this behavior, however, and you should always ask for confirmation (either before performing the operation or before enabling any rule that would cause it to be performed at a later time).

Special Considerations for Per-Device Streams

In addition to the considerations described in Handling Events, streams created with FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice, per-device streams have some special characteristics that you should be aware of:

In addition to the functions provided for systemwide streams, you can obtain the UUID for the device associated with a stream by calling FSEventStreamGetDeviceBeingWatched.

You can obtain the unique ID for a device by calling FSEventsCopyUUIDForDevice. If this unique ID is different than the one obtained from a previous run, this can mean many things. It could mean that the user has two volumes with the same name, that the user has reformatted the volume with the same name, or that the event IDs have been purged for the volume. In any of these cases, any previous events for the volume do not apply to this particular volume, but they may still be valid for another volume.

If you find that the UUID for a volume matches what was stored on a previous run, but the event ID is lower than the last version you stored, this may mean that the user restored a volume from a backup, or it may mean that the IDs have wrapped around or have been purged. In either case, any stored events you may have for the device are invalid.

Finally, if you are using persistent events, you can also use the function FSEventsGetLastEventIdForDeviceBeforeTime to find the last event prior to a time stamp. This event ID is persistent, and can be particularly useful for performing incremental backups.

The time format used is a CFAbsoluteTime value, which is measured in seconds since January 1, 2001. For other timestamp formats, you must convert them to this format as follows:

For more information about date and time types, you should read Date and Time Programming Guide for Core Foundation.