
This sample application has an AVCompositionDebugView which presents a visual description of the underlying AVComposition, AVVideoComposition and AVAudioMix objects which form the composition made using two clips, adding a cross fade transition in between and audio ramps to the two audio tracks.
The main files are as follows:
The app delegate setups playback of AVMutableComposition and also initializes an APLCompositionDebugView which then represents the underlying composition, video composition and audio mix
Simple editor setups an AVMutableComposition using supplied clips and time ranges. It also setups AVVideoComposition to add a crossfade transition.
 A subclass of NSView that represents the composition, video composition and audio mix objects in a diagram. It also contains a time marker layer which is synchronized to the current player item using AVSynchronizedLayer, to track the currentTime of a player.
Standard main file.
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