
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Implements Base64 decoding.
@import Foundation;
// Decodes a Base64 string to data.  This does not do anything particularly clever 
// (it does skip whitespace but, for example, it won't skip a PEM header or PEM footer). 
/*! Decodes a Base64 string to data.
 *  \details This only handles plain Base64 data.  Specifically, it has not skip whitespace, 
 *      nor will it deal with PEM headers and footers.
@interface QCCBase64Decode : NSOperation
/*! Initialise the object to decide the supplied string.
 *  \param inputString The data to encode; this may be empty.
 *  \returns The initialised object.
- (instancetype)initWithInputString:(NSString *)inputString NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
/*! The data to decode.
 *  \details This is set by the init method.
@property (atomic, copy,   readonly ) NSString *            inputString;
/*! The decode data. 
 *  \details This is set when the operation is finished.  This will be nil if there was 
 *      an error decoding the Base64 string.
@property (atomic, copy,   readonly, nullable) NSData *     outputData;