
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Custom NSColorPicker plugin.
#import "MyColorPicker.h"
// Defined control tags for each color radio button.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ColorTagType) {
    RedTag = 1,
#pragma mark -
@interface MyColorPicker ()
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSView  *colorPickerView;
@property (strong) IBOutlet NSPanel *colorPickerPrefs;
#pragma mark -
@implementation MyColorPicker
#pragma mark - NSColorPickingDefault
// The adopted protocol to return our picker icon which is displayed in the NSColorPanel.
- (NSImage *)provideNewButtonImage
    NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
                        [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:@"icon" ofType:@"tiff"]];
    [image setSize:NSMakeSize(32.0,32.0)];
    return image;
// Provide a tooltip for our color picker icon in the NSColorPanel.
- (NSString *)buttonToolTip
    return @"MyColorPicker";
// Provide a description string for our color picker.
- (NSString *)description
    return NSLocalizedString(@"MyColorPicker - A simple RGB color picker", @"");
#pragma mark - NSColorPickingCustom
// You build your own custom color picker as a bundle by subclassing NSColorPicker and adopting the NSColorPickingCustom protocol.
// MyColorPicker is launched by adopting the NSColorPickingCustom's protocol -
- (NSView*)provideNewView:(BOOL)initialRequest
    // the param "initialRequest" is YES on the very first call, at that moment
    // you ask your NSBundle to load its nib.
    if (initialRequest)
        [[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@""] loadNibNamed:@"MyColorPicker" owner:self topLevelObjects:nil];
    return self.colorPickerView;
// Determine which picking color mode we support (used by the NSColorPanel).
- (BOOL)supportsMode:(NSColorPanelMode)mode
    return YES; // we support all modes
// Return our current color picker mode (used by the NSColorPanel).
- (NSColorPanelMode)currentMode
    return NSColorPanelModeRGB;
- (void)setColor:(NSColor *)color
#pragma mark - Color Selection
// Map a specific radio button tag to an NSColor.
- (NSColor *)tagToColor:(NSInteger)tag
    NSColor *color = nil;
    switch (tag)
        case RedTag:    // red
            color = [NSColor redColor];
        case GreenTag:  // green
            color = [NSColor greenColor];
        case BlueTag:   // blue
            color = [NSColor blueColor];
        case WhiteTag: // white
            color = [NSColor whiteColor];
        case OtherTag:  // other (default gray)
            color = [NSColor lightGrayColor];
    return color;
#pragma mark - Actions
// User chose a particular color from one of the radio buttons.
- (IBAction)colorChanged:(id)sender
    NSColor *color = [self tagToColor:((NSButton *)sender).tag];
    [[self colorPanel] setColor:color];
// User clicked the preferences button.
- (IBAction)showPrefs:(id)sender
    [self.colorPickerView.window beginSheet:self.colorPickerPrefs completionHandler:nil];
// User clicked the OK button from preferences.
- (IBAction)finishPrefs:(id)sender
    [self.colorPickerPrefs orderOut:self];