
Copyright © 2007-2009 by Apple Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Composer Application
Chart                   A data application that uses a composition to render a 
                    3D bar chart through a QCView.
Sample Requirements         The project was created using the Xcode running under 
                    Mac OS X 10.6.x or later. The supplied Quartz Composer 
                    compositions were created using the Quartz Composer 
                    editor running under Mac OS X 10.6.x or later.
About the sample            The sample uses a Quartz Composer composition that draws 
                    3D chart according to the data given by the user. The data 
                    are stored in an array. Each entry in the array is a 
                    dictionary that contains label and value. The QC composition 
                    uses the iterator patch to draw the bar for each entry in 
                    the array. When the user modifies the data, the Quartz 
                    Composer composition re-render and update the chart.
Using the Sample            Open the project using the Xcode editor which can be 
                    found in /Developer/Applications. Build the project and run. 
                    Change the content on the left by double-clicking on the item.
Installation                n/a
Changes from Previous Versions      n/a
Feedback and Bug Reports        Please send all feedback about this sample to:
                    Please submit any bug reports about this example to