
    @header         ApertureExportManager.h
    @copyright      2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
    @abstract       Version 2 of the protocol declaration for Aperture's export interface. 
    @discussion     An Aperture export plug-in uses these methods to control the export process. Version 2 supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. 
    @define         kExportKeyThumbnailImage
    @discussion     An NSImage object containing a reduced-size JPEG of the specified image. Note that values may be nil for this key for master images, or for versions of unsupported master formats. 
#define kExportKeyThumbnailImage @"kExportKeyThumbnailImage"
    @define         kExportKeyVersionName
    @discussion     An NSString containing the version name of the selected image.
#define kExportKeyVersionName @"kExportKeyVersionName"
    @define         kExportKeyProjectName
    @discussion     An NSString containing the name of the project containing the image.
#define kExportKeyProjectName @"kExportKeyProjectName"
    @define         kExportKeyEXIFProperties
    @discussion     An NSDictionary containing the EXIF key-value pairs for the image.
#define kExportKeyEXIFProperties @"kExportKeyEXIFProperties"
    @define         kExportKeyIPTCProperties
    @discussion     An NSDictionary containing all the IPTC key-value pairs for the image.
#define kExportKeyIPTCProperties @"kExportKeyIPTCProperties"
    @define         kExportKeyCustomProperties
    @discussion     An NSDictionary containing all the Custom Metadata key-value pairs for the image.
#define kExportKeyCustomProperties @"kExportKeyCustomProperties"
    @define         kExportKeyKeywords
    @discussion     An NSArray containing an NSString for each keyword for this image.
#define kExportKeyKeywords @"kExportKeyKeywords"
/* New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. */
    @define         kExportKeyHierarchicalKeywords
    @discussion     New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. Supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. An NSArray containing hierarchical keywords. Each entry in the array represents a single keyword and is itself an NSArray of NSStrings. Each hierarchy array starts with the keyword itself at index 0, followed by its parent, and so on.
#define kExportKeyHierarchicalKeywords @"kExportKeyHierarchicalKeywords"
    @define         kExportKeyMainRating
    @discussion     An NSNumber representing the rating for this image.
#define kExportKeyMainRating @"kExportKeyMainRating"
    @define         kExportKeyXMPString
    @discussion     An NSString containing the XMP data for the original master of this image.
#define kExportKeyXMPString @"kExportKeyXMPString"
    @define         kExportKeyReferencedMasterPath
    @discussion     An NSString containing the absolute path to the master image file. If the image is not referenced (i.e. the master is inside the Aperture Library bundle), then this value is nil.
#define kExportKeyReferencedMasterPath @"kExportKeyReferencedMasterPath"
    @define         kExportKeyUniqueID
    @discussion     An NSString containing a unique identifier for specified image.
#define kExportKeyUniqueID @"kExportKeyUniqueID"
    @define         kExportKeyImageSize
    @discussion     An NSValue object containing an NSSize with the pixel dimensions of the specified image. For Version images, the pixel dimensions take all cropping, adjustments, and rotations into account. For Master images, the size is the original pixel dimensions of the image.
#define kExportKeyImageSize @"kExportKeyImageSize"
/* New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. */
    @typedef        ApertureExportThumbnailSize
    @discussion     New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. Supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. These constants are used in the -thumbnailForImageAtIndex:size: method to specify the size that Aperture should return. Tiny images are 32px, Mini are 250px, and Thumbnails are 1024px.
typedef enum
    kExportThumbnailSizeThumbnail = 0,
} ApertureExportThumbnailSize;
    @protocol       ApertureExportManager
    @discussion     Version 2 of the protocol definition for the Aperture export interface. You use this protocol to communicate with the Aperture application.
@protocol ApertureExportManager
    @method         imageCount
    @abstract       Returns the number of images the user wants to export.
    @result         An unsigned integer indicating the number of images the user wants to export. 
    @discussion     Note that the image count may change if the user is allowed to choose between Master and Version export (see -allowsMasterExport). If the user switches, the Aperture export manager sends the plug-in a message (see -exportManagerExportTypeDidChange). The plug-in should then call -imageCount to make sure the number of images to export is correct.
- (unsigned)imageCount;
    @method         propertiesForImageAtIndex:
    @abstract       Returns a dictionary containing all the properties for an image.
    @param          index  The index of the target image.
    @result         A dictionary containing the available properties for the specified image. The returned dictionary contains a thumbnail image whose size is kExportThumbnailSizeMini.
    @discussion     For Master images, the returned properties come from the original import properties. These include properties from the image file and camera as well as any IPTC values the user added on import. The keys contained in the properties dictionary are defined at the beginning of this header file.
- (NSDictionary *)propertiesForImageAtIndex:(unsigned)index;
/* New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol.  */
    @method         propertiesWithoutThumbnailForImageAtIndex:
    @abstract       Returns a dictionary containing all the properties for an image, but without a value for the kExportKeyThumbnailImage key. (Version 2)
    @param          index  The index of the target image.
    @result         A dictionary containing all the available properties for the specified image, except a thumbnail. You may obtain a thumbnail separately using the -thumbnailImageForImageAtIndex:size: method.
    @discussion     New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. Supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. For Master images, the returned properties come from the original import properties. These include properties from the image file and camera as well as any IPTC values the user added on import. The keys contained in the properties dictionary are defined at the beginning of this header file. You may check if the Aperture your plug-in is running in supports version 2 by using the PROAPIAccessing protocol.
- (NSDictionary *)propertiesWithoutThumbnailForImageAtIndex:(unsigned)index;
/* New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol.  */
    @method         thumbnailForImageAtIndex:size:
    @abstract       Returns a small version of the specified image. (Version 2)
    @param          index The index of the target image
    @param          size The constant indicating how large of a thumbnail image Aperture should return.
    @result         An image object containing the thumbnail data
    @discussion     New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. Supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. For master images, this method may return nil. You may check if the Aperture your plug-in is running in supports version 2 by using the PROAPIAccessing protocol.
- (NSImage *)thumbnailForImageAtIndex:(unsigned)index
    @method         selectedExportPresetDictionary
    @abstract       Returns the key-value pairs defining the currently-selected export presets for a Version export.
    @result         A pointer to an NSDictionary structure.
    @discussion     Returns the key-value pairs defining the currently-selected export presets for a Version export. Returns nil if the user is exporting a Master image. 
- (NSDictionary *)selectedExportPresetDictionary;
    @method         addKeywords:toImageAtIndex:
    @abstract       Adds keywords to a Version image.
    @param          keywords An NSArray of NSString objects representing the keywords to add.
    @param          index The index of the target image.
    @discussion     This method has no effect if called on a Master image.
- (void)addKeywords:(NSArray *)keywords 
/* New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol.  */
     @method        addHierarchicalKeywords:toImageAtIndex:
     @abstract      Adds keyword hierarchies to a Version image. (Version 2)
     @param         hierarchicalKeywords An NSArray of NSArray objects, each containing NSString objects representing the hierarchy of a single keyword. For each NSArray, the NSString at index 0 is the keyword, with the item at index 1 being its parent, and so on.
     @param         index The index of the target image.
     @discussion    New in version 2 of the ApertureExportManager protocol. Supported by Aperture 1.5.1 and later. You may check if the Aperture your plug-in is running in supports version 2 by using the PROAPIAccessing protocol. This method has no effect if called on a Master image.
- (void)addHierarchicalKeywords:(NSArray *)hierarchicalKeywords
    @method         addCustomMetadataKeyValues:toImageAtIndex
    @abstract       Adds custom metadata to a Version image.
    @param          customMetadata  An NSDictionary containing NSString key-value pairs representing the custom metadata.
    @param          index The index of the target image.
    @discussion     This method has no effect if called on a Master image.
- (void)addCustomMetadataKeyValues:(NSDictionary *)customMetadata 
    @method         window
    @abstract       Provides reference to frontmost window.
    @result         A reference to the current frontmost window.
    @discussion     Until the plug-in calls -shouldBeginExport, the reference points to the export window. After the export process begins, the reference points to the progress sheet or to Aperture's main window.
- (id)window;
    @method         isMasterExport
    @abstract       Indicates whether Aperture is exporting Master or Version images.
    @result         Returns YES if Aperture is exporting Master images. Returns NO if Aperture is exporting Version images.
- (BOOL)isMasterExport;
    @method         shouldBeginExport
    @abstract       Tells Aperture to start the export process.
    @discussion     Calling this method causes Aperture to determine the destination path for export, confirm the images to export, put away the export window, and begin the export process. A plug-in should call this method only in response to -exportManagerShouldBeginExport and after performing any necessary validations, network checks, and so on.
- (void)shouldBeginExport;
    @method         shouldCancelExport
    @abstract       Tells Aperture to cancel the export process.
    @discussion     The plug-in can call this method at any time to have Aperture put away all export windows, stop the export process, and return the user to the workspace. Additionally, if Aperture calls -exportManagerShouldCancelExport, Aperture then halts all activity and waits for the plug-in to call this method.
- (void)shouldCancelExport;
    @method         shouldFinishExport
    @abstract       Signals that Aperture can deallocate the plug-in.
    @discussion     When Aperture finishes processing the export image data, it calls -exportManagerDidFinishExport. It continues to ask the plug-in for progress updates until the plug-in calls this method. Once this happens, Aperture closes the export modal window and deallocates the plug-in. 
- (void)shouldFinishExport;